ECW Region, Calgary Region, Second Round: (6) Chris Jericho vs. (11) Jerry Lawler

Who Wins This Match?

  • Chris Jericho

  • Jerry Lawler

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Turn Bayley heel
This is a second round match in the ECW Region, Calgary Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under ECW Rules. It will be held at the Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.



#6. Chris Jericho



#11. Jerry Lawler

This match takes place one week after round 1.

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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Y2J could well be 'the Best in the World at what he does' but Jerry Lawler built his legacy beating guys like Curt Hennig and Randy Savage in money matches. What is likely to stand in Jericho's favor is that this is an ECW (whose fans, the King hasn't exactly tried to endear himself too) and in Canada (where Lawler has also burnt bridges).

I'm at a bit of a loss - Y2J works better as a heel and the King has more success in the ring as a face but this isn't likely to be the dynamic here. On a purely kayfabe basis, I'd like to see Lawler progress because I would see that creating more lasting crowd heat heading into the next round as he is the poster boy for who a Canadian ECW audience should despise with all their beings.
Jerry Lawler built his legacy beating guys like Curt Hennig and Randy Savage in money matches.

The problem is, those guys were all coming to Memphis. And, well, to paraphrase a gay old movie, I don't think we're in Memphis, anymore

There's something that has to be said for how Jerry Lawler manages to wiggle himself into WWE lore, while most of his exploits are so far from WWE. Memphis was a great territory, but I can't seem to get over that Jerry had all his success in Memphis. Literally, all of it. In an era where moving around was the norm, and people moved around to achieve fame elsewhere, Lawler just kinda stayed where he was comfy, and got great booking. Mind you, that should probably be a testament to his longevity, but against Jericho, it's a hindrance.

I'm not a huge Jericho fan, but I have to give him the win. The only thing Lawler did better than Jericho is, frankly, draw money. Unfortunately, I don't know how to look at that, considering it was in one place. Lawler drew a fuckton of money in Memphis, but if he were placed in New York, or even Charlotte, would he have done nearly as well?

I don't think so. And I have to go with Jericho
i think y2j takes this, same way he bet kofi, the king leads most of the match [im guessing ecw rules means no rules] so king is winning and has a trash can lid and goes for that middle rope fist [like cm punk did with mark henry with the chair] and jericho is able to land a code breaker.. knees to trash lid to the kings face

y2j is the 1st ever undisputed champ and should be able to get by in this round
my vote is Jericho
I wholeheartedly agree with Pippa here. Outside of Memphis, Jerry Lawler would be hard-pressed to draw flies to shit. Was Lawler EVER anything more than just a regional star? No, he wasn't. He never got an NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign, and for very good reason. He was a Memphis legend, but that doesn't translate to national success -- nor would it translate to success in a tournament like this. Lawler, for my money, is easily one of the most overrated superstars of all time, he should not be even close to Jericho, who is a better wrestler in general.

Lawler, while entertaining enough, wasn't great in the ring -- he basically just went through the motions and teased the piledriver every so often. Sure, that's decent enough storytelling, but what's he going to do against someone as good as Jericho in the ring? That's where the ECW rules come into play, I suppose, but I still don't think it's enough. Lawler can't match Jericho's quickness, plus, it's not as if Jericho doesn't know how to use weapons -- neither man is much of a hardcore wrestler, though.

What this comes down to is that Jericho is simply better than Lawler. All Lawler ever did was run Memphis, and while I'm not trying to discredit that, it certainly doesn't make him a legend of any kind. The better wrestler deserves to go one. Vote Jericho.
Interesting matchup between two men that would be right at home in a hardcore environment as they would doing catch wrestling. Jericho has had plenty of great hardcore matches, and Lawler was well known for the consession stand brawls.

I'm leaning towards Jericho simply because of the Codebreaker; he can hit the thing from out of no where and it can be used offensively, or defensively. Lawler could pick up a chair and turn right into the thing without even knowing about it.

