Fourth Round: Iron Man Match - Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Savage

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Randy Savage

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a Fourth round match in the Chicago Region.

Rules: I'm sure you all know this one pretty well. It's 60 minutes long and the most decisions, be they by pin, submission, count out or disqualification, wins the match. The referee has been instructed to be somewhat lenient with disqualifications but not to a huge extent. There is a standby referee at ringside in the case of the primary referee becoming incapacitated.

Location: United Center, Chicago, Illinois


Shawn Michaels



Randy Savage


Voting is open for 4 days.
What stings about this is the fact that Michaels will get the votes of the blind, peripheral fans because of the popularity of the rest-hold festival that capped off Wrestlemania 12 between Michaels and Hart. And the fact that Michaels won the match.

Both of these guys were generally in tremendous shape. Both were capable of quick strikes. Both were risk takers.

This is the type of match Michaels wins. He's a guy who always pulls out the stops and manages to earn a win. Now I am not voting yet because I want to give people a chance to change my mind, but right now, I am 65% voting for HBK.
This would have been a fantastic match to see. Both wrestlers were athletic, extremely quick and agile, both incorportated high risk offense and could outright mat wrestle if it boiled down to it.

When it all boils down to it, I think this would be an extremely close match. I think both was genuinely capable of beating the other. Both of them have a ton of accomplishments and are considered legendary. I think I'm going to be voting for HBK as I think, when it's all said and done, he's the more versatile wrestler. HBK has gone up against anybody and everybody and done extremely well for himself. Big men, small men, speedsters, powerhouses, mat technicians, brawlers, high flyers, submission specialists and just great all arounders have lost to him. HBK has always been someone to pull out all the stops to get a win. I think HBK will win here and he's my pick, though I won't be at all sad if Savage advances here.
While I do admit that Randy Savage will be quite an opponent for Shawn Michaels in this kind of match, even though we're considering Shawn to have the advantage because he has the experience in this kind of match.

I have to admit, for me it's a very close call, Shawn and Randy could very well pull off a long great match of back and forth pinfalls etc. which I have to admit due to the fact that it's a match Shawn has experience in, I feel he is gonna be able to pull one off, just in time before the bell rings.

It's gonna be a very very close match, and I agree with IC, I'm only gonna vote Shawn partially because I feel he could pull this one off just in time.
Michaels has had one Ironman match that most people can name, and it wasn't with a man of Savage's reputation. Michaels beat the top guy in a down time for the WWF when you couldn't find a proper representative for the industry. And he went a whole hour without getting a fall on the mediocre champion that was Bret Hart. Savage, on the other hand, managed to find himself holding the top title for a YEAR at the peak of Hulkamania. In a standard one-on-one match, it's clear that Macho would win. Why does Shawn Michaels' one notable Ironman give him the advantage here? Savage wasn't exactly a slouch when it came to fitness. Fuck me, if Chris Hero can work a 90+ minute match, than why don't we have faith in a legend the likes of Savage to keep up with Michaels for 60?

I'm leaning Savage here.
Time for the big boys to step it up now! WOW! This is a great match-up, and in a dream world, this is the match that I would most like to see. Both of these guys are notable as men who were in fantastic shape, and could "go" in the ring. This would be an extremely close match-up, and one that I could see being decided by a single fall.

With that said, I gotta go with HBK on this one for two reasons. First, as Jack Hammer pointed out, Michaels seems to be the more versatile wrestler. HBK has shown that he can be a high flyer, a brawler, and a technical wrestler all in one match (Watch his match with Angle at Mania 21 for proof on all three items.) I can see HBK getting a submission victory, hitting a moonsault for a pinfall, and of course winning with Sweet Chin Music. As good as Savage is, I can't say the same thing about him. Secondly, as everyone has noted, HBK has had experience with this kind of match-up. HBK knows how to keep cool when a pinfall doesn't go your way, and he knows that all it takes is one second and everything can fall apart. So yeah, I gotta go with HBK in this match-up, although I do see this match being an extremely close vote.
Randy Savage. Why? Fuck Shawn Michaels. A few really good matches and all of a sudden people think he's the next Randy Savage or something. Well there's only one Randy Savage, and that's Randy Savage.

