Do You Like Pissing People Off?

Depends. Do i get any joy out of straight up pissing someone off by saying something offensive? If they aren't someone who gets shitty easy then no, but if its a challenge then yes. Do I get joy out of outsmarting someone? OH FUCK YES, that shit is like a drug
If you do, what's your label? I never understood why I'd get picked on and someone would say "they're just pushing your buttons." Whether you know it or not, if your someone that likes to play games with people or piss them off for no reason, I assume your a sociopath and something is severely wrong with you, but society doesn't seem to care and why we have guys like "The Jinx" Robert Durst, whose family is creating the Liberty Tower.
Yeah I do, especially on wrestling forums. It's usually how I get off, seeing them get all angry and mad.
The thought of possibly ruining someone's day doesn't give me any sort of pleasure, no matter how big of a douchebag that person is for most likely getting very upset over something completely irrelevant and stupid.

My conscience makes me a bit of a softy when it comes to shit like that.
Do you know why I asked this question?

Its because people on boards and forums seem to be called pissy little trolls who have nothing to do better in life than feed off inciting others sitting behind their computers/tablets/whatevers

Unjust stereotype, but some of the malicious things people say makes one wonder.
Unjust stereotype, but some of the malicious things people say makes one wonder.

I honestly believe it's only a small part of the internet community.

Take a celebrity's Twitter for example... I guarantee most of them get thousands and thousands of positive tweets daily. But, do they respond to those? Very rarely. However, they'll be really quick to respond to someone being cruel.

Even here.... let a thread in the non-spam section on WWE go 10 pages, and most replies are reasonable and intelligent. Then you have the one moron being nasty and stupid... who's going to get a response? The "troll" and then an argument starts and he gets a thread dedicated to him in the Bar Room. But, it's just one poster out of dozens of good ones in that thread, and HE gets all the attention.

The internet isn't filled with negative, horrible people like everyone tends to believe it is; it's simply we all have a bad habit of giving negative and horrible people our attention.

Even in real life, you're having dinner at a nice little restaurant. It's peaceful and everyone seems to be enjoying their meal. All it takes is one belligerent idiot to show up to ruin the experience and leave a bad taste in your mouth about eating at that restaurant. It's the same way on the internet.

Point is, try and focus on the good rather than the bad. Not just on the internet but it real life as well. I myself struggle do so such on certain days, but the effort can pay off.

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