Doug Crashin's official all things Jazz thread

One Punch Doug Crashin

Because nobody has an official Jazz thread I'm going to start one. Jazz as you all know is an American staple. It started early 20th century and has grown into a global phenomenon. I'd like to start with my personal favorites. I'm sure everyone has their favorites as well and I hope that this thread becomes as big as the others. If not oh well. At least I tried.

My personal favorites:




That's just a little taste.
I guess I'll contribute Doug. I'm not really the biggest fan of Jazz music, quite frankly it annoys me when I'm at the movies having to listen to it. However there's some that I don't mind listening to.

A specific artist that comes to mind is Curtis Stigers. I've always had a love for his song "Wonder Why"


I don't mind Jazz in this way, I guess it's that I need lyrics to be in the song for me to properly enjoy it, even though I love the Saxophone solo in this one.

Also I'm not sure whether this really is considered Jazz, I guess there's a bit of it, but I absolutely loved Jamie Foxx in the movie about Ray Charles, he did some Jazz songs here and there in that song, as well as I believe he has done some other material that are either Soul or Jazz (I'm not sure the difference, seems the same to me)
Great Job Doug, glad you followed through with this thread, as a man with an ever present boner for the saxophone I can only hope to be linked to some fantastic music.

Now, me being SSC, I have an obligation to add some electronic jazzy wonders to this thread, and though I don't have to rounds in this chamber I've got enough to make a difference, but not enough to carry this thread by myself, so give Dougie some of your lovin' and post some jazzy delights for all to enjoy.

I'll start us off with some Free the Robots, and specifically their original EP, which has a great electronic/jazz sound, unmatched by any other electronic artist I've heard. Great sampling, with some live saxophone action that really wets the pallet.

So first I'll give you my favorite track, and the most fitting track for this thread.

Now for a few other tracks off the original self titled EP, the fusion of electronic and jazz is real treat for the ears, enjoy.

So the current theme in with big name dubstep producers seems to be not actually making Dubstep, but more of an experimental Dubstep fore say. Now I'm not complaining, as I'm a fan of all things electronic. Which brings me to a great experimental Dubstep track that fits the jazz criteria to a T. This track blends the most basic Elements of Dubstep, but leaves all the bass behind, and instead replaces it with the saxophone, and the result is a true pleasure for the ears.

The artist goes by the name of Guido, and has been producing solid tracks for a couple years now, and I feel he truly breaks through on his most current CD, especially with tracks like Mad Sax.

Jazz has always been the genre I am an absolute newbie too. Lately I have been listening to the more well knowns and have vastly enjoyed alot of what I have heard. Artists like Miles Davis, Nat King Cole, Coltrane. There are a few others but I have found I enjoy Charles Mingus most of all so far.

I am certainly planning to expand my knowledge alot more and shall be picking up every album I can get my hands on. Listening to what you have posted has been a treat and I am more then happy to check out anyone you particularly recommend.
Here is a great artist for anyone looking to slowly get into jazz, or somebody who is looking to transfer over to the electronic genre.

Currently one of my favorite electronic artists, and if they continue at this pace, they're going to easily crack my all time favorites list; and not only is their music well produced and of the highest quality, but it's also free from their website, their entire catalog of music including two full lengths and an EP completely free for any one who wants to listen.

The band goes by the name Big Gigantic, and it's quite fitting as that's a great way to describe their sounds too. They produce very high energy electronic beats, and do a couple things differently than most electronic artists. firstly the incorporate a live drummer into their sets, that's right no beat machine, a real life drummer. Secondly, the mother fucking SAXOPHONE, the sweet love they make to your ear drums with their saxophone solo's is like nothing else on the electronic market, and the combination makes for a unique, upbeat, sexy listening experience.

Here is my current favorite from the new album A Place Beyond the Moon.

If you like what you hear go visit their site and download yourself the best free music of your life.

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