HBK won an Ironman match before, but Savage has wrestled long matches before. I'm sure he'll be just fine here. If I were me, which I am, I'd vote for the most entertaining, better guy that isn't going to get a million votes cause he just retired last year.
Coming from someone that is a Michaels fan, I can honestly say that anything he was good at Savage was better at. In ring both men were very versatile and both are considered two of the most well rounded wrestlers of all time. If there is an edge that Savage has in that department it would a strength advantage. He wasn't as powerful as Andre or Hogan but definitely more so than Shawn was. Both were equally as fast but Savage had much more intensity coming off the ropes than Shawn did. Savage has held the WWE Championship when it meant the most and was right there with Hogan at wrestling's peak. There are countless reasons why Randy Savage is better than Shawn Michaels in every facet of this business.

Vote Savage.
People are going to vote for Shawn because of his horrifically overrated Iron Man match against Bret Hart. The problem with that is the fact that using that match argues against Shawn winning. As IC said, that match almost all rest holds. That wouldn't happen against Macho. He would go at Shawn relentlessly for the whole 60 minutes. And here's the kicker: SHAWN DIDN'T GET A PIN IN THE 60 MINUTES! He hasn't won a 60 minute Iron Man match. He's won a 60+ minute one, but not one in just 60 minutes.

The fact is that Savage will go at Shawn much harder than Bret Hart could ever think of and is better conditioned to go the 60 minutes and beat the man who has never won a 60 minute Iron Man match.
I am going with Randy Savage, but I'm not dismissing Shawn like a lot of you have. I think this would be a great match, maybe one of the best we could ever ask for.

Biggest reason to vote for Savage; tenacity. The man WAS a savage. A tenacious, never-say-die kind of wrestler. I don't think Shawn had that same kind of killer instinct.

The Iron Man match at Wrestlemania 12 was a wrestling clinic (I like how so many of you have taken the opportunity to bash Bret here). Bret dictated the pace, in a very methodical way. Bret had a gameplan against the quicker, more explosive HBK (and it worked during regulation). However, Macho Man would not take that same kind of pace. He would push the pace a lot more than Bret did. It's the kind of wrestler Savage was. Savage had a motor that I feel, to this day, is unmatched. He was wreckless, and slowing it down would be out-of-character.

It's just hard for me to say, that over a 60 minute period of time, HBK could match intensity with Randy Savage (especially after HBK's first Iron Man match being a lot slower). Not sure HBK could stand up to Savage, physically. Macho was all intensity, all the time. There was no slow down with this guy. Now, on the other hand, you might say that is a problem during a 60 minute match, and usually, I would agree with you. But when it comes to Savage, one of the most well-conditioned guys in the history of professional wrestling, I have no doubts he can push a decently quick pace for 60 minutes.

But the reason this is a bit harder for me than it is for some is due to the fact that Shawn Michaels is probably the most resilient competitors I have ever seen. As much punishment as Michaels would take, it's hard for me to say he couldn't get back up. But at the same time, Savage was a pretty resilient bastard himself. I see this being a war. But in the end, Savage just proves to be too much for Michaels. Too physical, too intense, too tenacious.

I'm voting Savage.
People are going to vote for Shawn because of his horrifically overrated Iron Man match against Bret Hart. The problem with that is the fact that using that match argues against Shawn winning. As IC said, that match almost all rest holds. That wouldn't happen against Macho. He would go at Shawn relentlessly for the whole 60 minutes. And here's the kicker: SHAWN DIDN'T GET A PIN IN THE 60 MINUTES!

This Kind of logic works both ways. He also did not get pinned for 60 minutes. One of Shawn's greatest aspects is the fact he is extremely tough to pin. That side also must be factored.
I am torn between this match, but in the end I voted for Savage.

Voting stictly because Shawn has the experience with this type of match up is a poor reason to vote.

There are many reasons why I think Savage for advance, and Armbar covered most of them nicely.

It will be a close vote. At the very least, I hope my vote for Savage counters a blind vote for Michaels.
This Kind of logic works both ways. He also did not get pinned for 60 minutes. One of Shawn's greatest aspects is the fact he is extremely tough to pin. That side also must be factored.

