ECW should never have been brought back if....

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Getting Noticed By Management
This is the shit is that we have to put up with.I think the ecw show on sci-fi is actualy good,the problem is, its not an EC Fckn' W show.Its filled with all these "WWE Superstar" elements that the ecw was totally against.When the brand was resurrected,we all thought that the ECW originals like Sandman and Sabu would finally get the moments in the sun to do what they do best.Now all of a sudden, ecw talent has been side lined by wwe guys.I'm all for show being champ,but he could have easily have been moved to SD! and all the guys he's def against are wwe guys.

I think it was great when no major network wanted to pick up the old ECW,cause back then it meant they had alot more freedom and they had a real "CULT" following.Maybe we should have just been satisfied with ECW O.N.S each year.Slowly,I think all the original ECW guys(with the exception of RVD,and maybe Sabu) will be phased out,and ECW on Sci-fi will be nothing more than MondayNight RAW(just without any rules)
I agree w/ you completely, but now I'm starting to think that the whole WWE stars on ECW thing was just Vince's ignorant way of starting things off. I think now that's all going to end & the ECW crew sooner or later will have the show to themselves. I mean, now that Sabu is trying to go for the championship, & RVD should be returning sometime soon, I think things might get better. A week ago I was like "fuck the new ECW" & all that but now I thought about how the real ECW is NEVER coming back, we might as well give this ECW a chance to better itself & become something. And if it still sucks balls two months from now then we can say it's worthless.
ive said for a while give itr some time, i agree vince was probably doing it just to styart it off, its a work look at everything thats been happening, next week's show has to be good cuz its in NY, NY and VInce has to put out a good show or they'll riot over there.
The way i see it, There may finally be some clarity in sight, I mean sabu is being pushed RVD is set to return, Things may pick up, Althought i wouldnt get all gung ho yet i mean things can just as easily turn to shit. WWE needs a good show in NYC orelse they will cop it from all ends from the ecw fans. IS this an ECW only event or is it laced with SD to
Vince basically had his hands tied since the Sci-Fi network was the one who requested Vince to have WWE superstars on the ECW show. The network basically wanted to have “established” WWE stars there to draw the ratings.
peopleschamp said:
Vince basically had his hands tied since the Sci-Fi network was the one who requested Vince to have WWE superstars on the ECW show. The network basically wanted to have “established” WWE stars there to draw the ratings.

So it's not even a Vince thing, it's a scifi thing. well at least the promoting of a wwe guy on ecw isn't the way it was. Its always on the website but, On the first few shows they mentioned it a lot, ric flair, only got one segment, undertaker and kane only got commercials. that goes to show people are watching it anyway, hopefully scifi sees that.
realblackhart said:
ive said for a while give itr some time, i agree vince was probably doing it just to styart it off, its a work look at everything thats been happening, next week's show has to be good cuz its in NY, NY and VInce has to put out a good show or they'll riot over there.

LOL Im from Nu York BITCH
peopleschamp said:
Vince basically had his hands tied since the Sci-Fi network was the one who requested Vince to have WWE superstars on the ECW show. The network basically wanted to have “established” WWE stars there to draw the ratings.

To hell with Sci-Fi! Since when did they become such big wrestling experts that they would know what needs to be done to draw ratings on an ECW show? That's one of the reasons WCW went to shit is because corporate suits who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground about wrestling started getting involved and making decisions about something they knew nothing about. ECW had an audience of loyal ECW fans and curious newcomers who wanted to see just what all the hype was about. But instead of trusting the ECW talent to do what they can do, they thought they knew better and ECW has been SHIT ever since because of it.

quit cryin alot of the new ecw is a work
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