Does Triple H deserve a biopic movie of himself in the future?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Hulk Hogan had stated in a recent interview about his so-called upcoming biopic film based on himself that he would like actor Chris Hemsworth (the actor who played Thor) to play the role of Hogan in the biopic. This had me thinking with the recent release of Triple H's DVD "Thy Kingdom Come" based on his life & wrestling career. Does Triple H deserve a biopic movie of himself in the future? Triple H is one of the all-time greats. I mean the guy played his cards right in the wrestling business. Look where he is now! I mean if Triple H did have a biopic movie done about his life & career, who would play Triple H in the biopic?

I can see a Chris Hemsworth playing a young and hungry Triple H in the bio...unless Double H (Hulk Hogan) gets to Hemsworth first.

What do you think?
I know that HOGAN said that there was a biopic about him coming up but it's difficult to take what Hogan says at face value. The man pounces on any opportunity to promote himself, whether it's legit or not, faster than greased shit through a goose with diarrhea.

As to the topic, I think it might be a little early for a Triple H biopic. Also, you have to take into account the fact that Hulk Hogan is someone that's been extremely well known beyond the borders of pro wrestling while Triple H really isn't. Even today, Hulk Hogan is the first name a lot of people associate with a pro wrestler even if they haven't watched wrestling in 20 years or have never watched it at all. I'm not so sure that a Triple H biopic would be all that successful in terms of reaching a broad audience.

As far as an actor to portray Hogan or Trips in a biopic, I think that Hemsworth might be a little too big for such a role in the sense that he'd probably want a pretty hefty salary. Plus, there's still something of a negative perception of pro wrestling as being kind of silly by a lot of outsiders so taking on such a role might, possibly, hurt his image in Hollywood. Since 2011, the movies he's starred in have made somewhere around $3 billion worldwide. The Thor sequel comes out in a month's time, which is already highly anticipated, he's getting rave reviews for his performance in Rush, he'll reprise the role of Thor in The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I slept my way to the top: the triple h story. Sounds like a catchy title.

As for who would play him, that i have no clue. As jack-hammer said, trips isnt really a house hold name so i cant see a big star playing him. Perhaps barbara streisand, they both have the same nose?

I could see this happen in a few years once the ego has completely taken over and maybes gets a d list actor to play him in a wwe studios production, but other then that i cant see any major star wanting to play this role. Besides, h3 would probably just try to bury the actor anyways.
Does Triple H deserve a biopic movie of himself in the future?

My first reaction is that the project seems a little too self-serving. He's now firmly entrenched in the corporate machinations of his in-laws' company, so it seems really early to start thinking about stuff like this.

Isn't it enough he got the DVD made? Yes, in terms of his in-ring career, I think the DVD was a worthy move; he's done enough to warrant it. But if Vince McMahon hasn't felt the need to glorify himself with a biopic, maybe Trips should wait awhile......a long while.

It's ironic; I met people in his hometown of Nashua, New Hampshire who knew him well. They remember him as a big-deal high school football player who may or may not have gotten a shot at the NFL..... the kind who is a big deal in local sports circles but often winds up selling insurance after college (if they get through college), trying to capitalize on their "fame" as a local hotshot. That was the reaction I got from several Nashua-ites.

Wonder how the biopic of him would treat those days.
The story of how a professional wrestler went on to become a corporate executive?

The story of how a gym rat became a professional wrestler?

The story of how a guy who dated a woman who kind of looked like a dude went on to marry someone richer, more powerful, and prettier?

The story of a guy who made a couple of movies but was able to get his day job back when those movies were kind of not good?

The story of a guy who finally had the courage to get his hair cut?

The story of a guy who epitomizes masculinity but can only whip up the sperm to make three daughters and no sons?

