Favorite Intro song?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Some intro themes have become part of the wrestlers identity. There is a reason Stone Cold never changed it once he gained his iconic intro music. But what are your favorite intro songs, past or present?

Right now, my favorites include
-Mark Henry
- Alberto del Rio (before he left)

My favorite intro of all time though is Triple H's "my time" song. I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't seem to use it for very long compared to his other ones.
My favourite right now would be Randy Orton's. My all time favourite though, is Sandman's ECW theme, Enter Sandman by Metallica. Doesn't get much better than that. Not the crappy one WWE gave him.
I like Paige's a lot and think it suits her.

Brock Lesnar's is perfect for him, you get that "oh shit's about to go down" feeling as it hits. A theme fitting of a monster heel.

Finally CM Punk's. I really like the song and also think it blends with his character extremely well.
Paiges song is the best one in the E right now.

I really liked when Disturbed got on SCSA theme.
Enzo and Cass have a catchy entrance right now.
I always popped for the APAs entrance theme.
I think its called "The Flame Returns" ?? Kanes old theme.
The flame returns was was the Kane song with vocals. Kane has always had good entrance music, but the Flame Returns is one I continue going back to. Actually, that CD had plenty of cool variations of entrance themes.

Oh yeah, I also like the Miz's theme. My only issue is that I feel it belongs to someone more...badass? I think it would fit someone like CM Punk more.
There have been a lot of great ones. HBK, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, ect, ect...

Some of my favorites include Christian's Just Close Your Eyes by Waterproof Blonde. I also like both of CM Punk's songs. Cult of Personality fit him better, but I love Killswitch Engage, so This Fire is a great song. And one of the all time best is Metalingus. Edge's Rated R Superstar theme song. It fit him well, and it's a kick ass song. Not to mention Myles Kennedy, Alter Bridge's lead singer, is one of the best lead singers in the world today.
Rated RKO, the combination of Randy and Edge's themes worked so well together.
Stephanie's old entrance song by Jackie-O
And finally........
"Electrifying" (The Rock): This one has to be at the top. As soon as the "If you smell... what The Rock is cookin'" part hits, the whole arena erupts. It doesn't matter which city they're on and which show it is. The Rock is always The Rock. Even watching on TV and having been through a torturous show (like a couple of weeks ago, it totally charges you up.

"Retaliation" (Dean Ambrose): Arguably the best composition by CFO$. Goes well with the Lunatic Fringe's character and the sound of the motorbike engine is starting to have a similar effect on the crowd as the glass shattering.

"The Truth Reigns" (Roman Reigns): I really loved the Special Ops theme song of The Shield, and it was good to see Roman Reigns was carrying on a remix of the music as well as the fist of justice. The music perfectly suits Reigns' entrance through the crowd.

"Next Big Thing (Remix)" (Brock Lesnar): Like someone else said, when this music hits, you know that some shit's gonna go down and someone is gonna get hurt or intimidated real bad.

"Rebel Son" (Bad News Barrett): The "God Save Our Queen" part followed by the heartbeat-type drums always bring a glee to my face because someone's got some Bad News!
HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has had many great themes. "Real American", "Voodoo Child", the nWo theme and even "American Made" was good. Heck I even liked his TNA theme because it was close enough to the nWo theme to send chills up my spine. But I would have to say that my favorite song was "Eye of the Tiger". That was truly a song of a champion.
I tend to find that original songs or WWE orchestrated songs performed by proper artists are much better. For instance, "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed was so much better than the rest of Steve Austin's themes. Don't get me wrong, the others were good, but this was just fantastic, I wish he used it more. I'm a rock and metal fan as it is, so I was super excited when he began using this.

I'm probably biased, because Alter Bridge are my favourite band of all time, so of course I love "Metalingus" for Edge. Again, when he began using it, I was so happy, because it's a great song, and while I didn't care for the re-arrangement, it worked well for Edge to build as a great entrance theme with the outro used as the intro in the remix.

More recently, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour was a great choice for CM Punk. I believe he used it before WWE, and I think it fit him better than the Killswitch Engage song fit (although there are elements to that song that are good). The static at the beginning of the song had become similar to the glass shatters in the sense that people erupted as soon as they heard it.

