Harper and Rowan are back

Heath Slater's Trainer

Dark Match Jobber
So Luke Harper and Erick Rowan have officially realigned as seen this past week on Smackdown and then Raw with the attacks on Fandango and such. I'm thinking this will quickly lead to not only a reuniting of the Wyatt Family but finally a tag belt run for Wyatt's deciples. Harper and Rowan could interfere in the Wyatt/Ryback match at Payback, rejoining their cult, and then follow that up with a win in the first tag team EC match for the tag belts. Wyatt's underlings doing well helps Wyatt's image as well and he'll pick up a lot more wins with his help back. What do you think will happen with Harper and Rowan going forward?
Well, I predicted that it wouldn't be long before we saw an Erick Rowan heel turn and it happened even sooner than I expected. It's cool that these two guys have re-aligned and although some of the pessimists might disregard logic at this point, a Wyatt Family reunion (with the addition of Bo Dallas) seems almost definite. I can see them winning the tag titles pretty quickly and than aligning back with Wyatt. Hopefully this will lead to a rather big program for all 4 men.
I don't think they are realigning with Bray any time soon and I don't see them taking the tag titles. New Day is hot, Kidd and Cesaro aren't going to disappear that fast, Lucha Dragons are still out there, Usos will be back, they don't really need titles, and the singles scene needs more acts than the tag scene.

I just see them supporting each other in singles for a while until others cool off.
I don't see Harper & Rowan winning the tag title anytime soon, though I do see it happening somewhere down the line. As I've said before, I don't really know why they were split in the first place, I thought they were the best big man tag team I've seen in a long time.

Right now, New Day is taking off as a heel faction, Kidd & Cesaro have the fans behind them as babyfaces, The Lucha Dragons are fast & exciting with people really digging Kalisto, Los Matadores could be a strong if they were repackaged. I don't see New Day dropping the titles anytime soon, though I could see a potential feud between them and Kidd & Cesaro somewhere down the line for the titles, maybe late this year or into next year.

While I think it'd be cool to see The Wyatt Family back together, I don't see it happening. Reportedly, WWE's trying to get the timing down for a supposed face turn for Wyatt; of course, there've also been rumors for well over a year with WWE hemming and hawing over turning Wyatt babyface and it hasn't happened, so who knows?
I was a big fan of Harper's single run but there was really only so far as he could go, and he pretty much did what he could as a singles competitor: he won the intercontinental title, and had a WrestleMania moment. So I'm definitely glad he's back with Rowan now so he can go for those tag belts. I'm hoping to see Rowan's character develop more over the next few weeks as well.
There's nothing in the current storylines to suggest that Harper and Rowan are returning to Bray, or that Bo is going to join any of them. Harper and Rowan reunited does mean they're going back to Wyatt, it means they're back as a team. Unless I missed something and Wyatt has been giving promos or tweeting about followers or something along those lines, it's not happening.

Logical and natural storytelling would have seeds planted that these things are coming. Bo interacting with Ryback before Bray isn't a seed unless the two real life brothers have a moment of acknowledgement, which they didn't. But this is WWE and logic doesn't matter, so these guys could be a stable next week. I think it's probably the least likely thing to happen any time soon.

The Wyatt Family was broken up so Harper and Rowan could become singles stars. Rowan flopped as a face, and Harper wasn't given enough time. Together they can be an excellent heel team, but I have to ask, is this a tag team reunion we're truly seeing?

Since last Smackdown when Rowan attacked Fandango, they've competed in singles matches. Rowan came out to Harper's theme, which was their theme as a team, but still with Harper's eyeball graphics and not team graphics. That could just be WWE being lazy or waiting or whatever, but this could be an alliance of the two men with Rowan the lackey to Harper's single stardom.

A reunion of the tag team seems the most likely option, with a step in the right direction for both men. A reunion with Wyatt would be a step in the wrong one for Bray, if only because he needs to be this "new face of fear" and to be scary, he needs to win on his own.

Harper and Rowan will win tag team titles and stay in the tag division for a few years. The earliest they should win the titles should be in the early fall, so as not to derail New Day's heat and momentum. I would enjoy feuds with PTP, Lucha Dragons, New Day, and especially Kidd/Cesaro. I think setting up a future feud between Bo and Bray with Harper and Rowan becoming Bo-lievers could be interesting, but I'm not sure WWE sees Bo's star as high as Bray's.
I love how as a community we will never fully agree on anything. Not to badmouth anyone, but why does it feel like a month ago we were saying there wasn't enough teams and now there is?

