ECW Region, Melbourne Subregion, Second Round: (5) Terry Funk vs. (12) Randy Orton

Who Wins This Match?

  • Terry Funk

  • Randy Orton

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This is a first round match in the ECW Region, London Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under ECW Rules. It will be held at The O2, Greenwich, London, England.



#5. Terry Funk



#12. Randy Orton

This match takes place one week after round 1.

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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They're both sick and twisted. Funk did it for a much longer period of time, and is a much better wrestler than he's given credit for. However, Orton's a better mat wrestlers, and a bit more physical.

I love Terry Funk... but I like Orton more, and with good reason. Terry just isn't 1/2 the athlete Orton is, and when you're both about as twisted as they come, that's what it comes down to.

Orton for the win here.
I have a feeling Terry wil bleed, bleed and suffer like a stuffed pig here. People may say that 'howdy ho, the funskter won their world title here, ye he did!' But Orton is a different beast in a No DQ setting. Hasn't he beaten everyone consistently in a street fight for the past year?

We're are in the midst of Orton's peak, so that is a huge plus for the man. Orton in a downright brutal and mouth-gaping affair here. I like Funk, but he was always best as a heel for me. And Orton beats heels in No DQ.
Terry Funk and Randy Orton are a lot alike. Cold, calculating, and like hurting people and watching them writhe in pain. Difference between them though... Funk doesn't care to be hurt. Orton can't seem to deal with pain as well as Funk can.

Gotta give the edge to Funk via Orton passing out due to the step over toe hold.
Wow. This one is incredibly tough to call. When you think hardcore, two names come to mind — Mick Foley and Terry Funk (at least to me). Funk had some amazing matches, but then again, so has Randy Orton. When Orton took Foley to the limit at Backlash in 2004, I couldn't believe my eyes. Orton took a beating and I swore Foley would win, but the RKO hit out of nowhere. To be honest, I can see this going both ways, but for some reason, Funk just has IT. Funk is a crazy guy and that would be enough to beat Orton.
Randy Orton has always entertained me far more than Funk ever could. It that is unfair to Funk, I was only able to watch Funk wrestler during the twilight years of his career. The old, beat up and bruised man that was still gashing himself open for the fans never really appealed to me as much as Randy Orton has done ever since debuting on T.V. But despite all this, I will have to vote for Terry Funk.

Funk as I have read in the previous round was a very adept technical wrestler in his prime and his younger years. He's been wrestling since the the 60's and thirty years later he becomes one of the biggest names for ECW. After 30 years of wrestling, he still grabs ECW by the balls and has a hall of fame career. That has to speak legends for the man.

And as much as Randy Orton has a resume for being a dastardly heel who would punt the heads of whoever he was in the ring with, or even a face that just didn't give a shit what anybody thought. But Randy is far more injury prone than Funk. It is a sad fact but he has taken numerous amounts of time off in order to recover from a vast amount of different injuries. Randy Orton is tough, he is cold, he is deadly, he was a legend killer. But he never faced the kind of man Funk was in his prime in a environment that was home to Terry Funk. Sorry Orton, Funk takes the cake.
If this wasn't in ECW, I'd still give it to Funk, so his credentials there just add to the whole shebang. In a nutshell, Orton is the kind of guy who wins against a lot of the little guys, but against fellow bona fide main eventers, he has often come up short. Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker etc. all have winning records against him. Terry Funk was a main eventer anywhere he went before 1985, and that's the era that you have to look at. He was able to more than hold his own against the twisted heels of the day, and he'd be able to do it here too.
This is a great match, but Orton takes it. The Legend Killer to add another legend to his list. Funk is no pushover and is well at home in ECW. He will throw everything at Randy including the branding iron. Orton has just got that bit more of an edge in my opinion. He has taken twisted to a whole new level in the last few years. Cold, calculating and has no remorse.