Quad injuries, booking decisions, and backstage politics does not make for a good 2-hour story. That goes for Hogan too. Guys like HHH and Hogan have great stories to tell but to make a movie out of them seems ridiculous. Howard Stern's Private Parts seems like it would be a strong template for what you could do with these wrestler's lives but I don't see it working. They're not exactly sympathetic characters. They've been putting their lives on display for years. It is very expensive to make movies and these guys' stories aren't worth $11.50 to enough people to warrant the cost. Get creative enough with the story and you may have something.

If HHH or Hogan's movies get made their characters should be cast with small Indian women. Those Bollywood movies make bank.
I slept my way to the top: the triple h story. Sounds like a catchy title.

As for who would play him, that i have no clue. As jack-hammer said, trips isnt really a house hold name so i cant see a big star playing him. Perhaps barbara streisand, they both have the same nose?

I could see this happen in a few years once the ego has completely taken over and maybes gets a d list actor to play him in a wwe studios production, but other then that i cant see any major star wanting to play this role. Besides, h3 would probably just try to bury the actor anyways.
I am so sick of people saying HHH slept his way to the top. I guess sleeping with Stephanie made him the last great heel the WWE has had, I guess sleeping with Steph made him steal the show at Mania two years in a row with Taker, I guess sleeping with Steph made him get one of the biggest pops of all time in Madison square garden, I guess sleeping with steph made his fued with Mick Foley one of the greatest feuds of the past 20 years, I guess sleeping with Stephanie helped him be one half of the greatest stable in WWE history (not including NWO). HHH earned his spot and IMO is an all time great but keep believing this BS if you want too.
I think one day this could work. Trips will eventually take over WWE when Vince retires/dies so he will be much better known then. A background to how he got there could be interesting for new generation of fans or people in general.

Hogan needs a biopic, he has a great story to tell and everyone knows him. As for Chris Hemsworth, Hogan is a bigger worldwide name than him so anyone who thinks this role is beneath him needs to get real and look at the facts!!!
You won't get an A-List celebrity to play HHH. Getting a B-List celebrity is actually pretty far fetched. I know some love HHH. I do. He's the last of a very unique generation. But outside the WWE world, he's really a nobody. I saw him once on an episode of The Drew Cary Show. He had that horrible straight-to-DVD Chaperone movie, but that was it.

The Hogan role would be different, but I doubt someone like Hemsworth would do it.

Whichever the case, I don't think he deserves one. Not one that plays in actual theaters anyway. Straight-to-DVD.
A Triple H biopic seems pretty self-serving, especially for a guy who is gonna truly run the entire company one day. When it comes to Triple H, there's only a handful of people who know him outside of the wrestling world really. I mean he's not as well known as Hogan, The Rock, or even Stone Cold Steve Austin for that matter. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing a biopic made of Vince McMahon. I always found his story pretty interesting enough for it to become a movie. You know growing up in a trailer park in North Carolina, and working his way up to making the greatest product in sports entertainment; sounds like a premise for a good biopic when you think about it.
Absolutely not. Triple H does not deserve any movie made of his life. I respect Triple H; the best heel in all of the business but he is nowhere near Hulk Hogan or Dwayne Johnson in notoriety.

Outside of wrestling, mainstream media probably does not even know who he is.

Also, I hate to do this, but you have to bring up his marriage to the boss' daughter as a reason for his rise to success, He didn't earn it or work his way up to it.
Triple H hasn't done anything nearly interesting enough to warrant a biopic but that could be said for anyone really. I don't see much of a market for a "How a rich kid from Greenwich became COO of WWE" story, frankly there aren't a lot of WWE executives that would have a life story so interesting that it would have to be made into a bio pic, a Vince McMahon story wouldn't even be that good and he is much more deserving of a biopic than Triple H is.

Biopics can be very hit and miss but all the good ones at least had something interesting about them that kept the movie going. With Ray or Walk The Line they were made much more interesting for the simple fact that both guys had a knack for doing lots of drugs and cheating on their women, Triple H doesn't have that going for him, there is just nothing interesting about his life.

