Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Of course I watched it. I ordered it. My buddies and I tend to order a majority of the PPV's. This one was so good I had to buy the DVD. Usually I just buy Rumble or Mania's if they were good. This was too good to turn down.
I was lurking because I just found this and wanted to post it somewhere:


I see you lurking SJ. How's college going?

but uh I actually had a big-ass anxiety attack lol because I wasn't ever ready or willing to leave my town in the first place so I transferred to a local college and yeah, fuck the police etc
Of course I watched it. I ordered it. My buddies and I tend to order a majority of the PPV's. This one was so good I had to buy the DVD. Usually I just buy Rumble or Mania's if they were good. This was too good to turn down.

Can't blame ya man. Rumble is generally my favorite show as well, and this years was one of the best, despite that schmuck winning it.

I was lurking because I just found this and wanted to post it somewhere:



but uh I actually had a big-ass anxiety attack lol because I wasn't ever ready or willing to leave my town in the first place so I transferred to a local college and yeah, fuck the police etc

No good brother, no good at all, but I feel ya. Leaving home is a huge step obviously, and if you're not ready, then you're not ready. At least you're doing something constructive with your time instead of laying at home and saying "Woe is me." Plus, now you get to see more of your woman, so that's a good thing.

So what's your plan now bruh?
No good brother, no good at all, but I feel ya. Leaving home is a huge step obviously, and if you're not ready, then you're not ready. At least you're doing something constructive with your time instead of laying at home and saying "Woe is me." Plus, now you get to see more of your woman, so that's a good thing.

So what's your plan now bruh?

don't really know, we're trying to get me into a community college for now but it's a little late. We're hoping they can pull some strings but if not I'll just chill til the spring and take a slightly heavier schedule (I have some AP credits that make me missing a semester bearable)

but yeah, chill and get my woman to take a ride on my disco stick
He gets paid $11 an hour to sit around on his ass watching wrestling DVDs, & fucking around on the internet, the down side of his job is that he seemingly works 90 hrs. a week.

Only night shift do I get to sit on my ass. I finish my work portion in about an hour. Other than that I just have to wake this guy to make sure he doesn't piss in his bed. I would work night shifts everyday if they let me. They are cake. It is working my usual shift with a night shift connected to it that is a bitch. I really shouldn't complain, it is nice just a hassle at times.
don't really know, we're trying to get me into a community college for now but it's a little late. We're hoping they can pull some strings but if not I'll just chill til the spring and take a slightly heavier schedule (I have some AP credits that make me missing a semester bearable)

but yeah, chill and get my woman to take a ride on my disco stick

Damn, I didn't know community colleges had such tight schedules and deadlines and shit, but that's what I get from basing all my knowledge on the subject from NBC's Community. You can't blame me though, it's an awesome show.

I hope it works out for you dude. If nothing else just start working out like a motha so you can start dat wrestling career.

Who says "woe is me"?

Certain masked bounty hunters turned wrestlers who didn't win a battle royal.
Theo I got a question for you, I know people don't visit my football forum anymore, hell, even I don't. But I'm cleaning it up a little, for shits and giggles. I think having a section for each team is silly, but I'm not sure how to break it down.

Should I break it down by division, or by Conference even?

Also, you mind if I take you out as an Admin? It doesn't really matter, I know Wrestlezone has those Admins up there who don't do much anymore. I'll leave you up there anyways, just in case you ever want to comeback. Although that place is pretty much a ghost down, so I don't think anything will spark.
I need to tell you about this weird dream I had last night. It was a series of TV episodes centred on Deadpool & The Hulk. I was playing Deadpool, and I believe Thomas Jane was playing the Hulk. Bruce Campbell was playing Doc Samson. The story was something to do with humanity not being able to die so Deadpool need to find out what was going on.

Meanwhile Bruce Banner was dying in a submarine as Deadpool went off to the company reportedly behind the whole deal, did his best to "kill" everyone he could and then went to the top floor where he found the owner who was suffering from some sort of desease and then told him the process couldn't be reversed.

