Final: Goku vs. Juggernaut

Who wins?

  • Goku

  • Juggernaut

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I would love to say juggernaut but he is outmatched in this. Really there arnt too many characters that are not outmatched by Goku.

I can name several...Thanos, Dark Phoenix, Scarlet Witch, Onslaught, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Thor, Gladiator, Absorbing Man, and that's just from Marvel.

Juggernaut is unstoppable once he gains momentum but other than that he is weaker than Goku in pretty much every way.

Weaker how? Juggernaut is physically stronger than Goku, and he has more stamina.

Goku would be way too fast for Juggernaut to even touch him. And Sayans are strong enough to mess up whole portions of planets with energy attacks.

I don't see how that would even matter. So what if Goku can throw 100 punches in a second and Juggernaut only see's a single punch; if none of them do any damage thanks to Juggernaut's invulnerability then what good is speed?

So Goku could easily blast Juggernaut into space from behind. Hulk has side stepped Juggernaut before and punched him in the back accelerating him more and sending him crashing through some buildings.

I doubt it. The only time he's been seen blasting opponents away was when they were already in the air. What's to say that Juggernaut could nullify his energy blasts with his brute strength? That's what Frieza did.

Also Juggernaut isn't as strong as Goku.

Physically? Oh he's much stronger than Goku, and he's more durable. He laughed off Thor's God Blast, which has the ability to destroy a galaxy.

Cain has been beaten by Hulk who I would say is not on Goku level and Cyclops once said that Juggernauts strength is on the same level as Thor. Thor has also been beaten by Hulk.

Thor is stronger than Goku; his hammer would absorb all of his attacks and send them right back.
Goku uses the solar flare to temporarily blind Juggernaut, uses instant transmission to transport himself and Juggernaut to deserted planet, and uses most powerful Kamehameha to blow up planet and uses instant transmission to return to earth while the planet explodes. Game set match Juggernaut is dust while goku is victorious.
Goku uses the solar flare to temporarily blind Juggernaut, uses instant transmission to transport himself and Juggernaut to deserted planet, and uses most powerful Kamehameha to blow up planet and uses instant transmission to return to earth while the planet explodes. Game set match Juggernaut is dust while goku is victorious.

That wouldn't work. Goku can't use Instant Transmission to take them both to a deserted planet due to the limitations of the technique. There needs to be life on it for him to lock onto and travel to. Since Goku's not the enough of a ******** to blow up an inhabited planet this strategy wouldn't work.
That wouldn't work. Goku can't use Instant Transmission to take them both to a deserted planet due to the limitations of the technique. There needs to be life on it for him to lock onto and travel to. Since Goku's not the enough of a ******** to blow up an inhabited planet this strategy wouldn't work.

Okay well then Goku uses solar flare knocks Juggernaut's helmet off and takes his head off with his most powerful Kamehameha.
Okay well then Goku uses solar flare knocks Juggernaut's helmet off and takes his head off with his most powerful Kamehameha.

1) Solar Flare has no concussive force. It's not going to knock off Juggernaut's helmet.
2) Juggernaut's helmet only really protects him from psychic attacks. Knocking it off Won't help Goku.
3)Juggernaut's indestructible. A Kamehameha wave isn't killing Juggernaut, no matter where it's aimed.

Try harder.
1) Solar Flare has no concussive force. It's not going to knock off Juggernaut's helmet.
2) Juggernaut's helmet only really protects him from psychic attacks. Knocking it off Won't help Goku.
3)Juggernaut's indestructible. A Kamehameha wave isn't killing Juggernaut, no matter where it's aimed.

Try harder.

1. I know it's to stop Juggernaut for a while.
2. A Kamehameha to the face would annihilate Juggernaut
3. Your highly underestimating the power of a Kamehameha.

Get your head out your ass Juggernaut is beatable. He's been defeated by the Hulk who Goku happened to defeat previous round. Lol I just watched a clip of Juggernaut being tossed in the ocean like nothing by Gladiator.
1. I know it's to stop Juggernaut for a while.
2. A Kamehameha to the face would annihilate Juggernaut
3. Your highly underestimating the power of a Kamehameha.

Get your head out your ass Juggernaut is beatable. He's been defeated by the Hulk who Goku happened to defeat previous round. Lol I just watched a clip of Juggernaut being tossed in the ocean like nothing by Gladiator.

1) Not for very long
2) No it wouldn't. He's literally indestructible.
3) Juggernaut's got a winning record against Hulk. The closest Hulk's come to defeating Juggernaut is dodging him and pushing him out of the area. Juggernaut wasn't hurt at all. By contrast, Juggernaut would have killed Hulk on at least one occasion if not for interference from the X-Men. The attitude of Marvel in the 90's also supports the theory that Juggernaut > Hulk.

