How to Enjoy a Match Even if Your Guy Doesn't Win.


Dark Match Winner
It's common knowledge that a very common theme among people on sites like this is to complain about everything. But one of these in particular is when judge the quality of a match based on who won and who lost. To me this is just childish and reeks of sour grapes. A good match should be considered a good match regardless of who wins. Just like if a football game is decided by a game winning touchdown should be considered a great game even if the team you were cheering for didn't come out on top.

Now a lot of people will say things like, "well since this person didn't win, I can't take them seriously." Well sorry, but this is professional wrestling/sports entertainment. You're not supposed to be taking them seriously. A perfect example of this is Bray Wyatt. Bray has been World Heavyweight champion and Tag Team champion. He has beaten the likes of Jericho, Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Roman Reigns. But people on here act like he's never won a match in his life. I remember Jake the snake Roberts would lose a good portion of his feuds as well. But nobody ever cried, "I can't take him seriously anymore!" They just enjoyed the feud for what it was.

I don't understand why people place so much emphasis on who wins and who loses to determine the quality of a match because when you do that you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. A basic 1 on 1 match and you have a 50% chance of being disappointed. Fatal four way match and those odds increase to 75% chance. Royal Rumble or Battle Royal? Forget about it! You might as well go to Vegas and bet your life savings on double 0. So instead, I've developed a 3 point system for getting as much enjoyment out of a match as possible.

The first point is the feud/storyline itself. For many of us it's the storyline that got us interested in the match in the first place. Was there a good story being told? Did the characters develop at an interesting pace? Were you intrigued to see what was going to happen next and did it pique your curiosity in the match? If yes, then add a point.

Second point is the match itself. Try to remove your emotions for a second and pretend that you don't really care who won the match. Was the match itself enjoyable? Did it go at a good pace and were there a lot of moments that made you jump out of your seat and yell "Holy Sh*t!?". If yes, then add another point.

The third point is who won the match. No, I will not discount this entirely, because having your guy win the match does make it more enjoyable. Just like having your favourite team win the Super Bowl is a lot more enjoyable then having someone else win it. I just don't think it should be the be all and end all of determining a match quality.

So there you have it. My 3 point system for getting as much enjoyment out of a match as possible. Try it yourself either on a match coming up or perhaps a match that you already saw and dismissed because the guy you wanted to win didn't. What were your scores?

3 out of 3: Congratulations, you just witnessed a perfectly enjoyable match.
2 out of 3: Well it's not perfect, but as Meatloaf always says "Two out of three ain't bad"
1 out of 3: Not great. But at least you got something out of it right? \
0 out of 3: Well sorry about your luck.
I feel like all this thread needed to say was, “Don’t be a childish crybaby.”

I understand this is the IWC, and people on here are more die hard wrestling fans, but some people take it way too seriously.
If someones favorite loses a few matches in a row or high profile matches then fans often consider that person is getting "buried" when in reality that isnt the case. Its poor booking and or setting up something down the line. Either way matches should be enjoyed for the entertainment and the story they're telling. Not enjoyed if your favorite wins because your only setting yourself up for disappointment time and time again.
When you are watching a great classic match it just hits you mid match like, man this is incredible.Once you take notice that you are watching a great match, you start watching the details.
Perfect example
Yesterday In Japan, Okada Vs Jericho
I watched this match and was just taken back by the work Jericho did. He checked all the boxes on what makes a great match. He ended up losing in the end but he lost honorably. I highly recommend you guys watch Jericho vs Okada.
Jericho had O-ka-da(if you watched the match lol) in the palm of his hands. Their styles meshed together and they were able to put on a great match.
I look at wrestling basically just like your 3 point process what you described there. Im not as interested in who wins im interested in the story that was told in the ring. You can lose a match but come out looking strong. When I see guys like Ricochet losing and I watch all the matches on Raw and Smackdown, I dont blame it on the wrestlers. I watch NXT so I know what these guys are capable of, so when they hit the main roster and dont do anything it just reinforces my hatred for whats going on in WWE. I complain about it all the time bc it truly drives me crazy @ the way WWE books on the main roster. Its all Vince McMahon and hes not in touch with what is hot in the business. It is obvious that he is completely out of touch when the fan is way ahead of the bookers in knowing whats next. WWE is so sloppy and I feel like the people writing the final show have the attitude like whatever who cares what happpens as long as Vince is happy.
People aint booing Shane bc he is a heel. They dont chant CM Punk just bc hes a heel. Fans are doing that bc Shane should not be wrestling on every show and ppv.
The fans boo roman because they want a true wrestler to have that top spot.
If you put guys like Corbin and Roman in the main events then their opponents are forced to wrestle that style when the fans want actual wrestling,
Vince doesnt get it. What is hot right now is Athletic wrestling matches, true competition,and passion from your stars and WWE doesnt do that on the main roster
I look at wrestling basically just like your 3 point process what you described there. Im not as interested in who wins im interested in the story that was told in the ring. You can lose a match but come out looking strong. When I see guys like Ricochet losing and I watch all the matches on Raw and Smackdown, I dont blame it on the wrestlers. I watch NXT so I know what these guys are capable of, so when they hit the main roster and dont do anything it just reinforces my hatred for whats going on in WWE. I complain about it all the time bc it truly drives me crazy @ the way WWE books on the main roster. Its all Vince McMahon and hes not in touch with what is hot in the business. It is obvious that he is completely out of touch when the fan is way ahead of the bookers in knowing whats next. WWE is so sloppy and I feel like the people writing the final show have the attitude like whatever who cares what happpens as long as Vince is happy.
People aint booing Shane bc he is a heel. They dont chant CM Punk just bc hes a heel. Fans are doing that bc Shane should not be wrestling on every show and ppv.
The fans boo roman because they want a true wrestler to have that top spot.
If you put guys like Corbin and Roman in the main events then their opponents are forced to wrestle that style when the fans want actual wrestling,
Vince doesnt get it. What is hot right now is Athletic wrestling matches, true competition,and passion from your stars and WWE doesnt do that on the main roster
I disagree entirely. If athletic wrestling matches were hot right now then ROH would be the most popular promotion around and AEW would of had more than 140,000 viewers for a free ppv.

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