Favourite HIAC


I'm better than you!
Last week i bought the box set of Hell in a Cell. There are some seriously sick match's on there and i was wondering what all of your favourites are. Here is a list of the match's on the box set:

1997 Bad Blood - Undertaker v Shawn Michaels

1998 RAW - Stone Cold Steve Austin & Undertaker v Mankind & Kane

1998 King of the Ring - Undertaker v Mankind

1998 RAW - Mankind v Kane

2000 No Way Out - Triple H v Cactus Jack

2000 - Armageddon - Kurt Angle v Rikishi v The Rock v Undertaker v Triple H v Stone Cold Steve Austin

2002 Judgment Day- Triple H v Chris Jericho

2002 No Mercy - Undertaker v Brock Lesnar

2003 Bad Blood - Triple H v Kevin Nash

2004 Bad Blood - Triple H v Shawn Michaels

2005 Vengeance - Triple H v Batista

2005 Armageddon - Undertaker v Randy Orton

2006 Unforgiven - D-Generation X v Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon & Big Show

2007 Survivor Series - Undertaker v Batista

These are the ones on the dvd but i think the only one after 2007 was the Edge v Undertaker from last year, Summerslam i think.

For me my favourite would have to be the 98 King of the Ring with Undertaker and Mankind. The things Mick did in this match were amazing. I can't believe he just kept getting up after those spots. The throw of the cell into the announce table is legendary and will be talked about far into the furture. Then his choke slam through the roof down into the ring. Fuck, just thinking about this match is awesome. Without a doubt my favourite.

Anyways, out of all these HIAC's which would be your favourite?
My fav, is the cliche one Taker V Mankind KOTR 1998. Its that match, that match that cemented the legacy of both men, and made me a huge undertaker fan right to this day. It made the HIAC match the attraction that it is now, and i have the collection and none of the other mathces lvied up to that one but foley HHH was a close second. My least fav and i know , that it isnt waht the thread is asking is the Lesnar, Taker match. Lesnar should never have been allowed to go over Taker in that match or ever imo.
i would have to go with the undertaker vs. mankind one as well. i saw that match when i was 10 years old and it was one of the craziest things i've ever seen. i thought mick was dead. seriously, at the time i was scared shitless of the undertaker and i thought he killed mankind. oh jeez, i miss the good ole days.....
I'd have to go with Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood in '97. It was the original HIAC with two great wrestlers in their primes. It didnt have the most bumps and memorable moments like Foley vs. Undertaker, but I though it was an overall better match. I also enjoyed the 6-man HIAC even though their was limited wrestling and mostly brawling. I was still very entertained.
Undertaker v. Randy Orton- Armageddon 2005

Randy was being buit up as the cocky heel and he and Undertaker had one of the best feuds in recent years. When Taker made him bleed five minutes into the match, you knew it was going to be great. I believe that was the last HIAC where you really saw the competitors bleed. Orton impressed the hell out of me during that match and show an intense side that I haven't seen before.
2000 No Way Out - Triple H v Cactus Jack

It was nearing the end of Foley's time with WWE in 2000, and it was a huge buildup coming off of the Royal Rumble. I'm also a huge Cactus Jack fan, and it was nice to see Foley get to shine a little in that vein.
1997 Bad Blood - Undertaker v Shawn Michaels

Great match, plenty of back of quality spots, and the match told a great story, however everything Taker and HBK did in this match was completely overshadowed by Kanes debut at the end of the match

1998 RAW - Stone Cold Steve Austin & Undertaker v Mankind & Kane

Does this even really count?, if I remember right this was originally a tag match, and as the match got under way they lowered the Cell down

1998 King of the Ring - Undertaker v Mankind

This match is really only remembered for the two huge bumps Foley took off and through the cell, admittedly they were great spots

1998 RAW - Mankind v Kane

Never even knew about this match, and can't find it on Youtube anywhere

2000 No Way Out - Triple H v Cactus Jack

This match was suppose to be the end of Foleys career, but I really don't remember anything other than Foley being back dropped through the Cell

2000 - Armageddon - Kurt Angle v Rikishi v The Rock v Undertaker v Triple H v Stone Cold Steve Austin

Ugh...two words describe this match Cluster. Fuck.

