Danny Boyle Leaves Bond 25 - Movie Delayed

This is devastating. I can't even tell you how excited I was to see Boyle direct a Bond movie. Danny Boyle is one of my favourites directors working at the moment and James Bond is one of my favourite film series'. The match seemed made in Heaven but it clearly hasn't worked out.

The BBC are citing creative differences as the cause of the split, saying in the article that MGM couldn't handle a Russian storyline, given world tensions, and Boyle's socialism. If this is the case, I'm really disappointed. I understand that studios have to be really careful these days but Boyle has earned the trust of film studios, I would have thought. He's a genius.

Invariably, Bond 25 will likely be out in 2020/21 now. This makes it one of the longest times without a Bond movie being released. Who knows whether Daniel Craig will want to wait that long now? This is a bit of a disaster.
The BBC are citing creative differences as the cause of the split, saying in the article that MGM couldn't handle a Russian storyline, given world tensions, and Boyle's socialism. If this is the case, I'm really disappointed. I understand that studios have to be really careful these days but Boyle has earned the trust of film studios, I would have thought. He's a genius.

At first I was going to say that these things happen and even if it's too bad they couldn't agree that they shouldn't worry about it too much and just move on.

But when you said what the reasons for the creative differences were, I was disappointed to say the least, that MGM didn't feel they could handle Russians and socialism in a James Bond movie.

Really sad if studios are getting so conservative that what seems like it would be a very interesting and topical storyline for a Bond movie couldn't even get off the ground. That's disappointing.

Yet, there will be a outrageous and profane puppets movie getting the okay. And there's already been a outrageous and profane animated food movie.

So, basically if the movie requires absolutely zero critical thinking then it's A-OK for public consumption.

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