First Round: Boston - Dynamite Kid vs. Dusty Rhodes

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Dynamite Kid

  • Dusty Rhodes

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round matchup in the Boston Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated.

Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts.


Dynamite Kid



Dusty Rhodes


Voting is open for 4 days.
Dynamite Kid was the influence for everything that became Chris Benoit. He was 1/2 of my personal favorite tag team of all time in the British Bulldogs. He was exciting, powerful, quick, high-flying, and fearless in the ring. But...

This is Dusty fucking Rhodes we're talking about. This fat man overcame so many obstacles in his career and captured world championships from men like Ric Flair. He also went toe-to-toe with the Four Horsemen and stepped into a cage with them along side the Road Warriors.

I just can't vote for Dynamite Kid here. Dusty gets my vote.
D-Man almost changed my mind here. Dusty Rhodes is a legend and has many more championship accomplishments than Dynamite. However, Dusty made his name and his career from being the best talker in the business at the time. Dusty created a larger than life persona and attracted fans with words rather than his work in the ring. We all know that being able to cut a good promo is crucial to being successful- especially in the present time- but in ring work is more special to me on a personal level. Dynamite made his career in the complete opposite fashion- he was flawless in the ring. I would choose to watch a match involving the Dynamite Kid anyday over Dusty Rhodes.
Kayfabe: Dynamite Kid was a mean dude, setting the bar for others to emulate. The British Bulldogs were an iconic team in their era. But Dusty is the American fucking Dream, baby. Before there was Mankind, there was Dusty to show us that a world champion face could also be a fat bastard. Dusty Rhodes ended playing a much bigger part in the wrestling world than Dynamite Kid ever did.

Performance: Dynamite Kid lit it up in the ring. One of the first high-flying types that I remember seeing as a kid. Dusty Rhodes's fights weren't pretty, but he still pulled out wins. And he was a part of stories in the ring, as opposed to just a 10 minute spot routine, however impressive.

Personal: It hurts because most anywhere else in this tourney I'd put Dynamite over, but not the champion of the common man. Dusty Rhodes is one of the reasons I got into wrestling; he was a bright, distinct character that I was entertained by both in the ring and on the mic. Outside of the ring, he was a big part of WCW booking, and of training many next gen wrestlers.

Vote Dusty Rhodes; I did.
Dynamite Kid was a quick wrestler and he was awesome when he was one half of the British Bulldogs, He was a mean dude and he didn't used to care about what the fans think about him.

Dusty is a living legend, he accomplished a lot and got the respect of many of his opponents. Other than Ric Flair, I really thing that Dusty Rhodes is just the best for what he did back in the days.

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes wins my vote.
I completely agree with you on this one D-man, I don't think Dynamite Kid would be able to pull one out against Dusty here, Dusty even considering his size was pretty good in the ring all around, great talker and was able to put on great matches with many people, especially Flair, I loved their steel cage match.

And when talking about titles, it has to be Dusty, it would be any day if it was just about titles, and accomplishments, I mean he's gotten a few match of the year awards, and if you have to count more to it, this guy has a great mind for the business if you ask me, a good booker, and a great talker on the commentary too.
Dynamite Kid was fucking brutal in and out of the ring, and would pick apart Dusty the way Dusty would pick apart an all you can eat buffet: with meticulously controlled fury and devastating effectiveness. This is the same SOB who make Mick Foley legitimately pee blood for days with brutal body shots, and tore a ligament in Foley's jaw after a hook clothesline, and that was when the guy was "faking". If this was a promo contest or a who had the bigger career contest then yea Rhodes matters, but this is a wrestling match. I vote Dynamite
You all make such good arguments for either side, but right now I'm leaning Dynamite Kid.

As ligerbomb mentioned, the dude is just fucking brutal. When Dusty Rhodes gets in the ring, you get the feeling that he's there to have a fun wrestling match that he'll try his darnedest to win. When Dynamite Kid hits the ring, you get the feeling he wants to see how badly he can injure his opponent. It's like a game, how high can he make his opponent's hospital bill?

