Favorite old school moves?


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What are some old moves that don't get used much anymore that you loved?

I love a good old airplane spin. I mean it's cool when guys got dropped with something out of it (Sabin does the Cradle Shock out of it occasionally, but I saw a NRW Charged episode recently where a guy took one and then was put down on his feet, and it just made me flash back to when that was common)

Old school atomic's. Not the inverted version but the knee to the butt one. Especially when the guy flipped out of the ring. I saw this recently in a video from Harley Race's promotion (big surprise it was used there I guess) and it made me smile.

What are other moves that don't get used often that are old school that you enjoy?
I was recently thinking how much better suited a running Oklahoma Slam would be for Roman Reigns. The spear is such an overused finish, but the Oklahoma Slam would give him plenty of room for theatricality as a finish.

I'm also a fan of big old heavyweight dropkicks. We still see plenty from Dolph or the Usos, but I love when a big man like Harper does it.

Finally, the piledriver. I know the taboo that comes along with it, but it has far more control than something as wreckless as Daniel Bryan's diving headbutt, especially when you consider the three wrestlers (Bryan, Benoit and Dynamite) who used that move often are controversial subjects from a medical standpoint.
The atomic drop by far is my favorite move I miss. The reaction was just hilarious.

I also liked Jake Roberts Short Clothesline. (arm bar into clothesline.)

Boston Crab. You don't see that anymore. Another you don't see to much anymore is the running powerslam.
Oh an Oklahoma powerslam would definitely be cool for Roman. If not his primary finish, a great secondary move for a false.

I totally forgot about the short arm clothesline. I see it occasionally on indy videos but not nearly enough. Paige is the only one I can think of on the majors that still does it.
I was recently thinking how much better suited a running Oklahoma Slam would be for Roman Reigns. The spear is such an overused finish, but the Oklahoma Slam would give him plenty of room for theatricality as a finish.

I'm also a fan of big old heavyweight dropkicks. We still see plenty from Dolph or the Usos, but I love when a big man like Harper does it.

Finally, the piledriver. I know the taboo that comes along with it, but it has far more control than something as wreckless as Daniel Bryan's diving headbutt, especially when you consider the three wrestlers (Bryan, Benoit and Dynamite) who used that move often are controversial subjects from a medical standpoint.

I think your onto something there man, he should do it from the corner and him suspending a superstar for a couple seconds probably makes him do the superman punch less and to a point i think thats why you suggested Roman adapt that move, because with it superman punch, spear, drive by and the samoan drop his move set may go stale as is.

A couple moves i would like WWE to bring back would be that Razor Ramon fall away slam, the JBL clothesline & the Kane sidewalk slam we see at times.
Orndorff piledriver
Buzz Sawyer powerslam, best when catching the opponent in the air off the ropes.
Snap suplex - Dynamite Kid.
Dragon Suplex - I don't see many of the wrestlers using it these days except for the likes of Daniel Bryan's. I had seen Natalya uses it time to time but still I miss it.

Diving Head Butt - I hadn't seen the usage of it most in these days. Rusev tries that occasionally and it hadn't been used by many in the recent past except DB, Rusev and Bull Demsy.

Poke to the eyes - It's a cool move, isn't it? Haha I seriously miss that move.

And as for the others saying Pile Driver, it has been extensively used in other Wrestling promotions. Eric Young uses it in TNA, Ravage Brown in All Stars, and there are much more using that.
I don't know what's it called, but I liked the move where one wrestler is about to get clothes lined but then he locks the arm, jumps up and swings behind his opponent and locks up the other arm with his legs and then pulls his opponent down into a pin.
I don't know what's it called, but I liked the move where one wrestler is about to get clothes lined but then he locks the arm, jumps up and swings behind his opponent and locks up the other arm with his legs and then pulls his opponent down into a pin.

You mean the crucifix pin?

The rebound suplex, besides Beth Phoenix and Randy Orton I can't recall anyone using it in the past 10 years besides Bella against Charlotte once. Barrett used to use a rebound version of the belly to back.

The piledriver is very prevalent outside of WWE. Still a good move.

The powerslam is definitely underused. Considering what some guys use as finishers, it could easily become one again if given to a bigger guy like Strowman
I'd love to see the abdominal stretch, davey boys old vertical suplex or whatever it was, power slamd definitely and the side russian leg sweep.
The belly to belly suplex: What the hell happened to this move? I would think at least Lesnar would break it out now and again.

Piledriver: great high impact, high drama move. Even if it was only used a few times a year, I'd find that acceptable.

Pump Handle Slam: Just thought it looked cool for a bigger guy. Loved when Test did it, hated when Road Dogg did it.
I've been watching wrestling for over thirty years and the three moves I've considered my favorites aren't quite as common as they used to be. The piledriver is one, but it has already been touched on ITT. I still think Orndorff performing it was about as devastating a finisher as I recall seeing. The figure four is more common, but still not as popular as it was in its heyday with Flair and Valentine shredding guys knees with it. The one I don't see much anymore is the slingshot suplex. I was a huge Blanchard fan and this was probably my favorite. The only recent wrestler I recall seeing use it is Randy Orton.
I'll always love the ol sleeper hold. Verne Gagne mastered that move. Dick The Bruiser's Atomic Drop. Iron Sheik's Camel Clutch, Jim Brunzel's Dropkick. Ken Patera had a Bearhug he would do. Today these moves are considered just basic moves but back then when I was watching these guys in the 80s they were either finishers or signature moves.
Shoulder breaker. It's been a very long time since I saw anyone do that. Bob Roop in Florida.