As for WWE produced songs, "Next Big Thing" for Brock Lesnar never fails to give me chills. You know shit is about to go down when you hear it. When he returned in 2012, the song epitomised the effect I am trying to suggest. "Electrifying" for The Rock is my favourite song for The Rock, and I think the heavier elements to the song make it much more of a heavy emotion song which is necessary for a guy like The Rock, especially when he made his return in 2011. And of course, every single version of Chris Jericho's songs are absolutely fantastic, I think I have a soft spot for the original he debuted with in 1999.
"Line In the Sand" (Evolution)
It's too damn bad Motorhead treat this as a "novelty" song, it's right up there with some of their best. I popped like a madman when this song hit earlier this year during Evolution's "return". (Can't say the same for the shitty crowd that night, though.)

"Electrifying" (The Rock): This one has to be at the top. As soon as the "If you smell... what The Rock is cookin'" part hits, the whole arena erupts. It doesn't matter which city they're on and which show it is. The Rock is always The Rock. Even watching on TV and having been through a torturous show (like a couple of weeks ago, it totally charges you up.

I also love how Rock's theme evolved through the years right along with him. You can mark the different phases of his career just by the different variations of that song. Iconic and definitive in all its incarnations... just like Dwayne.
The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase's is my favorite of all time. So great.

Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, and Legion of Doom are some of my other all time favorites.

Presently I like Chris Jericho's and Mark Henry's. That's about all that stands out. Stephanie McMahon's, Rusev's, and Daniel Bryan's all are memorable and fit their characters well, so I would say are strong themes too.

I only like Theme Songs with vocals when the vocals fit the character. That's why Dibiase's, Stephanie's, Henry's, and Jericho's are strong. A lot of theme's with vocals just sound like generic, boring, pop radio songs.
I tend to find that original songs or WWE orchestrated songs performed by proper artists are much better. For instance, "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed was so much better than the rest of Steve Austin's themes. Don't get me wrong, the others were good, but this was just fantastic, I wish he used it more. I'm a rock and metal fan as it is, so I was super excited when he began using this.

That song was great, but it lost all appeal to me when I learned the actual lyrics. I swear, for the longest time, I thought the chorus was;

"The pancakes, are living inside you! Some pancakes, some want to hide you!

You can imagine my disappointment reading the actual lyrics. Good luck unhearing that, by the way. I used to love was Lesnar's, as well, but it's been ruined for me since I noticed there were turntable 'scratches' mixed in.

I'm more of a classic rock fan, so even though I never got around to watching ECW in it's glory days, their tracklist was untouchable.

'Perfect Strangers' by Deep Purple - Shane Douglas
'Enter Sandman' by Metallica - Sandman
'Man in the Box' by Alice in Chains - Tommy Dreamer
'Walk' by Pantera - RVD

And while it wasn't classic rock by any stretch, Justin Credible's use of 'Just Got Wicked' by Cold kicked all sorts of ass.
Of all time? The Ultimate Warrior theme... hands down.

Currently I think Brock Lessors theme and entrance is the best. He looks insane on the ramp doing that little jog thing thing.
Current Favorites:
- Roman Reigns: The Shield's theme music is some of my favorite entrance theme music ever, so naturally Roman's remix is one of my top favorites right now.
- Bray Wyatt: I was a little bit iffy on this theme song when it was first posted a few days before The Wyatt Family debuted, simply because the chorus sounded a little too happy to me at first for their original promos. But the song fits Bray to a "T" & has already become one of my all-time favorites.
- Dean Ambrose: That engine starting up & buliding is iconic & perfect for Ambrose. The song itself is somewhat simple but it works since it's a nice, driving, rock track that has the craziness of the engine sound to make it stand out & resemble "The Lunatic Fringe".
- Luke Harper & Erick Rowan: A solid rock track with a country twang that was accented by their theatrics & the lights going out to start. It looks like we won't hear this theme much anymore, unless one of them uses it as a solo theme song, but I thought it was a solid choice for them as a tag team.
- Brock Lesnar: I've always loved Brock's theme song, it just screams "Ruthless Aggression" & that entire era to me. Also as much as I love his UFC style stage pyro, I really like that his ring corner pyro is back when he jumps onto the ring apron. I always liked that pyro & I think it fits him better than Bobby Lashley or anyone else that has ever used it.
- The Miz: I think he still uses the same "I came to play" theme song but either way it's really the movie style intro with the guy saying "quiet on the set" that has made this from an average at best theme song a year or so ago to a nearly iconic opening to a possibly long time character.