So no, not at all.
I think one day this could work. Trips will eventually take over WWE when Vince retires/dies so he will be much better known then. A background to how he got there could be interesting for new generation of fans or people in general.

Hogan needs a biopic, he has a great story to tell and everyone knows him. As for Chris Hemsworth, Hogan is a bigger worldwide name than him so anyone who thinks this role is beneath him needs to get real and look at the facts!!!
Hogan is a big name in the same way that David Hasselhoff and Ron Jeremy are big names. He's a joke. He's someone that everyone makes a parody of.

HHH is the same way but less famous. The rock is probably the only guy who they could make a biopic about that people might watch.
No way... utterly ridiculous idea. For there to be a movie about anyone there has to be a hook, an angle for the movie which is probably gonna come from either their private life or something monumental in the ring. Trips hasn't really had anything of note come up in either to warrant a movie about him.

Someone like Foley or Rock could get away with a movie about them as they have interesting enough stories outside the ring (and Dwayne could even play himself as the gimmick) but Foley making "Have A Nice Day" into a movie isn't crazy as there's enough interesting stuff with the injuries, early days and how he became a hero to make it work. I always saw potential in his books and writing style for a Gilliam style/Fear and Loathing type movie - drama-comedy. Guys like Austin don't have enough in the early years to make it work.

The other side of the coin is the more salacious type movie that WWE wouldn't be involved in like the upcoming Benoit movie that people may or may not get involved in. Last I heard Leiv Schreiber was their pick to play Benoit but not many guys are gonna want to take on that role. WWE will always try and block an Owen movie, although he is one guy who would struggle to make an entertaining film as he was pretty dull outside the ring other than being a prankster... the movie would probably be Bret or Bret v Shawn with Owen's death as a part of if... Pillman could be an interesting subject for a movie but again gonna be all doom and gloom.

Or you're into the dark side of Hogan - he thinks he'll get Hemsworth but the reality is someone will end up making a movie loosely based on him, cutting him out and telling the seedier side of him. Hogan would want more say than people putting up movie money would want to give. The Von Erich's, Randy Savages or perhaps Dynamite Kid could have interesting movies but would have to inherently be downers due to the issues/tragedies involved.

One guy who would make a great movie if they could get it right would be Ric Flair... the "stolen baby"/Adoption, the plane crash, the Horsemen/Stylin' era and end it when he wins the title at the Rumble... If you're gonna do Vince they go as A-List as they can, but just do the period up to Mania I, cast a Hogan, get Rampage Jackson in as T and someone like Bradley Cooper as Piper - squint and it works.... Vince, I think Timothy Olyphant might be a good call he has the "yuk yuk" quality and could probably make the hairdo work. Hell even make it from the perspective of someone like Howard Finkel or Tim White who was around and observed this crazy circus developing around them from "old style wrestling".

The definitive wrestling movie has already been made though... If you haven't watched Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler then log off and do so now...But Triple H... never in a million years...and if they did, I'd download it only...
Has HHH life and career been interesting enough to justify a bio pic ?? We're talking about a full length motion picture here. Really, since the National Expansion and initial boom in popularity with wrestling in pop culture there are the wrestlers who have the name recognition, who made significant, game changing contributions, and whose lives outside the ring have been colorful enough to warrant such a film...Hogan, Flair, & Austin. Remember, if we're really talking about if someone is "worthy" then it starts with those three, three legendary, larger than life, highly successful, influential, game changing stars who defined the most successful eras in the industry.

After that no one really is in that league. You can make a strong argument in terms of star power and interesting back story for Savage & Dusty Rhodes, maybe Andre The Giant. From there it tales off considerably when discussing wrestling stars that a mass movie audience would have any interest in seeing. I would put Vince McMahon himself in this category.

There are some lesser stars who have extremely compelling back stories...HBK dealing with status as arguably the most hated figure behind the scenes and his reckless drug and alcohol abuse (leading into his going to re hab, getting married, etc), SuperStar Billy Graham, Tully Blanchard and a few others.