2002 Judgment Day- Triple H v Chris Jericho

This match was epic, you could really see that Jericho studied the HBK/Taker cell, as there were many spots that were similer to what HBK did in that first HIAC match, great match went back and forth and had and solid finish with the Pedigree on top of the Cell

2002 No Mercy - Undertaker v Brock Lesnar

This may be the most violent HIAC match I have ever seen, went back and forth and both guys spilled gallons of blood, this was one of those rare matches that keeps you on the endge of your seat, at any point you could see this match going either way, excellent match, and I beleive this was the first HIAC that stayed inside the Cage, these two didn't need to climb to the top of the cell to get over, though the image of Lesnar atop the Cell victorious raist the title over his head was epic

2003 Bad Blood - Triple H v Kevin Nash

Like Nash this match was shit, not even the presence of Foley as the Sp. Ref could save it

2004 Bad Blood - Triple H v Shawn Michaels

I'm guessing this was a solid match, though the fact that I've seen it several times and still struggle to remember anything about the match tells me that it prolly wasn't all that amazing

2005 Vengeance - Triple H v Batista

you remember what I said about the Trips/Nash HIAC?, yeah same goes for this one

2005 Armageddon - Undertaker v Randy Orton

This is like the HBK/Trips HIAC, I'm guessing it was good, but even though I've seen it several times I struggle to really remember anything worth while happening

2006 Unforgiven - D-Generation X v Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon & Big Show

God this match was a fucking joke, you know a match is shit when the most memorable spot of the match is Vince getting his face shoved up Shows giant white ass

2007 Survivor Series - Undertaker v Batista

Outside of Edge returning and screwing the Deadman, there really wasn't anything all that memorable that happened in this match

Edge v Undertaker from last year, Summerslam i think.

This a good match, lots of good spots, though I felt the end was a bit over the top

Overall I'd have to say that Taker/Lesnar is my favorite, I loved they way they used the Cell, yet at the same time kept all the action inside the Cell, I loved how the match kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next, and I loved how up until the very end you had no idea who was gonna win, just a great match overall
i pretty much agree with justinsayne for the most part. lesnar/taker was my fav too.
i remember i made ten bucks from a friend casue EVERYONE thought taker, the american badass, would easily win.nope the next big thing and current uf fn c champ did in a nice finish and THE paul heyman added to it to me
I have this DVD too, and absolutely love it! I wish they would have waited though for the Edge and Taker HIAC from last year, because that is fantastic. But for my favorite HIAC's of all time, I would probably say three of them.

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Triple H vs The Rock vs The Undertaker vs Rikishi
In terms of pure starpower, this is one of the biggest matches of all time! Too bad that fat bastard Rikishi had to be in it. But anyway, this match had absolutely no wrestling. It didn't even have that sick of bumps besides Taker throwing Rikishi off of the top. But I just love the match for the fighting standpoint and seeing all of these guys in HIAC.

HBK vs The Undertaker
The original. What a match! Had so much to offer. First of all, it was the first match of it's kind, so it was crazy to see. No one knew what to expect. We also saw backstory, with Trips coming out to the ring, pre-DX. So that was coming together. The fued came from HBK hitting Taker with a chair in a match vs Bret Hart, and this was 1997, so it was a few months before the Screwjob. And most important of all was Kane's debut. While Kane has been reduced to being a jobber to the stars, this man was amazing at his peak. They made him into such a monster. Him and Taker's fueds and and partnerships have been some of the greatest in recent history.

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H
No one has mentioned this, and maybe no one else will, but this match was awesome. It lasted about 50 minutes. 50 minutes? In the cell? So many false endings. Both men shed so much blood. And an extremely personal fued. I loved this match and I never hear people talk about it.
Gotta go with HBK/Taker.

Bad Blood '97 was one of the few ppv's that I watched live as a kid (I had to BEG my mom to order it because I wanted to see what HIAC was) and seeing two of my favorites go at it tooth and nail was awesome. Plus Kane finally making his debut, ripping to door off, and then tombstoning Taker, which was un-heard of, was such a shock. I was seriously scared of Kane after that, lol.

I've watched that match a few times since then, and I've seen all the other HIAC's and this one just felt like the better match. It didn't have alot of crazy spots, but it had actual wrestling as well as brawling and told a story. It also had the best ending out of all the other HIAC's.
I'm going to YouTube HHH/HBK @ Bad Blood 04. I've got two words for you: Fuck.Yes.

To me the best one is the original one - HBK/Undertaker. HHH and Y2J was solid on its own... I love Jericho's work, and (if it isn't obvious) I adore HHH's work ethic because when he wants to, he can put on a good show.

