Funko Pop Vinyls


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I've a steady collection slowly building on this but I wanted to know does anyone else collect them?

I like the scope one can have, for example:

Darkseid, Mycroft Holmes, Harley Quinn, Stewie Griffin:

Michaelangelo, Death Stroke, He-Man, Lion-O and Nightwing:

Superman, Robin and White Ranger

Fred Flintstone, Magneto, Cyclops and Egon:
I've also just started the Harry Potter ones:

Harry with the sword of Gryffindor and Harry in his Quidditch garb.

He who should not be named
I bought my daughter a Hot Topic Exclusive of Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance for her birthday.
I started collecting them within the past year or so, I currently have 11.

-Jax Teller (SOA)
-Opie Winston (SOA)
-Randy "Macho Man" Savage (WWE)
-Ric Flair (WWE Target Exclusive)
-Brock Lesnar (WWE)
-Rocket Racoon (GotG)
-Dancing Baby Groot (GotG)
-Holiday Dancing Baby Groot (GotG)
-Rey (Star Wars)
-Dalek (Doctor Who- Gamestop Exclusive)
-Daenerys Targaryen (GoT)

I tend to just collect characters I like the most. I want to get more GoT, Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, & a few more WWE ones. I also find they make great birthday/Christmas gifts for pretty much anyone, I've given some as gifts to everyone from my mom to my cousins little kids, & they always go over well.
Me and my girlfriend (especially my girlfriend) collect these. She and I tend to buy them for one another for our birthdays, Christmas' etc...

Counting them now I have...oh dear lord I have 39. Think my favourite at the moment is Dick Dastardly.
Just bought two more today, Poe Dameron, & B&W Darryl Dixon.

The four I'm actively hunting for right now are Tyrion Lannister, Slimer, Gizmo, & Capt. Jack Harkness. I'm also looking for a CM Punk at a reasonable price but that seems to be a challenge as every time I find one they want like $35 or more for him, sorry but he's just not worth that much to me.
To add I had to go and replace it because when I took it out the box there was a snot on the back!
I never expressed interest in collecting bobble heads or mini figures or anything like that, but for some reason I received 4 of them this holiday season. Only 2 were Funkos, though. They were Cyclops and Deadpool. I also got a little Daniel Bryan from a WWE mystery box thing and a bigger Cyclops bobble head.

At least my friends know I like Cyclops.
I have Dancing Baby Groot, Captain America, Darth Vader, and my personal favorite BB8 in all his adorableness. Next is probably 11th Doctor or Dalek.

I also have Captain America, Deadpool, and dancing Baby Groot Keychains.
So another 4 Harry Potter ones announced.

That takes the total up to 22. Why did I decide to collect these ones? Ha!
I have a Daniel Bryan regular sized one and an Andre the Giant mini one, which came in a mystery box. My girlfriend has a ton, though. I need to try finding the Gerard Way one for her, though, since MCR is one of her favorite bands.
I picked up a Vegeta Funko Pop a couple weeks ago. I really don't have space for too many but the Vegeta one was bad ass with him wearing a Saiyan scanner so I snapped it up.

My daughter has an ungodly amount of mini figures. Her Shopkins collection is even worse.
I don't collect them, but I do have a fantastic Sackboy one I got for Christmas. Super detailed and textured, was dead impressed.


That said...I have been tempted by the Hogan and Savage ones, as well as custom ones.

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