I get the feeling that Dusty won't be able to match the intensity of Dynamite Kid, and after Dynamite makes Dusty's spleen explode it'll be a matter of moments before the match ends.
Dynamite Kid was as legit as they get and from what I've read I'd imagine he is pretty douchey in the ring. He was a brutal bastard. Dusty was larger than life and maybe one of the best guys to ever work the stick in the business. Dynamite has the look of a star, Dusty has the look of a guy that goes to the diner every night to shoot shit. However that never stopped Dusty from achieving stardom. He was a world champion when the likes of Ric Flair and Harley Race were around. If we were going based off skill and look then Dynamite has this in the bag, but Dusty just seems to win matches and can go toe to toe with those more athletically skilled than him and still come up victorious.
All this "Dynamite was vicious and would pick apart Rhodes" talk is BS. There's a reason Dynamite never was a Main Eventer, and it wasn't because of his size, considering other small guys got that high on the card. Dynamite is a guy who, again, is more famous for his affect on others then his own actual accomplishments. Not that DK didn't accomplish anything, btu not nearly as much as the Common Man. Vote Dusty Rhodes.
All this "Dynamite was vicious and would pick apart Rhodes" talk is BS. There's a reason Dynamite never was a Main Eventer, and it wasn't because of his size, considering other small guys got that high on the card. Dynamite is a guy who, again, is more famous for his affect on others then his own actual accomplishments. Not that DK didn't accomplish anything, btu not nearly as much as the Common Man. Vote Dusty Rhodes.
^ Makes no sense.
First showing examples of DKs legit toughness and damaging offense is not BS. It can't be, it's actual fact, not nonsense lies or exaggerations, fact. Where's the supposed BS? Second DK was limited by his size. You mention other small guys yet refuse to name names. Who are these small guys that got high up on the card? Disregarding height you say there is a reason DK never reached the Main Event yet never put forth that reason. I agree that DK's affect on Dusty would have devastating effects on the Dream's anatomy. And again this is a wrestling match not an accomplishments contest.
^ Makes no sense.
First showing examples of DKs legit toughness and damaging offense is not BS. It can't be, it's actual fact, not nonsense lies or exaggerations, fact. Where's the supposed BS? Second DK was limited by his size. You mention other small guys yet refuse to name names. Who are these small guys that got high up on the card? Disregarding height you say there is a reason DK never reached the Main Event yet never put forth that reason. I agree that DK's affect on Dusty would have devastating effects on the Dream's anatomy. And again this is a wrestling match not an accomplishments contest.

Accomplishments are a reflection of wrestling, fool. It's not like they just hand him titles, he has to win wrestling matches to get them. Dusty Rhodes beat Ric Flair. Dusty Rhodes beat Harley Race. Dusty Rhodes beat Terry Funk. Dusty Rhodes beat Randy Savage. All of these were wrestling matches, and all guys were better then Dynamite Kid. Dusty would straight WORK Dynamite Kid.
Accomplishments are a reflection of wrestling, fool.
Noooo... pro wrestling accomplishments are a reflection of predetermined outcomes in a fictitious storyline filled business. By the by... was the 'fool' necessary? Really?
It's not like they just hand him titles
Actually that's pretty much what happens...
he has to win wrestling matches to get them.
Yes, he "won" fake ones.
Dusty Rhodes beat Ric Flair. Dusty Rhodes beat Harley Race. Dusty Rhodes beat Terry Funk. Dusty Rhodes beat Randy Savage. All of these were [predetermined]wrestling matches, and all guys were better then Dynamite Kid. Dusty would straight WORK Dynamite Kid.
See I get your doing the kayfabe thing but you're also committing a error when you say that A>B because A>C, A>D, A>E and A>F. That line of faulty reasoning just doesn't hold water.
First you would have to prove in every individual case that C>B, D>B, E>B, and F>B and even then that wouldn't prove that the same methods that make those individual circumstances true would even be applicable to the topic at hand, namely that A>B.
Dynamite Kid, easily.

Dusty Rhodes was basically the babyface version of The Miz in his hay day, except he actually received World Title pushes.

The fact is, Dusty was tremendous on the microphone, and charismatic as all hell, but he sucked as a wrestler. Ric Flair, Randy Savage, and Harley Race couldn't get decent matches out of the guy for fucks sake.