Bob Roop wow, hadn't heard that name in years. The old Olympic. What a great move that was - I hate his career ended sorta prematurely.
Tests of Strength. I miss the hoss-on-hoss slug and slam fests of my youth sometimes, and the Test of Strength spot was a hallmark. It was such a slow, simple routine, but it could garner a great amount of heat for either the face or heel or both depending on how it was worked and for how long. Classic spot.
Adrian Adonis' goodnight Irene or Slaughter/Superstar Cobra Clutch.
Buddy Landell corkscrew elbow. I have never seen anyone else attempt it.
Tully's slingshot Suplex off the ropes.
Terry Gordy used to do a high angle suplex that I thought was awesome. Hercules with a backbreaker variation, Mr. Wrestling II high knee.
Adrian Adonis' goodnight Irene or Slaughter/Superstar Cobra Clutch.
Buddy Landell corkscrew elbow. I have never seen anyone else attempt it.
Tully's slingshot Suplex off the ropes.

I tried to find a video of this Landell corkscrew elbow. I assume it's not like R-Truth's, but I can't find it.

So many good moves mentioned. I watched two NXT special's today, thinking about this topic in the back of my mind, and it seems every match is punch, kick, bodyslam, suplex, maybe hiptoss arm drag, and then specials.

I mean what happened to a good old tombstone position shoulder breaker. Or a simple belly to back back breaker. Or belly to back suplex.

I see them on the indy stuff I watch sometimes, but it's usually the Harley promotion or NRW-NWA, nothing regular to indies. Except pile drivers. Everyone seems to use one on the indies.
Bret Hart's trademark Figure Four Leglock around the ringpost.

Russian Legsweep. Another move regularly used by Bret.

Atomic Drop. Both versions where they hit it front and back.

Submissions like a simple Abdominal Stretch and the Cobra Clutch.

Brainbuster. But it's obvious why we don't see that anymore.

Catapulting an opponent facefirst onto the top turnbuckle.

Skinning the cat back into the ring. This would suit Seth Rollins.

Spinning Wheel Kick especially when Owen Hart would hit it. Spinning Back Elbow, Bulldog, Fallaway Slam, Gutwrench Backbreaker, Pump Handle Slam, Shoulder Breaker, Missile Dropkick, Fisherman Suplex, Running Powerslam. I know Orton uses a regular Powerslam but I'd like to see it used more often.

What I miss most though are heel cheating tactics in tag team matches like;

-Grabbing a partner's hand for leverage while having the opponent in a submission hold (ala Abdominal Stretch)

-Tag team double-teaming their face opponent while the ref holds back the face's partner

-The heel's partner entering the ring and slapping his own hand while the referee is distracted with the face's partner, to make the ref think that a tag is being made when it isn't, and the other heel partner just exits and stands on the ring apron.

-The heel team switching in and out behind the ref's back, the ref allowing the match to go on. Then, when the hot tag came for the face team and the ref's back had been turned, he immediately made the other wrestler get back behind the ropes.

They're may be a couple distractions or interferences from managers or fellow teammates, but we barely see heel tag teams cheat anymore. It's like they're wrestling straight up clean matches for the most part these days.
I tried to find a video of this Landell corkscrew elbow. I assume it's not like R-Truth's, but I can't find it.

So many good moves mentioned. I watched two NXT special's today, thinking about this topic in the back of my mind, and it seems every match is punch, kick, bodyslam, suplex, maybe hiptoss arm drag, and then specials.

I mean what happened to a good old tombstone position shoulder breaker. Or a simple belly to back back breaker. Or belly to back suplex.

I see them on the indy stuff I watch sometimes, but it's usually the Harley promotion or NRW-NWA, nothing regular to indies. Except pile drivers. Everyone seems to use one on the indies.

Landell's elbow is on YouTube in a couple matches, usually jobbers. With his opponent laying on the mat he would bounce off the ropes and swivel his body around facing the direction he came and then lands. Flair is my favorite but Buddy was the better wrestler.
The other is the basic vertical Suplex holding the guy up. It use to be a staple of wrestling but I think Cesaro is the only one that does it today.
Bret Hart's trademark Figure Four Leglock around the ringpost.

Russian Legsweep. Another move regularly used by Bret.

Atomic Drop. Both versions where they hit it front and back.

Submissions like a simple Abdominal Stretch and the Cobra Clutch.

Brainbuster. But it's obvious why we don't see that anymore.

Catapulting an opponent facefirst onto the top turnbuckle.

Skinning the cat back into the ring. This would suit Seth Rollins.

