First Round: Detroit - Sgt. Slaughter vs. John Cena

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Sgt. Slaughter

  • John Cena

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round matchup in the Detroit Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated.

Location: Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan.


Sgt. Slaughter



John Cena


Voting is open for 4 days.
Don't let any nostalgic Wrestlemania 7 fanboys come in here and fool you, Sgt. Slaughter isn't that good, at all. He was known mostly for a few Boot Camp Brawls or some shit like that in MSG, and that's about it. He has a crappy transitional title reign in 1991 so Warrior wouldn't have to give the belt back to Hogan. Sgt. Slaughter is the 90's version of the Iron Sheik, cheap heat Foreign (sympathizer) heel that faded into obscurity as soon as the war was over.

John Cena is a legit main eventer, and moving high up in the terms of big names in WWE history. He outclasses and out wrestles the Sarge in every category possible.
Neither of these two are the best wrestlers but that really isn't the question in this situation. Sarge was on top for 4 months, and that was it. His best period was 4 month period leading up to, becoming and losing his championship. That was it. John Cena's been on top of his game since 2005 and never looked back. He's beaten them all, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Edge and most recently Batista. Cena has gone toe to toe with the best and beaten them. John Cena deserves to beat the Sarge.
John Cena.

Why? because this guy, like Hulk Hogan, is incredible over, and will be for a long time, he's the face of WWE, and has done more for this business in the 10 year's time he's been here as opposed to the around 30 years Slaugther has been around.

And no it's not because I don't know of Slaughter, he's done some good stuff, winning a nice handful of titles, including a WWF championship, and he was a great heel at times, and I also have to admit I liked his period as WWF commissioner, with his involvement in D-Generation X antics, which I found absolutely hilarious, and Slaughter had a good involvement in this.

But I simply think John Cena, both from an business impact, draw and kayfabe view will go over this, a huge part to the fact that if they were to face off in a match too, John Cena would most likely be able to counter, or survive the cobra clutch, as opposed to Slaughter avoiding a Attitude Adjustment.
Kayfabe: These two, on paper, might get along. But not likely. Slaughter is tough man, with a tough hairpiece. John Cena is Hogan for the 00's.

Performance: Equal ground for both men here. I'll give the promo points to Slaughter, but the in ring points to Cena. I don't remember Slaughter ever being as explosive.

Personal: I want to give this to Slaughter, for the lulz and for nostalgia's sake. But John Cena is the face of the WWE, and is responsible for much of it's good fortunes, and really is that good of a performer.

Cenatron for the win
i want slaughter simply because cena does not entertain me in the ring while i can watch slughter vs pattersons alley fight all day cena is boring with his moveset and now he trie to do the little technical thing every match while tripping over his own feet the guys a joke he wins in the mic dept but thats it

sarge for the win
People take Cena for granted. He's not the chosen one people think he is. He worked just as hard as anyone to get where he is and in late 2002, he was on the verge of release. He was seen as one of Heyman's boys, and a bland one at that. If Stephanie McMahon hadn't seen him rapping one day, we might not have the biggest star of our generation.

But that's not the only hardship Cena's had to deal with. Fate came pretty close to taking Cena from us before he could make any mark on the wrestling world. To explain, I cite John Cena's 2005 ballad "If It All Ended Tomorrow":

I want ya'll to feel the wound, its the truth in my words
I been quiet for too long, the truth should be heard
It was a while back, 10:20 in the morn'
Kat should up on my lawn in the rug-ed uniform
As you can see here, this is difficult. So read what follows with the most non-judgemental of eyes. As with rape victims, people in Cena's situation do need to be heard.

It was 10:20ish in the morning when this happened. A man looking rugged and unsettled showed up on his lawn. No problem. The Champ wasn't, and isn't, a grumpy old man. He rolled with it.


Unexpected, theres a knock on my door
I met this fool in the club, I don' see him before
Open to great him, but the second he sees me
His eyes buckle, his voice is uneasy
For all Cena knows, this man could be shy. Sometimes when speaking to women, my eyes buckle. When I was in highschool and had to speak in front of the class, my voice was uneasy. Often uneven. This is nothing uncommon. Cena knows this. The Champ is an understanding Champ.

