ECW Region, Third Round, Hardcore Match: (3) Shawn Michaels vs. (6) CM Punk

Who wins this match?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • CM Punk

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All when it didn't matter, hence why Shawn was a jobber to the stars and loses to Punk here.

Oh Sweet Jesus!

Ok, Is HHH a big name? Was he a big name back in 02-04?

2 wins (including the strap win at SSeries 02) - 2 Losses - 1 draw.

Yes, soooooo a Jobber.

How's Kurt Angle circa 05 when he was the ruthless wrestling buzzsaw?

1 loss - 1 win - 1 draw.

What?! That jobbing sunavabeech!

Wait, wait...Cena in 2007?

1 loss - 1 win CLEAN - 1 draw

Oh stop it Shawn! Why?! Why are you jobbing to the stars!!! WHY?!

No it wasn't. That's just your matter of opinion. The fact is the WCW Heavyweight strap was a fucking after-thought because nWo was just so much bigger of a hoopla.
So the WWF Championship meant fuck all at the time because all the stuff that mattered was happening in WCW?

Thought so.

Yes he did, see I see the equal footing analogy. Punk beat a helluva odds too. But HBK's whole prime, legacy is built on jumping gargantuan hurdles

Yes they are Cumsock with the Gooseslug, but HBK has had more experience beating them motherfucking odds. You keep stackin' em and he is just a kick away.
So, let me get this straight:

Shawn has the advantage? Shawn wins.

Shawn doesn't have the advantage? Shawn overcomes the odds and wins.

If this is the level you think on, I'll stop wasting my time.
Bret never tapped, Vince just didn't want to Bret to leave the company with the title. Nowhere near a legitimate win for Shawn unless you believe everything WWE tells you.

Maybe I didn't make this clear. Shawn won.

Were in Chicago, Punk is a bigger deal in Chicago, keep up.

EDIT: No Punk's a bigger deal in Chicago then Bulldog is in England.

No young one, he isn't.

Yes technically still only beating Jericho when it didn't matter.

A feature match at Wrestlemania didn't matter? That's laughable at best.

However if you want to go with that, Punk beating Jericho either at Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules didn't mean a thing either.
I'll have to give it to Shawn, Came back from injury to beat a prime HHH in a hardcore setting, and has beaten Jericho a wrestler similar to Punk in both style, and size in an Unsanctioned Match.
This is a bad argument.

Everybody stare in wonder before I tell you why it's a bad argument.

It's a bad argument because it only takes into consideration the record of one of the combatants. Slanted, asinine horse-shit.

Here's an idea: If you want to argue against Punk, talk about him. If you do, you won't be so quick to vote HBK. Because HBK and Punk are essentially on even-footing.

Thank goodness Chicago is here to be a difference-maker. Advantage: Punk.
Oh Sweet Jesus!

Ok, Is HHH a big name? Was he a big name back in 02-04?

2 wins (including the strap win at SSeries 02) - 2 Losses - 1 draw.

Yes, soooooo a Jobber.

HHH dominantly beat Shawn at Bad Blood 04, Armageddon 02, and not the mention his dirty victories in Taboo Tuesday 04 and RAW 03. While Shawn beat HHH in a rollup victory at Summerslam and beat a HHH that faced five others guys already in the chamber when Shawn entered last. To HHH Shawn is a jobber and couldn't win when it counted.

How's Kurt Angle circa 05 when he was the ruthless wrestling buzzsaw?

1 loss - 1 win - 1 draw.

What?! That jobbing sunavabeech!

I never said he was an overall jobber to Kurt but don't try to pass off that when people think of Angle vs Shawn they immediately remember Vengeance 05. No they think of when Shawn lost at Mania, another big one he couldn't win.

Wait, wait...Cena in 2007?

1 loss - 1 win CLEAN - 1 draw

Oh stop it Shawn! Why?! Why are you jobbing to the stars!!! WHY?!

Cena beat Shawn other times in Triple threats, Shawn never beat Cena for the title, once again not winning when it counts.