Funk get his shots in, but he will get busted open quickly. That poses a problem for Orton because Funk has a 3rd and even 4th wind when he donnes the crimson mask. Look for Orton to be in trouble and maybe wrapped in barbed wire for a good portion of this. Funk his a nasty piledriver but Orton kicks out- and the Viper begins a comeback. Some clotheslines, Orton's favorite DDT and even a well placed RKO through a table still wont put the Funkster down. Now Orton starts to get that look in his eye as Funk tries to crawl back up. Orton see's only one way to end this and takes a few steps back.... and punts Funk in the skull.

Orton wins about 20 minutes in, leaving Funk bloody and twitching on the mat.
Funk wins hands down! Great wrestler even before he got into the hardcore stuff!! Could go through more than what orton could swing at him... Bad shoulder right? And Terry funk would exploit that with his Charlie Chainsaw character (perfectly legal here of course) the viper winds up limless and down for the three count!!
This match wasn't easy to call, as both of these men have proven to be tough competitors inside the hardcore environment. Randy has the RKO as well, so that works in his favor.

Despite this I think Funk could find a way to neutralize the RKO; his resiliance is unmatched by anyone in this thing except for maybe Mick Foley. It would several RKO's and an ungodly amount of chairshots to put the guy down.
Funk wins hands down! Great wrestler even before he got into the hardcore stuff!! Could go through more than what orton could swing at him... Bad shoulder right? And Terry funk would exploit that with his Charlie Chainsaw character (perfectly legal here of course) the viper winds up limless and down for the three count!!

First off- his name was Chainsaw Charlie.....

Now, since that is out of the way-

Really? He would actually cut his arms off? Jesus Christ where do you people come up with this crap.

Psssttt.....The chainsaw had no chain.....

(walks out and slams the door)
I went with Orton here because I truly feel that Orton is better than Funk. I know that some old school guys might really flip out at the mere mention of this but just consider the facts. Funk won the NWA title once and held it for fourteen months. That is good but not earth shattering in an era where long title reigns were common. Orton has won the World title 9 times in WWE. I know titles change hands too often in this era but even then, it is an impreessive achievement. Not too many modern day greats have been able to have so many title runs.

Funk may have been the face of NWA during his 14 month title reign but Orton has been the face of Smackdown in 2011 and the top heel in the company for most part of 2007-2010. In 2010, when he was on Raw, he equalled John Cena's reaction on many an occasion and if you go by crowd pops, Orton may be the biggest face in the WWE even at this point. Terry, for most part of his career after his World title run was used as the guy to put other guys over.

Funk has been in some very brutal matches but so has Orton. Unlike Funk though, Orton has won most of them except for the ones against Cena and Undertaker. Funk was the guy who even lost to Foley, who has lost to everyone, including Orton. Funk may have been a great technical wrestler in his prime but Orton has beaten his fair share of good technical wrestlers like Benoit, Jericho, Angle and Punk.

It seems to me that whatever Funk has done in his career, Orton has done better. Even if you strip them down of their accolades and just look at the type of wrestlers they are, I think even that favours Orton. Orton is a bit lean but a tall, good looking guy muscular guy and because of that I feel he would have been a star even in the 1970's whereas Funk, had he debuted in this era seems to me like someone who would be a more talented Chris Jericho. Great wrestler, great promo cutter but the sort of guy who lacks just that something that would make you the face of the company. He just seems like the perrenial upper midcard sort of guy to me.

Vote: Randy Orton.
Bad matchup for Funk.

Orton at his best was the type of guy that could go to the crazy levels Funk could and hang with him. Orton carries the match early, Funk swings the momentum. Hot crowd behind him then rko from nowhere. Post match Orton punts Funk's head into the seats.

Vote Orton.
They're both sick and twisted. Funk did it for a much longer period of time, and is a much better wrestler than he's given credit for. However, Orton's a better mat wrestlers, and a bit more physical.

I love Terry Funk... but I like Orton more, and with good reason. Terry just isn't 1/2 the athlete Orton is, and when you're both about as twisted as they come, that's what it comes down to.

Orton for the win here.