Current Least Favorites:
- Sami Zayn: His first couple theme songs were okay, nothing that stood out but nothing really bad either. His new theme on the other hand sounds like a pop song they'd choose for a Diva.
- Seth Rollins: I actually like Rollins' theme song but it's WAY too generic & it just reminds me of a bland version of Edge's final theme.
- Cesaro: Cesaro & Barrett have easily had the worst luck out of any superstars in recent memory in terms of bad theme music but Cesaro has now become the undisputed king of constantly changing from bad theme to bad theme that doesn't fit him since Barrett finally has some solid music now. At 1st I think Cesaro just had some generic entrance track, then that hip-hop song, then I think it was an earlier version of the song he has now, then of course came his time with The Real Americans when he used that theme, then the song he has now but with a different siren sound intro & now the version he has now with the updated siren opening. & what's really sad is out of all those, except The Real Americans theme, they all sucked & even The Real Americans theme didn't really fit him as a solo competitor.
- Randy Orton: I've never been a big fan of Orton's "Voices" theme & IMO his best theme was "Burn This Light". Also the whole angle from 2009 where he had that disorder & heard voices is long over, so I don't see how the song is even relevant to his character anymore. Shouldn't his song have something to do with snakes or him being The Viper? Unless of course WWE is alluding to the fact that Randy is secretly playing a Voldemort character & he hears people speaking slytherin tongue in his head, then that would make total & complete logical, sense.
- John Cena: Same deal with Cena, he hasn't had a rapper gimmick for years now, why does he have a theme song with him rapping in it? Let alone one talking about him coming up the ranks & his time "being now"? If a theme song has lyrics or an obvious over-arching theme that doesn't apply to the performers character anymore, them the performer should be given updated or new music. Jericho is the perfect example IMO, his theme has always fit him well but when he changed a lot of things about his persona & became a heel in 2008 he started using a differnet version of his theme music to signify that change. Same deal when he teamed with The Big Show as Jeri-Show. They were a heel team & he was acting different than he used to so it was a more hardcore version of his song mixed with Big Show's theme song.

Bray Wyatt
Bo Dallas

All Time (in order)
Tatanka 1st theme. I don't know what it was about the simple mono tone that got my hyped
Sexy Boy ( before religious lies ruined him)
What a Rush (Legion of Doom)
Money ( Shane McMahon)
nWo (Wolfpac)

Round out the top is Perfect theme.
I loved the Shield's Intro Song.
You just knew when the words,"sierra hotel india echo lima delta shield" hot, that it was as a famous man once said,"Business is about to Pick Up here!"
My top 10 in no particular order

1. Stone Cold disturbed theme

2. RVD one of a kind

3. HHH my time

4 Vince No chance in hell

5 Stephanie her current song

6. Paige current song

7 Kane

8. the Miz Came to play

9 Cody Rhodes smoking mirrors

10. Randy Orton voices
I personally love some of the old WCW. I still get chills when I hear Rey or Malenkos' old themes as they usually were the signal for a high quality match.

Out of the newer stuff, however, I only really like the music paired with the NXTers (and come-ups). I'm not sure why, but for some reason I feel like they fit their themes better, if that makes sense.
I'll throw out some that I don't think have been mentioned yet.

I thought Gangrel's theme music was awesome. Too bad he wasn't around all that long.

I also liked MVP's theme music/song

Mr. Perfect's fit his persona really well.

hmm...what else....Goldust. Put together really well, amazing job.
I gotta like..HHH's other music,
Bow Down To The King!!
Basically because Motorhead,more specifically Lemmy...
One of the baddest bad-asses in all of music...
Please let him sing HHH to the ring one last time before HHH hangs up the boots for good!!!
Even if he is the heel...I bet Hunter could get a LEMMY,LEMMY chant going out of respect!!
I've got a few. First of all is Edge's theme, "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge. That "You think you know me" at the start of the song is an instant catch, into that heavy intro. The song almost represents Edge. Hard hitting, and all round crazy.

The second is Evolutions "Line in The Sand". Definitely Motorhead's best intro theme, absolute classic.

The last couple are just some that I would listen to over & over, one being Drew McIntyre's "Broken Dreams", which is actually probably my favourite of all time. The other is "Break Away" by CFO$, which is Adam Rose's theme. Something about it!

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