Group/Tag Team of the Year

Who is the Group/Tag Team of the Year of 2016?

  • New Day

  • Revival

  • Young Bucks

  • DIY

  • Addiction

  • American Alpha

  • Enzo and Big Cass

  • Broken Hardys

  • Los Ingobernables de Japon

  • Bullet Club

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When you're left choosing between "the obvious choice" or "that one team you like" then you know who deserves it.

Rep the unicorn, buy the cereal. It's an obvious choice yes it is.
I'm calling it now, 2017 will be the year of The Revival. That being said, 2016 was undoubtedly the year of New Day. As Spidey said, there's the favorite choice and than there's the obvious choice.
The Bucks held titles in multiple promotions, alot of the time simultaneously and had a big year all over the globe, again. Ladder War 6 was a phenomenal, memorable match for ROH.

I can't stand New Day, and really other than being humorous (to some) their record was largely forgettable to me. So, too sweet me for the love of God.
The New Day: the world's most hit and miss tag team. But they had a long title reign... because they had nobody to even compete against. They had a bajillion day reign with a handful of decent matches, but none of them a touch on any of Revival's classics.

Rest In Peace, The Revival's loved ones - because everything they touched this year turned to gooold, motherfuckers. Enzo and Cass: gooold. American Alpha: gold, gold, gold. #DIY: gold, gold, gooooold. If this isn't The Revival's year, their year must be the one where they resurrect Christ - and then wrestle him in a stone cold classic.




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