But it's cool, I didn't even catch it at first
I check his shoulder, homie's rockin a purse
Now I know something's tricky, but I'm already sittin down
Homie pipes up, you should hear what he's spittin out
Cena's put himself in a compromising position by sitting down before checking the man for a weapon. In Cena's world, this is a major problem.

He's going to explain himself. He's saying something The Champ finds laughable.

Says I've been sleepin wit his wifey
And he ain't the type of kat to take that shit lightly
I made a move and he told me homie wait
Reached in his purse pulled a chrome 38
He asked me if I'm ready to die
Said he was gonna pull my brains all over the sky
Said he was leavin the country, and he was straight with the passports
Cocked the hammer, I'm thinkin my last thoughts
No disrespect to Mr. Slaughter. I'm sure being an Iraqi sympathizer in the 1990s was a dangerous lifestyle. But to people who will use that to illustrate Slaughter's toughness, I beg of you not to disrespect the experiences of The Champ. He was just doing him, and this is what he got for it in his world. He could have stopped at any time, but that's NOT who John Cena is. He never sacrificed who he was. Not in the face of this, and not ever.

I'm in a bad way, nothin could save this.
I close my eyes hopin it's painless
Just waitin for the sound, ready to swallow too
But homie havin trouble with his follow through
By a miracle, I avoid the chalk ground
Homie's confused, he just wanna be talked down
His wife is sleepin through town and he knew it
Picked me outta the crowd but couldn't do it
I know that was tense. You may now breath a sigh of relief.

Just lost it, and as he's walkin away
I realize life is short so I'm markin the day
Now it's full speed ahead, I'll rest when I'm dead
And I could give a Fuck what the next man said
I live how I wanna live
Buy what I wanna buy
Do what I wanna do
Try What I wanna try
Fear nothin, take chances
Not afraid to fail, always makin advances
So when I ride on the Grim Reaper Highway
No regrets bitch, I did it my way
Remember this next time you chastise Cena for his lifestyle. You haven't had the life changing experiences he's had, the character defining experiences he's had.

It's these kinds of experiences that, in my opinion, give Cena a greater mental toughness and appreciation of what's in front of him than Slaugher. Mentally, Cena wins this before it begins.
The only time Slaughter has been anything but a novelty character and had a decent run was when he was an Iraqi Sympathisers. Cheap heat foreign heels always run roughshod through a company and then are invariably stopped by the biggest face around. Step forward Mr. Cena, because your time is now. Cena would win this one at a canter.
Cena takes this here. Slaughter is just a character that they want us to love (when he is an American) or they want us to hate (when he is an Iraqi sympathizer). However he is no John Cena. Cena is the best star in the E today and he is a guaranteed Hall of Famer right now and he will be considered a legend when his time in this business is done.
As "amazing" as Slaughter's defeat of the raging rage of rage that is Ultimate Warrior was, Cena has done that about 10 times, with different monsters of all shapes and sizes. Doesn't matter if your black (Mark Henry) or if you're white (Orton) or if you're in between (Khali), Cena beats you. If you're tall (Big Show) or if you're small (HBK) or if you're fat (Umaga) or lean (Edge), Cena beats you.

What else has Slaughter done, outside of that small period in 1991 between the Rumble and Wrestlemania for 500? Umm Alex, what is jackdiddlysquat?

Cena goes through.
If Klunder had said this took place in Iraq, during a time of war, when Sarge was the top of the business heel that he once was.. I might of said he'd last longer than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, not even that advantage was given.

I can't say much else that hasn't already been said, except simply put whether you like or dislike the guy.. John Cena is a true top name in the Wrestling industry. People love him, they hate him. He's done more things in a month's time than Slaughter will ever accomplish in a life time. Simply put, Cena goes over and it shouldn't even be something that takes any energy out of him.
I love these Pro-Cena arguments, wp.

Yeah, I take Cena here. I actually see a lot of comparisons in style between the two, both are powerhouse brawlers with submission finishers. Cena is just better in every way though, this is the issue. It's impossible to pick Sarge - one notable win against thirty notable wins.