Following the Codebreaker, the Liontamer would just be the icing on the cake.
I wholeheartedly agree with Pippa here. Outside of Memphis, Jerry Lawler would be hard-pressed to draw flies to shit. Was Lawler EVER anything more than just a regional star? No, he wasn't. He never got an NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign, and for very good reason. He was a Memphis legend, but that doesn't translate to national success -- nor would it translate to success in a tournament like this. Lawler, for my money, is easily one of the most overrated superstars of all time, he should not be even close to Jericho, who is a better wrestler in general.

Lawler, while entertaining enough, wasn't great in the ring -- he basically just went through the motions and teased the piledriver every so often. Sure, that's decent enough storytelling, but what's he going to do against someone as good as Jericho in the ring? That's where the ECW rules come into play, I suppose, but I still don't think it's enough. Lawler can't match Jericho's quickness, plus, it's not as if Jericho doesn't know how to use weapons -- neither man is much of a hardcore wrestler, though.

What this comes down to is that Jericho is simply better than Lawler. All Lawler ever did was run Memphis, and while I'm not trying to discredit that, it certainly doesn't make him a legend of any kind. The better wrestler deserves to go one. Vote Jericho.

Gotta hand it to you, you know how to lay down the truth.

Jericho beats Lawler when they are both at their best. Especially on the road.

Outside of Memphis Jericho wins this one for my money, and in the ECW arena? Lawler just don't seem hardcore to me. At least Jericho knows his way around a ladder.

Jericho to Advance
Jerry Lawler has never been a Hardcore wrestler. Jericho on the other hand has plenty of time spent with weapons. Besides that, Jericho bests Jerry in every facet of wrestling. Like many others said, Jerry outside of Memphis draws just as much as Helen Keller in the dark with a eraser. Jericho can and will win this one with not only being in a region better suited for Jericho, and being in his home country in Canada.
Jerry Lawler has never been a Hardcore wrestler. Jericho on the other hand has plenty of time spent with weapons. Besides that, Jericho bests Jerry in every facet of wrestling. Like many others said, Jerry outside of Memphis draws just as much as Helen Keller in the dark with a eraser. Jericho can and will win this one with not only being in a region better suited for Jericho, and being in his home country in Canada.

On the contrary, yes he has; in fact Lawler was well known for the series of consession stand brawls, the one in Tupelo, MS being influential to hardcore matches and styles later to come.

That being said I still believe Jericho to have the edge with the Codebreaker. That will allow him to change the tide of the match in an instant.
This match, in my opinion, would draw the most money out of any second round match. Lawler was absolutely hated in ECW circles and by the fans (as he tried as much as possible to put down ECW on Raw every chance he got). Chris Jericho was in ECW for some time and gained some valuable notoriety there - his success afterward only helps propel him as a fan favourite. And I don't think I have to mention the Calgary crowd going wild for Jericho and booing Lawler, a guy who had a slightly memorable feud with Bret.

For me, this is a true face v. heel match with Lawler pulling out all the stops to gain heat. From brass knucks to eye gouges to hairpulling, Lawler does it all in this match and Jericho would sell like a kid at a lemonade stand. The crowd, solidly behind Jericho, would be an integral part of this well written story. Cheering every high point, booing every low point.

In the end of this match is how wrestling typically should be, the face gaining the upper hand on the hated face and sending the fans home happy. Lawler tries for his punch from the second rope, only to get smashed in the mouth by Jericho's feet. This leads to Jericho eventually hitting the Liontamer on a screaming Lawler.

Jericho, submission, 25 minutes.
Pippa said it... Home Field advantage is a powerful thing. I wouldn't take anyone over Lawler in Mephis... not Hogan, Flair, Cena, Austin... NO ONE. This isnt in Memphis, this is in Canada.

