Dolph & Kaitlyn: Part 2?


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Way back on NXT season 3, Dolph Ziggler had an affair with Vickie Guerrero's rookie Kaitlyn, who would go on to win the show. Nothing really came about from the angle on SmackDown as Kaitlyn was far too green, only having about 10 matches in her entire wrestling career, while Dolph & Vickie took out Teddy Long as general manager and positioned Dolph as the World Heavyweight Champion. Although it's about 3 years later, could Dolph & Kaitlyn become the new power couple?

Of course Payback saw the double turn of both new World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio and former champion Dolph Ziggler while Dolph's girlfriend AJ Lee beat Divas Champion Kaitlyn to win the title. On the following Raw, Alberto solidified his heel status as Dolph seemed to solidify himself as a face. This leads in to the thread I saw on what will become of the troika of Dolph, AJ & Big E.

The story is that AJ has fooled Kaitlyn for months and has taken everything from her now that she is the new Divas Champion. Wouldn't the best way to get revenge to do the exact same to AJ? Shouldn't Kaitlyn try and get into AJ's crazed mind by stealing Dolph? AJ has positioned herself as the top diva in the last year by being involved with the top superstars in one of the main storylines. If Kaitlyn were to get involved with Dolph, it may solidify her future as a major player.

So what do you think:
Would you like to see Dolph & Kaitlyn become a couple?
What would happen to AJ? Would Alberto become another in a long line?
And where does Big E Langston fit into this? Would Big E remain with Dolph or would he become Alberto's new lackey? Do you even think that AJ & Big E could even become an item themselves?
Perhaps, the future. For now I think Ziggler will be too tied up with ADR to help Kaitlyn focus on her chase for the Diva's Title. But then again, it would help tie up the loose ends between DZ and AJ. I see that relationship ending. It doesn't appear as if AJ is turning face along with DZ. I do see AJ and Big E staying together for a while longer though. Him coming out with her as she gloated about winning the Diva's Title pretty much lead me to believe that. And it wouldn't be very different anyways since they stuck together while DZ was legitimately injured.

And I don't see AJ with ADR whatsoever.
Dolph and Kaitlyn? Maybe. It sounds like the perfect form of revenge for Kaitlyn to really stick it to AJ, but Dolph is currently tied up with ADR, and AJ's feud with Kaitlyn doesn't have anything to do with Dolph whatsoever. Maybe in the future, assuming AJ and Dolph's relationship falls apart, but not now.

On the other hand, I can't see AJ with Del Rio in any way, shape, or form. Del Rio has Ricardo. He doesn't need anyone else.
It's not totally out of the realm of possibilities to revisit this now, but I doubt it. The way it's going now, Dolph and A.J. will be split up pretty soon, IMO. They're going down different roads. Keeping them together wouldn't help Ziggler's face turn, but it could help Kaitlyn get a bit more over as the top face Diva like it helped A.J. get over as the top heel Diva. But, as has been said, Ziggler's busy with ADR right now, so I don't see this happening soon, if it even does.

There's a few ways it could be done, in theory:

1) Kaitlyn could, as said earlier, try to play mind games with A.J. (she did say she'd get into A.J.'s head) and steal Ziggler away to make A.J. even more crazy. There's not much for Ziggler storyline-wise there, but it could work.

2) Ziggler could come out to save Kaitlyn from an attack by A.J. and they could respark that relationship (she could fall or him, or vice versa). A bit of a stretch, but there's a chance.

3) Once Ziggler's a bit more entrenched as a face, there may likely be mixed tag team matches - Dolph and Kaitlyn vs. A.J. and Big E./ADR, and the natural progression could move from there.

And no, I don't see ADR and A.J. getting together at this point. They teased ADR and Rosa Mendes months ago, and that would be a better pairing (Ricardo notwithstanding).
I think they should let DZ focus on the WHC and a good run with it.

However, what they could do is get Kaitlyn to get into DZ head and break up with AJ. Classic WWE stuff (like HHH-Steph-Angle). Kaitlyn sees DZ and AJ fighting and then when AJ leaves she says all this stuff. DZ loses an easy match and realizes his mind not on wrestling. Breaks up with AJ. AJ throws fit, Kaitlyn laughs. That way you separate divas feud from DZ and let DZ go do this thing.
Sorry I cant abide by this. Dolph needs to be put along side someone of equivalent stature. Kaitlyn would have to work hard for another 3 years to get there. Are they going to do it? Probably. But I dont have to like it or agree with it.
I think they should let DZ focus on the WHC and a good run with it.

However, what they could do is get Kaitlyn to get into DZ head and break up with AJ. Classic WWE stuff (like HHH-Steph-Angle). Kaitlyn sees DZ and AJ fighting and then when AJ leaves she says all this stuff. DZ loses an easy match and realizes his mind not on wrestling. Breaks up with AJ. AJ throws fit, Kaitlyn laughs. That way you separate divas feud from DZ and let DZ go do this thing.

I'll go with you a step further. Have this break up happen before Money In The Bank. At MitB Big E gets revenge for AJ by preventing Ziggler from winning the case setting up Ziggler vs Big E at Summerslam.
It could work and integrating the story-lines of both the Divas and World Heavyweight Championships helps both titles. Quite frankly, the Divas Championship means very little and the WHC has been the victim of poor writing.

