ECW Denver, Round 2, Match 3: #5 Andre the Giant vs. #28 Bobby Lashley

Andre vs. Lashley

  • The Giant

  • Bobby

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place int he ECW Region, under Extreme Rules, from Denver, Co.

#5. Andre The Giant


#28. Bobby Lashley
Lashley is crushed here, literally. His power means dick in this match. Andre's size is bigger than anyone that Lashley will ever face. Weapons aside, all it's going to take is one mistake from a very green wrestler and Andre will end this. If Hogan could barely beat him, how could Lashley do it? Short answer: he can't.
Lashley, a short term flash in the pan who quit because the travel bothered him VS a three-continent legend in Andre the Giant. Not close. Lashley gets SOME offense in, but he's no match for Andre's experience, focus, and overall ability. Lashley goes down here. And he does down HARD. I hear TNA is hiring...
this match is nothing more than a squash for andre. Just the thought of even comparing lashley's mediocre career to that of andre's illustrious career, is a comedy show. you can't compare it. andre solidifies lashley's death bed in the ring and scores the victory.
I can't see this being a total squash, but then again I see absolutely no chance of Lashley beating Andre, not to say it won't be close, Lashley may be green but he's fast, agile and powerful. He'll give Andre a run for his money but ultimately he'll come up short.
I don't think this will be a total squash either. Like Lashley or not, the guy was a fucking bear. His matches against the Big Show over the ECW Championship prove that.

Andre in his prime was simply a beast. He was big, strong, fast and agile. There was a reason why he was the most sought after commodity in wrestling during the 60s and 70s.

I think this could honestly be an interesting match up, though Lashley will go down here. Each will nail some pretty impressive power moves on the other, particularly Lashley since, in terms of sheer size, Lashley could easily handle Andre's weight when Andre was in his prime. Two big bulls just going at it in a brawl. I'd say Andre takes this at about the 10 minute mark. In his prime, Andre would simply be too much for Lashley to overcome.
Lashley is a powerful guy, but his power is practically useless against Andre. In his heyday Andre hardly ever lost to anybody, and Lashley never reached the heights required of someone to beat a prime era Andre the Giant. I don't think it'd be a total squash and maybe Lashley would even get him down once, but Andre would ultimately pick up the win.
Lashley is a beast. At the very least, Lashley would take him down. I don't see Lashley not being relentless enough to put Andre down. I'm in the minority, but Lashley takes it. It would be a tough task though.
For those foolish enough to always go off of the later career of Andre the Giant, please take a few moments to learn about how much of a talent, how much of a beast Andre was in his prime.

Andre vs Inoki


This man moves FAST for that size. He gets on the mat and WRESTLES. He is able to keep up with the torrid pace Inoki cuts, and this match between two ultra legends is just tremendous.
Andre has this one here. Lashley is strong and will get Andre staggering, but he will go to the well too many times and Andre with catch him with a headbutt and finish him off.
While I think Lashley gets in some early offense, I think Andre wins this, in a long match. He's got more MMA experience than Lashley, and has beaten far tougher opponents. He'll land a few clubbing punches, and then just lay on him for the win. I don't care who you are, you don't kick out of an Andre cover. Ask Hogan ;)
Andre the Giant was a legend in his own right. He's simply the most dominant big man in Pro Wrestling history. Mark it down. Bobby Lashley has no personality, a power move set, and is prone to be chokeslammed.

I say Andre has a walk in the park and throws in a few shots with some empty bottles of wine to the head of Lashley for good measure. Vote Andre. Do it for France.
I hear Andre The Giant was great before his Hogan run. I've got his DVD, I've seen his matches on other sets, I've even looked some of it up on YouTube. All that I've seen is a slower Big Show.

So if Lashley can beat a bigger, stronger, faster giant, then I'm sure he can beat a smaller, weaker, slower giant.
This subregion has produced some of the best matchups. You have guys of just massive size against guys that are cardio machines with amazing power. Lashley is certainly one of those guys that can simply go. The problem with Lashley, as much as I ended up enjoying him at the end of his run (summer 07), just hasn't proven enough. Just months before, he was atrocious, stinking up the joint at Wrestlemania, and he's pretty much only known for jumping threw a cage.

In this match, Lashley's MMA background is legal, but it's still not going to be able to beat Andre.
Andre is smaller and weaker than the Big Show????? I mean I'll give you slower, but smaller and weaker???

Yeah, he was 6'10'', not 7'4''. If he's 7'10'' in kayfabe terms then all his opponents were really fucking tall and somewhere along the line they mistook inches for centimeters when billing him.

With size comes strength, Big Show is bigger.

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