Defining the Moment: The Undertaker

My defining moment for the Undertaker was actually his Hell in a Cell match against Brock Lesnar. That HITC is my favourite of all time, it put emphasis on the violent nature of the match, the importance of the WWE title, and in that moment it made Brock Lesnar famous, yes he was famous before it, but this match said "im Brock Lesnar, and I can take a beating"

It was an epic match, and Undertaker made it so.

I love that match, I loved after Brock won he shoved the cell door open before the ref's had even unlocked it.

But I was always annoyed at teh whole Taker had a cast on thing... as if Taker was trying to take away from the win by being less than 100%. It may or may not have been Taker's idea to have the cast but if it was it sure does take away from Taker's legacy a little.
This was extremely difficult to make a decision for, as Undertaker has been around for so damm long and had so many great moments, but for me....the one moment that made sit up and take notice of his man was the moment he threw Mankind from the top of the Hell In A Cell... I was in utter shock.


I seriously thought I had seen a man get murdered on live TV, it was the most shocking thing I had seen in wrestling at this point. The Undertaker just standing up on top of the cage while medics attend to Mankind just solidified him as an absolute monster in my mind, I was actually scared of the man. I knew wrestling was scripted but at NO POINT did I think that was meant to happen.

I know there are the epic WM returns, The American Bad Ass, the black wedding to Stephanie, The Ministry etc but that one moment, where he grabbed Foley and tossed him from the cell through the announcers table is the single thing I think of when I think of Undertaker.

Truly shocking, and the sort of thing I do not think we will ever seen again in WWE, an iconic moment and the moment that defines the uncaring, emotionless, and unstoppable Undertaker character

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