You can watch Juggernaut get tossed into the ocean all you like. However, he's going to walk out of the ocean, completely unharmed and ready to continue.

Juggernaut doesn't tire. He doesn't get hurt. He can't be stopped. Goku can't win this with nothing but power. This is why I've been arguing for him to win by putting Juggernaut into orbit. Try harder!
1) Not for very long
2) No it wouldn't. He's literally indestructible.
3) Juggernaut's got a winning record against Hulk. The closest Hulk's come to defeating Juggernaut is dodging him and pushing him out of the area. Juggernaut wasn't hurt at all. By contrast, Juggernaut would have killed Hulk on at least one occasion if not for interference from the X-Men. The attitude of Marvel in the 90's also supports the theory that Juggernaut > Hulk.

You can watch Juggernaut get tossed into the ocean all you like. However, he's going to walk out of the ocean, completely unharmed and ready to continue.

Juggernaut doesn't tire. He doesn't get hurt. He can't be stopped. Goku can't win this with nothing but power. This is why I've been arguing for him to win by putting Juggernaut into orbit. Try harder!

Okay then Goku finishes him off like this. Goku uses the solar flare blinds Juggernaut, Goku then gets a capsule ship increases the gravity to x100 and sets a course for the sun he then uses instant transmission to put himself and Juggernaut in the capsule ship headed for the sun, while on the ship he uses the solar flare to blind Juggernaut again and he uses instant transmission to escape the ship and fires a Kamehameha at the ship sending it and Juggernaut into the sun.
Juggernaut was once beaten by Spiderman who did so by luring him into wet cement. I'm sure Goku could think of something.
Okay then Goku finishes him off like this. Goku uses the solar flare blinds Juggernaut, Goku then gets a capsule ship increases the gravity to x100 and sets a course for the sun he then uses instant transmission to put himself and Juggernaut in the capsule ship headed for the sun, while on the ship he uses the solar flare to blind Juggernaut again and he uses instant transmission to escape the ship and fires a Kamehameha at the ship sending it and Juggernaut into the sun.

Except you forgot one thing... Goku can't survive inside the vacuum of space, where as Juggernaut can. Where exactly is Goku going to find a capsule ship? From Bulma?

1.) That's outside interference and not allowed, and

2.) By the time Goku gets the ship and sets it up Juggernaut will be fine, and will wreck the ship to pieces.

And gravity won't stop the Juggernaut from moving and smashing Goku through the side of the ship, even if this heavily flawed theory was lucky enough to work.

Juggernaut was once beaten by Spiderman who did so by luring him into wet cement. I'm sure Goku could think of something.

When have you ever seen Goku lure anybody into any sort of predicament or trap? Usually its him being tricked, like Vegeta did when he knocked his ass unconscious.
When have you ever seen Goku lure anybody into any sort of predicament or trap? Usually its him being tricked, like Vegeta did when he knocked his ass unconscious.

As I said earlier, he's outsmarted Cell, Yakkon, and Pikkon. He's been outsmarted by Vegeta, and Frieza, but both those guys are infintely smarter than Juggernaut.
As I said earlier, he's outsmarted Cell, Yakkon, and Pikkon. He's been outsmarted by Vegeta, and Frieza, but both those guys are infintely smarter than Juggernaut.

When did he outsmart Cell? By teleporting him off the planet? That wasn't outsmarting him, that was a sacrifice on Goku's part because he ended up dying as well. He didn't outsmart Pikkon; he used his IT as a trump card to beat him. Without that he would have lost. Even Vegeta lamented that Goku's strategy against Yakkon was dumb; he had such massive ki reserves and power that he was able to make him overload and explode.

So he's relying on luck to beat the Juggernaut? That's what it's starting to sound like to me.
Except you forgot one thing... Goku can't survive inside the vacuum of space, where as Juggernaut can. Where exactly is Goku going to find a capsule ship? From Bulma?

Goku can survive in the vacuum of space, as evidenced by Bardock doing exactly that. Before he somehow got blasted back in time/killed by Freeza.
It doesn't take a great strategist to lure someone into wet cement...

Ladies and gentlemen, we have found Juggernaut's weakness. No need to call in Professor Xavier or the Scarlet Witch. Because we have wet cement. Yup, I know The Avengers, and The X-Men stand no chance to this guy but if Juggernaut ever goes crazy make sure you call Paul from construction, he has some cement that can glue Juggernaut in place.

When did he outsmart Cell? By teleporting him off the planet? That wasn't outsmarting him, that was a sacrifice on Goku's part because he ended up dying as well. He didn't outsmart Pikkon; he used his IT as a trump card to beat him. Without that he would have lost. Even Vegeta lamented that Goku's strategy against Yakkon was dumb; he had such massive ki reserves and power that he was able to make him overload and explode.