Anyway, the original was the one that every other HIAC is measured against; and of course it has to be, and so it is. Each time I watch it, I still enjoy it tremendously...

I have yet to see Brock/Undertaker. I think I might have to, with all this praise around it.
Like almost everybody else here my all time favorite HIAC match was UNDERTAKER v. MANKIND. Now i'll admit most of the match was those two infamous spots but thats what stuck in the heads of everybody whos ever see a cell match. even if you've never seen the match you know about undertaker chokslaming him through the cage it was short and lackluster beside those two great spots but its def the most memorable. Plus I was hapy to see taker go over foley cleanly.
The reason i find the Mankind/Taker match the most memorable and my favourite is the way that Mick just kept getting up. He was being freakin stretched off and he gets up and goes back to meet taker to later be chokeslammed through the roof. Fuck.

I agree with the Taker/Michaels in 97 match too. That was indeed a great match and the ending with Kane debuting was sweet. I just find that when i think Hell in a Cell, i think Foley crashing through the announce table with Taker up top and not knowing if he had actually just killed someone on world television!?

I was thinking about it and imagine if they did something like that off the current cell, it's so much bigger the guy would have to die!
Yea the undertaker/mankind match was unforgettable bc of everything mick foley went threw in that match and just kept getting up...but ima have to go with the HBK/Taker match...the build up for that match was great..the match it self was awesome and the ending nobody saw coming with kane debuting and costing taker the match!
the problem for me with the HHH/HBK hell in a cell match was the fact that it did last that long.. 45/50 minutes.

too me seein the highlights of this match instead of seeing the actual match itself was a lot more entertaining. very slow paced and just not good at all.
as for my favorite hell in a cell match.. you really can't go past mankind/taker, 6 way hell in a cell or lesnar/taker.
i gotta go taker and lesnar. if you see the blood gushing from takers head you will cringe. also the mcmahon dx fiasco was under rated. shane is a fucking psycho and he had some great spots.
No Undertaker vs Bossman? lol.
I'll have to go with Lesnar/Taker though. Taker got really badly laserated(sp?) in that match and it was awesome. And the force that Lesnar hit Taker with the steel steps made it seem legit. And of course Taker/Mankind for obvious reasons..
Over the years, I have been to several WWE pay-per-view events live. My job has allowed me to move around a few times and I've been lucky enough to see live PPV's in Ohio, Kentucky and Florida.

But having been born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, being ringside for 1998 King of the Ring was the greatest live sporting event I have ever been to !!!! At the time, I was in college and fortunately made the trip home to see the event.

All I can say is that when Mankind took that header off the cell into the announce table, myself and nearly 25,000 other people truly thought Mick Foley was dead. There were literally hundreds of women, kids and men crying and in total disbelief.

I don't know if it's the greatest HIAC match or the sickest bump in wrestling history, but I will never.......ever........forget this match.
I gotta go for Taker-Lesnar, they told a great story without having to go overboard with crazy spots (see Taker-Edge last year) and I always mark out when a heel gets a clean win in a big match (unless it's Kozlov or Khali lol).

Honorable mentions:

Taker-HBK - The original and still one of the best.

Taker-Mankind - Yes, the bump off the cell is what people talk about, but I thought the whole match was entertaining.

HHH-Batista - The most underrated cell match I think, I really liked this match.

The hell in a cell is one gimmick WWE has really protected well over the years, apart from Taker-Bossman I don't think there's ever been a bad one (I didn't think HHH-Nash was that bad of a match).
My top 3 are as follows, HBK/Taker, Mankind/Taker, Edge/Taker

the original has to be the best, great match and great use of the cell (as they battled up top), just a great story with great use of the cell while putting on a great match inside of it.

Mankind/Taker, up there because of the sick spots, obviously there are things from that match that will never be duplicated, that alone makes it stand out.

Taker/Edge- I dont think will be topped anytime soon, bascially a tlc inside of a cell, I dont think it's possible to have a better hiac match without going up top (which it's pretty obvious they will never do again)

the hhh/hbk cell match is a great match but I dont put it up there because I dont think they used the cell as effectively as any of the above, the match was amazing but when I watched it again recently, aside from being thrown into it, the match itself could have been done and just as great without the cell, my opinion anyway.

most of the others range from bad (boss man) to pretty good (batista/hhh, taker/lesnar) but none of them, at least to me, stand out or are as memorable as the 3 I listed above!
Taker - Mankind is and will always be the classic Hell in a Cell match. Never before or since believed that a man could put his life in danger that much and make it out alive. If Mankind only wrestled once in his life and that was the match - he would still go into the hall of fame.