Please keep to your own invalid arguments please.
Maybe I didn't make this clear. Shawn won.

Ignorance is bliss I see.

No young one, he isn't.

See comment above.

A feature match at Wrestlemania didn't matter? That's laughable at best.

However if you want to go with that, Punk beating Jericho either at Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules didn't mean a thing either.

A match at Mania that went under Austin's last match against Rock and Angle vs Brock. People who are sentimental might flock to that match but it's not something that immediately comes to everyone's mind. Punk beating Jericho at Mania is however just as irrelevant to Shawn's win at Mania but Extreme Rules isn't. That was a hardcore enviroment AND it was in Chicago.

Punk wins.
Maybe I didn't make this clear. Shawn won.

No young one, he isn't.

A feature match at Wrestlemania didn't matter? That's laughable at best.

However if you want to go with that, Punk beating Jericho either at Wrestlemania or Extreme Rules didn't mean a thing either.

I call bullshit. Punk is by far a bigger star in Chicago than Bulldog is over here. The original Dynamite Kid was always a bigger name than Bulldog in the UK.
I honestly don't see Shawn's competition as better. Aside from feuding with a Steve Austin who was just hitting his stride, I tend to find that Shawn's competition gets grossly overrated on account of hindsight bias.

Let's take a quick look at his feuds as champion.

Diesel: just coming off a year long run with the belt and definitely not overrated.

Bulldog: yeah he meant nothing at this point and I've got nothing there.

Vader: monster and I believe undefeated coming into Summerslam. While not as great as he once was, he was still a big deal then.

Mankind: had recently broken up Undertaker and Bearer and a killing machine at this point.

Sid: I believe the only man to ever beat Bret and Shawn in title matches in back to back months. That's a big deal for 1996.

Austin: already covered.

Undertaker: big deal.

Other than Bulldog and arguably Sid, that's some pretty strong competition.

I hope the implication here isn't that a heel turn helped Punk.

It got him into the main event scene after six months of being second fiddle.

Because his feud with Bryan was easily the biggest thing the company had going into MITB and he was still generating thunderous face responses and fat merch sales.

Yet he still wasn't the top deal in the company. The Cena vs. Ace feud, while boring as tar, did draw good numbers for Over the Limit.

The heel turn cast Punk in a different light where he didn't need to be under Cena as a face any more, but I don't think it made him a bigger deal.

It wasn't a great heel turn but it got him up to the main event level and into matches against better competition.

I've never bought Bret as a megastar. The screwjob and the Canada vs US stuff raised his stock higher than it ever was for most of his career, but I think he's a guy who benefits a lot from people looking at the past through rose-coloured glasses.

As a wrestling historian, and I'm not a fan of going with that but it's the best I've got here, all I can say is that's incorrect. Bret was indeed a big deal and a solid draw as champion both in America and Internationally. There's really no way around that. He was the top guy in the company for a few years and one of the biggest names ever. Now, he's definitely lower than Hogan, Austin, Rock etc, but at the time he was the biggest thing in the company.

Yes and no. Ryback was easily the hottest thing in the company at a point and a smarter booker probably would have put him over Punk. He didn't sustain his momentum, but Punk surviving his initial push is as big a deal as many of HBK's biggest victories.

I can't buy that. It's not insane but I can't go with it. Ryback hadn't won a single big match yet and looks more like a flop every time he loses another big match, which makes Punk beating him look even less impressive.

As far as I know, Mysterio has never lost to HBK. As far as I know, Hardy is also undefeated against Michaels. As for Edge, Shawn lost to a pre-prime Edge at the Rumble in 2005. Meanwhile, a pre-prime Punk beat a prime Edge in 2009. I'd say Punk's got an edge there.

Shawn beat Mysterio in a Survivor Series match. might be right on that actually.

As for Edge, I'd argue that even in his prime a win over him means very little whatsoever. If there has ever been a guy overrated and inflated by meaningless title wins, it's him.