Cena goes over and it's not even close.
I'm voting for Cena here.

Sgt Slaughter was just to stiff in the ring, and he was very boring to watch. I respect Sgt Slaughter but he is just not my old school type of wrestler.

When Cena made his debut he was fun to watch. Now as years past by he got stale and kind of boring to watch, but with him being stale he has accomplish a lot in the WWE and he will continue to accomplish more of his goals, Therefor my vote goes to John Cena.
It positively pains me to vote in favor of John Cena for ANYTHING but as much as I like the ole' Sarge, there is really no way I can concieve of him going over Cena here. The Sarge makes things rough for Cena early on, battering him around the ring, but after putting Cena in a cobra clutch, Cena's freakish superhuman strength comes through and he escapes the hold by brute force alone. A 5 knuckle shuffle followed up by an stfu ends matters. I reaaly like Sgt. Slaughter, but no way does he win this one.
Cena definitely gets the win here because he accomplished more in 5 years of main eventing than Sgt Slaughter did in his entire career. Slaughter is a 1 time WWE Champion with a reign lasting 64 days.... Cena is a 9 time World Champion (7 WWE for a total of 888+ days and 2 WHC at a total of 105 days) with a grand total of 993+ days, so we have a guy who was the top guy for about 2 months VS a guy who was on top for almost 1,000 days. That's without even mentioning their move sets. They'd go back and forth for a few minutes before Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment or the STF for the win.
I have got to go with Cena here. Sgt Slaughter. He didn't really do much in his career. He had a pretty short reign with the WWE championship and was once the most over heel I can remember. Cena on the other hand has been the face of the WWE for the past 5 years. He has had countless title reigns in such a short time and on reign lasted for about a year. He has defeated any superstar that comes up and rarely ever loses clean.

I just see no way for Slaughter to win this match. Sorry Sarge but I have got to give my vote to Super Cena.
Army vs. The marines? Think you have to give it to the marines.

Slaughter vs. Cena? Same thing, Cena wins here with ease.

Slaughter failed to beat Hogan who was fighting for America. I have little doubt the same would occur here as Cena would take the Patriotic route and pound Slaughter all the way to the Arabian Sea. Cena has accomplished 10 times what Slaughter ever did, and Cena still has years to go.
Slaughter was a great heel at one point, and a pretty entertaining in-ring worker, however Cena wins. Firstly, to get the obvious out of the way, Cena is the bigger draw and contributed more to wrestling. And from a kayfabe stand point, Cena has been a multiple time champion and has defeated many impressive names.
This really isn't that hard of a choice. Sgt. Slaughter was a cheap heel who got cheap heat for being against America. Face he wasn't that much better as he would get cheap pops for being for America. In the ring he wasn't that great. Cena on the other hand has been a great heel, and a great face. He's been able to move up a take charge of the Main Event in the past five years. He' attained more in that time the Slaughter had accomplished in his entire career.

Cena gets the win here easily as he out classes Slaughter in every aspect.
Cena, and it's not even close.

Sure, Slaughter is a former WWE champion. Sure, he's had tough matches. But he's completely inconsistent in his matches. I'll even go out on a limb and say that Slaughter has lost the majority of the matches in his career.

John Cena, "Superz Czena" or not, "5 MOVZ UV DOOMZ" or not, is a dominant force in the world of professional wrestling. He's already cemented his legacy and will be a Hall of Famer. Plus, he has a winning record, especially in matches that truly matter. I wouldn't be surprised if Cena went to the finals of this tourney, as he deserves it.

Cena would squash Slaughter. No question about it.
I voted for sarge for a simple enough reason. I like sarge I hate cena. Cena wins everything and its annoying. The rap lyrics coco posted put it over the top for me. That may be the worst song Ive ever heard in my entire life. Give me slaughter!
I voted for sarge for a simple enough reason. I like sarge I hate cena. Cena wins everything and its annoying. The rap lyrics coco posted put it over the top for me. That may be the worst song Ive ever heard in my entire life. Give me slaughter!

Did Cena win the 2010 Royal Rumble? No

Did Cena win MITB? No

Did Cena win Miss Wrestlemania? No

Point proven.

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