I have Y2J winning in a close match up, I give him a small edge with the homefield advantage and the fact that he was in ECW eventhough it was a brief run.
I wholeheartedly agree with Pippa here. Outside of Memphis, Jerry Lawler would be hard-pressed to draw flies to shit. Was Lawler EVER anything more than just a regional star? No, he wasn't. He never got an NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign, and for very good reason. He was a Memphis legend, but that doesn't translate to national success -- nor would it translate to success in a tournament like this. Lawler, for my money, is easily one of the most overrated superstars of all time, he should not be even close to Jericho, who is a better wrestler in general.

Lawler, while entertaining enough, wasn't great in the ring -- he basically just went through the motions and teased the piledriver every so often. Sure, that's decent enough storytelling, but what's he going to do against someone as good as Jericho in the ring? That's where the ECW rules come into play, I suppose, but I still don't think it's enough. Lawler can't match Jericho's quickness, plus, it's not as if Jericho doesn't know how to use weapons -- neither man is much of a hardcore wrestler, though.

What this comes down to is that Jericho is simply better than Lawler. All Lawler ever did was run Memphis, and while I'm not trying to discredit that, it certainly doesn't make him a legend of any kind. The better wrestler deserves to go one. Vote Jericho.

There really isn't much more I can say on this match, Crock has said it all.

Jericho is a better wrestler, a national superstar who would have the support of the ECW fanbase behind him.

Lawler was very good, but never won a real World Title, was only ever a regional star in the ring, and would be booed out of the building by the ECW fans due to his past criticism of the company. Lawler hates ECW, and they hate him right back.

Jericho should 100% get the win here. Codebreaker out of nowhere, then the Liontamer for the tap out.

Winner: Chris Jericho
I'm with the People's Champ. Visioning this match makes me think of a very, very, very, VERY poor man's Flair/Steamboat match: The experienced heel(Lawler) using every tactic he knows to the the sprite face(Y2J) down. The difference is that the face probably pulls out the victory using his atleticism & determination to cancel out Lawler's cheating ways.

Y2J is more acclaimed & remembered. I heard that Lawler beat Andre the Giant back in the day, but I haven't seen the footage. I did see Jericho beat Austin & the Rock in the same night though. Entertaining, yet easy victory.
Hold on - Jericho is going to win because he is the beloved hometown hero 'Lionheart'? It needs to be pointed out but Chris flat out sucks as a babyface, all of his big moments (including the referenced Rock / Austin night) were as a heel.

A heel Lawler, though, has way to much history with ECW to be jobbed out in the second round. If this was actually happening, Lawler going over an ECW old boy in his country which already despises him is the logical storyline for any booker at this stage because this would garner him white hot heat.
Jericho wins this match no problem. His high flying athleticism, grapple, submission skills, and pure speed from his prime will be too much for Lawler to handle. Add the extreme rules and Jericho has his way in this one.

winner- Jericho
Lawler was really only ever truly dominant in the Memphis territory. It's where all of his biggest feuds, wins & matches took place. It's also where more than half of his titles were won throughout his career. If this were in Memphis, Jericho would be in trouble because damn near nobody beat Lawler in Memphis.

Jericho is an overall much more talented wrestler than Lawler ever was. His abilities are just on a level that Lawler with his kick + punch = repeat formula could never come close to matching. Lawler was tough, however, so that's not to say that he won't give Jericho a tough match. Jericho, however, can do more than rely on the most basic of wrestling offense and I'm sure he can swing a chair as hard, or harder, than Lawler. Jericho's the better talker & in-ring wrestler; he's stronger, faster, more agile & more overall athletic than Lawler ever was at any point in his career.

