ECW Region, San Jose Subregion, First Round: (10) Jerry Lawler vs. (23) Daniel Bryan

Who wins this match?

  • Jerry Lawler

  • Daniel Bryan

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round match in the ECW Region, San Jose Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under ECW Rules, meaning anything goes. It will be held at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California.



#10. Jerry Lawler



#23. Daniel Bryan

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Another interesting match up. I'm not sure who to vote for, I'm sure it could be an interesting match up. At this point I'm heading towards DB simply for the fact that he is a former WHC and today is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE.

Once again, I'm open to change my mind...
Well Daniel Bryan did beat Jerry Lawler on RAW so he would definitely win!

Nah, Lawler's got this. He was the king of Memphis wrestling (figuratively and literally) for seemingly forever. Lawler is a tremendous talker, a tremendous draw and frankly one of my favorite heels. He was in one of my favorite feuds with Bret Hart, not to mention his match against Andy Kaufman was such a big deal that it even got picked up on numerous talk shows and a memorable one with David Letterman.

Now D-Bry is currently my favorite wrestler, I love the guy but Lawler would beat goat face in a hard fought match. A fist drop and a piledriver later D-Bry would be done.
Bleh this is hard just because they match up so poorly style wise. Bryan destroys him in pure wrestling ability but Lawler is a NWA, AWA, WCWA, and USWA champion so he gets the edge.

Lawler wins. I would say by cheating but it's ECW so lets say he gets outside interference from Jeff Jarrett.
Lawler wrestled in Memphis and was very popular in doing so. He never managed to win anything big on a national stage though. Bryan has been a world champion, and though he certainly isn't as decorated as Lawler is in Memphis in any market, he's consistently pulled out entertaining victories. It could go either way, but I'm going with Danielson.
This is a hard one I am leaning towards to Daniel Bryan because Daniel Bryan is a big name he was a world champion in the worlds biggest wrestling company as opposed to Jerry Lawler who was a champion but his major title were in small promotions and his titles in major promotions were minor. Rewind the clocks back two years however I would have picked Lawler but I think Bryan has become bigger than Lawler now he has become someone who can get to the top in a big promotion something that always alluded Lawler.
I want Bryan to win because he's probably my favourite guy working in the WWE based on his last 12 months and beyond, but isn't Jerry Lawler the man who's won more championship belts than any other? He's also maintained his personal fitness very well to the point where he managed to have a couple of good matches in the last couple of years, most notably for me his TLC match against The Miz for the WWE title. That's commendable work.

You could argue that Lawler was never picked up by The WWE until he was out of his prime, and before that he was happy to run his own territory because he was a made man there. But the fact remains that WWE never thought enough of him to get him when he was at his best. Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, was fired and then re-hired by the WWE in the space of weeks, assumingly because they realised they might be missing a trip if they let him go.

Whatever the case, he went from a kid trained by William Regal, to the American Dragon and indy darling, to some rookie on the first series of NXT, to being fired, to returning and taking out two members of the Nexus at Summerslam, to being the US champion in a feud with his own mentor of a year previous, to being MITB winner, to being world heavyweight champion and all of his WWE work has been in the space of a few short years. Every hurdle presented, he's risen to the occassion, one of the few guys in the WWE as good out the ring as they are in it, which is saying something. He's a special talent and I think we'll be looking back at a legend by the time his career has finished.

Jerry Lawler, for all his titles and accolades, achieved the majority of what he did in the ring, down in Memphis. He wasn't a traveller and didn't get the aclaim of people all across the country or the globe, not in the way Daniel Bryan has sought to do, and ultimately succeeded. I think I'm giving my vote to the Bryan-meister.
I'm going with Daniel Bryan. Considering this is ECW, Lawler really has no hardcore experience other than that almost WWE title win against Miz. Bryan, on the other hand, has proven his worth in cage, TLC, Falls Count Anywhere, etc. And his submission prowess could top Lawler's In ring skill.

Plus, Lawler would NEVER win anything in an ECW arena for obvious reasons, so Bryan wins.
1) Lawler has been in numerous violent bloodbaths so anyone who says he has no experience with weapons you really need to look into that again.

2) Lawler did great business for a very long time. His feud with Kaufman got more publicity and notoriety than anything Daniel Bryan has ever done.

3) This match is in San Jose not the ECW arena.

4) (and this one I learned just a few days ago) Regions mean nothing. Outside of the match being anything goes there is nothing else that is attached to ECW whatsoever. The regions are solely for seeding purposes and nothing more.

