Did everyone hear the Cena/ati Cena crowd going nuts during the tag match


RIP Benoit - Truly One Of The Best
During the 6 way tag match last night the crowd was crazy. all i heard during the match was half the crowd chanting "Lets Go Cena" & the other half chanting "Cena Sucks", i think some also said "Go To Smackdown Cena" or something like that. bet it was loud in the arena.
The Cena haters also started chanting "fuck you Cena" As much as I dislike Cena in the ring, I actually began feeling sorry for him. You could tell that all the people chanting against Cena were adult males whereas those chanting for Cena were girls and little kids. That MSG crowd is something else...can't wait to hear them on ECW tonight
It was a wild night last night i watched some of it live im from uk so its on pritty late plus with work commitments but the u suck chants and the fuck u chants were off the hook cena has sum balls tho not letting it get to him like some other guys might i.e batista
I thought i heard some fuck you chants for a few i think most of those they tried to censor, that crowd can be brutal huh. ECW better have put on a good show the crowd's nice & wasted by the time it gets to them.
New York crowd is stupid. Them, Philly and Canadian fans are the worst wrestling fans in the world. You can cheer or boo Cena I could care less as long as your motives are those of a wrestling fan. But when people start chanting "fuck you" just to get noticed and because someone told them it's a cool thing to do then those fans aren't any more of wrestling fans than WWE is wrestling promotion. And chanting "fuck you" around kids is very classy, too.

You know what really makes me laugh though is that right now Cena is somewhere laughing about this whole thing. All the "Fuck you Cena, go to SD" chants are making him that much more important to the company. He is the most contraversial wrestler in the recent history and never, I mean never have I see a crowd be so heatedly divided on a wrestler. So you can say whatever you want to but 1 simple fact remains, half cheers + half boos = 100% reaction and that's what Cena gets every time he comes out, and that is why WWE will keep giving him the World title.
Hey Canadian fans aren't that bad.... I know they boo the good guys sometimes (like hometown hero & 'Face' Edge at I think that one SummerSlam or whenever that way) but I don't think they've ever really used vulgar language in the sense of "Fuck" or what not. Asshole yes (Shawn Michaels :) & Vince) I mean they're riley when they need to be, but it's not 'everytime' like when you go to New York or Philly. You expect it from them places! Hell throw Chicago in there too. Cena, Trish, & Rey were all booed during there Championship matches at WM this year, and all were faces!!!

It just seems like a given now, that at all 'Major' PPVs the Bad Guy is cheered more! And you can thank Steve Austin for that one.... Even Bret Hart pointed it out in character while he was Heel during his final months with WWE. That the people in America said screw the good guy, I wanna cheer for the cheater/the bad guy.

I could care less about Cena anyway, he's not my favorite, but like you said atleast he gets a reaction!

The arena didn't seem very loud to me when I watched it. You could tell the fans were chanting back and forth, but I couldn't understand any of it. It sucks when that happens... But maybe they just kept it low because of the vulgarity of it. But then I thought maybe ECW was taped first, so the crowd was a bit spent, so to speak.

Anyways anyone ever wonder how/why this happened to Cena??? I know why... It all started with Bischoff trying to 'take' the title off Cena, and tried everything to do so. Basically it was like the Road Runner vs Wild E. Coyote... Where as Cena was the Road Runner, we knew that he was gonna get away/keep the title everytime! No matter how bad it looked... And well it just got lame, totally lame! (Who here hasn't wanted to see Wild E. rip that mother fucking Road Runner to shreds? haha) And then came Kurt Angle who is exceptional in the ring, and is cheered for it, on occasion, even if he is playing a heel. So pairing Cena against Angle week after week, with Cena coming out on top was a bad move! Angle got cheered not just because of his talents, and possibly some thinking he was more deserving of the title, but because Cena had nothing to fight for... It's always better to watch someone climb to the top, then to try & 'stay' at the top!

As you may have noticed when Cena was champ he was booed every week, now that he's not champ, and is fighting for, instead of defending, he only gets booed in the 'regular' screwed up markets like NY, Philly, Toronto (not Canada, just Toronto) & Chicago, and probably a few other big cities...