Fact is I know HHH isn't in the Hogan/Flair/Austin category of cross generational, cross eras, superstars and quite frankly I doubt he has some of the more compelling behind the scenes history that those three have to make his story compelling enough for a full length movie. Im not sure I see HHH with Savage, Dusty, Andre either though he's close, but again they also have compelling outside the ring histories that I don't see with HHH.

Honesty, while I wouldn't mind seeing an independent hour long documentary on him like what A&E did for Hogan in the late 90s I just don't see HHH as a biopic worthy figure.
Hogan is a big name in the same way that David Hasselhoff and Ron Jeremy are big names. He's a joke. He's someone that everyone makes a parody of.

HHH is the same way but less famous. The rock is probably the only guy who they could make a biopic about that people might watch.

Who's Ron Jeremy?

But yes, I do agree that biopics about guys like Triple H and even Hogan aren't the most viable projects. However, with the WWE Network, that might change one day, who knows? Not that it'd be anything amazing, but if guys like Michael Jordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger can't get a major biopic done on them, then I can't see Hogan ever getting one.

Now getting back to this Ron Jeremy guy, what's his deal, does he have a connection to the wrestling business or something?
Why would you have a biopic of Triple H when he seems, and by all accounts is, a well adjusted man?

A film about Triple H would just be a story about a man who was very successful at what he did. "Yes, but what about the backstage politics!" I hear you geeks cry. Fair point, I'm on tenterhooks!
Who's Ron Jeremy?

But yes, I do agree that biopics about guys like Triple H and even Hogan aren't the most viable projects. However, with the WWE Network, that might change one day, who knows? Not that it'd be anything amazing, but if guys like Michael Jordan and Arnold Schwarzenegger can't get a major biopic done on them, then I can't see Hogan ever getting one.

Now getting back to this Ron Jeremy guy, what's his deal, does he have a connection to the wrestling business or something?

If you're OVER 18, then wow. Please tell me you're kidding. Start watching porn dude. The hedgehog rules.

I have to disagree Louie with your reference regarding marrying Steph. I think HHH would still have a big influence with what is going on in regards to the WWE right now. I think he'd be wrestling a lot more still, but I also think Vince would be taking a lot of his ideas into consideration. Not as much as he does now, but his status as a booker wouldn't be too far behind.
You won't get an A-List celebrity to play HHH. Getting a B-List celebrity is actually pretty far fetched. I know some love HHH. I do. He's the last of a very unique generation. But outside the WWE world, he's really a nobody. I saw him once on an episode of The Drew Cary Show. He had that horrible straight-to-DVD Chaperone movie, but that was it.

The Hogan role would be different, but I doubt someone like Hemsworth would do it.

Whichever the case, I don't think he deserves one. Not one that plays in actual theaters anyway. Straight-to-DVD.

Yeah, a HHH biopic wouldn't sell. Only WWE wrestlers that needs a biopic is The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Bruno, Ric Flair and Cena. People would actually recognize them outside of wrestling.
He doesn't deserve a biopic as much as Hogan but I think he still deserves one more than a lot of other people. Chris Hemsworth is the wrong guy though.

Hemsworth is an Australian guy, I don't know if he could do the Triple H accent. Hulk Hogan's accent is even harder, those southern accents are tough to pull off if its not natural to you and and Hogan's is even more unique than most people. I've never heard anyone else with Hogan's specific accent actually. His own daughter would probably be the closest.

Hemsworth would have to have some kind of ridiculous prosthetic nose to be triple H too.

Triple H needs an actor like Gerard Depardieu and its too bad he's way too old for the part. Maybe they could beef up Owen Wilson or something.
If I needed motivation to jump off a bridge, sure.

Though I think it would be hilarious if they had gun act out his 'biotopic' in the original HHH character.

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