Del Rio's Car Entrances & Others


Dark Match Jobber
I personally think these exotic car rental entrances have run their course. I am a huge Del Rio fan, and love that snobby rich man gimmick... but I really don't think these car entrances do anything for anyone anymore. Is it a big deal? No, of course not, I know. But hey, some times it's the little things that count, and if something is stale, that means there's room for improvement... even for something little, and insignificant like coming into the ring in an expensive automobile.

I, for one, have always LOVED Oscar De La Hoya's mariachi band entrance... and can really see the potential in a annoying heal character like Del Rio accompanied by his own announcer and entourage of annoying trumpet playing Mexicans.

For those of you unfamiliar with DLH's entrance, there's a youtube link below (skip to 4:13 if you don't want to wait).

Also, just curious on which other wrestler's entrance you think can be improved upon... and how you'd improve it.
i have zero problem with the car enterance. Its all for show and is something different than just walking to the ring. It has been done alot yes but it has no negative effect really.
I don't see how this hurts his entrance. It probably helps him because the general fans will probably remember him most by his car entrance. JBL used the limo for years and yet nobody really thought it was stale. Why is it suddently stale for Del Rio?
I for one am not a fan because the guy has a different car every week. Sometimes he is on SmackDown, so he's making 2 appearances on TV a week & then pay-per-views. It would be fine if he came out with the same car, maybe have like 10 different cars, but having 500 different 6-figure cars is not believable at all. This guy wouldn't have to have a job if he had that money. Either cut the vehicles down to 10 or 15 that way every few weeks, the same car is see, or have a storyline where everyone finds out they are rentals (which we all know they are). If this is the reality era, please WWE, give him a realistic entrance. Give him a limo for all I care & have him copy JBL exactly, just make it realistic. The over the top gimmicks have to be dropped, we wrestling fans want reality.
I have no problem with him driving a car as part of his entrance but the only thing is it's not believable to see him have a different expensive each week. I think if anything it helps his gimmick as a rich guy to have a lot of expensive cars because if he's rich he's going to have a lot of expensive cars (maybe not as many as he currently uses) but still a few.
The car entrances served their purpose in the beginning in terms of introducing his character and I understand that, but to have a different one everytime he comes out makes it less believeable. When JBL came out in the while limo with the horns and the "JBL" sign on it, that seemed like he actually had a limo. Sure they probably did the same thing in renting a white limo for each of his shows, but it looked the same. Sometimes, less is more. He can be a rich aristocrat, or whatever Cole calls him, but the WWE needs to tone down the different cars each week.
Well they dont really make out like he owns all the cars. There has been many times when other superstars have said that they are just rentals such as cena, miz, edge and christian.
Eddie Guerrero is the king of the car entrance!
But I have no problem whatsoever with Del Rio’s car entrances.
It’s unlikely considering the price of the vehicles, if you’ve got enough money to buy one WWE advertisements aren’t going to sway your decision but WWE could be getting product placement fees paid to them by car companies… probably not of course.
People like cars, it’s good for the petrol heads.
It is believable because Del Rio isn’t in the business for the money. It is his destiny and he does it for the pride…. Or the sheer fun of it. (Kayfabe)
John Cena and HHH must be richer than the Christian Church by now…. Nether of them NEED to have jobs anymore…. They could retire and live the rich old bastard life until they die and not need to work again!
Why can’t he have that many luxurious cars? Have any of you seen the garage of Jay Leno? And who says Del Rio isn’t rotating these cars or selling the older ones on whilst he is buying new ones?

I like Del Rio’s entrance, I just hope that when the writing team have their little brainstorm sessions before each show “what car will Alberto come out in this week” is not something that takes up time that should be used for more important things.
Yeah they actually do. If you listen to Cole everytime he makes his entrance that's one of the many things he says. That along with how he employs over X amount of people to take care of his estate. Cena was actually the first one to mention that the cars were rentals. The instance with Edge and Christian was just of them destroying one of his cars. If they claimed it as a rental, then ADR wouldn't have been as upset as he was at WM27.
I like Del Rio's car entrance because it sets him apart from everyone else that comes down the ramp. Guys used to come threw the crowd, from the ceiling, etc and made them stand out. Having 1 guy come out with an expensive car makes him an attention getter. Once he gets over further, I'm sure the cars will stop.
Del Rio's car entrance should not be changed because it is unique, it sets him apart. Remember JBL's limo entrance? Same thing here only it is various expensive cars. They should not change a unique entrance when they have countless generic ones. I enjoy Del Rio's car entrances each time. The mariachi band idea is good though and they could incorporate that on a big PPV match, it would help him get over as an annoying heel. They could use the mariachi band for larger PPV entrances, like they do with Miz's "AWESOME" letters.
I like the car entrance.It's unique and sets him apart from everyone else.Besides,it's already been established that they're all rental cars,so what's the problem?Ferraris and Lamborghinis and Aston Martins aren't cheap to rent.If they were,every schmuck on a business trip would be cruising down the street in one.Also,those vintage Rolls-Royce and Bentleys that he drives down with every once in a while,those are real frickin' bad-ass and I doubt you can rent those,so they would have get those vintage cars through connections,which is another way of showing off Del Rio's wealth and status.

I like the mariachi band entrance too,but I think it would be better suited for Del Rio at WrestleMania.
Yeah I believe that they have run their course. I think it worked for JBL him being the rich Texan turned New Yorker. coming out in a Limo with his own driver. I believe it also worked for Eddie Guerrero for when he did it. But now a days it seems more of a been there done that type scenario. Alberto Del Rio doesn't need a car in his entrance. His personal ring announcer, golden pyro and silk scarf works but I truly believe that the car is over doing it. Hell have him walk out of a gold curtain or have a beautiful Hispanic valet but I don't think he needs the car.
While I do like his coming to the ring in a car, driving a new car every week is just not believable. The best thing to do would be to use one car for all RAW/SmackDown entrances, and use different car for the PPVs.

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