Regardless, this is a good thing. The WWE "seems" to be taking the tag division up a notch. The Wyatt duo put on really good matches last year with the Usos and in general, a lot of us agreed that they deserved a title run. Now they're being given another opportunity and hopefully we'll get some good TV out of it.

Neither guy accomplished much being solo, it seems like they almost did it to "create" interesting moments at Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble. And if you think about it the split helped: the Raw when Rowan was announced on team Cena it was noteworthy(granted for the wrong reasons but still) and at the Rumble when Rowan, Harper and Wyatt reunited.

Harper won the IC title but it seemed like he lost literally every other match on his solo "push." And Rowan got a mini "push" just to be fed to Big Show so he could be fed to Reigns. It felt like if they were on TV, they were going to lose. Maybe they'll win some now
Not to badmouth anyone, but why does it feel like a month ago we were saying there wasn't enough teams and now there is?

True, that......and it takes a bunch of tag teams to make a viable division, so Harper & Rowan would be a welcome addition. They don't have to win the tag belts any time in the near future, but they can create a lot of havoc in the meantime.

There's no telling what WWE will do, of course, but I don't see the need to re-unite these two with Bray Wyatt. Bray is perfectly capable of being a solo act. In the build-up to his WM31 match with Undertaker, Mark Calaway wasn't even needed for promo work; Bray was able to handle the whole thing by himself. Does it occur to anyone how valuable to WWE is the performer who can do that? Wyatt doesn't need an entourage, but WWE can always use a good tag team.

Of course, if a program arises in which Bray is going to war with more people than he can handle alone, Harper & Rowan can be incorporated into his act with little trouble since we already know their connection to him. But I don't think the three of them will be permanently linked again.
I like the repairing of Harper and Rowan. The one thing missing is the mouth piece. Rather than all of a sudden turning one or both of them into talkers, take someone like Zeb Coulter and align him with them. Then you have the makings of a team that could really have an impact
Good to see them back together, seems like these two need each other, like a modern day Bushwhackers. They don't work as individuals, and Harper didn't do well as an authority stooge.

But I do believe a regular alliance with Bray would be bad for him. Bray maybe could benefit from a few instances, here and there, were he gets help from them.

The re-assembly of the tag team is a temporary savior of their careers, their individual careers seemed to be getting buried. Almost as if creative either doesn't like them or just can't figure out what to do with them.
It's definitely good to see them back together. I never understood why they split them up in the first place. I thought that Luke Harper's singles run, while decent, just lacked any actual build. They threw the Intercontinental Title on him for no apparent reason, like they were trying to build him up with it, and it just didn't really stick. Meanwhile, Erick Rowan's face turn made no sense to me, and he didn't really get over very well. They fed him to Big Show and killed his momentum. Eventually he just started jobbing to nobodies. He didn't seem like a viable face to me, so I think a heel turn and re-pairing with Harper is the best for both men.

I see this eventually leading to the return of the Wyatt Family, but probably not for a little while. Bray seems to be doing pretty good on his own with his cryptic promos and current feud with Ryback. The Wyatt Family always added an interesting dynamic to Wyatt's feuds, but also made them relatively predictable, and a break from the storyline has probably served Bray better than Harper and Rowan.

All in all, it's a welcome addition to a Tag Team Division that has been lacking viable teams for the last 10 years. Tag Team wrestling is finally starting to make a comeback in the WWE, and I think Harper and Rowan will be a big part of the revival, and add even more depth to the list of contenders for the Tag Team Titles.
I think this is awesom3e for the tag team division. Harper was exciting but starting to stale out, Rowan was very close to being cut looked like. Pairing them back togaher could be awesome for the tag titles!!!
I think this is awesom3e for the tag team division. Harper was exciting but starting to stale out, Rowan was very close to being cut looked like. Pairing them back togaher could be awesome for the tag titles!!!

I hope they replace The Ascension in the tag title EC match. The Ascension need to get repackage. For somebody to be tag champions for a year in NXT they really don't look impressive.

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