First Round: Detroit - Sheamus vs. Terry Gordy

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Sheamus

  • Terry Gordy

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round matchup in the Detroit Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated.

Location: Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan.





Terry Gordy


Voting is open for 4 days.
I think Gordy is gonna go over on this one.

While Sheamus is on a rise, and will go on to become a good main eventer if you ask me, I will use one of the same arguments as I used for voting against the Miz over Barry Windham.
Sheamus hasn't reached his prime yet (it'd be damn sad to actually even consider him being close to it if you ask me) and I think in some years, Sheamus might be considered winning a match up like this.
But right now, I don't see Terry, who has done quite an impact on the business, as a great tag team wrestler, and with numerous singles and tag team wrestling championships, I just have a hard time putting Sheamus, who would definitely still be considered a rookie (he hasn't even been in WWE's main roster for a year), and therefore my vote goes for Terry.
I admire and respect Gordy, which is why I'm not going to try and trash him in justifying my vote. I think every gets a few free passes in this tourney, and I'm going to use one of mine voting for Sheamus, who gave me the biggest mark out moment of 2009.
terry gordy is lightyears ahead of sheamus he was great in tag teams and singles competition and is probably the best brawler of all time while sheamus is just another guy thats got shoved down our throats terry gordy beats sheamus to damn near an inch of his life
Terry Gordy was always a tag wrestler first and foremost, and had few big feuds as a singles star, and even fewer where he came out on top. He's certainly a bigger name in panthenon of greats, but I can't in good conscience conclude that he is the most worthy winner here. Sheamus is unproven, but he has wins over Randy Orton and John Cena, two of the biggest names of his era. I think when all is said and done, and if he beats Triple H we may look back at Sheamus' run from when he debuted on Raw on October 2009 as one of the most impressive arrivals in wrestling history.
Terry Gordy was always a tag wrestler first and foremost, and had few big feuds as a singles star, and even fewer where he came out on top. He's certainly a bigger name in panthenon of greats, but I can't in good conscience conclude that he is the most worthy winner here. Sheamus is unproven, but he has wins over Randy Orton and John Cena, two of the biggest names of his era. I think when all is said and done, and if he beats Triple H we may look back at Sheamus' run from when he debuted on Raw on October 2009 as one of the most impressive arrivals in wrestling history.

I absolutely and completely disagree with you here Tasty, mainly because the two victories that Sheamus holds over Cena and Orton are two of the absolute most piss-poor wins I've ever seen. In fact I wouldn't even say he "won" either of those matches so much as he didn't lose them. In the tables match against Cena they made it painfully obvious that the only reason Cena lost was because of himself and losing his footing on the rope, not from any great punishment or offense from Sheamus. And his "win" over Randy Orton, via disqualification at less than ten minutes into a piss-poor excuse for a world title match doesn't exactly scream impressive to me either. Yeah, he WAS a World champion, but he was the very definition of a fluke champion, and the moment he faced real competition at Elimination Chamber he was quickly defeated. His only real feud has been with Triple H, and well, he's lost in that feud as well. For being pushed so much Sheamus sure hasn't looked the least bit impressive in any of his matches, outside of having a fairly good contest with Hunter at Mania.

I do like Sheamus, he's really grown on me after months, but no way in hell am I voting him over Terry Gordy, a multiple time world champion in Japan, defeating both Stan Hansen and Jumbo Tsuruta in their prime, and defeating them in resounding fashion as opposed to the mighty DQ and fluke wins that make up Sheamus' entire resume.

This match goes to Terry Gordy, and it goes to him fairly easily if you actually think about it.
Sheamus, much like Miz is a guy on the rise. He could win this here, as Sheamus seems to score victories over superstars better than him. Gordy is a tag team guy and part of one of the greatest teams in history. I'm going to go with Sheamus, despite Gordy having the better career. I think Sheamus is going to be a name we here down the road as a guy who had a fantastic rise to stardom.
Terry Gordy was a pretty good wrestler, was involved in some great feuds and did win a respectable amount of championships in his career. First and foremost, however, Terry Gordy's biggest moments almost always came from tag team wrestling. As a singles wrestler, probably his greatest accomplishment was winning the AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship and he beat the likes of Jumbo Tsuruta and Stan Hansen to do it, though they weren't very long reigns.