So I say don't hand the title over to Cena yet, let him keep getting beat down, and cheated, & basically screwed over, and you'll finally see the fans and all the fans, cheer for him once again!
I was at MSG last nite. Cena was gettin booed when they played the WM22 promo video before even the dark match. ECW was an awesome show live. They showed a promo for the Marine, Cena got booed. Now on to the 6-Man, yes Cena got verbally destroyed. Chants were:"Cena sucks", "Go To Smackdown", "Na Na Na Na Ay Ay Ay Goodbye", "Cena Swallows", and just like at WM 22; "Fuck You Cena". The pro cena chants were indeed from kids and girls. With Cena getting the win and staring down Edge it looks like he will lose this sunday. Smackdown can edit the crowd reaction to him. By the way the Fans in NYC, Phi, and Canada are awesome. Go watch WM18 with Rock vs Hogan and see that Canada reaction, Watch Summerslam 02 with Rocky and Lesnar, we here in NY let Rocky and the WWE know what we thought that nite, and guess what they listened. Remeber it was MSG that started "You Screwed Matt".
john cena just plain sucks...nothing more and nothing less.i would rather see eugene as champ than that guy.
Jewlz said:
I thought i heard some fuck you chants for a few i think most of those they tried to censor, that crowd can be brutal huh. ECW better have put on a good show the crowd's nice & wasted by the time it gets to them.

I was there, there were a bunch of fuck you chants towards Cena, also ECW was taped before RAW and the crowd wasn't as rowdy because the arena wasn't completely full when it started.
I dont think Cena really cares what they chant.... I dislike Cena.. But hes the only that really cares about the people... In his opinion... He probably thinks grown men hate him b/c there GF's and kids like him, and there jealous... Thats what it seems like if you ask me...
There is nothing wrong with having kids as your fans. I remember when I was 14. It was fun to cheer for the good guys and watch them beat up bad guys. Now we got smarks all over the place who think that they know everything about pro wrestling when in reality they are more brainwashed than those 12 year old kids who cheer for Cena. They come and talk about things like "workrate", "charisma", "hardcore" when in reality they don't even know what those words mean. And none of those people and I mean none don't even have a clue of what's it like being in the pro wrestling business.

"CENA SUCKS, CENA SUCKS"...y does he suck? Because he does the same routine every match? Hello, every1 does. Look at HBK, Kurt Angle, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Bret Hart, etc, etc, all of them had their routine that they used in most of their matches. Does he suck because FU is a fireman's carry takeover? If that's the way you wanna look at the moves, Angle slam is a twisting backdrop, SCM is a thrust kick (widely used in japan and us indy scene), and pedigree is nothing but a padded double underhook facedriver. Personally, I like FU because the move looks good, almost like DVD, but there is no neck bump involved. And we all know that the last thing WWE wrestlers need is more neck injuries.

So why else does Cena suck? No charisma? If he had no charisma there wouldn't be 10 000 people fighting over cheering/booing him every night. Or is it his urban talk and hip hop music. But hey I don't wanna touch that topic because it might get too hot for some of you people/. And you know who you are. The bottom line is that like him or not Cena is a safe, very good in-ring performer. He has charisma and WWE knows that he is the present and the future of the company together with Orton. And that is why you will have to get used to him or stop watching because he isn't going nowhere.
^^^ That is so wrong!!! Everbody is wrong about John Cena! He goes out there and puts his ass on the line every 300 days a year and he is a FACE May I add AND Stupid, pathetic people who are JEALOUS of John Cena BOO Him and chant all them nasty words. Yeah, I said it J-E-A-L-O-U-S!
HE CAN NOT HELP IF HE ONLU HAS HIS ^ DESTRUCTION moves or What Ever you call them... WWE LIMIT HIM!!! So sort it out!!!
John Cena is one of the best in the business AND If you can not see that I GOT 2 MOTHER FUCKING WORDS FOR YOU...
............... FUCK YOU!
And, just to add... John Cena is fantastic on the Mic, Powerfull and does not take steroids. He loves his fans whether they HATE him, love him OR Love to Hate him!!! You never hear John Cena being all c o c k y backstage and thinking he is the best. He respects his colleagues who have been in the business AND he respects us FANS and HATERS!
I think Yazzie just snapped...