5) You really think WWE wouldn't pick up Lawler in the 70's and 80's? Did you ever think Lawler was making a shit ton of money as it was so there is really no reason for him to go to New York. WWE paid well but it wasn't guaranteed money.

6) Lawler caused legit riots as both a heel and a babyface, that's how over he was.

7) Lawler actually had competition when he was going for a World title which he did eventually get (even though it was for AWA in a downtime). In all seriousness how many legit contenders are there currently for any World Title today? Are you really comparing guys like Sheamus, Ziggler and Del Rio to the likes of Hogan, Flair, Harley Race, the Funks, Ricky Steamboat and a pile of other guys who could actually draw?

I'm sorry but saying that Daniel Bryan was more successful is downright laughable.
Lawler was Superman in Memphis. The guy had over 100 title reigns with more than a dozen different titles in Memphis. Bryan is someone that people have frequently underestimated since he came to WWE and he's proven a lot of people wrong.

When it comes to brawling, Lawler was the man...when he was in Memphis. In Memphis, Jerry Lawler was someone that was as close to Hulk Hogan as anyone in any territory ever got. Outside of Memphis, Lawler was pretty much just another wrestler.

While Lawler is probably the better brawler overall, Bryan's offense amounts to more than just one right hand after another. I'm going with Bryan for the win because he has enough brawling ability coupled with far superior in-ring skill & athleticism to simply outwrestle Jerry Lawler. Bryan will be bloody and tired when it's all said and done, but I do pick him for the win.
I love Bryan, maybe in some homoerotic form, but Jerry gets this.

Bryan may be a former World Heavyweight Champion, but hes also regularly being pinned, losing matches and so on. Jerry Lawler rarely lost matches in Memphis back when he was one of its biggest stars, not just as a wrestler but as a personality. Even in Ring of Honor Bryan wasn't winning every match - sans his World title run where he became near unbeatable but without the title he was regularly on the losing side.

"The King" takes this over "American Dragon," hope God will forgive me.
Lawler should win this. As good as Daniel-san is in the ring, Lawler pulled out wins when it looked damn near impossible to do so.

Even though Lawler's not in Memphis, during his reign as AWA World Champion, he toured California and that includes San Jose...

Bryan will be able to get in a lot of offense here, but a ball of flames to that beard and a piledriver will leave Lawler victorious.

Fucking really WZ? Are we really voting Daniel Bryan over Jerry Lawler? I love D Bry, but he's no where near the draw, nor the caliber of wrestler that Lawler was in his prime yet.

And the fact that this is a hardcore match gives Lawler an even bigger advantage. The King was a brawler, true and true, he would whip his opponents ass and wouldn't give an inch. He was even part of the Tupelo Concession Stand Brawl, which was influential on the modern hardcore style that would follow, because it was considered ludicrous at the time. Don't be stupid; vote Jerry Lawler.
I'm going with Daniel Bryan. Considering this is ECW, Lawler really has no hardcore experience other than that almost WWE title win against Miz. Bryan, on the other hand, has proven his worth in cage, TLC, Falls Count Anywhere, etc. And his submission prowess could top Lawler's In ring skill.

Plus, Lawler would NEVER win anything in an ECW arena for obvious reasons, so Bryan wins.

<in my Daniel Bryan voice> No! No! No! No!

Lawler with no hardcore experience? No! What about the empty arena brawl with Terry Funk? What about the barbed wire match with Dutch Mantell? What about getting run over by a car by Eddie Gilbert and then throwing a fireball at Gilbert during a match? What about the first concession stand brawl? What about the countless bloody brawls he's been involved in? There are plenty of videos on youtube that show Lawler in a hardcore environment, and for every video you find there are probably a dozen more examples not on tape. Lawler was hardcore before anyone ever used the term hardcore. ECW rules favor Lawler a lot more than Bryan. It's not too late to correct the early mistakes made in this poll. Vote Lawler to the second round.
I'm a big fan of Bryan Danielson, but there's no FUCKING way he beats Lawler. Lawler has held more titles and has been in much more meaningful feuds. As many before mentioned he also had quite a reputation for being involved in some pretty ridiculous and wild matches throughout his career.

Lawler was just as popular as Hogan in the Memphis territory, and that popularity spread out like wildfire at the height of USWA's syndication. He got so popular in Southern Illinois and Indiana that he was able to bring cards to this area and sell out the arenas on his own with the majority of the other wrestlers being no-names, with the exception of a Bill Dundee here or there.

Lawler is more popular than Daniel Bryan. Lawler held prestigious titles when they actually meant something. Lawler wins this, it shouldn't even be anywhere NEAR as close as it is.

