Game For A Big Show vs. Shaq Match?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I enjoyed Big Show/Mayweather enough to be curious. WWE know how to book non-workers more effectively than mid-carders.

Not at Mania though. This is SummerSlam quality at best.
Allegedly, Evan Bourne was working with Mayweather prior to WM24 to help Money figure out some of the in-ring stuff.

Shaq vs Big Show is probably Erick Rowan's big chance to step up to the plate.
This is a huge draw and my casual fan ass would definitely watch. In surprised Vince hasn't tried more celebrity involvement to help the Network. At $10 or free it is a drop in the bucket to for most to see something unique.

Of course Shaq would have to be willing.
I'm down for this, sure.

I'd have been even more down if we were rolling into WM26.
Hasn't this match been pushed ever since 2009? I remember Big Show and Shaq's first confrontation when Shaq was the special RAW GM. Everybody was talking about how this match was going to play out at WM 26.

I think it's coming a little bit late. It would have been way bigger when Shaq was an active player, but oh well, it can still work.

Btw, how come they haven't run with this match earlier? It feels like it is 7-8 years too late..
Personally I can never get too worked up for this stuff. The spectacle of it is interesting - Mayweather vs Show is if nothing else memorable - but it never engages what I love most about wrestling, because it will never be anything more than generating something for the highlight reel and the Sportscenter circuit. I don't really care if it goes on the card, but I would prefer to avoid this stuff being a part of WrestleMania, despite the celebrity presence at WrestleMania being a strong historic component. I just have a hard time caring about characters with such a minute shelf life.

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