
The dream I had last night was extremely strange. My dad worked at a car shop of some description but then he got shot by some unknown assailants. From there I randomly ended up being at some horror movie involving Michael Jackson with one of the other workers from said car shop. Then it skips back to the car shop for my dads funeral where it is revealed that Floyd Mayweather was responsible for the shooting. From there it skips to me in a mall with one of my friends, I ask to borrow his phone to ring my mum but when I ring her number someone I don't recognise picks up, because of that I fall over and hit my head on something meaning I have to go to the hospital, while at the hospital I see both Chris Jericho and Batista who are severely injured. Then I woke up.

For some reason none of this seemed even the slightest bit abnormal to me while I was dreaming.
I usually have a hard time remembering dreams. I watched Total Recall last night and then had a dream similar to the movie. That was pretty weird.
I had a dream this one time that I was this young pop star that sang while wearing a catholic school girl outfit, and got real famous real fast. Then married a dude from Seinfeld named Jason Alexander, and then divorced him the next day. Then I go crazy and shave my head... then I wake up and the next day I dream I'm told I'm the chosen one to kill all Vampires in Sunnydale, and this vampire named Angel can't stay away from me for some reason. My best friend Willow is a witch, and her boyfriend Oz is a werewolf...
The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2748056 said:
I had a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Funny...and here I thought that was Martin Luther King Jr's dream.
I've dreamt my front teeth all fell out and stared at my mouth all my dream long XD .. I LOLd when I woke up.. And I used to keep havin dreams where everyone in my family turned against like sinister characters in fairytales.. Hehe XD And I ran away.. I kept runnin, with dogs behind me :L It was kinda freaky since I'm scared of dogs in the street XD
The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2748056 said:
I had a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Who's to say that SNS couldn't have 4 little kids and be an inspiration for our country?? He's pretty damn inspirational sometimes if ya ask me...especially with that old burrito sig he had...always inspired me for some Taco Bell....
I had a bit of wrestling in my dream about a month ago, it was pretty weird so I wrote it down. The entire world was basically a 2 storey shopping mall and it was pretty badly destroyed after some conflict with another planet. For some reason I was in a suit and there was some guy sitting behind a desk reigstering people, for what I do not know. It came to me that if I handed him a piece of paper signed by me that I could rule the world, so I did.

I soon after walked past chris jericho and he said, "what do you want peon". I showed him my piee of paper and he began begging me to be in command somehow. I then said word for the word this next sentence, "There is only one question left to ask..... which department are you going to be incharge of". He was obviously overjoyed etc..

Then it turned into something about shooting polar bears in a kindof house of the dead format whcih happens a lot in my dreams, but the first bit I remember as being really vivid, so there you go.

My honourable mention have to go to: - That one where my primary school class was mining for coal and then a panther came out of nowhere and bit my balls off, then I hid in a laundry basket from a zombie out of house of the dead (once again) until it got me.
- That time where I dreamt I heard my teacher telling another teacher she killed the president (odd because I'm english). I told her what I heard later that day in the playground and then she turned into a witch and started chasing me whilst I was flying away on a hoover. Then all of a sudden I turned round with a big wooden sign that said food and she screamed and popped.

* This is pretty much why when I do drugs I often have bad trips, my mind is creative enough. In fact in Amsterdam I thought I was in a cartoon one night and that kunimitsu out of tekken was going to kill me, bad bad night...
I regulary have weird dreams where your going to school fully clothed, then you get out of your car, and your naked..

Not that it's a problem or anything....
The night before I hit a game winning shot in a high school basketball game against our rival school, I had a dream about hitting the game winner. That was a cool occurrence.
I was a student at Hogwarts and become best friends with Ron Weasley. Harry Potter was non-existent in this story. I guess you could say I had taken his place, just without the bad history of having no parents and living a life of misery every year, being followed around by an alien with no visible nostrils.

I became best friends with Ron, and spent the next 5 years with him. When it was time to leave Hogwarts for the final time, Ron hugged me, broke down crying and slapped me in the face. All of that eventually built up into a Smackdown arena where it was myself against Ron Weasley in a table match.

Dunno what happened after that. I think I woke up, got a cup of tea and went back to bed.

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