Sheamus is someone that turned out to be one of the biggest surprises of 2009. From the beginning of his huge push, I had faith in him. I loved the fact that the WWE was taking a chance on a someone very unknown and he's grown into a top heel. Sheamus is still rising and I know that Terry Gordy has had the overall better career thus far. However, I think very much that Sheamus could beat Gordy. Sheamus is just as big, he's in much better shape, stronger, faster, more overall athletic than Terry Gordy ever was.

I'm going with Sheamus on this one.
Terry Gordy, easily.

Terry Gordy's one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time, if not the greatest. And one of those tag teams he was apart of is considered by many as the greatest tag team throughout the history of professional wrestling (definitely top 5, which is indisputable). I'm of course talking about The Freebirds. However, that was not the only great tag team he was apart of. Nope, him and Dr. Death Steve Williams formed an AWESOME partnership in AJPW and WCW, where they had SUPERB matches, specifically against the Steiner Brothers.

Even as a singles wrestler Terry Gordy wasn't all that bad. One match specifically comes to mind against Raven, which is one of my all-time favorite matches. It's available for viewing on Youtube, check it out here.

As far as Sheamus... he has been in the business for 5 fucking seconds, and even though he has won a World Championship already, has he put on more than 3 good matches? No, he hasn't. The guy is decent and will have a good future, but for now... in no possible way should he go over a talent like Terry Gordy. No fucking way.
I'm still waiting to here a coherent or sensible argument for why you're all voting for Sheamus, other than you're a mark for him. Seriously, I think I explained why Terry Gordy is easily the correct choice here over Sheamus, but still Gordy is losing and still people are coming in and voting for Sheamus. Why? His entire resume includes one FLUKE win over Cena in which Cena defeated himself, and a DQ win over Orton in less than ten minutes. Oh and he lost to Triple H at Wrestlemania. That is literally his entire career and resume, summed up in three sentences. And THAT is supposed to beat Terry Gordy, who defeated the likes of Stan Hansen, Jumbo Tsuruta, Bruiser Brody and many others as well as holding World titles all over the globe?

Seriously, come on Sheamus fans, lets hear your argument. There's absolutely no reason that Sheamus should be winning this match up, other than people like to vote for who they're more familiar with without even thinking about it. Gordy wins here, and it's really not even a very arguable point.
This is a classic one-on-one match with no gimmicks involved. Sheamus defeated Cena in a tables match and has yet to prove he can beat Cena in a regular match. Rhodes got Orton disqualified against Sheamus so that further proves that Sheamus hasn't pinned the big superstars and the one chance he did, he got beat by HHH. All the pinfall victories Sheamus has had are over jobbers like Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston. Gordy should take this match in less than ten minutes. I don't care about the potential he has down the road. We're talking about right now and right now Sheamus would lose.
This is a damn travesty. Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy is one of the most versatile wrestlers in his generation. Someone who was as agile and powerful as he was would dominate the soul of Sheamus at his peak. Just because you see them right now and it's the 'in' thing to do, doesn't make it right. I understand people not being aware of Gordy, but there are some iron clad arguments for Gordy to win here, and not one solid case for Sheamus other than two shit wins over Cena and Orton.

Gordy has beaten better wrestlers and done it with relative ease at times. This should be no different.
I'm voting Gordy.

Sheamus is completely untested against big monsters - he has never encountered anyone with the size and strength of a Terry Gordy. This match would be so much fun, I WISH I could watch this tournament lol.

Sheamus has looked great so far in WWE, however including the win over Cena and Orton as the highlights is not neccesarily a great argument. Orton had him beat before interference. Cena was a gimmick match.