Spinning Wheel Kick especially when Owen Hart would hit it. Spinning Back Elbow, Bulldog, Fallaway Slam, Gutwrench Backbreaker, Pump Handle Slam, Shoulder Breaker, Missile Dropkick, Fisherman Suplex, Running Powerslam. I know Orton uses a regular Powerslam but I'd like to see it used more often.

What I miss most though are heel cheating tactics in tag team matches like;

-Grabbing a partner's hand for leverage while having the opponent in a submission hold (ala Abdominal Stretch)

-Tag team double-teaming their face opponent while the ref holds back the face's partner

-The heel's partner entering the ring and slapping his own hand while the referee is distracted with the face's partner, to make the ref think that a tag is being made when it isn't, and the other heel partner just exits and stands on the ring apron.

-The heel team switching in and out behind the ref's back, the ref allowing the match to go on. Then, when the hot tag came for the face team and the ref's back had been turned, he immediately made the other wrestler get back behind the ropes.

They're may be a couple distractions or interferences from managers or fellow teammates, but we barely see heel tag teams cheat anymore. It's like they're wrestling straight up clean matches for the most part these days.

I honestly hadn't even thought about all that heel cheating you mentioned until just now.
Very solid points.

The stalling suplex is done by Lashley also, but that's about it. It's usually the regular suplex, not snap, not stalling. Elgin uses it in ROH. So I guess the major promotions have just one guy do it.

Hoss vs hoss, yeah! They just did it in ROH with Elgin vs Moose but that used to be the staple! It was fun, I miss those.

Keep 'em coming, I can't remember the last time I saw a missile dropkick!
The 10 punches in the corner while standing on the 2nd rope and the crowd counts out the punches spot doesn't seem to be used anymore.
I still remember the late 80's when wrestlers were using a most unsanitary maneuver.

One guy was backed against the ropes and the other would give him an open-handed slap to the chest, causing the victim to lean back and spit a load of mucus into the air.

I don't know what wrestlers called it, but to me it was the 'Hock-a-loogie' move.

I can see one performer alerting the other: "Okay, Jim. I'm gonna do the Hock-a-loogie on you. Work up a mouthful of spit for me, okay?"

The liquid missile would be launched high in the air, presumably geared to come to a landing short of the crowd in attendance.

I thought the move disgusting, yet if Drew McIntyre were the victim and hawked one at me, it would today be my proudest possession. ;)
Bret Hart's trademark Figure Four Leglock around the ringpost.

Russian Legsweep. Another move regularly used by Bret.

Atomic Drop. Both versions where they hit it front and back.

Submissions like a simple Abdominal Stretch and the Cobra Clutch.

Brainbuster. But it's obvious why we don't see that anymore.

Catapulting an opponent facefirst onto the top turnbuckle.

Skinning the cat back into the ring. This would suit Seth Rollins.

Spinning Wheel Kick especially when Owen Hart would hit it. Spinning Back Elbow, Bulldog, Fallaway Slam, Gutwrench Backbreaker, Pump Handle Slam, Shoulder Breaker, Missile Dropkick, Fisherman Suplex, Running Powerslam. I know Orton uses a regular Powerslam but I'd like to see it used more often.

What I miss most though are heel cheating tactics in tag team matches like;

-Grabbing a partner's hand for leverage while having the opponent in a submission hold (ala Abdominal Stretch)

-Tag team double-teaming their face opponent while the ref holds back the face's partner

-The heel's partner entering the ring and slapping his own hand while the referee is distracted with the face's partner, to make the ref think that a tag is being made when it isn't, and the other heel partner just exits and stands on the ring apron.

-The heel team switching in and out behind the ref's back, the ref allowing the match to go on. Then, when the hot tag came for the face team and the ref's back had been turned, he immediately made the other wrestler get back behind the ropes.

They're may be a couple distractions or interferences from managers or fellow teammates, but we barely see heel tag teams cheat anymore. It's like they're wrestling straight up clean matches for the most part these days.

TNA wrestlers do a lot of the moves you mentioned on the regular. Gail Kim does the figure four around the ring post, Tommy Dreamer uses the Russian Leg Sweep a lot, Austin Aries uses the Brain Buster and Missile Dropkick, and when Bubba Ray was Bully ray the atomic drop used to come out more regularly. Actually, doesn't R Truth do an inverted atomic drop some? Maybe I am imagining it. The heel cheating moves are classic and could draw so much heat. I wonder if it is just because there are a lack of regular heel tag teams that aren't just thrown together randomly every week where they could work on "team" moves, other than maybe the Wyatts in WWE. I guess I could see like the Ascension doing that sort of thing if they were more prominently featured.

As for moves I would like to see brought back I would go with the original "Frankensteiner" from Scott Steiner, not the "hurricanrana" you see many luchadores and smaller wrestlers doing, The DDT as a finisher like Raven or Jake the Snake used to do and not just an occasional filler move, and while we are at it, why does no one do the Jackhammer anymore? I mean the spear has been ripped off by everyone and their brother but it is like the jackhammer is taboo!

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