

Excellence of Execution
For moderator spot - Can be denied
Three "parties"
Special "hidden" forums for each party?
Deadlines for nominees?
Election time?
It is a popularity contest
Mod spot to be announced after party formation
Reward for winning party?
Campaign finances?

1) Formation of parties
2) Trim number of parties to 3
3) Primaries (Debates, exchange rep for votes, etc.)
4) Nominees selected
5) Declare Forum section each party wishes to run for (wrestling, non-wrestling, interactive, wzcw, spam)
6) Debate 1
7) Debate 2
8) Election
Press release from the office of the Administrators:

The WrestleZone Forums Administration is proud to bring the community the very first WrestleZone Elections! Over the years of this forum's re-birth from the crash of '06, WZ has seen many members come and go, some doing so garnering respect and Staff positions, some seeing Prison time, but many others just living in the world of the forums. It's been those who have garnered respect and been awarded Staff positions which have traditionally held some of the most controversial debates, with regular community members claiming being on Staff is purely a popularity contest, a charge which has been denied and debunked on numerous occasions. After all, Lord Sidious was a Moderator and nobody liked him.

However, all of that is about to change because now, for the first time, a Staff member will be chosen completely on the grounds of popularity! It will not, however, be the popularity of a poster with the current members of the Staff, but based on popularity with the members of WZ. That's right, every member on the WrestleZone Forums will have their chance to vote for the newest member to the WZ Staff. How will all of this work, you might ask? Read on for the Election rules.

Election Layout

1. We will first start with the formation of political parties. Members may group themselves in any manner they wish. It can be about friendship, it can be about a common idea, an allegiance which might already be made (for example, WZCW), or any reason at all. There is no maximum number of members a party may have, but a party must have at least three members. Once a political party is made, you will PM Slyfox with your intent to be registered as a party, as well as all members currently in party. If more members decide to join your party, you will let Slyfox know with additional PMs, though I would ask you try to minimize the number of PMs as much as possible.

2. After a set period of time (likely one or two weeks, though that's not set in stone), the WrestleZone Forums Administrators will announce the trimming of political parties. The THREE parties with the most members will be the ones to survive this cut. Those members who formed other parties are then welcome to redistribute themselves into one of the three remaining parties. While I would never force campaign strategy upon anyone, it might also be advisable for the three biggest parties to cut some deals with the smaller parties in exchange for membership.

3. After we have formed the three parties, we will begin the primary process. Each political party will be granted their own sub-forum, and all primaries will be semi-closed primaries. This means that anyone, regardless of party affiliation, can campaign for a particular candidate, but only registered members of that party will have their votes counted in the poll.

4. After the primaries have been decided, and the candidate for each party has been decided, each party's sub-forum will go dark. This means only registered members of a party can view that party's subforum (not including the Administrators and Global Moderators who have abstained from the Election). The parties may then use their sub-forum to discuss campaign strategy without fear of sabotage.

5. Each candidate declares which section of the forums he or she is running for (party platform). The available sections are:

  • Wrestling - Non Spam
  • Non-Wrestling Non Spam
  • WrestleZone Championship Wrestling
  • Spam Friendly Sections
  • WrestleZone Interactive

The candidate need not declare which specific forum he or she is running for, as the specific forum in the declared section will be decided by the Staff.

6. After party platform has declared, we will then proceed to the debates. There will be two debates, the style and questions of which will be decided by Klunderbunker.

7. Finally, we will have the election. The election will be available to ALL members of WZ. We will have measures in place to help prevent the use of Alternate Accounts.

Additional Rules

1. The Administrators of the WrestleZone Forums reserve the right to refuse Moderator status, or even candidate status, if we feel the Election is made a joke of. As long as the parties are making a real effort to election a quality candidate, this shouldn't be a problem.

2. While the WrestleZone Forums Election and its processes/rules are the brainchild of Slyfox696, Klunderbunker will be doing most of the heavy lifting in running it. Feel free to ask questions to either of us, but I will most likely direct you to Klunderbunker.

Additionally, once the Election is over, I suggest those involved show their appreciation for all the hard work Klunderbunker will undoubtedly put in. I did the easy part, he'll do the hard part.

3. Campaigning for votes is not only allowed, it is suggested.

4. Trading rep points for votes is allowed.

5. PM'ing people for votes is allowed. Keep in mind, not everyone will be pleased with receiving PMs. However, to preserve the integrity of the forum, I ask regular members not being sent more than TWO unsolicited PMs from a party. If a regular member asks you to not send any more PMs after the first, you must respect their wishes.

6. This is politics, so while underhanded tactics are frowned upon, they should be expected.

7. This IS a popularity contest. Make no mistake about it.

8. There may be a few other elements added in throughout the Election, depending upon how much work it is for Klunderbunker to run.