As far as actual wrestling is concerned, Lawler may not be as technical proficient as Danielson, but he could more than make up for it with his experience, brawling, and bending of the rules. Lawler wasn't afraid to get dirty to win a fight, and that's exactly what he would turn this into under ECW rules. Brass knuckles to split Bryan's head open... Followed by taped fists gouging at the open wound... Thumbs to the eye, kick to the groin... As dirty as it needed to be, Lawler walks into the next round.

Do the right thing, you peasants, and carry the King on into the next round.
Welp, time to try and give some morons the bidness and get the old run oft again. Because I have a feeling that 99% of the time, this tournament will get ruined by morons, I suppose I need to ruin you first.

I'm going with Daniel Bryan. Considering this is ECW, Lawler really has no hardcore experience other than that almost WWE title win against Miz.

Empty arena match. Terry Funk.

Watch the match. Feel stupid.

And if you don't feel stupid enough, you can find his Bill Dundee matches, and that'll make you feel even more dumb. Or, you can watch his tag team matches against the Moondogs.

Bryan, on the other hand, has proven his worth in cage, TLC, Falls Count Anywhere, etc.

Hasn't Daniel Bryan lost the majority of those matches?

And his submission prowess could top Lawler's In ring skill.

Perfectly solid logic... Except Daniel Bryan has been the better technician than 99% of his foes. And I'm sure if you pool together his career win loss record, you'll find he loses at a pretty high clip.

Plus, Lawler would NEVER win anything in an ECW arena for obvious reasons, so Bryan wins.

Ignoring this prime argument people have, which if you use it, that's nowhere near King's prime.

1. King only lost one match in ECW.

2. King has wrestled in bloodbaths worse than ECW's. why should I assume he won't win here?
See, I have a problem with Lawler. I have no idea how strongly to take his Memphis work. It's definitely one of the promotions I've seen the least of over the years, which leads me to judge Lawler on word of mouth alone.

From what I have seen/know, he's a lock to beat D-Bry here. I adore D-Bry, easily my current favourite on the roster, but Lawler has done more. His brief AWA form alone past his peak, going over Hennig and Von Erich, is enough to convince me, as well as having seen a few of his brawls with Funk and Austin Idol to know he will suit ECW well enough (despite obviously being a huge heel in front of the crowd).

Honestly, if D-Bry gets back to main event within the next few years and has another title reign, even at World Heavyweight rather than WWE, I think I'd be making a case for him. Here, he's just not quite done enough - going over Mark Henry/Big Show and losing to Sheamus before back to midcard isn't enough to convince me of him taking out Lawler in the first round here.

I'm just saying - Lawler has got Inoki next. If you think he would go over there, I'm gonna take some serious, serious convincing. Happy to help get him over Danielson but then my Lawler push ends for sure.

Edit: I just found this. I defy anyone to claim that he doesn't have the experience edge in ECW rules matches. Just flick through this playlist, he's absolutely suited to the environment, albeit having to play a heel when his best stuff was as face.

This is a no-brainer. Lawler was the better draw and was the better brawler. A hardcore match? No brainer. Lawler should take this easily. He should have a chance to advance deep in the tournament whereas Bryan has no shot.
Guys, this is way closer than should be.

Jerry Lawler is much more than 'an old guy' that sits behind the announcers table. You know why he gets a huge pop when he comes out? Because he is a legend. He earned every bit of respect he is shown. If you are really clueless as to why so many people are voting for him over Daniel Bryan- then go do some research.

Bigger draw. Legendary matches. The King can fight & just because DBD was in ROH does not mean he could beat a prime Lawler in an ECW rules match.

I love DBD. One of my favorites today. From ROH till now he has put on a great show. But what success he has had is in no way equal to that of Lawler. No way.

Lawler drops the strap, hits the fist drop & (for good measure) a piledriver to the concrete ends this match.
Styles dont necessarily match up well here, but I think this would be a pretty entertaining match. Bryan's technical skill will out-do Lawler in the end. I could see Lawler coming off the middle rope and Bryan reversing it into the No-Lock for the win.
Since this is extremely close, I'm writing in. I vote for Daniel Bryan in protest of Lariat and his ilk's preferential treatment of ancient wrestlers. Because really, as great as Lawler was, he was a success in certain territories and the relative small time that was the AWA. Meanwhile, Bryan has evolved beyond the small time in his era. And I refuse to let that fact be ignored.

Bryan over Lawler. Easy vote.

Oh, and nightmare: No modern fan is cheering for Lawler's "legacy" or any some-such. They're cheering for the guy who screamed about puppies in the attitude era. Sauce it, playah.
Oh, and nightmare: No modern fan is cheering for Lawler's "legacy" or any some-such. They're cheering for the guy who screamed about puppies in the attitude era. Sauce it, playah.