I like Dusty, and he's one of those rare wrestlers that can bring a smile to my face whenever I watch a promo of his, but he absolutely does not deserve to defeat one of the greatest in-ring technicians to ever lace up a pair of boots in The Dynamite Kid.

The Dynamite Kid's matches with Sayama are beyond legendary. Beyond. By this point, they're as historic and important to the business as any other matches that has ever taken place, in my opinion. Moreover, as a tag team wrestler, Kid was superb as well, actually making tag matches worth a damn in WWE.

Kayfabe wise, I mean, kayfabe wise Dusty was a tough motherfucker and it was hard to put the fat bastard away, but Dynamite Kid would eventually wear him down, because there's absolutely nothing Dusty would do to put someone like The Dynamite Kid down for 3 seconds. That stupid elbow he does? Man, that would feel like Dusty was tickling Kid, not hurting him. So, eventually Dusty would wear himself out trying to put him away, and eventually Dynamite Kid would capitalize with a roll-up or something like that, and get the 3 count. No question about it... that's how this match would go.
This is bullshit! Dynamite losing to Rhodes? Seriously now, I can only put this down to ignorance because for a supposedly educated Wrestling board, that's just fucking stupid. Have those of you who have voted for Rhodes ever actually seen Tom Billington? The guy was like Benoit on steroids (more steroids), was a beast in the ring and you think he's going to lose to this fat man? Give me a fucking break. Billington would wrestle rings around Rhodes until Rhodes simply collapsed from exhaustion.

I'm literally embarrassed for this forum
Live and in livin' colah!!!

One thing people underestimate about Rhodes is that he has the knack to pull out wins by letting his opponent make a mistake. Dynamite Kid is a superior wrestler to Rhodes, but mistakes will cost him the match.

Rhodes is savvy and has beaten some greats in his day. Harley Race for one. Ric Flair for another. Dynamite Kid hasn't had a big match like Rhodes has and he also takes too many high risks. The diving headbutt onto Rhodes wouldn't pin him. And Rhodes can get a Weaver Lock on him and put him to sleep... or just catch him dazed and roll him up for a 3 count.

Rhodes by a hair here.
GAH I love Dynamite and think Rhodes is the single most overrated superstar wrestling wise of all time, but I'm leaning torwards Dusty.

Dynamite excelled against smaller men, but a lot of his offense is nullified by the size of the dream, for sure. Still, his mat work and high flying ability could possibly prove enough to get him back into it.

Ok, I still take Dynamite. A lot of Dusty's offense was elbows to the top of the head - I just can't see Dynamite doing anything other than swinging back when met with these. Furthermore, the intensity is a BIG deal in this match, as referenced earlier - Dusty does seem to just be wrestling for good times the vast majority of it, Dynamite would destroy the flabby abs and pecs with brutal brawling.

I take DK.
This also was pretty close to call, closer than I thought it would be. Yeah, Dynamite is fast, jacked, athletic, and knows how to wrestle and is damn good at it, but big Dust is one guy he'd have trouble taking out. The "Dream" , despite the fact of all the extra weight he carries, actually had better endurance than one would expect, having wrestled in some big matches with both Race and Flair for the NWA strap, winning the title twice. A big impact player in this business, Rhoades, bleeding like a stuck pig, of course, gets by the Kid in long match.
This also was pretty close to call, closer than I thought it would be. Yeah, Dynamite is fast, jacked, athletic, and knows how to wrestle and is damn good at it, but big Dust is one guy he'd have trouble taking out. The "Dream" , despite the fact of all the extra weight he carries, actually had better endurance than one would expect, having wrestled in some big matches with both Race and Flair for the NWA strap, winning the title twice. A big impact player in this business, Rhoades, bleeding like a stuck pig, of course, gets by the Kid in long match.

Actually, he carried it three times: twice beating Race for it, and once beating Flair.