This is far from an open and shut case, as the 2009 WZ tournament will attest to.

Please....don't make me think about that monstrosity again.

Diesel had strong competition? That's news to me.

Bret and Shawn would be a good place to start. Sid wasn't bad either.

I'd take Hardy over Diesel any day of the week. Clean wins over Trips, HBK, Edge, and even Punk mean more to me than Diesel barely drawing against Bret and laying out Mabel.

I'd take Diesel being champion for a year over Hardy's drug induced insanity but Jeff probably does hvae some stronger wins.

And yet look at the company that Diesel, HBK, and Bret dominated. In that sense, I think you give the champions of yesteryear too much credit.

And I think you give Chicago WAY too much credit.

In an indy context, Raven was a big deal and Punk was a nobody at the time. It was a major draw for ROH. Pretending it means nothing because Raven didn't pan out in the WWF misses the point.

In an indy context, Brent Albright beat Punk for the OVW Title. Indy wrestling can be questionable at best sometimes.

I'll just roll my eyes at this bit and move on.

When Hogan takes another unfortunately ladder match loss this year, hopefully you can take solace in the fact that he didn't really lose.

If this were a ladder match I'd agree. It isn't though, which is why those matches mean little. Then again this is mostlyt he same audience that though Punk would beat Andre in a TLC match so hope may be lost on them.

Considering the circumstances of the Taker win, no. Not even remotely.

That's laughable. Even a win over a distracted Undertaker means more than a win over Del Rio and Miz in 2011.

Will Undertaker be distracting Punk to give Michaels his victory here?

Oh, no? Great. Moving on.

No. Shawn will be taking Punk out, as he did to almost everyone else he ever faced, even in Chicago.
He essentially fought Triple H to a draw at Night of Champions (the match was dead even before interference fucked everything up).

The fact that Punk couldn't even get past a draw against an over the hill HHH says enough to me.

Jericho and Bryan owe much of their style to Shawn and Punk's put them both down in these kinds of matches.

So because Punk can beat some students he can beat the master? That makes no sense.

Jeff Hardy is an expert in TLC.

He's also winless in said matches.

Mark Henry went down to Punk in No Holds Barred mere months after his Hall of Pain title reign.

As did Diesel to Shawn, months after a much longer reign.

And on the indies, Raven was top talent and great seasoning for a young Punk.

Whatever you think Punk is lacking in terms of competition, he isn't.

Besides, Chicago is the difference maker. Advantage: Punk.

Someone sign this Chicago kid. It's more over than anyone else in history.
So the WWF Championship meant fuck all at the time because all the stuff that mattered was happening in WCW?

Thought so.

So, let me get this straight:

Shawn has the advantage? Shawn wins.

Shawn doesn't have the advantage? Shawn overcomes the odds and wins.

If this is the level you think on, I'll stop wasting my time.

Fucking Hell! You called it the TNA title Cumsock. I watched WWF at the time and it was about the belt week in week out. I just pointed out that their rating superiors', at the time's, belt meant jackshit till Goldberg won.

Now so you understand, HBK. Make. Career. Beating big men. Odds stacked. Still win.

So in other words...

Shawn's almost always been on a disadvantage and still won.

Get it? No? Maybe you should take off the sock.

HHH dominantly beat Shawn at Bad Blood 04, Armageddon 02, and not the mention his dirty victories in Taboo Tuesday 04 and RAW 03. While Shawn beat HHH in a rollup victory at Summerslam and beat a HHH that faced five others guys already in the chamber when Shawn entered last. To HHH Shawn is a jobber and couldn't win when it counted.


Yes very dominant at Armageddon 2002 where it was 3 stages of hell and it was tied a win each heading into the last fall. Shawn and Hunter have had bloodbaths not one-sided squashes. Wait isn't there a Tribute to the Troops match that HBK won? Or does that match not count coz you hate America!

I never said he was an overall jobber to Kurt but don't try to pass off that when people think of Angle vs Shawn they immediately remember Vengeance 05. No they think of when Shawn lost at Mania, another big one he couldn't win.