But I do agree with her about 1 thing... A lot of people are jealous of him... But he is def not one of the best in the buisness... Maybe top 12... But nowhere near the top 5....
OK... TOP 6!!! He is the future of WWE!!!
......................... Yes, Yes I did just snap!
every1's perception of the best is different, and there are too many people out there to make that judgement. But 1 thing is for sure. Cena was holding the top belt in the top company in the United States for over a year and he will be holding it again. That alone puts him in the upper rational of the wrestlers. He will have to keep busting his ass for many more years before he gets a right to be called one of the best of all times but he has the talent to get there 1 day.
Yes he will be holding a title again... Just not on Raw... SD! is scoring horrible ratings... Like I mean horrible.. I think this past weaks was like 1.0 broadcast rating with a 1.8 share this week.... Thats terrible... But as for another thing.. His movie looks nasty....
dmacid said:
There is nothing wrong with having kids as your fans. I remember when I was 14. It was fun to cheer for the good guys and watch them beat up bad guys. Now we got smarks all over the place who think that they know everything about pro wrestling when in reality they are more brainwashed than those 12 year old kids who cheer for Cena. They come and talk about things like "workrate", "charisma", "hardcore" when in reality they don't even know what those words mean. And none of those people and I mean none don't even have a clue of what's it like being in the pro wrestling business.

"CENA SUCKS, CENA SUCKS"...y does he suck? Because he does the same routine every match? Hello, every1 does. Look at HBK, Kurt Angle, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Bret Hart, etc, etc, all of them had their routine that they used in most of their matches. Does he suck because FU is a fireman's carry takeover? If that's the way you wanna look at the moves, Angle slam is a twisting backdrop, SCM is a thrust kick (widely used in japan and us indy scene), and pedigree is nothing but a padded double underhook facedriver. Personally, I like FU because the move looks good, almost like DVD, but there is no neck bump involved. And we all know that the last thing WWE wrestlers need is more neck injuries.

So why else does Cena suck? No charisma? If he had no charisma there wouldn't be 10 000 people fighting over cheering/booing him every night. Or is it his urban talk and hip hop music. But hey I don't wanna touch that topic because it might get too hot for some of you people/. And you know who you are. The bottom line is that like him or not Cena is a safe, very good in-ring performer. He has charisma and WWE knows that he is the present and the future of the company together with Orton. And that is why you will have to get used to him or stop watching because he isn't going nowhere.

i dont mean to spam but i agree completely with every word u said:headbanger:
I_Heart_Princess_P said:
I don't know how Cena does it. If I got those reactions reguardless if I was a face or heel, I would run home crying.

Shoulda heard them at ECW ONS2 when RVD was facing him for the title, now that was brutal. dude had middle fingers all up in his face & signs that read "if Cena wins we riot", couldn't even throw his shirt in the crowd they kept throwing it back but it didn't faze him one bit (unlike Batista) gotta give'em cred on that & i don't even like Cena.
Thats a reason why i like Cena... He cares about the fans.. But like he's said many of times.. He wont let them get to him... It was rough at ONS II ... Im about to watch the DVD again... But Cena has my respect for his charisma and such..
Cena is booed, because thats the thing to do now a days!
Which face in the last 10 years hasn't been booed after holding the title for too long, or defeating insurmassible (sp?) odds? Like I said Cena is booed because people are jealous of him, but also because the shitck is just too old. It's better to keep Cena fighting for the title, then actually holding it... People can relate more to someone who is fighting for something, then defending something. Because everyone has fought for one thing or another, not everyone has passion to defend.

The story is always about climbing the mountain... not staying ontop of the mountain, that just gets boring! And eventually we'll want to see that person fall.

BTW - STFU - Cena was never a champion for over a year and in fact nobody since I believe Diesel has been a World Champion, or any kind of Champion for over a year! He won the title a few days after Survivor Series 94... then lost it at Survivor Series 95. Almost a year.
Cena was WM 22 - New Year's Revolution just over 9 months....
I loved MSG yesterday- I don't care what they chanted. That was one of the best crowds I've seen since ONS- it was ALIVE! That's a great thing. I really got into it.

Flames Out
I am so sick of how WWE tries to push Cena down our throats, I mean the guy is so annoying with his saluting. He isn't a real marine, stop faking it it is disrespectful. Cena was and is a midcarder if that, but people liked his rhymes so they give him the belt and guess what ?? He stops.. So yeah I hope they keep booing him he and WWE deserve it for being so high on this guy. I'd rather see any other guy going for the belt ie; Carlito, Nitro, masters, Shawn, heck even HHH. So boo him please !!!

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