Dark Knight Rises Casting News

So, I think we can all agree that the moral of the story is this: barring his last two films, Michael Mann fucking pwns.

Not sure how many people have actually seen the film, but 'Thief' is probably my favorite Michael Mann movie. Also really enjoyed Collateral, Manhunter, Heat and The Insider.
Not sure how many people have actually seen the film, but 'Thief' is probably my favorite Michael Mann movie. Also really enjoyed Collateral, Manhunter, Heat and The Insider.

And as for the Robin rumors, I think someone was fucking with you

EDIT: Not sure what happened here, hopefully someone can delete this.
Reportedly Joseph Gordon Levitt has been offered an unknown role for The Dark Knight Rises...

:suspic: Let the Speculation begin.

I'd say go for it myself. If Nolan's original story needs the Joker, then recast the damn Joker.
I just bought the Under The Red Hood off iTunes by the way. I'll let you all know what I think of it when I'm down. The anticipation is practically tangible, I know.
Lee, I think they're bringing back Oracle, but not Batgirl. At least I hope so. I know I heard somewhere that Bale was absolutely against having Robin anywhere in the films, and I can't really blame him. These latest films were focused more on Batman and how he handles the criminals, not Batman/Robin love and the criminals as an afterthought.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman....well, who gives a shit if her character is really going to be as shallow as people are saying? She'll be eye candy that can act worth a shit, so why are we pissed? Though I think everyone is selling the character short before even looking at it. This won't be Burton's Catwoman that was resurrected by cats after Christopher Walken threw her out of a window. Just like that resurrection story fit Burton's film, I'm sure Catwoman's story will make enough sense to fit into the story without having to be explained for 30 minutes.

Bane will be exceedingly awesome if they show him as being as intelligent as he really is. Any villain that can actually put aside his differences and work alongside Batman (as Bane has done multiple times...when he's not stabbing people and breaking Batman's back) can be fit into Nolan's Batverse. (lulz)

If he recasts Joker, I will love Nolan forever. Heath Ledger is awesome, and fell into the trap that Nicholson had warned him away from a few times, but he doesn't own a monopoly on the character. People would laud a Dirty Harry remake if the lead actor did as well/better than Clint Eastwood. Same should, and probably will, apply here. And if it doesn't, where will the boycotts be seen? The 5000 people who won't buy a ticket? Too many kids/grown men will go to offset any potential butthurt.

I just want to see if Alfred gets shot in the face. Maybe he'll get torn apart by Bane. That would be awesome.
I got it for free off my Zune App for Xbox Live.

By free I mean I used Microsoft Points to watch it instead of cash or plastic.

And yes it was good. Mask of the Phantasm was better though.
That's what he thinks. I think you'll find he'll be making a surprise return to the role when he wakes up in my garage with a gun in his mouth. I, of course, will be reprising the role of Bruce Wayne. Gonna be the best Batman film ever.
Insert some comparison to comics that the average moviegoer doesn't give a fuck about... HERE.
Fuck, I hope that's not true.

People coming back after being announced dead is a lame, overused tactic, especially since Nolan already did it with Gordon in TDK.

Two-Face had his part and it's perfect as it is. Time for something new...
I'd be OK with Two-Face returning briefly in the beginning. I always thought it wouldn't been kinda cool if after Batman leaves Two-Face (after putting the "Good Side" of Two-Face facing up) Two-Face turned his face over so the "Bad Side" was facing up. But it's also a very corny move.

I always thought that I'd be OK if someone with solid acting chops took over the role of The Joker but did it in the EXACT same style as Ledger rather than trying to make it his own.

Since the last scene in The Dark Knight, my fingers have been crossed for Hugo Strange to be the villian.

What are the chances of Joseph Gordon-Levitt is to play Ra's al Ghul fresh from the Lazarus Pit, bringing the movies full circle. Gordon-Levitts as Ra's, Marion Cotillard as Talia and Bane as a secondary villian if not the muscle for Ra's.
Supposedly Nolan has said that JGL will be playing Falcone's son, the Holiday Killer. Entertainment Weekly says that this is a swerve, so who knows for sure at this point.
If they do Holiday, they'll have to bring in Calendar Man amongst others. That seems far too much. I'd suggest that Gordon-Levitts' going to be someone who isn't a villain. Perhaps even Azrael?


Old news, kind of, but did this make anyone else go all fanboy batshit? I know I did.

I think the Bane character is going to be fucking amazing.

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