Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania 28???

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Dark Match Winner
With takers return and it being a confrontation with hhh, i do believe that HHH will turn heel, and being the heel COO he will put undertaker through hell over the next months, which leads me to thinking maybe vince will in a few weeks before wrestlemania will join the undertaker to even out the odds, giving undertaker the match stipulation.

Now its been a long time since we have seen a quality hell in a cell match, but do you agree that its the natural match type progression with HHH vs Undertaker? we have had a singles and a no holds barred at mania, and its not like these two are going to put on a 5 star technical match.

So would you like to see Hell in a Cell return at Wrestlemania, maybe WWE will let the pg slide for this match bringing in all sorts of things, like weapons, blood, maybe a hbk or lesnar interference for the heel coo HHH?
this is not an undertaker return thread, question is would you be excited to see the Hell in a Cell match at Wrestlmania and would you let the pg boundarys be pushed for this match with both veterans??????

Simple answer really. Firstly it's not 100% on WWE about the PG Rating, they can't just change it, a lot has to be done even just for one night with it being changed.

Secondly, as a fan, yes I would like to see that match happen but not with the damn PG Rating. It doesn't end up being "hell" with a PG Rating.

Face the facts, if it happens it won't live up to hype, expectations and would be a let down. They would have to go all out and give THE best HIAC match and as I said with the PG Rating, it's not possible to do a HIAC justice.

But heh that's my personal opinion on the matter.
HIAC matches really stopped being a big draw for most people when it went from being the ultimate end all to major feuds to being a gimmick PPV.

That isn't to say that the current HIAC matches are bad but I think we are far removed from the matches glory days. Yes part of that is because of the PG era but its also part of the toned down spots and bumps in general in the last few years.

Plus Taker hasn't wrestled since Mania 27, Hunter wrestled about 5 times between Mania and now, both are past their prime by a good ways. For them to put on a good HIAC match it would involve some bumps that I'm not 100% sure either guy could take without serious injury risk
Thankyou for your first comment Yazloz! Respect!

Absolutely not, not at wrestlemania. Here's why. It's the biggest show of the year and they put on a spectacular show, and more then just wrestling, do you think they want a massive cell hanging from the ceiling in an outdoor arena... no.

Plus, MITB will happen and they can't just hang shit everywhere.

The match should and could be a LMS match, and that makes sense given the finale to WM27
There's an official thread for all things Undertaker/WrestleMania in the WrestleMania 28 section. That's where this sort of thing belongs. Thanks.
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