A little of both. There aint just kiddies at them shows, Cocoa, just ask Cena. Not saying all the adults have a fucking clue, but some certainley do.

However, totally agree with the rest of it. Thats great, Jerry Lawler held 377 world titles when such a thing existed. You know what didnt exist? Fucking cable. I know plenty about Lawlers legacy, but lets not go fucking nuts. He was big in his little niche of an area, or a few areas.

Daniel Bryan was on Wrestlemania, in a world title match. Lawler was on superclash. There is a reason 99% of people only recognize one of those brand names.
Oh, and nightmare: No modern fan is cheering for Lawler's "legacy" or any some-such. They're cheering for the guy who screamed about puppies in the attitude era. Sauce it, playah.

There are always going to be those who have selective memory or just assume the best things ever happened in the Attitude Era. There are still plenty of fans who watch now that either were around for Lawler's better moments or have searched them out because they love wrestling. Not all modern fans just watch Raw.

I guess it should not surprise me in the least though. Bryan is more popular now & that always gains a lot of votes over someone who was popular back then. It all comes down to what criteria you use for each match.

At least you are smart enough to know why Lawler is respected. You just prefer Bryan & hey- cant fault you for that. Lawler was somewhat boring to me, but I think his legacy was greater than what DBD has done so far. So I voted Lawler.
There are always going to be those who have selective memory or just assume the best things ever happened in the Attitude Era.
And they're the masses.

There are still plenty of fans who watch now that either were around for Lawler's better moments or have searched them out because they love wrestling. Not all modern fans just watch Raw.
If this were true, Lawler's "ECW is garbage, not like my wrestling!" shtick never would have gone anywhere.

Wrestling fans have a short memory.

I guess it should not surprise me in the least though. Bryan is more popular now & that always gains a lot of votes over someone who was popular back then. It all comes down to what criteria you use for each match.
I try to assess how big each guy was in his respective prime. Newsflash: You're giving far too much credit to a guy who did well regionally. And by virtue of that, Bryan is getting criminally underrated. Bryan, the guy who set the national wrestling scene on fire last year, even dominating discussion on WrestleMania weekend. Bryan's coming off one good year, but it's a year that happened on a bigger stage than Lawler's best work took place on. To trivialize that is to ignore the realities of the contemporary wrestling scene and fail to make a proper comparison.

At least you are smart enough to know why Lawler is respected. You just prefer Bryan
Blow me.
I try to assess how big each guy was in his respective prime. Newsflash: You're giving far too much credit to a guy who did well regionally. And by virtue of that, Bryan is getting criminally underrated. Bryan, the guy who set the national wrestling scene on fire last year, even dominating discussion on WrestleMania weekend. Bryan's coming off one good year, but it's a year that happened on a bigger stage than Lawler's best work took place on. To trivialize that is to ignore the realities of the contemporary wrestling scene and fail to make a proper comparison.

I usually tend to vote for the younger guys because I enjoy them more. Sometimes I just have to give credit to the older wrestlers because their accomplishments & contributions to wrestling.

The 'prime' argument is somewhat subjective. Is Bryan's prime considered his comedic\catchphrase run in WWE? His World Title reign? Or his lengthy & fantastic time in ROH? What holds more weight? Exposure or quality\impact?

ROH was a much smaller 'territory' like promotion. But DBD's following and matches there were much better than much of what the WWE uses on TV each week. His success there was great. But viewership was not even close to the exposure of the WWE. WWE has had him in a handful of fantastic matches\storylines in a short period of time. Again -better matches, more of an important part of the company -vs- bigger exposure & smaller role? Its subjective.

Lawler in his day did serve as a huge part in his territory & started to get more exposure as time\circumstances progressed (ie, the Kaufman situation) Does that mean what he did there has less of an impact? When that type of wrestling system was the norm? Does the fact Lawler never won a major title in the WWE discredit what he did in the AWA & Memphis? I should hope not- but again it is subjective.

Lawler may have had a smaller- die hard audience than that of what the WWE has now, but during that run\time- his impact was greater than what Bryan did in ROH or WWE. I love his recent tag run & some of his matches have been stellar, but that just does not hold up to what Lawler did in his day.

Give it another year or 2 & see what Bryan does. Time will tell if he can maintain the kind of pace needed to be considered among some of the greatest. He has a fanatical following & for good reason, but will it last? Lawler earned his spot & Bryan is on his way. Then again, look at how many we have all said 'were on their way' yet somehow managed to squander their opportunities...

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