In a straight, one fall to a finish wrestling match, the most exposed we have seen Sheamus is at Wrestlemania 26, where he lost narrowly to HHH. THIS is the single most convincing argument for voting for him - narrowly losing to HHH is a big deal and an impressive showing. Not enough for me to vote him over a monster with notable wins over over big men throughout his star studded career.
There are people that think Sheamus is worth a damn? Wow. I always suspected WWE fans would support a pile of manure if they put the title on it and now I have confirmation.
I think it is a little silly that just because he was a singles wrestlers for most of his reign that he should not be considered as decent by himself. Sheamus only has gotten by on mostly gimmick matches. As champion, the guy hardly defended his belt, hardly was on Raw even, so he just sort of held it until he was beat, which is not very good if you think about it. His most impressive victory is what? Jamie Noble? Be sensible, vote Gordy.
There are people that think Sheamus is worth a damn? Wow. I always suspected WWE fans would support a pile of manure if they put the title on it and now I have confirmation.

see john cena

but sheamus is nowhere near the wrestler gordy was gordy would beat him too an inch from his life. gordy has had more titles and memorable matches than sheamus could even imagine it pains me to see that sheamus is beating terry gordy
As what was said before, not ONE single legit reason for Sheamus to win this match up other than knowing who he is at the moment. In essence, you're saying that a wrestler who hasn't even been in the WWE for a year yet would beat Terry Gordy, one of the most respected wrestlers in his generation and someone who beat the best this tournament has to offer.

Gordy did more in one year than Sheamus will probably ever do in a lifetime of wrestling. You don't just get handpicked to win the Triple Crown tourney or the Super J cup. You earn it by busting ass, taking brutal shots and standing up to some of the greatest athletes the world has to offer.

Sheamus is a workout partner for HHH who happened to get lucky and push Cena through a 'teeyayble' to win his WWE Championship. Gordy won his first Triple Crown match by power slamming Stan Hansen into an oblivion and pinning him. And folks, that happened maybe three times in Hansen's career.

So don't be a mark, vote for who you think is better, not who is alive at the moment. Vote Gordy.
As what was said before, not ONE single legit reason for Sheamus to win this match up other than knowing who he is at the moment. In essence, you're saying that a wrestler who hasn't even been in the WWE for a year yet would beat Terry Gordy, one of the most respected wrestlers in his generation and someone who beat the best this tournament has to offer.

Oh fuck Terry Gordy. Where's all this "one of the most respected wrestlers in his generation" stuff coming from? Aside from Michael Hayes and Gordy marks, who exactly has such high praise for Gordy? C'mon, just because he beat Stan Hansen doesn't make Gordy some sort of wrestling god.

Gordy did more in one year than Sheamus will probably ever do in a lifetime of wrestling. You don't just get handpicked to win the Triple Crown tourney or the Super J cup. You earn it by busting ass, taking brutal shots and standing up to some of the greatest athletes the world has to offer.

I'd be more impressed if Gordy's runs with the Triple Crown strap lasted more than a total of 13 days.

Sheamus is a workout partner for HHH who happened to get lucky and push Cena through a 'teeyayble' to win his WWE Championship. Gordy won his first Triple Crown match by power slamming Stan Hansen into an oblivion and pinning him. And folks, that happened maybe three times in Hansen's career.

So, it's out of the realm of possibility to believe that someone stronger, faster, more athletic than Gordy to beat him? Terry Gordy, when it all boils down to it, was a tag team wrestler that had a few bright and brief moments in the sun as a singles wrestler.

So don't be a mark, vote for who you think is better, not who is alive at the moment. Vote Gordy.

Sorry Lariat. Usually, I'm right there with you but your entire post was exactly what a mark would say. I voted for Sheamus because I DO think he's better than Terry Gordy. When I look at Gordy, I see just another big flabby southern guy that spent the best years of his wrestling career as the "dumb muscle" for the Fabulous Freebirds. Not that he didn't contribute to them, mind you, but this guy is hardly the overwhelming talent you're trying to paint him as.
Oh fuck Terry Gordy. Where's all this "one of the most respected wrestlers in his generation" stuff coming from? Aside from Michael Hayes and Gordy marks, who exactly has such high praise for Gordy? C'mon, just because he beat Stan Hansen doesn't make Gordy some sort of wrestling god.