I think of the whole series. Pray you forget their 30 man Ironman Match. I'm sorry I think of'em all.

Cena beat Shawn other times in Triple threats, Shawn never beat Cena for the title, once again not winning when it counts.

Please keep to your own invalid arguments please.

One-on-one. This is One-on-One. No titles here. It's a tourney for a title I know don't to be daft enough to bring that up.
Yes very dominant at Armageddon 2002 where it was 3 stages of hell and it was tied a win each heading into the last fall. Shawn and Hunter have had bloodbaths not one-sided squashes. Wait isn;t there a Tribute to thr Troops match that HBK don? Or do those match not count coz you hate America!

Doesn't matter if they tie Shawn has never decisively beaten HHH one on one. Find all the Tribute to the Troops matches you want there still irrelevant.

I think of the whole series. Pray you forget their 30 man Ironman Match. I'm sorry I think of'em all.

This still has nothing to do with what's at hand, Cena is bigger than both of these men and he's trading wins with Punk, Punk wins.

One-on-one. This is One-on-One. No titles here. It's a tourney for a title I know don't to be daft enough to bring that up.

The prize for this is moving onto the next round, this is indeed a big match feel and when it comes to new talent that's not exactly something Shawn excels at. This is a big match that matters, Shawn doesn't win those anymore.

Punk wins.
Now so you understand, HBK. Make. Career. Beating big men. Odds stacked. Still win.

So in other words...

Shawn's almost always been on a disadvantage and still won.
If you're just going to be a fucking bell-end, I'll red rep you and move on.

Guess what? Shawn's lost clean to Diesel. And he's been dominated by Khali. And he's been put down at consecutive WrestleManias by the Undertaker. And he lost the belt to Sid. For all the tough talk about Shawn's great record, he's suffered many prominent defeats against bigger, stronger guys. And then you have to factor in non-match segments where Kane caved in his throat or Brock Lesnar broke Shawn's arm (yes, he was retired; but he was still coming back and getting over on active wrestlers like Sandow and ADR every now and then so I'm counting it). This idea that Shawn always or almost always overcomes the odds is a myth unsupported by fact. His record is suspect. But rather than discuss the facts, you've opted to keep repeating the myth.

Sorry, but if you're not going to bother giving me a real argument, I'm going to stop taking you seriously enough to respond to.

Thanks for ruining the tournament by continuing to breathe in and out, you socially-******ed dullard.
If you're just going to be a fucking bell-end, I'll red rep you and move on.

Guess what? Shawn's lost clean to Diesel. And he's been dominated by Khali. And he's been put down at consecutive WrestleManias by the Undertaker. And he lost the belt to Sid. For all the tough talk about Shawn's great record, he's suffered many prominent defeats against bigger, stronger guys. And then you have to factor in non-match segments where Kane caved in his throat or Brock Lesnar broke Shawn's arm (yes, he was retired; but he was still coming back and getting over on active wrestlers like Sandow and ADR every now and then so I'm counting it). This idea that Shawn always or almost always overcomes the odds is a myth unsupported by fact. His record is suspect. But rather than discuss the facts, you've opted to keep repeating the myth.

Sorry, but if you're not going to bother giving me a real argument, I'm going to stop taking you seriously enough to respond to.

Thanks for ruining the tournament by continuing to breathe in and out, you socially-******ed dullard.

Good god Cumsock, is it really that hard for you to grasp why HBK's chances are good here? Then pray, move on because:

A) I gave facts
B) I told you what the whole fucking point was to HBK's underdog shit.
C) Your mind can't grasp the fact that even though the venue is Punk's hometown, it adds to HBK's corner. He has made a fucking career of fucking beating the MOTHERFUCKING ODDS!!!

Now move the fuck on, because your rebuttal's needle is stuck and you got nothing. Go. Go take on K.B.

And read carefully what he says. How HBK's prime is primed by beating mountains of humanity that Punk would get squashed under.

