Dylan Farrow's Allegations Regarding Woody Allen

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you haven't already heard about this story, go ahead and read up about it HERE and HERE. Since people in general have been busy with the Super Bowl and since entertainment fans are still reeling over the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, it's understandable that this story have been lost in the mix.

Here's the gist of what's going down: When Woody Allen divorced Mia Farrow back in the 90s, it was alleged that he had molested Mia's adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, when she was 7. Since Connecticut prosecutors didn't feel that they had sufficient evidence to press criminal charges against Allen at that time, the allegations were pretty much swept under the rug. Fast forward approximately 20 years later and, less than three weeks after Allen received the Cecil B Demille Award at this year's Golden Globes, Dylan Farrow posted an open letter in The New York Times that reasserts these allegations. While Woody Allen's spokespeople have released a statement denying these allegations, at the time of this posting, Woody Allen has yet to publicly address these allegations himself.

I am skeptical of these allegations for at least three reasons. One, when these allegations were first made, it had been years since Roman Polanski had fled the country in order to avoid harsh sentencing for non-consensual statutory rape (I say non-consensual to highlight the fact that Polanski did in fact rape his victim; this wasn't a case of some adventurous and promiscuous teenager voluntarily hopping on the dick of someone famous). If the evidence for this case had been even the slightest bit convincing, Connecticut prosecutors would have been licking their lips at the prospect of taking down an iconic Hollywood filmmaker with the most heinous of criminal charges. Two, Mia Farrow has always struck me as a vindictive shrew, especially when we take into account how publicly pissed she was when Woody Allen married her of-age adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn (yeah, this is a little creepy, but it's still not enough to convince me that Allen would have committed child molestation). If Allen had indeed touched one of her daughters, why did these allegations only surface once divorce proceedings had begun between Allen and Farrow (this is where I am little bit murky on the facts, so please feel free to correct me on the timing of all these events if you have more information)? Three, that these allegations are now only gaining traction once again also makes me suspicious. Remember, Polanski's case always has and always will tread the surface of public consciousness. If Allen had indeed molested Dylan Farrow, why didn't we hear about it all the time instead of now only hearing about it again some 20 years later?

All right, the floor is all yours, WZBros and Broettes.
I don't think it was just Allen marrying Soon-Yi. Mia did find those nude pictures of Soon-Yi which lead to their divorce. I'm pretty sure those allegations came up during the custody battle between Allen and Farrow, although it might have been right at the same time as the divorce proceedings. I think the DA had probable cause to go after Allen, but decided not to for some reason.

Let's say that I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be true. We live in a world where we just had sexual abuse cases of Savile, Sandusky, and Watkins. It's hard not to listen to what Dylan has to say. It's not like Woody has painted himself as a normal guy. As far as why Dylan came out with this now; well maybe she has grown tired of the constant praise of Allen. Maybe there was a gag order in place. Maybe she is just trying to smear his name. There are a million reasons but this is a serious allegation that can't be just dismissed.

The most interesting part of the piece written by Dylan is the turning a blind eye to the illegal acts committed by stars. It leads me to think how people are willing to let celebrities get away with what they do without a major consequence.

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