No, but defeating Stan Hansen clean is by far a bigger accomplishment than any victory Sheamus has in his entire career. Easily. And that's only one of Gordy's many accomplishments.

I'd be more impressed if Gordy's runs with the Triple Crown strap lasted more than a total of 13 days.

Still FAR more impressive and legitimate than Sheamus WWE title reign in which he won a tables match by a fluke, squashed a jobber named Jamie Noble, won a match against Randy Orton via DQ, and then promptly dropped the title the very first time he faced actual competition in a match that he couldn't win by DQ in the Elimination Chamber. Who is Sheamus' most decisive win in his WWE career? Jamie Noble. Excuse me if I take a guy who's defeated Stan Hansen on more than one occasion clean to be more impressive than Sheamus squashing an already semi-retired cruiserweight.

So, it's out of the realm of possibility to believe that someone stronger, faster, more athletic than Gordy to beat him? Terry Gordy, when it all boils down to it, was a tag team wrestler that had a few bright and brief moments in the sun as a singles wrestler.

Those "bright and brief moments in the sun" fortunately are FAR more impressive and FAR more of an accomplishment than Sheamus' entire career rolled up and multiplied twicefold though.

Sorry Lariat. Usually, I'm right there with you but your entire post was exactly what a mark would say. I voted for Sheamus because I DO think he's better than Terry Gordy. When I look at Gordy, I see just another big flabby southern guy that spent the best years of his wrestling career as the "dumb muscle" for the Fabulous Freebirds. Not that he didn't contribute to them, mind you, but this guy is hardly the overwhelming talent you're trying to paint him as.

Fortunately he's still twice the accomplished wrestler and has proven himself to be twice the talent Sheamus has. Not really fair to Sheamus maybe considering we're so young into his career, but if you're telling me that Sheamus right now in April of 2010 has had a more successful and important career in wrestling than Terry Gordy, you're simply flat out 100% wrong dude.

Sheamus has accomplished absolutely nothing. There are VERY few people in this tournament he should go over, and Terry Gordy is definitely not one of them.
I'm voting for experience on a main event, mainstream level.

Even though Sheamus has been wrestling for FAR longer than the morons of the IWC seem to think, he's been falling short on the main stage. Sure, this might all change at Extreme Rules, but as of right now, I don't think he's ready to go over someone like Gordy.

I'm voting for Terry Gordy.
Umm, I voted Sheamus. Reasons you ask? The hair for one, beautiful stuff. Beautiful, pearly, white skin. Great Irish accent. I'm counting the win he's about to get over HHH on Sunday as one of his legit wins. Ireland deserves to win something at some point, don't they? He's managed to change my opinion of him from "completely shit" to "not that bad, actually" in a few short months. He is not related to Slam Master J. That's all I got.
This is ridiculous. Maybe in 5-10 years Sheamus will be able to beat Terry Gordy, but right now he's basically a fluke champ/Jobber to the Stars. He has yet to get a quality win over a Main Event level wrestler. This tournament is happening right now, so you can't guess where everything might go. Right now, Sheamus' accomplishments and abilities can't match up to Bam Bam Gordy. Gordy was a legitimate world champ, not to mention great worker, not to mention he worked a similar style to Sheamus except he, ya know, won his matches. Vote Gordy. It would be a travesty of epic proportions if Sheamus won. VOTE GORDY!
This makes me legit ashamed of the forums. I cannot fathom how anyone with a sound mind could think Sheamus would beat someone like Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy. Everything Sheamus is, Terry Gordy was, and was better at it. Fuck, if Gordy wanted to be a Celtic Warrior, he'd do it better than Sheamus, too.

It's a damn shame a fly by night wrestler named Sheamus is moving on over a legend in Gordy. It's asinine. I compare it to having Bobby Lashley beating Stan Hansen. It's illogical. And would only be done because of one year where Lashley was awesome. Instead of the 25 plus years Hansen was or in Gordy's case, 15 years.

I know people have a right to vote for whomever, but to base your votes on what someone's done in the now instead of overall isn't smart. I'm off my high horse. And I used a moderator pick for him to be beaten by Sheamus. That disgusts the fuck out of me.

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