FunKay's Look at Villains

Darth Sidious

Oh yes, we finally come to WZ's Star Wars' greatest manipulator. Lord Sidious' past is clouded in mystery and most no little-to-nothing about it, however we are aware that his Sith master was the one and only Darth Plagueis. Plagueis was convinced by the young Sidious to show him the ways of the dark side of the force and so he trained him in all aspects of the force, which would explain the supposed longevity of his apprenticeship (supposedly it lasted for decades). However, the apprenticeship came to an end with Sidious murdering Plagueis in his sleep. The assassination was the result of Sidious' paranoia after he believed that Plagueis planned to create a new apprentice. Shortly before that occurred though, Sidious had gained a secret apprentice of his own in Darth Maul.

Maul was treated very harshly by Sidious, however the young learner maintained his loyalty to the dark lord and would remain at his side for the rest of his days. Maul was skilled and deadly, but ultimately cut down (literally) by Obi Wan Kenobi. Sidious (under his real name of Palpatine) was excelling in a political career around this time, and was elected the Supreme Chancellor of the Intergalactic Senate. He was also keeping a close eye on the potentially incredibly powerful Anakin Skywalker. Skywalker was young, rash and naive and was like putty in Sidious' hands. However it would take awhile to manipulate Skywalker appropriately and as such a new apprentice is needed. He chose experienced Jedi master Count Dooku. Dooku was the former apprentice of Yoda and an incredibly powerful warrior. He also had great political leverage which came in very handy as Sidious put the events of the Clone Wars in motion.

Sidious' powers increased as a politician as he was granted war-time powers. Sidious also however secretly led the Separatist side and drove both sides into conflict and to a point of desperation, looking to make everyone desperate for peace, even if it blinded them into a dictatorship under Palpatine. As the war was drawing to a close, Sidious lost Dooku at the hands of Skywalker. It was all a part of Sidious' grander plan though as he finally, ultimately seduced Skywalker to the dark side. Under the name Darth Vader, Skywalker led the destruction of Jedi order as a treaty was signed to unite the galaxy under the Sidious regime and he became Emperor of the galaxy. Sidious rulled the galaxy with an iron fist for the next several decades alongside Darth Vader, who now required a life support suit. He observed the construction of the first Death Star, an enormous space station.

However, around this time, the Rebel Alliance emerged and within it's ranks were Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker's old master as well as the children of Skylwaker; Leia and Luke. Luke was potentially as powerful as his father, possibly even more so as Vader became convinced that he could seduce his son to the dark side. Sidious agreed with the intention of replacing the older Skywalker much so as he had done with Dooku years before. Ultimately it boiled down to a battle between father and son before Sidious on the second Death Star. Sidious was determined to turn Luke, however, despite his best attempts, Luke remained loyal to the old Jedi ways. This pushed Palpatine to use his powers to attack Luke. Skywalker pleaded and begged for his father to assist him, which ultimately he did, ending Sidious' existence and reign of terror.

The Facts:
- Incredibly powerful Sith lord.
- Skilled manipulator.
- Masterful politician.

Sidious is a clever, evil and deceptive son of a bitch. His powers are rivalled by few and his skills as a politician are immense too. He lead two sides of war into a dictatorship. That's pure evil. He won't lose until his goals are accomplished and it takes two generations of the same family to stop him. He's evil to his core and that means he has to be:


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