Eric Bischoff is right The IWC are a bunch of idiots

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Dark Match Jobber
The IWC are a bunch of idiots.
They think their opinions are
facts. They're insanely annoying
to talk to about anything. The
true fans are the ones who watch
just for the enjoyment of
watching the show. Whether you
prefer WWE over TNA, or TNA
over WWE, the true fans are the
ones who watch for the
enjoyment. They have their
favorites, and the ones they don't
like. They don't pretend to be
The IWC are wannabe experts,
who are so opinionated they
believe they are the brain trust.
I agree with Bischoff, most of the
wrestling fans are just stupid and
the haters always say "it's going
of out of business in a year" crap.
I would change some things, but I
like TNA right now. Bischoff
actually knows the wrestling
industry unlike all the haters that
talk crap about TNA.
You see, you say stuff like that, and then in another thread, you say stuff like this:
finkd said:
The show's image is a B
rated WWE format. It is
a complete copy and is
not unique. They throw
a million storylines at
you at once - so nothing
sticks in your mind.
Lastly, they have pushed
their brightest talents
further down on the
card and made them
look like crap e.g. AJ
Styles and Samoa Joe.
Instead they want to
push non-talented
younger guys who arent
ready, or 52 year old
men like Sting. That is
why TNA sucks sooooo
much. I want the
company to succeed.
You need an alternative.
it makes it better for the
wrestlers themselves that
they have options..
So it's kinda hard to take you seriously. Lots of contradictions there. Also, are you writing from a phone or something? Reading you is like reading Bukowski.
You see, you say stuff like that, and then in another thread, you say stuff like this:

So it's kinda hard to take you seriously. Lots of contradictions there. Also, are you writing from a phone or something? Reading you is like reading Bukowski.

I believe I speak for everyone when I say.. pwn3d. :)
HAHAHA yea dude you got rocked within a half hour of your dumbass, pointless thread. If you don't like what the IWC has to say then don't come on these forums. You're obviously just a hypocrite who gets owned on these forums and you don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah this just an utter joke of a thread. Put some fucking effort into it next time. Not to mention we had this EXACT same thread a few weeks back if you took the time to search, like word for fuckin' word.

Absolute drivel though bud. Grammar is your friend. Closed for obvious reasons.
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