There have been great matches since, and I'm sure many to go (though I hope they lose any non-one on one matches) But this match will always be the reason any HIAC matches exist.
probably gotta go with taker vs lesnar considering i was in attendence and was on the edge of my seat whole time. was disappointed they stayed completely in cage though.
1997 Bad Blood - Undertaker v Shawn Michaels

This match even now is an awesome match to watch. Great back and forth action with an awesome spot on top of the cell. Also Kane's debut was a major highlight. Probably the best all round HIAC match so far.

1998 RAW - Stone Cold Steve Austin & Undertaker v Mankind & Kane

A piss poor HIAC match. For one pretty much all of the wrestling took place outside on the ramp way. Only when Taker attacked Bearer inside the cell did things start getting interesting.

1998 King of the Ring - Undertaker v Mankind

Without a doubt the most famous HIAC ever. The 2 major spots were unbelieveable and the introduction of the thumb-tacks made things even more hard to watch.

1998 RAW - Mankind v Kane

Boring! Fuck all happened in this match. They tried re-doing the 1st spot from the KOTR HIAC and it looked really weak in comparison.

2000 No Way Out - Triple H v Cactus Jack

I still enjoy watching this match. Was fairly brutal inside the cell, then things got really brutal outside of it. When Mick lit the 2x4 on fire my heart stopped.

2000 - Armageddon - Kurt Angle v Rikishi v The Rock v Undertaker v Triple H v Stone Cold Steve Austin

I hear many people say that this match wasen't great... I love it. It was completely unique with a fair level of brutalness about it. Not the best HIAC by any stretch... more a forgotten HIAC match in my opinion.

2002 Judgment Day- Triple H v Chris Jericho

Superb. A really good all-rounder which had a little bit of everything. Not the best, but certainally one of the better HIAC matches.

2002 No Mercy - Undertaker v Brock Lesnar

Like many people, I tend to think this was the most violent HIAC match ever. Both Brock and Taker lost a stupid amount of blood and some of the spots in this match were pretty great. It didn't feature many weapons as such, but I lost count of how many times both men used the actual cell as a weapon. Probably my favourite HIAC match, compelling from start to finish.

2003 Bad Blood - Triple H v Kevin Nash

Not really that great in my opinion. Whilst alot of weapons were featured I didn't find this match as compelling or as nasty as the Lesnar v Taker HIAC. Plus, really, I think we all knew Nash wasen't gunna win.

2004 Bad Blood - Triple H v Shawn Michaels

This was way to long. It dragged on and on... and on and on. Until the painfully slow ending. To be honest it was actually a pretty good match but, like I said, this matches' biggest flaw was that it was nearly 20 minutes to long.

2005 Vengeance - Triple H v Batista

Whilst it was built-up to be a really physical and brutal match, I found it really dissapointing. The only highlight was the bared wire steel chair... now chair shots were awesome!

2005 Armageddon - Undertaker v Randy Orton

I hate this match. It should of been amazing... but I found it to be a drag from start to finish. Orton did show how tough he is for the first time but, from my view anyway, that didn't save this match from being a waste of time. Taker and Orton had a superb rivalry but their HIAC should of been better.

2006 Unforgiven - D-Generation X v Shane McMahon, Vince McMahon & Big Show

2 things made this match stand out:

1) The introduction of the new cell... the size of it took my breath away.
2) Vince getting his face shoved up Big Show's ass

... and thats it. The whole match kind of looked rushed.

2007 Survivor Series - Undertaker v Batista

I remember JBL saying that this match was 'a classic'... sorry John, but your way off. Edge's return is the only highlight for me. It was no where near brutal enough to cap off the best rivalry of 2007 when it had been antispated to be a blood bath.

Summerslam 2008 - Undertaker v Edge

I really enjoy watching this match every now and then. But I noticed it was the only HIAC match not to feature any blood (unless I'm very much mistaken)
My fav was the first HIAC match because it was just that, the first one and it is a true classic cage match imo...Also because it featured Kane's debut which was a great moment...they don't do debuts like that anymore I'll tell ya...

While the HIAC matches that occurred on RAW certainly are not the most memorable, I still would like to see something like this happpen in the future...it's spontaniety like that which would do wonders for ratings imo....it wouldn't have to happen all the time but WWE could do with a dose of unpredictability like that again.

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