By having Ziggler and Kaitlyn together we it would antagonise AJ which will let her shine. It will free Big E for a feud with Ziggler himself which is certainly good for him as I believe he is ready. Ziggler would become a face with the full backing of the crowd and Kaitlyn remains relevant. It would tick several different boxes.
I feel like it's a possibility. Right now though I see the slow separation of DZ and AJ. Ziggler will play up the face role of pushing AJ aside to focus all his time and energy on getting back his title, while ignoring AJ.

AJ, being a pissed off little brat, will have Big E attack Dolf, thus creating more of a heel push for her and Big E. By the end of the summer, Dolf will be pushing for a singles run and AJ will be left with just her and Big E.

It MIGHT be possible for Kaitlyn and Dolf to hook up, but I think at this point that ship has sailed. Dolf doesn't need a manager or escort anymore. He is more than established to go at it on his own.
Whenever Dolph Ziggler & AJ Lee ultimately go their separate ways, I'd personally rather see Ziggler unattached in any way. He spent a couple of years with Vickie Guerrero as his manager and she did a great job of generating heat and eventually helping him get over. His alliance with AJ, in my estimation, has been mutually beneficial though, in my opinion, neither of them particularly "needed" one another.

Since it seems that WWE is going to be pushing Ziggler as a babyface in the World Heavyweight Championship picture, I ultimately do see them putting him on his own for the first time in quite a while. Ziggler was once a member of the Spirit Squad, then Vickie Guerrero took him under her wing and finally Ziggler clicked with AJ before bringing in Big E. Langston as his heavy. We've never really seen Ziggler on his own and I think a lot of people have been waiting for it to finally happen.

In my estimation, Ziggler has been ready to fly solo for about a year and now that WWE is setting him up as a sympathetic babyface, the timing is right. I don't know if they'll simply have Ziggler flat out dump AJ or if they'll just kinda drift away from each other while WWE quietly puts their "relationship" to rest. I'd kind of prefer it that way, to be honest, because we've seen AJ go the "crazy chick" obsessed with gaining some sort of vengeance against people she sees as having done her wrong several times already with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and, most recently, Kaitlyn. So I wouldn't mind if WWE just quietly let things between them go, but I don't think that'll happen. After all, AJ's "crazy chick" behavior is too much a part of who her character is and what ultimately helped to get her over.

Pairing Ziggler with Kaitlyn would, in my opinion, ultimately mean having him carry about 150 pounds of dead weight. Nicely shaped and fully packed weight, but weight that he doesn't really need. That being said, it's possible that they could form some sort of an alliance when things go south between Ziggler & AJ. AJ will have Big E. on her side so Kaitlyn could ask Ziggler for a little help in evening things up. The downside to that is that Ziggler, who I think will probably wind up winning the WHC from Del Rio at SummerSlam, would be stuck right smack in the middle of a Diva feud, in which he'll probably have to deal with Big E, and I just don't think it's the best use of a guy who, as I said, I think will be WHC in a few months.
Nah, Kaitlyn is fine and it sounds like she is having a transformation of her own (maybe she joins the Wyatt Family). If anything find a way to put face Dolph with a newly face-ish Vickie. I don't feel like we ever had any closure regarding their break up. Vickie got her new role and Dolph found a new girl, end of story. I think there is an opening for some serious drama that makes us really believe they are changed people and belong back together. Combine this change and give him a big push and you have a touching story about the power of being a good person and true love.

Then once it gets stale have Vickie turn and use her power to make Dolph miserable. Rinse, repeat.
The Divas title inflates AJ's ego to enormous proportions. She views Dolph, now humbled a tiny bit because of his recent injuries, as weak. She uses Big E to send Dolph spiraling further. Dolph and Kaitlyn, who is still suffering from her own AJ attack, form a union to gain revenge. It's not boyfriend/girlfriend, strictly a business partnership aimed solely at ruining AJ and Big E, whose singles career is now soaring as well. It could be a feud with legs.
Can't Dolph just be solo for a change. I mean he was Kerwin White's(Chavo) caddy.
Then 1/5th of the Spirit Squad. Then Vickie Guerrero's boy toy then Vickie was his
"client", then he got him a crazy chic in AJ Lee. Kaitlynn is hot & it would be a fitting storyline. I think WWE has recognized DZ's skills & talent & are invested in Dolph for the long run now. So it's time for him to be more serious & I think that 1st step is fpr him to stand alone for once.
Wouldn't it be plausible to keep AJ as a heel and Dolph as a face together? At least for a while. You could have Ziggler as that loveable schmuck that knows his girlfriend is evil but is just too smitten to do anything about it. I think it would create an interesting dynamic. You could have Ziggler questioning himself and the relationship from time to time, only for AJ to go manipulative, give him a great, heart felt speech about how they're great together and love each other and win him over all over again and persuade him to help her in her quests. I believe this could go along for a good while and eventually lead to heel AJ breaking his heart cruelly when the time is right. I think this would make for much more interesting storytelling that simply doing the obvious 'Omg, we can't have heel/face, split them up nao' thing.

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