Did Hogan need Nash and Hall more then they needed him?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hulk Hogan shocked the world when he turned heel in 1996 at Bash of the Beach but before then Hogan had become boring and stale with his Red and Yellow gimmick but if you look at WCW from his heel turn of 1996 till 1998 Nash and Hall was really the cool ones and Hogan just seemed to follow them even thou he appointed himself as the face of the NWO,

dont get me wrong I enjoyed his Hollywood Hogan gimmick but you could tell at times that Nash and Hall should of been the Faces not Hogan because after a while Hogan's Heel gimmick started to get Stale by being in the title picture over and over again but Hall and Nash no matter what (more Hall) always seemed cool, so my question is Could Hogan of stayed around as long as he did if it wasnt for Nash and Hall? and do you think needed each other more to stay in the main event scene Hogan or Nash/Hall?
There's no question that Hogan used Hall and Nash to rejuvenate his career. However, Hall and Nash needed Hogan in the NWO more than he needed them.

Without Hogan in the NWO, there's little doubt in my mind how the faction would have been dismantled. Hogan simply would have come back, taken down The Outsiders and buried the entire story line before it really had a chance to get off the ground.

By including Hogan, the NWO not only got it's "holy shit factor" with Hogan's heel turn, but it also eliminated the only guy in the company powerful enough to bury it.
16 years on and threads like this till turn up. Hulk Hogan most certainly needed Hall and Nash, they were super over and they were already creating waves before Hogan was even thought of to join them. Hogan was stale and not catching on anymore,l he needed the change and boy did it make some money
I kind of think they needed each other. Hogan surely would have buried the nWo, much like he does anything great that he's not a part of. nWo NEEDED a big WCW name with a WWF history to really make it work. Remember, this was initially a "WWF Invasion" of WCW. Well, no not really but thats how they wanted it to look.
Like other posters have already mentioned, I think that Nash & Hall needed Hogan just as much as Hogan needed The Outsiders.

There have already been fantastic points made about why Hogan needed Hall & Nash, but I think one of the main reasons that The nWo really needed Hogan to make it work is because of how "cool" Hall & Nash were at the time. If you remember, Hall & Nash would still get some cheers when they came out without Hogan when the nWo first started going...but almost EVERY time Hogan came out after his heel turn, there was practically nothing but boos coming from the crowd. I believe that the crowd could have almost turned the group into a face stable (or at least an "in between" face and heel group) had it not been for Hogan.

The WCW fans felt so betrayed by Hogan's turn, that he was the one in the group that was constantly booed. So in essence, Hall & Nash needed Hogan in the nWo to keep the group a heel stable...just about as much as The Outsiders needed Hogan in the group to make them relevant.
Hogan's heel career wasn't about him stealing the spotlight and being cool, it was "meant" to be saying the opposite

as a face Hogan was champ for nearly 4 yrs straight. as a heel he couldn't hold onto the title to save himself. Least that was his explanation in his DVD's

ofcourse it was also about rejuvinating what had become stale and that was Hulk Hogan babyface.

as for Hogan, i would say it was a equal partnership with slight lead of Hogan needed Hall and Nash more, without Hogan they were running roughshot and were getting a reaction but with Hogan they were the team to be, and Hogan needed a real catalyst to explain a complete reversal in character after 11yrs as a top babyface which came with aligning himself with the 2 people that were "destroying" WCW.
I think they needed each other equally it was just the perfect combo of the three. If it started with anyone else besides those 3 I don't think it would of had the impact it did. In my opinion, Hogan needed Nash/Hall to make it cool and Nash/Hall needed Hogan regardless of how stale he was at that point he was still THE biggest name in wrestling history to be taken seriously as a super fraction.

When I was reading Eric Bischofs book he claims Bret Hart was origionally wanted to be the third person, but Hogan was at Erics house one day for something totally unrelated and Eric happened to bring up how he wanted Bret to come in and turn heel but their were issues, and Hogan basically took the spot. It may of still had an impact with Hart but I don't think it would of been as so successful. He even goes on to state something along the lines of that he wasn't sure if Hogan would turn up that night so he had 5 or 6 other back ups.

Could be rusty on details, its been acouple of years since I read the book
Hall and Nash needed Hogan way more than he needed them. If it wasn't for Hogan they (Hall and Nash) wouldn't have even had careers and the same goes for guys who never even worked with Hogan. Hulk Hogans sheer popularity paved the way for wrestlers to actually make real money out of wrestling.

Thats the obvious though the less clear is that Hogan probably would've drawn massive attention even if he turned heel by himself. All Hall and Nash did was make the wave a little bigger so it could be ridden longer by forming a stable.

Nash and Hall could not have been the faces of the stable, They tried making Nash the leader of one and it simply didn't work. The main reason it worked is because Hogan was the leader and the world knew him and that made people take notice when they realized he'd changed.

Hall and Nash would have been remembered for their time in wwf in the 90's rather than in wcw if it weren't for Hogan because the two of them alone just wouldn't have drawn as large size audience and if Hogan was still in the stable but wasn't the leader it may have turned fans off and made people think wrestling had fallen from grace.
Hall and Nash could probably have been substituted with other guys to form the stable as long as Hogan was at the helm. It wouldn't have worked quite as well but still better than if Hall and or Nash was leader just because of Hogans fame.

The short answer is Hall and Nash needed Hulk Hogan more than he needed them.
I'd say this is the same questions as "did Hogan need Vince more then Vince needed Hogan." The answer is the same for both, they needed each other just the same because, although it'd have worked well with someone else (in nWo & Vince's case) it wouldn't have worked like it did with Hogan involved. As they've said before the stars aligned and it created wrestling magic.

Would the New World Order have worked with Hall, Nash, and Sting?? No.

Would the New World Order have worked with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Hulk Hogan?? No.

Would the New World Order have worked with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Sting?? NO!!

What I’m trying to say is, The Outsiders could only get so far without Hogan and Hogan could only get so far without the Outsiders. The combination of, at the time, today’s Stars with the G.O.A.T. is what made the New World Order.
Why oh why do people on this site like to debate things from 16 fu**ing years ago?

Well, this thread is in the Old School Wrestling portion of these forums. That's kinda why there's a section called "Old School," to discuss wrestling from years gone by. If you don't like it, why bother checking it out? Seems rather foolish, really.

Anyway, I'm in agreement with many on here who said Hogan and the Outsiders needed each other. Hogan had gotten stale and the Outsiders made him cool again. Had he turned heel by himself, it probably would have been a tougher road for him to really get over and become cool again.

The Outsiders were amongst the bigger names in wrestling at the time, but adding Hogan to them definitely moved them up a couple notches into the elite. They were like Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr.--big already, but by hanging out with Frank Sinatra--Hogan--it made them way cooler.

I was always a WWF guy during the Monday Night Wars, but the nWo did keep me interested in WCW and I was always flipping back-and-forth between the two. nWo, Chris Jericho and Ernest Miller--WCW did have some decent programming for awhile there.

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