So he's relying on luck to beat the Juggernaut? That's what it's starting to sound like to me.

Come on! He blew Cell's head off when Cell thought he would destroy the planet. Isn't that outsmarting him? Or did he just take advantage of one of his powers? Isn't he allowed to use one of his primary powers? I've never heard Vegeta say Goku's strategy against Yakkon was dumb. He said that Goku had found a way to push his limits as a SSJ even further. Far from saying his strategy was dumb. Again, against Pikkon he found a weakness in his signature attack. So what if he used his IT as a trump card. That would be like me saying Vegeta didn't outsmart Goku he just used his nice guy nature against him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have found Juggernaut's weakness. No need to call in Professor Xavier or the Scarlet Witch. Because we have wet cement. Yup, I know The Avengers, and The X-Men stand no chance to this guy but if Juggernaut ever goes crazy make sure you call Paul from construction, he has some cement that can glue Juggernaut in place.

That's how Spiderman did it in the comics. :lmao:
And it took him six months to get out.
Peter Parker is also a genius with perhaps the greatest back hand knowledge of New York City. We are talking about GoKu. A man who usually fights in plain open fields or at the mountains. Neither of which contain wet cement. Considering this is a even battlefield the area will play no impact into this fight.
Once again I feel it doesn't take a genius to lure someone into wet cement. And it says something about the level of intelligence Juggernaut has. Him being stuck in cement for six months also says something about his power level to me. I see Goku trying everything to beat this guy and never giving up until he finds a way. I think he could outsmart him or possibly out-power him. But either way I give it to Goku.

Peter Parker is also a genius with perhaps the greatest back hand knowledge of New York City. We are talking about GoKu. A man who usually fights in plain open fields or at the mountains. Neither of which contain wet cement. Considering this is a even battlefield the area will play no impact into this fight.

Nobody ever said that wet cement was Juggernaut's weakness. They're just saying, it's a dumb little trick that incapacitated him for six entire months, proving how dumb he can be. If someone whose strength can rival the Hulk at times can be this easily outsmarted, Goku doesn't have to rely on world-shattering energy blasts to win this fight.
Goku can survive in the vacuum of space, as evidenced by Bardock doing exactly that. Before he somehow got blasted back in time/killed by Freeza.

He was shown in the upper atmosphere of the planet. A sayian has never been shown surviving in the vacuum of space except in the fillers.

Come on! He blew Cell's head off when Cell thought he would destroy the planet. Isn't that outsmarting him? Or did he just take advantage of one of his powers?

Well obviously he took advantage of his powers. Do you think he would have used the same strategy if he couldn't use IT?

I've never heard Vegeta say Goku's strategy against Yakkon was dumb.He said that Goku had found a way to push his limits as a SSJ even further. Far from saying his strategy was dumb.

My mistake, he didn't. But he questioned his motives. It wasn't a strategy he would have used. Goku's strategy was attributed to the fact that he could easily overpower Yakon; he can't overpower Juggernaut.

Again, against Pikkon he found a weakness in his signature attack. So what if he used his IT as a trump card. That would be like me saying Vegeta didn't outsmart Goku he just used his nice guy nature against him.

If Goku had outsmarted Pikkon, don't you think he would have found a way to beat him without using IT? Without that has his trump card he would have never won, even if he did figure out the weaknesses behind Thunder Flash.
He was shown in the upper atmosphere of the planet. A sayian has never been shown surviving in the vacuum of space except in the fillers.

The difference is negligable. At thirty thousand feet, it's already impossible to breathe (this is why air planes are pressurised to less than 10% of that height). In terms of breathing, pressure and temperature, the difference between the upper atmosphere and deep space is a petty distinction.
Well obviously he took advantage of his powers. Do you think he would have used the same strategy if he couldn't use IT?

No, but the point is that Goku does have that ability. He's going to use all the powers he possesses as is Juggernaut, so the point is moot, at best.

My mistake, he didn't. But he questioned his motives. It wasn't a strategy he would have used. Goku's strategy was attributed to the fact that he could easily overpower Yakon; he can't overpower Juggernaut.

Goku's strategy was also attributed to the fact that he didn't want to take any damage. He can't overpower Juggernaut, but he has more than enough strength to throw Juggernaut or blast him into orbit, considering his max out is 40 tonnes, and Juggernaut only weighs about 2.

If Goku had outsmarted Pikkon, don't you think he would have found a way to beat him without using IT? Without that has his trump card he would have never won, even if he did figure out the weaknesses behind Thunder Flash.

See above. He was most likely weaker than Pikkon from what anybody could tell, but he still found a way to win. Do you think Vegeta wouldn't beaten Goku within an inch of his life if he couldn't transform in their first fight?
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