Your mind can't grasp the fact that even though the venue is Punk's hometown, it adds to HBK's corner. He has made a fucking career of fucking beating the MOTHERFUCKING ODDS!!!
Once again, this line of reasoning is absurd. It hinges on HBK having never lost. Ever. Your reasoning is that because he doesn't have the advantage, he wins. And if he were to have the advantage, he'd win there too. So your reasoning amounts to "Shawn wins because Shawn wins." It's circular as fuck and doesn't take his opponent into consideration at all. It's marky to its core and fails to take into consideration every time Shawn's been made out to be a chump, a choke-artist, and a guy who's vulnerable. It's a bad argument, plain and simple.

As for his win over Kane, he lost the next month to HHH. While rocking a knee injury. How about them odds?!
Once again, this line of reasoning is absurd. It hinges on HBK having never lost. Ever. Your reasoning is that because he doesn't have the advantage, he wins. And if he were to have the advantage, he'd win there too. So your reasoning amounts to "Shawn wins because Shawn wins." It's circular as fuck and doesn't take his opponent into consideration at all. It's marky to its core and fails to take into consideration every time Shawn's been made out to be a chump, a choke-artist, and a guy who's vulnerable. It's a bad argument, plain and simple.

As for his win over Kane, he lost the next month to HHH. While rocking a knee injury. How about them odds?!

OK since your rep gave me a chuckle, let me share a certain formula.

John Cena gets beat by only big dogs right? Like the Batistas, Punks right? HBK has a 1-1-1 record. For an oldie who worked full-time that is a brilliant record and the jobbing shit that Dynamite has been spewing is catshit.

Punk and HBK are even but HBK has better experience overcoming the odds. And I call beating Punk in Chicago overcoming the odds.

Like this:


Impressed yet? Get what I mean by insurmountable odds?

Also in 2004, HBK pinned Chris Benoit. And then lost to him. 1-1. For the first half of 2004, Benoit was quite the untouchable.
Something else has come to my attention which may indeed bring about the apocalypse: CM Punk has lost in Chicago before, on at least five instances that I can find.

1. Judgment Day 2009 vs. Umaga
2. House Show 2010 vs. John Morrison
3. Night of Champions 2010 vs. Big Show (pin in less than five minutes)
4. House Show 2010 vs. Big Show/Rey Mysterio with Alberto Del Rio (tag match)
5. Raw 2011 vs. Dolph Ziggler (while WWE Champion)

Yes, believe it or not, Punk has indeed lost in Chicago before, some of which were to smaller guys. Morrison was once called the next Shawn Michaels if you remember correctly.

Actually unless I'm missing something, Punk is about 7-5-1 in Chicago in WWE. I'd hardly call that a stellar run.
HBK has a 1-1-1 record. For an oldie who worked full-time that is a brilliant record
For a guy floating around the main event as consistently as HBK did, it's a dog-shit record.

Punk and HBK are even but HBK has better experience overcoming the odds. And I call beating Punk in Chicago overcoming the odds.
This is still a stupid point on your part. Shawn's hype videos talk about him overcoming the odds. But when it comes to actually doing it, he's really quite shit. Sid's beaten him. Khali beat him. Diesel's beaten him. Taker beat him twice, and Michaels has never beaten him clean. He's failed to win the title against younger guys on countless occasions, failed to overcome injuries to win titles, failed to overcome the greatest odds of all in a major handicap match at Backlash 2006, failed to win several elimination chambers he's started first in where the odds were heavily against him. Shawn's record is suspect. For any odds he's overcome, Punk's overcome comparable odds. They're dead fucking even.

Chicago is a difference maker. And not in HBK's favour, because your logic is both flawed and based on sweet fuck all.
Something else has come to my attention which may indeed bring about the apocalypse: CM Punk has lost in Chicago before, on at least five instances that I can find.