But thanks for the vote anyway!
dusty i love dustys fat ass ( i say it with love as we all do) but dynamit ekid was great and always entertaining he could always put on a show and had success outside of his succesful tag team its hard to vote against dusty but dynamite kid beats him here in there primes
Fat, flamboyant, big in the 80s, main evented but was never a true top star. These all describe Dusty Rhodes, but they also describe Adrian Adonis, a big fat bastard who Dynamite Kid beat pretty handily. Indeed, he beat him immediately after having beaten Nikolai Volkoff, another main eventer, in 6 seconds. The event was the first wrestling PPV, and that is a pretty good showcase event to raise your game.

It's true that Tom Billington didn't wrestle on his own very often, his career cut short, but when he did he beat competition in Rhodes' league - British Bulldog, Bret Hart, Brutus Beefcake. All of these guys were big deals back in the day, and Kid beat them as a tag team specialist. Can you imagine a tag specialist today such as Caylen Croft beating people like Kane or Rey Mysterio? It just doesn't happen. Kid may have been a tag specialist, but when push came to shove he proved himself as a singles star.

Rhodes' biggest weakness was to technical wrestlers. Savage, Flair, Windham et al. all got the better of him, and Kid was a techincal specialist. For me it came to that, and I voted Dynamite Kid.
Dusty Rhodes is among the most accomplished pro wrestlers you'll ever run into when it comes down to just sheer number of title wins. When you add up all of his reigns together, you're looking at somewhere around 60 different reigns with various NWA championships including 3 runs as NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

The Dynamite Kid was incredible to watch in the ring. Chris Benoit reminded me so much of him at times it was almost scary. Just about everything the Dynamite Kid did, Chris Benoit tried to emulate as best he could. His style, the way he moved, even his build really. Pound for pound, the Dynamite Kid may well have been the best wrestler of his generation.

However, I have to give my vote to Dusty Rhodes in this match. Dusty Rhodes is someone that literally and regularly defeated most of the biggest names in professional wrestling for more than 20 years. Terry Funk, Dory Funk, Jr., Bill Watts, The Spoiler, Jos LeDuc, Ox Baker, Superstar Billy Graham, Ivan Koloff, Harley Race, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, Lex Luger and so on and so forth. In spite of his appearance, Dusty Rhodes was someone that could wrestle an hour a night, 7 days a week and twice on Sundays. He won most NWA championships that were worth winning and beat damn near everybody along the way to win them. Dusty Rhodes did almost everything that an wrestler in America ever wants to do.
Lot of people keep saying that since Dusty beat [insert name here] that means that he could beat Dynamite, and that just doesn't make sense.
They also say that despite what he looked like on the outside, Dusty was in good shape. When the truth is he was in good shape... for someone his size, but not for actually fit athletic people. And regardless Dynamite was in much much better shape and would not slow down to Dusty's pace but rather crank up the intensity to make Dusty fight at his pace, in which case The Dream simply wouldn't/couldn't a last.
Someone else --who oddly would eventually vote DK-- said that somehow Dusty's size nullifies Dynamite's offense... as if to say being fat makes getting hook clothes-lined hurt less. And apparently being fat actually is beneficial when you're up against someone trying to manipulate your already overstressed knee, ankle, and hip joints...
These arguments just does make sense to me. If you like Dusty more that's fine. Vote accordingly, but don't make up stuff on how that fat bastard would actually win between the ropes... and if you do, at lease make it somewhat sensible.
^^^ overstressed knee, he says. Who's still walking?

Dusty goes over Dynamite. It's not a squash, it's not's a war, but the American Dream wins on his home turf, the US of fuckin' A. Thanks all for your support!
^^^ overstressed knee, he says. Who's still walking?

Dusty goes over Dynamite. It's not a squash, it's not's a war, but the American Dream wins on his home turf, the US of fuckin' A. Thanks all for your support!

I'm try to determine whether your statements are entirely irrelevant to the topic or just simply poor attempts at red herrings and hyperbole...

In any case, yes, today Tom Billington cannot walk, in part due to the massive amounts of steroids he used to create a physique capable of demolishing men of much softer weak standards (see Dusty Rhodes).
And yes they took their toll on him but they allowed him however briefly to be a man outright feared for his legitimate toughness both in and out of the ring.
Thankfully this wrestling match does not take place today, but rather when Billington was in his physical prime, a prime in which he, The Dynamite Kid, was in almost every way superior inside of a ring.

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