Holy crap! This bizzare match is gonna blow off the roof!! Oh wait...!?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
This happens so much in WWE isn't it? If you aren't clear enough about the topic I'll spill it out for you. The last two weeks there's been a lot of speculation between Stephen Amell and Stardust for a potential match in the near future.

Even then the Stardust gimmick is going down like a dust, IWC (including me) are pretty much excited for this match. Arrow star vs the Bizarre one? Why not? It can be so awesome. Amid the other speculations, we are concerned over if its gonna be STEPHEN AMELL VS STARDUST or GREEN ARROW VS STARDUST? This match can be potentially good to watch if it happens.

But well, I'm afraid I got some bad news. This match isn't going to make a great impact on the cards. WWE will make this match go for maybe 3-5 minutes with the lame finish. Don't call me cynical but WWE has been doing this to Stardust lately.

We all excepted Goldust vs Stardust at Wrestlemania 31 but they squared off at the Fastlane to give a lame finish! With now Goldust is gone Cody looks more irrelevant. Shame on you WWE and poor you Cody!

What do you think WWE will make up with this feud? What are your thoughts on this?
Of course WWE would come up with a match like this :disappointed:

Never heard of this guy and i have no idea what beef he has with Stardust.. They have a stare down and now a match is booked for SummerSlam.
Did I miss something important? Who the hell is Steve Amell and what does he have to do with Stardust?

EDIT: I just Googled it and it seems to me that maybe Vince is going the same route UFC is going with Punk. Having him wrestle a former Power Ranger. In any event, I feel bad for poor Cody Rhodes. Now he's been demoted to wrestling non-wrestlers. Maybe this spells the end of the Stardust character if that's all creative can come up with.
I'm going to pass on this one. Absolutely zero interest in this match. It will be a nice little marketing stunt for Summer Slam and thats it. The match should be given no more than five minutes. When it come down to it we have a somewhat popular actor vs. a glorified jobber. If this went down in the '80s it would be like the sound effects guy from Police Academy taking on the Brooklyn Brawler.
Never seen Arrow. Have no clue what connection The Green Arrow would have with the Stardust character in the first place. Doesn't really matter if I'm interested or not as this match would probably only go 5-7 minutes on the pre-show, or perhaps to start the show.

It'll either suck or surprise a lot of people, but it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other... it's a tiny, tiny part of a 3 hour show. Perhaps it will give Stardust something to do instead of just jobbing to lower-midcarders. Could pull him out of obscurity if he were to win... but let's be real, that won't happen, not in this day and age anyhow.
What do you think WWE will make up with this feud? What are your thoughts on this?
Gona did what they did with John Stewart route: Get some outside media exposure on WWE. And as long as it doesnt go to "David Arquette" route I am fine with it.

Kinda excited because I just started watching "Green Arrow". So its interesting that just now they decide to do match with him. :p
I'd be excited if they used the match from summerslam as part of a storyline for the first episode of the next season of Arrow, that way we get Green Arrow vs Stardust, both in character, could be interesting, i mean Amell can clearly do his own stunts etc so it's not much of a stretch to expect he could perform a relatively decent match at Summerslam, maybe a street fight or something so he doesn't have to do a load of technical wrestling moves. I'm gonna be optimistic with this one i think and keep my fingers crossed.
I have no idea who Steven Arnell is. I don't care who Steven Arnell is. I have no idea what Green Arrow is. I have no idea why this is even a big deal. Or even a deal at all. This is the most irrelevant idea I think I've ever heard of in history. I could not care less.
I hate celebrity matches. It's not really because they put even more emphasis on pro wrestling being scripted, that's been common knowledge since before I was born, it's because the wrestler tends to wind up being made to look like a chump. I think it also perpetuates the belief that pro wrestling isn't difficult and that just about anyone could do it considering that celebrities are just...well people who have had no real training or experience in wrestling.

As far as this match goes, I can honestly say that I couldn't care less. I've ever watched Arrow, have no interest in watching Arrow partially because I always thought that Green Arrow was one of the lamest comic book characters to ever come along and I have no idea who this guy really is, so he's not exactly a household name. My initial impression, given that Stardust comes off more like the campy version of The Joker from the old '60s Batman TV show, is that this will be a walking abortion, a "sports entertainment" disaster that will feature some very lame comedy during the match and the build up that damn near nobody will find entertaining except Vince McMahon.
from a company who gave us the great grammar skills of mike adamle. and the muppets. and kevin federline vs john cena. i have no doubts this match could be real. maybe they could have jeremy piven announce the match... we all know how much he loves summerfest!

its a dumb ass idea.
I read this story earlier I'm glad I'm not the only one who has never heard of the guy nor have I even heard of the TV show he's currently on, It will mean nothing to me it will be some unknown guy vs Cody Rhodes. Could have went a little higher on the celebrity scale for a match at possibly the 2nd or 3rd biggest WWE event of the whole year, Summerslam.
If he should do anything involving WWE, it should be to challenge Seth Rollins to a Crossfit challenge.

As for the match, it would just be weird. Stephen Amell does most of his own stunts, so it MIGHT be interesting to see how he does. The only reason I could see this match taking place is to hype TMNT 2.
I'm an Arrow and Stephen Amell fan (season three kinda stunk though). Amell has a massive social media presence and heads many charitable initiatives. He's kid and adult friendly, therefore right up WWE's alley. He's also set to have his star rise as Casey Jones in the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

On top of all this he's a lifelong WWE mark and a gifted athlete. He does many of his own stunts in Arrow. Google Stephen Amell Salmon ladder and witness a remarkable feat of athleticism. That's not doctored, he's really doing it.

Does being a good athlete make you a good wrestler? Hell no. Any match between Stephen and Cody is going to be a fight, not a wrestling match. Amell will easily pass a WWE physical, and the two will undoubtedly rehearse and choreograph the majority of what will be their quote unquote match. It'll be short, Cody will sell for Stephen, and vice versa. I'm betting the American Dream or Goldust will be involved with the angle "training" Amell.

Those worried that Amell will be dressed up in green and firing arrows at Stardust need to look no further than copyright law. Would DC Entertainment allow one of their fictional characters to be portrayed on World Wrestling Entertainment programming? If they did, it would be a litigation headache coming to terms exactly how Oliver Queen, or Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, is portrayed. I foresee to many issues and the easiest solution is Stephen being Stephen in green wrestling tights.

I think Stephen becoming a visible part of the WWE Universe is only good. Yes, I hate non-wrestlers getting PPV spots over wrestlers, but let's face facts, WWE is going to out celebrities on this card.

The celebrity in question is a fan, a vocal supporter of the product, an athlete, and an all around good dude. It could be far, far worse. But I see everyone's point. It stinks when celebrities are forced into wrestling angles.

If Stardust is working this program, can they start raising his star? Let's get some victories and a little bit more heat under Starry's belt here. Start on Raw if there's no room to give him a quick squash tonight at EC.
This is a no brainer now we know Sheamus is in the Turtles movie with him (love how he was shellshocked tonight by the way), he has the short match with Cody and gets Brouge Kicked... setting up a Mania match around the time the movie actually comes out.

As for Cody, they know he's a safe worker and a close match physically for Amell, it's also a chance for them to get Cody some exposure mainstream, perhaps even a part in Arrow... They're not crossing over with Gotham seemingly so he could be a villain, even if not the Riddler.

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