1. Judgment Day 2009 vs. Umaga
2. House Show 2010 vs. John Morrison
3. Night of Champions 2010 vs. Big Show (pin in less than five minutes)
4. House Show 2010 vs. Big Show/Rey Mysterio with Alberto Del Rio (tag match)
5. Raw 2011 vs. Dolph Ziggler (while WWE Champion)

Yes, believe it or not, Punk has indeed lost in Chicago before, some of which were to smaller guys. Morrison was once called the next Shawn Michaels if you remember correctly.
Are we really counting house shows? Because I'm certain that will work against HBK as well.

As for the Chicago thing, it's been said time and time again that Punk tends to win the BIG MATCHES in Chicago. He's beaten Cena there. He's beaten Jericho there. He won the IC title from Regal there. He qualified for MITB by beating Big Daddy V there. He retained the ECW Championship against Big Daddy V. He brought his feud with Jimmy Rave to an end with a cage match victory there. He won the ROH tag titles there. Time and time again, he's had career defining moments in Chicago.

Am I saying his record is perfect? No. Who is? But it's an impressive enough trend to consider when taking into account how huge this match is. If you need to talk about house shows to counter the point, you're missing the mark.
For a guy floating around the main event as consistently as HBK did, it's a dog-shit record.

This is still a stupid point on your part. Shawn's hype videos talk about him overcoming the odds. But when it comes to actually doing it, he's really quite shit. Sid's beaten him. Khali beat him. Diesel's beaten him. Taker beat him twice, and Michaels has never beaten him clean. He's failed to win the title against younger guys on countless occasions, failed to overcome injuries to win titles, failed to overcome the greatest odds of all in a major handicap match at Backlash 2006, failed to win several elimination chambers he's started first in where the odds were heavily against him. Shawn's record is suspect. For any odds he's overcome, Punk's overcome comparable odds. They're dead fucking even.

Chicago is a difference maker. And not in HBK's favour, because your logic is both flawed and based on sweet fuck all.

Shawn was undefeated against Taker till Mania 25. Again wins a win, don't go hiding. He beat Sid, Vader, Diesel, Bret, Cena, Angle, HHH, Big Show, Kane on and on. Shawn is better at beating the odds. That is his edge.

And I don't count his return record as dog-shit whatsoever. That is a damn good record for anybody against the top face in Cena.
Are we really counting house shows? Because I'm certain that will work against HBK as well.

As for the Chicago thing, it's been said time and time again that Punk tends to win the BIG MATCHES in Chicago. He's beaten Cena there. He's beaten Jericho there. He won the IC title from Regal there. He qualified for MITB by beating Big Daddy V there. He retained the ECW Championship against Big Daddy V. He brought his feud with Jimmy Rave to an end with a cage match victory there. He won the ROH tag titles there. Time and time again, he's had career defining moments in Chicago.

I'd hardly call any win involving Big Daddy V a big win.

My point is though that Punk isn't unbeatable in Chicago. He's lost to bigger names than Shawn before and he's lost to them clean. Shawn in his prime is better than almost all of those people that Punk lost to, and it's not like he's won a ton of times there in the first place.

This Chicago advantage is as blown out of proportion as anything I've seen yet in the tournament.
Shawn was undefeated against Taker till Mania 25. Again wins a win, don't go hiding.
I'll count cheap wins if it's an individual winning. I won't count Kane basically beating the guy for him.

And I don't count his return record as dog-shit whatsoever. That is a damn good record for anybody against the top face in Cena.
A record where he lost when it mattered the most. Like WM23. Or Backlash 2007. Or Survivor Series 2009. Or Taboo Tuesday 2005. Or New Years Revolution 2006. Basically any time the title was on the line and it mattered.

My point is though that Punk isn't unbeatable in Chicago.
And yet in the big matches, the odds are with CM Punk.

He's lost to bigger names than Shawn before and he's lost to them clean.
So losing to bigger names says what of Shawn?

Shawn in his prime is better than almost all of those people that Punk lost to
Becca thinking about Shawn when you two are making the naughty doesn't make Shawn better than anybody except you, good sir.