You do make a very good point here. The problem with it is that until a flurry at the end, Bret really didn't attack Shawn too hard. They traded relatively weak submission moves until Bret took control at the end and locked in the Sharpshooter. Savage was a much more aggressive wrestler, and would push Shawn much harder, leading to at least one if not more falls in favor of Macho.
I'm taking Savage. To me, he's a better wrestler than HBK, and in all honesty, an Iron Man match is about garnering the most pinfalls. And I think Savage can get enough pins to beat him.

Sure HBK has the super kick, and he's had experience in the Iron Man match concept... but Savage wrestled 60 minutes in REGULAR matches back in his day. It's a push as far as endurance and physical condition is concerned. And if we're talking elbows? Well, I'm sure Savage knows when his elbow's coming, and will move out of the way... causing HBK to hurt his arm, Savage to take control, and keep Michaels down with a Bionic Elbow to get the only pin needed to win the match.

Vote Savage. DIG IT?!
In terms of durability why does Shawn loose? He kicked out of the Tombstone, which is no small feat. I do think Shawn has the weapons, the experience to defeat Randy Savage. I am voting Michaels, not because he just retired, but because he is the fucking man.

I'd rather watch a Michaels feud than anything that Randy Savage was a part of, ever. Maybe it's because I am from the new generation of fans, but hey, just because my legend is new, doesn't mean your legend is better.

Vote Michaels guys, cause at any moment, he'll kick Savages teeth down his throat.
Biggest reason to vote for Savage; tenacity. The man WAS a savage. A tenacious, never-say-die kind of wrestler. I don't think Shawn had that same kind of killer instinct.

That's your biggest reason? Seriously? Do you even remember Shawn the first time around? The guy was famous for taking an absolute battering time and time again, never quitting and being notoriously difficult to pin.
I've seen people mentioning Shawn only having 1 Iron-Man match and technically thats true but those people have a very short memory. Does no-one remember the hour long match with CENA in London? A match that he fucking won! I love Savage but he's losing here, he may be quick but he's not quick enough to get up on that turnbuckle and land the elbow on HBK, who will have it well scouted while having SCM waiting.
In terms of durability why does Shawn loose? He kicked out of the Tombstone, which is no small feat. I do think Shawn has the weapons, the experience to defeat Randy Savage. I am voting Michaels, not because he just retired, but because he is the fucking man.

Nothing wrong with voting for the man you simply prefer over the other, just don't use blind excuses to do it. You say Shawn kicked out of the Tombstone yet he went on to lose both of those matches which is what counts. You're also assuming that the Tombstone is more devastating than anything Savage can deal out. Arguable sure, but Michaels isn't the only man to ever kick out of a tombstone.

I'd rather watch a Michaels feud than anything that Randy Savage was a part of, ever. Maybe it's because I am from the new generation of fans, but hey, just because my legend is new, doesn't mean your legend is better.

Vote Michaels guys, cause at any moment, he'll kick Savages teeth down his throat.

Sure he would kick Savage in the face. Once. Savage is an incredibly ring saavy competitor. He wouldn't let it happen again. savage is stronger, just as fast and agile and is much more adaptive. There is NO reason to vote Shawn over Savage based on any of those things.
That's your biggest reason? Seriously? Do you even remember Shawn the first time around? The guy was famous for taking an absolute battering time and time again, never quitting and being notoriously difficult to pin.

Valid point but he is no sense of the word more tenacious than Savage. Perhaps they could be equals regarding this attribute, but Michaels isn't ahead.

I've seen people mentioning Shawn only having 1 Iron-Man match and technically thats true but those people have a very short memory. Does no-one remember the hour long match with CENA in London? A match that he fucking won! I love Savage but he's losing here, he may be quick but he's not quick enough to get up on that turnbuckle and land the elbow on HBK, who will have it well scouted while having SCM waiting.

He beat Cena in that match, but has lost to him the first and third time they fought. Savage may have trouble getting to the top rope on his own but Shawn is a risk taker. There is no reason to believe he wouldn't attempt something like a superplex and not be thrown off the turnbuckle and end up on the recieving end of a Savage elbow. He has hit the elbow on Steamboat who is arguably just as fast and agile as Shawn has ever been.

