Feuds you'd like to see.

Malefic Messiah

Dark Match Jobber
Are there any prospective feuds you'd like to see? There are no real rules, feel free to cross brands.

I will go with 5.

Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre has comeback and his new attire looks like it has plugged a gap which has prevalent before. A feud with the big dog could do wonders for Drew's character whether he wins the feud or not.

Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins

Apart from the obvious unfortunate injury in their last match together there's a lot of juice in this especially in a championship angle. These are 2 of the biggest stars in the WWE and I would be more than happy to see these 2 perform together more than once.

Beer Money Inc vs The Usos

There are rumours circulating that James Storm may sign to the WWE and with the "Glorious" Robbie Roode character becoming a little stale, this needs to happen.

Johnny Gargano vs The Miz

Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa have had the most interesting feud in quite some time and with Johnny playing the face perfectly and The Miz playing heel as good as anybody in pro wrestling right now this could be fireworks.

Pete Dunne vs Velveteen Dream

Both guys should be performing on the biggest stage for a long time so where better than NXT to start them off?
If we go with five feud here my five.

A.J Styles vs Daniel Bryan
Mostly this is just a dream match that i would love seeing as a feud during mania season. One guy that's been on top for so long vs the guy that's been on the shelves for 2 years and is trying to get back to the top. That's great storytelling plus the matches would be awesome.

Roman Reigns vs Drew mcintyre.

Roman do need a fresh opponent on the heel side and Drew could be that guys after Reigns end is current feud with strowman. He's as big as Roman and wrestle the same style so i'm sure they could have a great rivalry between the 2.

Kalisto vs Rey Mysterio

I was watching 205 live this week and Kalisto was in the main event and the first thing i thought was Kalisto look so much like a young rey mysterio. So how great would a feud between these 2 would be. You don't need to do it on 205 live, you could use do it on Raw since technically the cruiserweight are still a raw property.

Authors of Pain vs the bludgeon Bros.

This would be such a trainwreck of a feud but a love those smash mouth no hold bared stuff like they did back in the day with teams like the legion of doom, powers of pain and demolition, so feud to prove who is the most dominant team in wwe would be awesome.

Becky Lynch vs asuka

I don't know why, but this match intrigues me more then ever. I always wonder if these 2 could have a great match or even have a feud together. So why not try it after Becky is finish with charlotte, if it doesn't work then just have Asuka join forces with Becky and have them feud with charlotte.
In no particular order:

Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre - This is a program I'd like to see as well and, if rumors are true, it's one that's probably coming before too long. Even though the odds are long that McIntyre becomes champion, it's still a huge opportunity to show just how much he brings to the table. He's got all the tools to be a top star. This has the potential to be a great, physical, hoss feud.

Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe - I think this would be a helluva feud because these are two guys who'd just beat the crap out of each other in their matches. Bryan prefers it when opponents get a bit stiff with him and Joe's the same so there's little doubt they could pull it off. Joe is great as a badass heel with no boundaries and Bryan is just the beloved scrappy babyface. I think the feud would be especially great during WrestleMania season if one or the other is WWE Champion.

Sanity vs. the Authors of Pain - These two teams had a helluva match at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III last year. It was just hard hitting, physical action from bell to bell and both of these teams need something as they're in danger of getting lost in the shuffle. There doesn't have to be a whole lot of talking, though Eric Young could handle the lion's share of that, but every encounter, in my opinion, would need to be really physical; just come off like a bunch of lunatics trying to slaughter each other.

Finn Balor vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - If Nakamura doesn't head back to Japan when his current deal is up, I'd love to see him feud with Finn Balor over the United States Championship. In a lot of ways, both these men have been overlooked and pitifully used though it's good to see that Nakamura is finally made some headway and maintained steady momentum over the past few months. Finn Balor though, the guy should be challenging for or defending championships instead of floating around from one mid-card opponent to the next.

Seth Rollins vs. Tommaso Ciampa - I know Ciampa is still in NXT, but I think this would be a great feud. Ciampa is such a great bastard of a heel, the best in wrestling right now in my opinion, and such a consummate cheap shot artist that I think he'd mesh extremely well with Rollins, one of the real workhorses of WWE.