We hope this Election will prove fun for everyone who wishes to be involved. Let the games begin!

Press release from the office of the Administrators:

The WrestleZone Forums Administration is proud to bring the community the very first WrestleZone Elections! Over the years of this forum's re-birth from the crash of '06, WZ has seen many members come and go, some doing so garnering respect and Staff positions, some seeing Prison time, but many others just living in the world of the forums. It's been those who have garnered respect and been awarded Staff positions which have traditionally held some of the most controversial debates, with regular community members claiming being on Staff is purely a popularity contest, a charge which has been denied and debunked on numerous occasions. After all, Lord Sidious was a Moderator and nobody liked him.

However, all of that is about to change because now, for the first time, a Staff member will be chosen completely on the grounds of popularity! It will not, however, be the popularity of a poster with the current members of the Staff, but based on popularity with the members of WZ. That's right, every member on the WrestleZone Forums will have their chance to vote for the newest member to the WZ Staff. How will all of this work, you might ask? Read on for the Election rules.

Election Layout

1. We will first start with the formation of political parties. Members may group themselves in any manner they wish. It can be about friendship, it can be about a common idea, an allegiance which might already be made (for example, WZCW), or any reason at all. There is no maximum number of members a party may have, but a party must have at least three members. Once a political party is made, you will PM Slyfox with your intent to be registered as a party, as well as all members currently in party and the party name. If more members decide to join your party, you will let Slyfox know with additional PMs, though I would ask you try to minimize the number of PMs as much as possible.

2. After a set period of time (likely one or two weeks, though that's not set in stone), the WrestleZone Forums Administrators will announce the trimming of political parties. The THREE parties with the most members will be the ones to survive this cut. Those members who formed other parties are then welcome to redistribute themselves into one of the three remaining parties. While I would never force campaign strategy upon anyone, it might also be advisable for the three biggest parties to cut some deals with the smaller parties in exchange for membership.

3. After we have formed the three parties, we will begin the primary process. Each political party will be granted their own sub-forum, and all primaries will be semi-closed primaries. This means that anyone, regardless of party affiliation, can campaign for a particular candidate, but only registered members of that party will have their votes counted in the poll.

4. After the primaries have been decided, and the candidate for each party has been decided, each party's sub-forum will go dark. This means only registered members of a party can view that party's subforum (not including the Administrators and Global Moderators who have abstained from the Election). The parties may then use their sub-forum to discuss campaign strategy without fear of sabotage.

5. Each candidate declares which section of the forums he or she is running for (party platform). The available sections are:

  • Wrestling - Non Spam
  • Non-Wrestling Non Spam
  • WrestleZone Championship Wrestling
  • Spam Friendly Sections
  • WrestleZone Interactive

The candidate need not declare which specific forum he or she is running for, as the specific forum in the declared section will be decided by the Staff with the candidate.

6. After party platform has declared, we will then proceed to the debates. There will be two debates, the style and questions of which will be decided by Klunderbunker.

7. Finally, we will have the election. The election will be available to ALL members of WZ. We will have measures in place to help prevent the use of Alternate Accounts.

Additional Rules

1. The Administrators of the WrestleZone Forums reserve the right to refuse Moderator status, or even candidate status, if we feel the Election is made a joke of. As long as the parties are making a real effort to elect a quality candidate, this should not be a problem.

2. While the WrestleZone Forums Election and its processes/rules are the brainchild of Slyfox696, Klunderbunker will be doing most of the heavy lifting in running it. Feel free to ask questions to either of us, but I will most likely direct you to Klunderbunker.

Additionally, once the Election is over, I suggest those involved show their appreciation for all the hard work Klunderbunker will undoubtedly put in. I did the easy part, he'll do the hard part.

3. Campaigning for votes is not only allowed, it is suggested.

4. Trading rep points for votes is allowed.

5. PM'ing people for votes is allowed. Keep in mind, not everyone will be pleased with receiving PMs. However, to preserve the integrity of the forum, I ask regular members not being sent more than TWO unsolicited PMs from a party. If a regular member asks you to not send any more PMs after the first, you must respect their wishes.

6. This is politics, so while underhanded tactics are frowned upon, they should be expected.

7. This IS a popularity contest. Make no mistake about it.

8. There may be a few other elements added in throughout the Election, depending upon how much work it is for Klunderbunker to run.

We hope this Election will prove fun for everyone who wishes to be involved. Let the games begin!

Questions for Coco -

1. Everyone knows the Spam Friendly Sections (SFS) don't really need a mod. Most Discipline on the forums is handed out for spamming, and that's not an issue in the SFS. The Bar Room has no rules, and you're certainly not going to be a Prison mod, because that would be as useless as making you Bar Room mod. That leaves only Wrestling Spam Zone, Live Discussions and the GSD. I don't think you have the personality to handle the GSD, because you can't go longer than 3 posts without trying to troll someone. So that leaves Live Discussions and Wrestling Spam Zone. One is used only for specific occasions and the other is where the lazy people hang out.

