How far would you travel....


King Of The Ring
To see your favorite band play? This spawned from a conversation I had with JGlass last night(lucky bastard), who was telling me about the Dispatch concert he went to last night. Ive lived in Pennsylvania my entire life, but have several times traveled out of state to see a band if I really felt it was worth it. Dispatch was one of them, as I saw them play the second day of the 3 day benefit shows they played there for Zimbabwe.

The other band Ive driven far to see was Live. I wouldn't drive 45 minutes to see them now, but in college, they were my favorite band. My best friend in college lived in Jersey, so I made the 6 hour trek up there to see them play along with him and two other friends the summer after I graduated, as we were both huge fans.

Both were easily two of the greatest shows Ive seen in my life. Part of it was the excitement of having made large trips on two seperate occasions and I was super excited, and the other was that they were just that damn good. There's a short list of bands Id travel outside of PA to see, and have obviously done so in the past. But what about you?

Would you travel outside of your home state, province, or city to see your favorite band play? How far?

What bands on are on your short list that you would travel to see?

Have you made a long trip to see a band before in the past, and was it worth it?
Would you travel outside of your home state, province, or city to see your favorite band play? How far?

Yes, would and have, I live in SD, and where my city does get a surprisingly decent amount of bands coming to town, those big name bands just are not going to come here, so if I want to see them I need to go where they are, which often times means traveling to Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Fargo, etc.

What bands on are on your short list that you would travel to see?

There are not too many bands left on that list, Slayer is prolly the only one off the top of my head that I would be willing to travel and see right now, the rest I have either already seen or aren't to big to come to our city anymore, or they just haven't gotten that big yet

Have you made a long trip to see a band before in the past, and was it worth it?

I've made several, went to Minneapolis/St.Paul (about a 4-5 hour drive) for Green Day, & Korn/Mudvayne shows, both trips were worth it, went to Omaha(about a 3 hr. drive) for Tool, & Metallica/Down, and again both trips were well worth it, Tool is fucking amazing live btw, highly recommend everyone see them live. The there have been a few shows in Sioux City, IA(about 45 mins., maybe an hr. drive) that I've made the trip to see, STP, Rob Zombie, & Thrice, STP and Rob Zombie were worth, Thrice canceled due to a family emergency and never rescheduled, which isn't really a big deal, other than the fact that I didn't find out until after I got there (which is really the only problem I have with out of town shows, if they cancel your kinda fucked)
There are only a few bands I would consider traveling to go see. It depends on how much I like their music, how much it would cost, and how far away it would be. I'm in the minority in the sense that I prefer cd tracks to live music, that's a topic for another thread though. There was a point in time when I would have gone anywhere to see Def Leppard, but never got around to it due to costs. They are still one of my favorite bands though so it would be cool to see them sometime and I would travel to do it. Depends on the location, time, and cost though. They are probably the only band I would travel far to see, or perhaps Linkin Park. I have yet to travel further than the central TX area to see a band perform, someday I should.
I wouldn't be willing to travel half way across the country just to see my favorite band(Our Lady Peace) perform. I'm patient enough to know that they will eventually hit my own province again because they always do. Chances are they will just hit the capital which in my case is only a 2 hour drive from where I live. That will probably be the extent of my dedication to see the band. As much as I love them, I know they will be back eventually and I can afford to wait. As far as any other band goes, I treat them the same way, they will eventually come our way and I doesn't bother me to wait and if they some how manage to skip us then I'd be willing to travel a province or two over if its one of those rare cases that you don't seem them very often.
Would you travel outside of your home state, province, or city to see your favorite band play? How far?

I never really have to honestly. I live right on the outskirts of Kansas City which just about any band worth a shit always stops while on tour. Occasionally they'll hit KCK instead of Missouri so I'll go there but that's only like another 15 minutes of driving.

What bands on are on your short list that you would travel to see?