Ronda Rousey vs. Asuka - I don't mean anytime soon, but somewhere down the line after WrestleMania next year. When you look at Asuka, she comes off as one of the handful of women on the roster that when it comes to suspension of disbelief, you don't feel downright silly picturing her being able to hold her own in a match with Ronda Rousey. I'd like to see WWE getting back on track with Asuka, build her back up over the next 6 months and maybe go the route of a sudden heel turn at WrestleMania by having her attack Rousey after her match if she's victorious. If it turns out to be Ronda vs. Charlotte next year and Ronda wins, maybe Asuka being the one to eventually take down Ronda Rousey can work because, let's face it, Rousey is going to have to lose to someone sometime and Asuka is someone that I think a majority of fans would be cool with. As I alluded to earlier, Asuka is one of the only women on the roster that I think most fans will "believe" in, so it should come from her or one of the few others and not any of the "Diva" types like Nikki Bella, Carmella, Maria or Lana.

Daniel Bryan vs. Pete Dunne - Give these two the time they need, tell them to go at it and just watch the greatness unfold in their matches. Even though people cheer him in NXT, which is something you can't do much of anything about sometimes no matter what you do, especially these days, Dunne is another great cheap shot artist like Ciampa. Dunne and Bryan are two guys who can have good matches with pretty much anybody and this is a program in which both men, with consistent booking, can come out looking like champs no matter who comes out on the "losing end" of things.

There are many, many other feuds that I'd love to see; WWE has the deep talent pool, it can be argued that WWE has too much talent and too little time to properly use it and the main roster is missing consistent booking and attention to little details like continuity.
I always considered Rollins v AJ to be a dream match. Probably not a dream feud but a hell of a match. But I think WWE gave it away in some multi man match at one point or something. My bad for thinking it could be important.

The dream feud for me is still Lesnar v Bryan. They contrast one another in so many ways but are still very similar in that they are very simple people. Brock can play the bully and Bryan can play the scrappy nerd who stands up for himself.

I'll take a Brock v AJ feud as well if it means they get in the ring together again. That was outstanding.

Ronda v Sasha sounds pretty good as a feud and maybe a match. Sasha has character and she is very creative in the ring. Maybe we can get a Sasha and reluctant Bayley heel turn once Ronda finishes with Alexa. Sasha worked well with Charlotte and she can do some good stuff with Ronda.

I'm just making this up as I go along but how about Big E v any singles star? I enjoy what he is doing now and am interested in seeing what he can do on his own.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Finn Balor is a yes from me. Had it not be that they're on different brands it would have happened already.

I like the Bryan/Dunne prospect too I just hope their timelines allow for that to happen some day. Same goes for Velveteen Dream vs AJ Styles.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Seth Rollins is an inevitable I think. Ciampa recently said on social media he plans to stay with NXT for the rest of his career but I don't believe him. You're right though, I'm struggling to think of a feud that matches Ciampa/Gargano in the last few years.

@George Steele's Barber

The AJ/Seth match is one I imagine will be one of the most popular suggestions since they're arguably the 2 best performers on the roster. I for one wouldn't miss it.

Rhonda vs Sasha is another I couldn't miss as they're both aggressive characters and neither would likely back down from the other. If they book that to be some super competitive matches it's going to be must see TV.

I can see Big E getting over as a single but I can not see it happening soon as right now, New Day is money and I imagine the WWE are eager to grow the tag division because right now it's nowhere near where it was just over a decade before.
Owens vs Joe, two of the best big men of this era that absolutely kill it in the ring and on the mic. We were teased it in NXT, but nothing ever really came of it.
Owens vs Joe, two of the best big men of this era that absolutely kill it in the ring and on the mic. We were teased it in NXT, but nothing ever really came of it.

Who's the good guy here? It's hard to imagine Owens as a face and Joe, frankly, shouldn't even try to turn face as he's too good of a heel. I wouldn't necessarily be against the feud, of course, as I'm always into feuds that lead to good matches that keep me entertained above all else.
I can see Big E getting over as a single but I can not see it happening soon as right now, New Day is money and I imagine the WWE are eager to grow the tag division because right now it's nowhere near where it was just over a decade before.

I agree that Big E could get over as a singles star if given a chance. Truth is, I think all three of them could. Kofi has always been a tag team and mid-card guy but I wouldn't be against him having a main event run. As for Xavier Woods, I think we're so used to him mostly being the primary mouth piece of the group that we often forget how good he can be. Woods can tell a story better than Big E or Kofi, he genuinely has some top notch understanding of psychology and he's got every bit as much personality.