This post pretty much sums it. Orton was the Legend Killer, near the beginning of his WWE career, the man made a name for himself by beating "Legends", one of which was the Hardcore Legend himself Mick Foley, whom he defeated in a Hardcore match, he took insane amount of punishment in that match & still came out on top, & this was before he became the cold callused Apex Predator of the WWE that he is now. Orton took guys like Taker to the limit on multiple occasions, he's beaten Triple H in matches with no DQ's. Orton has proven time & time again he can hang with just about anyone that steps into the ring with him. I see no reason why he wouldn't be able to beat Funk, I see this match ending with an RKO onto a pile of barbwire and then Orton punting Funks head into the third row. A shame cause I liked Funk & hoped he would go far this year, sorry Funker, there's always next year.
I think Funk would find a way to beat Orton in an ECW rules type of a match. Funk is a guy who next to Foley, his body took an absolute beating. I still remember when he was Chainsaw Charlie and went over in that dumpster. I give the edge to Funk as his longetivity beats out Orton here. Orton has been a 9 time world champion, but those are different eras. In a few years it could be different, but Mr. Funk gets my vote here.
First off- his name was Chainsaw Charlie.....

Now, since that is out of the way-

Really? He would actually cut his arms off? Jesus Christ where do you people come up with this crap.

Psssttt.....The chainsaw had no chain.....

(walks out and slams the door)

That was mainly a joke, but yeah, i made some mistakes there! I'm ashamed!!

Heres some Terry Funk going toe to toe with the nature boy himself, and matching his skills!!


That alongside his ability to absorb pain like it aint no thang makes it obvious!

Vote right... Vote Funk!
That was mainly a joke, but yeah, i made some mistakes there! I'm ashamed!!

Heres some Terry Funk going toe to toe with the nature boy himself, and matching his skills!!


That alongside his ability to absorb pain like it aint no thang makes it obvious!

Vote right... Vote Funk!

And here's some Randy Orton going toe to toe with the hardcore legend Mick Foley himself & matching his skills. Oh and this is well before Orton even hit his prime.


Orton proves in this match he's more than capable of beating guys who have "the ability to absorb pain like it ain't no thing". Oh yeah & he's also gone toe to toe with Triple H, Taker, HBK, Cena, Flair, RVD, Jericho, & Batista, & beat them all.
Although the Cactus Jack match is a great example, it's the only true example of Randy in a truly hardcore environment against a worker who can deliver anywhere near as much damage as Funk could. Foley is his prime would beat Orton in a hardcore match and Funk in his (pre ECW) prime would be too much for him as well.
My first instinct was to vote for Funk but I’m going with Orton instead. Orton proved he could hold his own in a hardcore environment when he beat Funk’s protégé Cactus Jack at Backlash 2004. I believe that was the match that launched Orton’s career to the main event. Terry Funk can kick some serious ass but he’s also likely to take a beating. Funk will do anything because he’s crazy and just loves to do anything in a fight. Orton will do anything because he gets a certain joy in hurting people. There’s a difference and I think it makes Orton more dangerous considering Funk will be more than willing to play Orton’s game. Funk also takes a certain pride in putting people over and just like in 2004 against Cactus the right thing to do here is give Orton the win.
I voted for Funk.

I think that Funk is more suited for the environment than Orton, and has more accomplishments than Orton. Terry in his prime would be up on a very fragile Orton in his prime, in my opinion. For example, Orton vs. HHH in an Extreme Rules match, HHH broke Orton's collarbone, and Randy couldn't continue in the match. Funk is just more experienced in extreme rules matches, and has much more success in them.

Vote Terry Funk.
Funk at his best in an ECW ring? How can anyone vote for Orton over that?

Funk deserves to advance. Sadly, not enough people have seen Funk's work from Japanese deathmatches.
Funk is the lifetime ECW champion. He doesn't give a shit how badly you beat him, he will just keep getting up. ECW rules or not Terry Funk wins this. As an earlier poster said Orton passes out to the step over toe hold and Funk wins by submission at the 33minute mark.

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