Shawn would get the first fall. I can admit to that. He wouldn't see SCM coming and Michaels would nail it. That would be that last pinfall that he would see in this match. Savage would hit a flying elbow after a reversed superplex and even it the score up. The final fall would come after Savage irish whips Shawn into an exposed turnbuckle and follows it up with a small package. Savage, like I said, is extremely ring smart. He would have uncovered that turnbuckle about halfway through the match. It would come into play during the last couple of seconds of the match, giving Savage the final fall and the victory.
That's your biggest reason? Seriously? Do you even remember Shawn the first time around? The guy was famous for taking an absolute battering time and time again, never quitting and being notoriously difficult to pin.
I've seen people mentioning Shawn only having 1 Iron-Man match and technically thats true but those people have a very short memory. Does no-one remember the hour long match with CENA in London? A match that he fucking won! I love Savage but he's losing here, he may be quick but he's not quick enough to get up on that turnbuckle and land the elbow on HBK, who will have it well scouted while having SCM waiting.

Yes, I do remember Shawn the first time around, thank you for the history lesson....

And yes, as I said in my post, Shawn is one of, if not THE most resilient guy in the history of pro wrestling. Shawn was difficult to pin, but that was also during a time where people weren't booked to constantly kick out of someone's finisher two or three times in one match. Shawn kicked out a lot, during his prime (pre-1998), but not very often to the other guys finisher. If Savage would have hit the elbow, it's over. And I'm not buying that Savage "isn't quick enough" to get to the top rope and hit that move. Did YOU watch Randy Savage in his prime? Not quick enough?
Im going to go with hbk on this one because I feel like he had the extra mile in him to go for the iron man match against the macho man. It would be close but I dont even care that hbk has been in a iron man match and the macho man hasn't. I just feel that hbk would dig in deeper at the end of the match to pull out the win.
Physically, Savage outmatches HBK. He's bigger and stronger, but he's also just as fast, just as agile, just as tactical, and importantly, in just as good of cardio shape. Also, Savage is a far more tenacious wrestler, inflicting much more damamge over the course of his matches then Shawn does. Over the course of a match, Shawn's approach of looking for a quick pin via one move won't tire out Savage nearly as much as Savage's non-stop, much more brutal assault. Also, HBK's style was much more risky, whereas Savage was far more tactical. How often did you ever see Savage get caught on the top rope? Almost never. When he went up there, it was when his opponent was dead to rights, and he hit big, powerful moves from up there, whereas Shawn often misses or gets caught by other wrestlers.

I see Shawn getting a few falls via a surprise Sweet Chin Music from out of nowhere, but Savage's absolutely grueling attack results in Savage getting a few more. Randy Savage beats Shawn Michaels 6 wins to 3.
You do make a very good point here. The problem with it is that until a flurry at the end, Bret really didn't attack Shawn too hard. They traded relatively weak submission moves until Bret took control at the end and locked in the Sharpshooter. Savage was a much more aggressive wrestler, and would push Shawn much harder, leading to at least one if not more falls in favor of Macho.

And a more aggressive style leads to more mistakes. Shawn has shown many times he only needs a slight misstep to hit SCM.
And a more aggressive style leads to more mistakes. Shawn has shown many times he only needs a slight misstep to hit SCM.
Sure he might get a pin that way, but there's no way Savage makes the same mistake twice. He's just the better overall wrestler and will be able to outlast Shawn in this type of match. Savage takes it.
I'm gonna say it all right now. I think that Randy Savage is the better wrestler all time over Shawn Michaels, but I'm gonna pick HBK to win cause he's a little easier to get behind. Savage has worked great as a heel when in the NWO while at WCW or in the WWE. HBK is just a solid face that got over partially from DX, a stable that rivaled NWO in popularity during their respective runs. This match could easily be looked at as DX v. NWO, the match that has been hit and missed throughout the history of wrestling. A five-man tag match between NWO and DX/ DX Army would have been golden and a feud to be remembered. So I guess, by the end of this post, I'm actually more or less divided down the line as to who should win this match.

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