It'll be a hard fought match in which both men end up bloody, but I see Jericho's superior skill & conditioning carrying him to a win.
Lawler achieved next to nothing anywhere outside of Memphis, except being a bit hated in various promotions before he'd be made a tit out of. I don't really think that is conducive to going any further in this competition, being held in Canada, which isn't in Tennessee. Lawler was huge in his own market, but Jericho has achieved at the global level. I don't think ECW rules are that relevant, I just think Jericho would win.
At the end of the day we're talking about a guy that was a territorial darling vs. a guy that has had moderate to great success in a global company. Jerry Lawler really accomplished next to nothing outside of Memphis. I understand and respect the territory system, but that simply doesn't cut it. If you are/were truly the best then wouldn't someone have come along and decided to make you the guy? That didn't happen until the late 80's and the AWA title meant jackshit at the time.
Jericho wins going away. Even though Lawler could try his best to slow Jericho down, this match goes to 'The Best in the World at what he does.' A lot of good points made and I don't think I could make any better ones.
I will be the contrarian here. Jerry Lawler would win this match. People complaining about him being nothing but a territorial wrestler aren't giving him nearly the credit he deserves. It's not Lawler's fault that he was the product of the territorial system. If Lawler's accomplishments mean nothing because of the territories, than couldn't the same be said about Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne? What did they do outside of the AWA? What did they really do outside of Minneapolis? I guess, I don't see why Lawler should get penalized for being a territorial wrestler and the other all-time greats don't. It's a very flawed argument, essentially, that applies a rather large double standard.

Even if you completely discount everything Lawler did with the USWA, completely ignore the 28 USWA heavyweight championships, his accolades from the NWA, AWA, CWA, GCW etc, dwarf those of Chris Jericho.

I see people claiming that Lawler couldn't win in a hardcore match...okay, so what exactly is on Chris Jericho's hardcore resume that would make you think he is any more comfortable in that environment? He was with ECW long enough to win one TV title before bolting for WCW. Wow. That's what the entire basis of Jericho's supposed hardcore mastery comes from? Lawler has been involved in numerous bloody feuds that involved chair shots, foreign objects, etc. Lawler is no stranger to this type of match.

In his prime, Jerry Lawler would kick the shit out of Jericho. Jericho talks a mighty big talk, his hardcore legend is being incredibly inflated, while Lawler's is being incredibly suppressed.
If Lawler's accomplishments mean nothing because of the territories, than couldn't the same be said about Nick Bockwinkel and Verne Gagne? What did they do outside of the AWA? What did they really do outside of Minneapolis? I guess, I don't see why Lawler should get penalized for being a territorial wrestler and the other all-time greats don't. It's a very flawed argument, essentially, that applies a large double standard.

I see the point, but look at how Gagne and Bockwinkel are doing now in the tourney. Gagne is already down by eight, and Bob Backlund of all people has Bockwinkel on the ropes already. How much of a double standard can it be, when it seems like all these guys are gonna get the heave ho at the same point.

Also, Gagne did a bit outside of Minnesota. Remember, Lawler wound up winning plenty of AWA titles, and won most of them in Memphis. Who was the guy booking those shows? That was Gagne, and his hand picked champion (over Hulk Hogan, kinda, but eh, oh well), who in theory was drawing the house show gates? That'd be Bockwinkel. Gagne was strong in Minnesota, but I don't know if i'd say he was only strong there
If this was in Memphis it would be Lawler. However, it's Calgary, which is where Jericho is from (insert I'M FROM WINNIPEG bit here) and that's out of Lawler's range. The weapons rules probably favor Lawler as he's been in some big old brawls down in Memphis, but Jericho is smart enough to speed things up here, which is something Lawler would have no chance with. The promos for this would be WAY better than the match, which Jericho would win with a Lionsault.
Even though it's a lost cause I'll go with the minority here. In his prime Jerry Lawler beat every big name he faced. Bigger names than Jericho. He was no stranger to hardcore brawls either so the ECW environment would not be a problem for him. I think it suits Lawler better than it does Jericho. He's already dead and buried here but I'm voting Lawler.
Jerry Lawler has never been a Hardcore wrestler. Jericho on the other hand has plenty of time spent with weapons. Besides that, Jericho bests Jerry in every facet of wrestling.

Are you high or incredibly stupid?

Lawler has a legacy of bloody brawls in his territory. He has legit tough man rep because of said brawls and a plethora of controversies.

I need people to put into context how much King HATES ECW. Extra motivation to win? No holds barred, King could win.

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