How often do you get your haircut?

I grow more hair on my face then the top of my head. So I shave bald every 3 days. Been balding since 22 and I'll be 29 and when my hair grows in, it looks like a chia pet! I just want it all to go away to be honest. Shaving is a chore and I truly understand how a potato feels when it's being peeled.
I got one cut before my Grandmoms funeral last year, that was the first time I got an actual haircut in about 8 to 10 years (Or more).

I have a sharp trimmer that I use to just shave my hair down short. For the longest time I would shave it down bald and just let it grow back, then repeat. Now I just trim it short and make it neat. Looks ok, I usually have a work hat ballcap on or Toronto Maple Leafs ballcap on after work so it doesn't matter. Probably save 240 plus dollars a year if I got it cut monthly.

Although I did have a really attractive woman cut it last year, there's something I miss from getting a real haircut.
Last cut mine September of 2014. No trims or nothing, though I really should. Haven't cut my beard in about 2 years.
I tend to get it cut every 2 weeks, shaved to a 0 blended into a 1 round the sides and a little longer on top. To keep that style I need to go regularly. I went this week and found out the barbers was closed as they are getting new stuff installed, so I’ll have to put up with fuzz round the sides of my head for a week until I can go.

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