The only people who wouldn't play KC are like, underground rappers from out of town. Hopsin, Blaze, Boondox, etc. But I've already seen em and I'm not going out of my way to do so again.

Have you made a long trip to see a band before in the past, and was it worth it?

One time ICP was playing in Wichita and Lawrence on the same tour. I skipped the Lawrence show because I didn't have any money until the following week so I bought tickets to the Wichita show instead, not knowing that it was like a 4 hour drive. The show was off the chain but the ride out and back fucking blew donkey dick. I wouldn't do it again. I've seen ICP a few times but this time they had Hed PE and The Dayton Family opening for them so I went just for that. Totally not worth it.
I would never go further than local territory to see a band or anything else

So about a 1 hour drive and staying in the same state is as far as I'd go

I also think it likely would not ever be worth it to drive any excessively long trip to see a band cause lets be for real here , alot of bands are screwups live and sound alot worse live
I was meant to see Explosions in the Sky in Edinburgh, Scotland back in May which is a good 3 hours away from where I stay, but unfortunately my final ever Uni exam was the next day so I couldn't make it. Was tempted to see them in Amsterdam which would have been an experience to say the least!

Should be getting tickets to see City and Colour in Glasgow, Scotland in October who is my favourite artist, so however many miles it is from Aberdeen to Glasgow is my answer.
I have seen my favourite band Oasis twice, but have never needed to travel outside my home city to see them, as they are a Manchester band anyway and always play here. However, if they reunited and for some reason only played at the other end of the country, I would be willing to travel to see them.

I would travel a couple of hours to see a band I really liked, but it would have to depend on the band themselves, how much I liked them, cost and whether I could be bothered. There would be a few bands I would be willing to travel to see, where cost would be no object.

Noel Gallagher (Oasis) 's solo material, the original Guns N Roses, Alice In Chains, Creed, The Stone Roses, Godsmack and maybe Stone Temple Pilots. Apart from Oasis hey are the bands I would like to see more than any other, although I have seen AIC once already.

However, G'n'R will not be getting back together, neither will the Roses, Creed never come to England and Godsmack havent been over here for a decade. So I am no holding my breath.
I have traveled 6 hours to washington (im from oregon) to see 3 Doors Down and I am about to drive from where I live now (Virginia) to PA to see them again in the fall. Was definitely worth it and can't wait to go again. I have no problem saying they are my favorite band.

I also last month went to see Eminem in kansas city, KA. I traveled from VA to see that shit hell yes. Amazing too. So I guess Eminem counts as the longest trip I took to see someone. It was over a 4 day weekend I had and I drove about 17 hours to get there. I mean i have family in Kansas and we all went I didn't JUST go for Em, but he was the majority reason yes. I can now scratch seeing him live off my bucket list.
i love traveling to go to shows. Concerts are an all-day event to me, and the road trip before (and after) is always a big part. Since there's no good venues within an hour of me, I usually end up traveling 2 or more hours to get to a decent show. I've driven as far as 4 hours, but it was to Syracuse, for an In This Moment show, and it was Maria's homecoming, and I was invited to the afterparty. Kind of had to be there :lmao:

I'd drive up to 6-8 hours for a band that I absolutely must see. As of right now, that list is Godsmack, and In This Moment. It changes though. All That Remains is a favorite band of mine, and given the chance to see them in their hometown, I'd gladly make the drive up to Boston.
It's a bit different living in the UK but I've quite regularly traveled down to London to see bands perform which is around a 10 hour trip one way. I'd do it again as well and it doesn't even have to be my favourite band, recently I've gone down for Muse and Ozzy and neither of them would be counted that high in my estimation.
I have only traveled a couple of hours, because pretty much every show I have wanted to go to has had a show in Louisville or Nashville. heading down to Nashville on the 8th for Hank III/Attention Deficit Domination, lined up to be a 3 hour show for 13 dollar ticket, most likely going back the 15th for the same two acts.

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