This Chicago advantage is as blown out of proportion as anything I've seen yet in the tournament.
But when HBK and Punk are as evenly matched as they are, it needs to be talked about.
And yet in the big matches, the odds are with CM Punk.

Indeed. He has one win against a huge name and one against a kind of huge name. I'd hardly call that a career defining series of victories.

So losing to bigger names says what of Shawn?

That Shawn can and likely would beat Punk with the superkick or probably two or three of them.

Becca thinking about Shawn when you two are making the naughty doesn't make Shawn better than anybody except you, good sir.

I knew I should have bought those Shawn tights on ebay.

But when HBK and Punk are as evenly matched as they are, it needs to be talked about.

Talked about, yes. Made as the centerpiece of the entire argument? That's a bit much.
Indeed. He has one win against a huge name and one against a kind of huge name. I'd hardly call that a career defining series of victories.
I see you're not done with short-changing success against ROH guys who were on his level at the time.

Talked about, yes. Made as the centerpiece of the entire argument? That's a bit much.
When your side has a better point than empty talk about overcoming the odds, I'll be pleased to steer the discussion in another direction.
I see you're not done with short-changing success against ROH guys who were on his level at the time.

I'd hardly call it short changing. I'd call them wins in the minor leagues before Punk meant anything. By comparison, they mean very little so why focus on them?

When your side has a better point than empty talk about overcoming the odds, I'll be pleased to steer the discussion in another direction.

Well there's Shawn's history of going into hostile territory and winning, his history of success in hardcore matches, his success in big matches, Punk's inferior competition during the prime of his career, Shawn almost never losing when he was on top, Punk's losses in Chicago and a few other things.
I don't wanna get in the middle of this debate too much as it's too much fun to watch from the outside - just noticed something I wanna share when evaluating the historical importance of CM Punk.

How long these forums been running? I was a mod in like, 2004 before I moved to a rival site that is now defunct. I assume the boards haven't had a major move since, although I've struggled to find a start-date and my memory sucks, I can't remember how new the place was when I first came across it.

Anyway, my point is - take a look at most ever users online at the bottom of the forum homepage.

Most users ever online was 4,842, 06-28-2011 at 03:32 AM

That's the night of Punk's worked shoot. More than Benoit crippling his family, more than Guerrero's death, more than any legends return or title win - when Punk did that shoot, EVERYONE was interested in wrestling again. It's probably the thing that sparked my interest of modern day WWE up again, I was long gone to watching oldschool PPVs and AJPW.

It's not an argument for the match, but I just noticed it and thought it was relevant. He might not be as big a draw to global audiences as Cena is, but to smarks? Punk might be the biggest draw of modern day WWE.
I'd hardly call it short changing. I'd call them wins in the minor leagues before Punk meant anything. By comparison, they mean very little so why focus on them?
In the context of where he was at the time, they meant everything. Punk got to be a huge draw for ROH and I've mentioned some of his biggest matches and feuds from that organization in this thread. I think drawing with Joe in Chicago, beating Rave in a cage, beating the Briscoes for the tag titles, the Saints vs Prophecy war, and Punk vs Raven all have a place in this thread as they speak to success (relative to where he was at that point in his career) in no holds barred environments and Chicago. And I refuse to overlook that because it was the independent scene. As far as matches on the indies go, these were big time.

I think all of these hold far more weight than the house show matches you brought up, which when looked at in the context of Punk's WWE career mean nothing.

Well there's Shawn's history of going into hostile territory and winning
Do you think that's a strong enough record to put against Punk's Chicago record? I don't.

his history of success in hardcore matches,
We've been over this and I'm still calling it a wash.

his success in big matches, Punk's inferior competition during the prime of his career,
And I've already disagreed on these points.

Shawn almost never losing when he was on top
And this one.

Punk's losses in Chicago
Forty percent of which were meaningless house shows.

I could probably point you in the right direction on the Chicago thing. But even if I did, we'd be talking about ROH, so you wouldn't care anyway.

We're arguing in circles now. This thread needs some new blood.

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