Then, there was a buffer for "Next Time" where humanity kept uncovering bad guys from the Marvel U. Deadpool then pointed out they should stop finding them. Then I woke up.
Sounds like an epic dream! Maybe next time you go to sleep, you'll see the next episode haha!

Speaking of Deadpool, have you read his Dark Reign arc yet? His shit with Bullseye is awesome.
Sounds like an epic dream! Maybe next time you go to sleep, you'll see the next episode haha!

Speaking of Deadpool, have you read his Dark Reign arc yet? His shit with Bullseye is awesome.

It's really hard to get. I've no idea why, but I can't find it anywhere. The only place I see it is on Amazon and it's like £20. I forked over £6 for the first volume.
I wish Bruce Campbell stared in my dreams...:sad:

I think I'm going to take Jglass' advice and hit the hey soon. Probably at 9am, and then I'll wake up at 1:30. That will probably give me enough rest to fall asleep around 11pm tonight.
It's really hard to get. I've no idea why, but I can't find it anywhere. The only place I see it is on Amazon and it's like £20. I forked over £6 for the first volume.

That's some bologna. Too bad Marvel doesn't allow you to buy and read them on their website. At least, I don't think they do...

I think I'm going to take Jglass' advice and hit the hey soon. Probably at 9am, and then I'll wake up at 1:30. That will probably give me enough rest to fall asleep around 11pm tonight.

Fixing sleep schedules is one of my many talents. Over the first few months of my summer vacation I had a terrible sleep schedule, I'd go to bed at 3 or 4 AM and wake up at noon, or later sometimes. I was able to fix my sleep schedule in two days so that I was ready for classes when the beginning of my summer session started, and I did it without the aid of caffeine or sleeping pills or anything like that.
Just got back from the comic book store. I had to go to the dentist first, which is never much fun, and I had to drive there in the beginning stages of Irene, but I'm hoping it's worth it! Magneto and Dr. Doom team-up+ New X-Men Legacy with Havok, Polaris, and Rachel Summers on the cover? How can it be anything less than awesome?

I'm glad in a world where you can find something to complain about in just about any medium (wrestling obviously, TV shows always screw you, movies often leave much to be desired) comics have been consistently awesome for as long as I've been reading.
Huh, I didn't even see it for sale. But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm sticking strictly to X-Men comics. The second I pick up something else is the second I open a can of worms that results in me dropping $20 a week on comics.
Theo I got a question for you, I know people don't visit my football forum anymore, hell, even I don't. But I'm cleaning it up a little, for shits and giggles. I think having a section for each team is silly, but I'm not sure how to break it down.

Should I break it down by division, or by Conference even?

Also, you mind if I take you out as an Admin? It doesn't really matter, I know Wrestlezone has those Admins up there who don't do much anymore. I'll leave you up there anyways, just in case you ever want to comeback. Although that place is pretty much a ghost down, so I don't think anything will spark.

I completely forgot about that site. I'd say organize it by division. And go for it on the admin front. I was likely to abuse my powers anyways haha.
Yeah I'll organize it by division than. It was just way too crowded the other way around, not sure what I was thinking. Even if the site became big, each team's section would get little views alone.

I went to sleep around 10:25am, sleep till about 2:30pm, and then laid there till about 3:15pm. I think that should work, hopefully I'll be back in bed by 11 or 12 tonight. It's odd though, if you ever tried to forced yourself to stay awake all day, you know that it goes through...streaks in a way. At one point you feel awake and alive, 15 minutes later and you want to pass out. And then you feel awake and alive again, might just be the effects of caffeine though, which I usually don't notice unless I'm trying to stay awake.

Anyways, last time I stayed up all day to watch Burn Notice, I was barely sitting through it, just waiting for it and Suits to end so I can pass out, but once Suits ended at 11, I was nearly wide again for another hour. Fucking odd shit.

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