I have to sort of disagree about the tag team division as a decade ago, the tag division was a joke as the titles were mostly a prop that teams like Jeri-Show, DX, ShowMiz, the Colons and various others would just carry around for a while without any real relevance being put on tag team wrestling as a division. Starting around the mid 2000s, the hayday of Edge & Christian, the Hardy Boyz, the Dudleys and Evolution was over though even the early 2000s saw the division hamstrung, to a degree, by hot potato title runs. By the mid 2000s, you had teams like La Resistance, William Regal & Eugene, Regal & Tajiri, Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch, Hurricane Helms & Rosey and others that just drug the division down. The tag team division didn't really start to become relevant again until guys like Team Hell No & the Shield hit the scene; right now, WWE has teams like New Day, Sanity, the Authors of Pain, the Usos, the Bludgeon Brothers, the Revival, Gallows & Anderson, the Bar on the main roster with Heavy Machinery, the Street Profits, the Mighty and War Raiders waiting in NXT; just using the teams on the main roster right now, WWE would have a very impressive looking tad team division overall if it was one big single division and I think its biggest problem is that it isn't one tag team division due to the brand split.
Who's the good guy here? It's hard to imagine Owens as a face and Joe, frankly, shouldn't even try to turn face as he's too good of a heel. I wouldn't necessarily be against the feud, of course, as I'm always into feuds that lead to good matches that keep me entertained above all else.

All Joe has to do is talk about Owens family to be the automatic heel. We've seen how Owens is about his family, he wouldn't necessarily have to be a face either just a bad ass that will do anything to protect them.
Triple H vs AJ Styles is a dream feud for me anyway or even Triple H vs Finn Balor in his Demon alter ego persona

Another missed opportunity for a feud back in the day was Triple H vs Bray Wyatt...you have The Eater of Worlds try to take down The Machine
Carmella vs Sasha Banks: I’d love to see this feud, good clash of personalities. Sasha is a workhorse of the women’s division and usually does a great job of selling and putting her opponents over. She could carry Carmella to have some of the best matches of her career. Sasha is in desperate need of a new direction and they need to get her away from Bayley so I would draft her to Smackdown. Carmella hasn’t done much of note since dropping the title except being a manager for R-Truth. I think it would be a breath of fresh air and would benefit both Carmella and Sasha.
Elias vs Velveteen Dream: I think Elias would be the perfect debut opponent to help debut Velveteen on the main roster. Another good clash of personalities with Elias being an old school rocker and Velveteen being the flamboyant Prince type. Both are big guys with good physiques and I think they would compliment each other in the ring.I picture a bunch of vignettes of Velveteen interrupting Elias’s concerts on Raw for a few weeks irritating Elias and leading to a pay per view where Velveteen makes his main roster debut.
Reigns vs. McIntyre seems like a popular one, but i have a feeling mine would be the not so popular and much more unlikely to happen.

I'll start off with 1 just to give a taste of what I would be going for:

Tazz vs. Brodus Clay. A small, grappler style wrestler squaring off against a bulking, huge guy but not massive like Big Show, Khali, Gonzales, or Andre. Not to say that those matches would not also have merit, but these two feel like they could be a classic teacher/student kind of setup. I'm not one that feels wrestling really needs to tell a story; although there might be something here to work with.
My top 5 Dream Feuds besides the current storylines would be the following....

1) AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar - I believe Styles is the one to take the Universal strap from Lesnar. Instead of the Bryan groin kick they should've had Lesnar take out Styles alllowing the Bryan Title win. Then at Survivor Series you have Styles cause the DQ win for Brock by attacking Lesnar before the match even starts. Then you build it up for the next few months where A.J. says he's winning the Royal Rumble and he's taking Lesnar's Universal Title at Wrestlemania. Lots of cross brand promotions leading to a Styles win at Mania.
2) Finn Balor vs. Dean Ambrose but with a wrinkle (Gallows & Anderson return to Raw to reform the Club and they also add a 4th member Adam Cole) and Ambrose becomes the leader of Sanity. You can have an epic 4 on 4 feud with the I-C Title as the main chase.
3) 4 Horsewomen vs. 4 Horsewomen - (You have the Mania match pretty much set with Lynch vs. Rousey) now you need to build on that post mania. Introduce Women's Tag Titles and then this feud gets even better. Have all parties on Raw along with a few other women to keep the roster strong. Then with Smackdown women's division you can have Asuka, Jax, Bliss, Natalyia, Riot Squad, Naomi, The Bellas, etc.. be the featured women.
4) Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton - Orton is playing his best heel in years and who better to help continue to get Reigns over with the crowd when he returns. They've had great matches and if Reigns mic skills improve the promos would be amazing.
5) Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Stroman - would be a great big man feud ala Taker vs. Diesel back in the day. Would like to see both moved to Smackdown fighting over the World Title in 2019. Styles should be the featured performer on Raw after a Mania win over Lesnar.

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