WWE Payback - WWE Divas Championship: Kaitlyn VS AJ Lee


It turns out that the big revelation of who Kaitlyn's secret admirer is turned out to be a cruel hoax played on her by Big E. Langston & masterminded by AJ. AJ earned the #1 contender spot for the Divas Championship a while back after winning a Diva Battle Royal. After as scathing, mocking & hurtful promo from AJ on Kaitlyn last night, it was revealed that AJ will get her title match this Sunday at Payback.

Considering the theme & name for the ppv, the match is logical. After all, AJ pulled what would be thought of as a mean, cold hearted trick and it's only natural for Kaitlyn to want revenge. AJ is easily the most interesting female in wrestling right now, and has been for a while, so I ultimately see her winning the title against Kaitlyn.
Great segment last night.

As for the match, I originally thought AJ would win but after last night I think Kaitlyn has to win. Just with the way it was set up I think kaitlyn has to win.AJ might win on the RAW after PAYBACK or at the next PPV but I think Kaitkyn has to win Sunday
I have no problems in saying I've lost interest in both women. Kaitlyn has a phenomenal look, but that's about it. AJ's shtick as the crazy chick is dull and played out, and it's been dull and played out for quite some time.

Kaitlyn winning for "payback" after last night's segment seems like the most logical choice, but I'm picking AJ for the win. I think AJ continues her humiliation and psychological dominance over Kaitlyn, because if you have to choose between the two, AJ is easily the hotter prospect right now.
Considering the theme & name for the ppv, the match is logical. After all, AJ pulled what would be thought of as a mean, cold hearted trick and it's only natural for Kaitlyn to want revenge. AJ is easily the most interesting female in wrestling right now, and has been for a while, so I ultimately see her winning the title against Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn winning for "payback" after last night's segment seems like the most logical choice, but I'm picking AJ for the win.

I agree with AJ winning, but the logic you use of revenge for Kaitlyn can go both ways. AJ simply wants revenge for her friend abandoning her in her time of need.

Either way, I say AJ wins. Unless WWE found out something worse than we know about DZ, I expect them to form a "power couple" type for a few months with both of them holding the belts.
There is nowhere for Kaitlyn to go if she loses this feud. They may as well release her immediately. She's been made to look like a fool and at the very least she should win this month then lose the next, but I really don't see any other outcome other than AJ winning at Payback and every subsequent rematch.
Here's a fun fact for the IWC to consider. Should A.J win this match and become new Divas champion (which I'm backing her to do), that will mean that the CURRENT longest serving champion in WWE is... THE IWC's favourite son... JOHN CENA!!!
I think with what happened on Raw that the logical choice for the winner is Kaitlyn. Before last night I thought AJ would win for sure, and that is still a possibility. Another poster mentioned that there is no where else for Kaitlyn to go if she losses, and that is the reason that I ultimately think she will win. This one could go either way though to be honest.
There is nowhere for Kaitlyn to go if she loses this feud. They may as well release her immediately. She's been made to look like a fool and at the very least she should win this month then lose the next, but I really don't see any other outcome other than AJ winning at Payback and every subsequent rematch.
Surely you can't be serious in comparison to all the other divas they have floating around doing nothing backstage. Kaitlyn has a much greater look & in-ring style than most of the divas, and if WWE actually focused on building up the division then there could be some really interesting feuds for her.

As for the match, I haven't looked forward to a divas bout as much as this for a long time. The story behind it goes way back over a year, and while I personally feel it should've happened at Mania, I suppose it does fit in with the "Payback" title of this PPV. AJ will probably win this, but I think they should have Kaitlyn retain, AJ win it at MITB, then a big final rematch at SummerSlam.
Agreed with Y2Jake. Kaitlyn is indeed in a must win situation. I felt bad for Kaitlyn i did. (She is kinda hot,she can bench press me anytime:worship:)but AJ and Big E completely and utterly destroyed her emotionally. I expect AJ to win Kaitlyns head wont be in the match and will just check out emotionally. AJ easily is the best Diva on the planet right now without a doubt. She is good really good the whole psycho crazy chick no other Diva has ever pulled this off like she has.

When Kaitlyn loses,she might as well go on a Hiatus to just get her head straight. Or be released with the latter being more merciful
I expected, like pretty much everyone else, for AJ to win, and I wanted her to. But after last night I want Kaitlyn to win and here's why:

1. I agree that she really has no where to go if she drops the belt to AJ that quickly the first time, unless they turn her heel, and I don't think she's ready for that.

2. AJ's crazy gimmick has gone stale, an actual feud between these two, as in something to develop it every week not every couple of weeks, could really revive her image. If she looses at Payback, as a crazy character, she can go nowhere but up. She can start attacking, spazzing out like she used to but this time in pursuit of the title. This would allow her to be the crazy AJ she was before she became just the World Champs girlfriend.

3. Last week was the longest amount of time a diva segment/match has been given on Raw in loooong time. Use that time for an actual match and/or backstage build leading to a match, instead of just a wrap up for an inconsistent build that went on for about a year, people are going to start to care.

I say let Kaitlyn win this match, continue to build the feud weekly, let AJ win at MITB in heel fashion, and then let AJ win clean at SS closing the feud. That way AJ can be the crazy chick defending her title, and in the process use her popularity to bring the spotlight to other divas and the division as a whole, and Kaitlyn can carry on from there easier than she would be if she lost flat the first time around.
Yes Kaitlyn should win this especially after AJ has pretty much had the upper hand in their feud pretty much the whole feud it has been all AJ but when it comes down to the actual match itself Kaitlyn will win and why? Because I think WWE sees more of a future with Kaitlyn as its Divas Champion not that AJ wouldn't make a great Divas Champion because she would but I don't think her time is here yet but her time is definitely coming and not to mention Kaitlyn is a much better wrestler than AJ is but psychology wise AJ is superior

I've actually been looking forward to this one. Goodness, when was the last time I anticipated a DIVAS match!?!? This is where AJ takes her rightful place as the Divas Champion. She is the future of the division. AJ has been doing a tremendous job and continues to improve. If anyone deserve the belt right now, it's her. Kaitlyn's reign has not been much to write home about quite honestly. If the match goes well then I would support the feud continuing so Kaitlyn can get a rematch at the next PPV event. This belt is in desperate need of a PPV quality feud. Hopefully these two divas will be able to provide that to the fans. AJ should win and then move on to feud with each and every other diva so she can establish herself as being at the very top of the division, it would be fantastic for the belt too. Anyways, should be a good match for divas standards and for once they aren't my match where I go to the fridge for a snack or walk the dogs. There's no hope for the division if AJ doesn't win. She's the only one other than MAYBE Natalya (if she got a legitimate chance) who can make the belt mean something again. They need a champion who is skilled in the ring. AJ can be that girl. It goes on toward the end of the night I think, likely in between the two world title matches so the fans can calm down before the 3 Stages of Hell match.

AJ will win the Divas Championship.
While this match doesn't have written "CLASSIC" all over, it can be interesting, once again not because of the match itself but for the storyline around it. After literally YEARS of mediocre or simply non existing storylines, finally the women division has something interesting.

AJ is definitely going to win this, there is no reason to do the opposite. Obviously it should've been done months ago, but well we have at least a "decent" storyline that is getting pretty personal.
One of the better divas matches in quite a while. They were given ample time in the ring and kept the match moving along. Really like the move AJ used to make Kaitlyn tap
A match that was better than I thought it would be. The result was predictable but they put on a good match and there was some solid story-telling.

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