Help With Book Research


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Hey all,

I am thinking about writing up a book about the history of World Wrestling Entertainment, going from circa 1963 when the WWWF broke away from the NWA unto, circa 2013.

I know that WWE itself has already written such a history, but I also know that this telling of history comes from an entity with a strong interest in advancing a specific narrative about itself.

My hope is to write a history that is as independent of WWE as possible. I know it won't be 100 % independent, because if it gets published I have to get permission from the E to use certain trademarked names.

Anyway, what I am asking here is if people here know of any good longstanding pro-wrestling news publications that I could use, so as to have sources that once again are largely if not totally independent of the WWE.

My initial ideas tend towards PWI and the Wrestling Observer, but I am open to all suggestions. Double points if their archives are accessible online so as to reduce my travel costs.
You will need a publisher, lots of publicity from wrestling sites, promotions from former wrestlers, you will have to pay guys that will talk about your book through their fake Facebook profiles, and so on... Just writing an e-book and publishing it on Amazon won't do you much favours unless you are really, really passionate and don't care about money or hard work. Try to get in touch with someone that has already written a book and made some bucks from it. He might hook you up with a publisher or a third party. Make sure you have somewhat of a planning about the road you are setting out to. Good luck!

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