You and I both know these sections don't need a moderator. So the question I have is, "Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator"? You'll have basically nothing to do, which is why I think you chose those sections. You pointed out JGlass is moderator of the Hall of Fame section, which is only used a couple of times a year, so why do we need a second moderator who does nothing? As I think you're reasonably intelligent, I know you can see that you being a spam moderator means about as much as Luther being the old Bar Room mod, or Brezzy as the "Lamerator" back on PW. What's the REAL reason you want to be the next Brezzy?

2. You're a racist. I've known that for years, going back to the time we spent on PW together. I remember you once getting banned for changing your name to Ku Klux Koco, and putting on a sig banner which, if I remember correctly, was Christian crosses with a Nazi swastika on them. I don't care that you hate black people, but I'm a little concerned at the idea of letting a racist represent these forums. Tell us why we should let a racist represent these forums.

3. I think anyone who has taken even a moment to think about it knows you won't stay on Staff long. Maybe you'll get bored with it in a week's time. Maybe a couple of months. Hell, perhaps you just piss too many people off, I don't know. I think 6 months would be considered a massive achievement for you. Both Crock and Dagger are people I truly believe want to be a mod, and are not just doing it for the giggles. Explain why you should take a moderator spot away from people who actually want to be there, and are not just doing it for the "lulz".

4. You don't have any suggestions of rule changes for improving the forum, and you're applying for a moderator spot which requires basically no work. Essentially, the only thing that will change with you being a moderator is you'll have your name in bold. Exactly why should people ignore that when they vote in the poll at the end of the election process?

Questions for Crock

1. You've been begging for a moderator spot forever. You've tried to get in good with many Staff members, including myself, to get a moderator spot. I would almost go so far as to say you've been more annoying than Doc was in trying to get a moderator spot. You also knew you could never get in on your merits alone, because I've told you that you couldn't. So now we have this election, and this is your big (and likely only) chance. So you flower your words with pretty ideas about how you want to help the WWE forum. You said, and I quote, "I wouldn't be in this contest if I didn't think I could help, if I didn't think I was right for the job.", which we both know is a bold faced lie, because you've been gunning for a moderator spot for the longest time, even when I told you you weren't right for the job.

So the question I have is what's really going on in that mind of yours? Why do you REALLY want to become a moderator? You have two pages of Discipline on your profile, do you think becoming a Moderator will help protect you more from Infractions? I know I thought that when I became a Moderator, is that why you're doing this? Is it so people "respect" you? What's the real reason? I don't want nonsense about helping the WWE forums, because I suspect you don't care which forum you moderator, you just want to have a bold name. What's the real reason?

2. While people may "like" you as a poster, I don't think many would disagree with me when I say you're a mediocre poster. You rarely have original or thought-changing ideas, and so many of your posts just seem agreeing with whomever will allow you to suck up to them the most. We have mediocre posters all over the forum, why should we make one of them a moderator? Why should we allow a mediocre poster to represent the WrestleZone Forums, especially in the WWE forum, the most visible forum on the site? Why should people want a mediocre poster to represent them?

3. You've already admitted to being a try-hard. Everyone knows it, and you agree with it. In my experiences, try-hards are more likely to screw things up than they are to make them better. For example, I could easily see you going around giving out Warnings/Infractions to people who really don't deserve it. Then it's more work and more time for me to have to clean up your mess. Moderators' jobs are to make the life of the Administration easier, yet I could easily see you fucking it up and making mine more of a hassle. Why should the forums vote for someone who will screw things up worse than they help them?

Questions for Dagger

1. Let's talk about Tastycles, and the lies you told. You originally denied having thrown Tastycles under the bus, which has since been proven that you did. You've now apologized for it, which I suppose is admirable, but you've been caught in a lie. And not only did you lie, you continued to perpetuate that lie for days, even after the PM had been published. How do you expect anyone on this forum to trust you after this?

2. You're a terrible poster. I've said that numerous in the Board Room, even before this Election process was started. You're also competing for a spot in the WWE forums, the most visible and active forums on the site. Why would anybody want a terrible poster representing them in the busiest section of the site? What do you think your posting will do to the reputation of the forums?

3. What's the REAL reason you want to be a mod? You've been doing everything short of offering a bribe to get your name in bold. Why are you so interested in becoming a mod? Is it a power trip? I know it's not because you want to help the WWE forums out, you were gunning for Video Games mod ever since Lee stepped down. Then, come Election time, you change to the WWE forum. So don't feed me a line of BS, I want the truth. What's your real intentions here? I want honesty, not flowery words.

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