I feel like Seth Rollins is unappreciated by the IWC


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have noticed that I don't see a lot of discussion on Seth Rollins on these boards, and it makes me wonder what you all think of him?

I mean, he fits the criteria of what you command of a superstar. He is great on the mike, and awesome in the ring. He can play both a face and a heel effortlessly.

But I didn't hear the hype for him as I do for Kofi Kingston or Becky Lynch. I didn't hear "You deserve it" as much for Seth for winning his first Universal belt at "Wrestlemania" as I did for the other two.

When it comes to members of the Shield, it seems like the IWC is bored with Roman, frustrated with how Dean is used, and possibly indifferent to Seth.

So, have I got this all wrong, and you guys really get behind Seth Rollins and buy his T-shirts, or do you not really think about him? Does he make an impact to you or not?

I mean, people here didn't want Roman being pushed. How would you feel if Seth became the "guy" on RAW, and main-evented each month?

I don't know what it is, but I sometimes feel, posting on here, and the crowd reaction Seth gets, that rather than want Seth to "burn things down", they just want him to "go away".

So, can you explain what Seth needs to do in your eyes to reach the next level, where you care about what he does and says? Are you behind him already? Would you want to see him as the "guy", and if not, why not? Also, was he hurt by his association with Roman Reigns?
I completely agree. The fans wanted him to slay the Beast but yet he does and now they almost seem bored with it. WWE fans had all their babyfaces go over at Mania and the ratings take a drop??? I think the biggest problem with Seth is to much yo-yoing back and forth this year between individual glory and re-uniting with The Shield. I know the group is a cash cow but how do you expect him to get over as a solo act when every time he has huge momentum you have him get back with his boys. And personally as much as I like Rollins as a top face I think he makes a far better heel. His run as champion after cashing in at Mania was epic.
I completely agree. The fans wanted him to slay the Beast but yet he does and now they almost seem bored with it. WWE fans had all their babyfaces go over at Mania and the ratings take a drop??? I think the biggest problem with Seth is to much yo-yoing back and forth this year between individual glory and re-uniting with The Shield. I know the group is a cash cow but how do you expect him to get over as a solo act when every time he has huge momentum you have him get back with his boys. And personally as much as I like Rollins as a top face I think he makes a far better heel. His run as champion after cashing in at Mania was epic.

Hopefully with Roman on SD Live, and Dean gone, this will no longer be a problem and Seth can shine on his own more often.

I will be interested to see if this makes a difference.
The ironic thing about Seth Rollins is that, while everyone was hating on Reigns getting pushed, Rollins got pushed like crazy too. At one point he was a double champ with the WWE Championship and the US Title (beating Cena after some of the stupidest interference ever). I don't have a problem with his current run, but he's not as hot and you'd expect. I think part of it was him beating Lesnar was such a foregone conclusion. People complain about that with any match. I'm sure his match with Styles will be amazing though. And hopefully they build McIntyre to be a credible heel. If they don't do a good job at getting him heat, Rollins's push will suffer.

After "slaying the beat" though, Rollins shouldn't be losing so soon. McIntyre still requires building as well, so he shouldn't be losing either. If he does win MITB, I hope he doesn't cash it in for quite a while.
Rollins is everything that we want, after we've already been given what we want by other people.

Pro-wrestling tends to work in cycles. It was pretty damn interesting for fans when Triple H offered $100,000 to anyone who would hurt Goldberg, mainly because they weren't around when Harley Race offered $25,000 to anyone who would hurt Ric Flair.

Rollins came along after another Triple H hating raven haired rabble rouser named CM Punk, and most of us still haven't gotten over how badly CM Punk's story went. He also came along after Daniel Bryan's Rocky-esque victory at WrestleMania 30. He got lots of love after coming back from the knee injury, but from what I remember that was mainly because the fans were bored to tears with having to watch Roman Reigns every week.

Seth never really had a BIG moment in the WWE, and he's never been a gimmick that compelled me to watch him. He's just a guy that stuff happens to, and his gimmick revolves around how he reacts. While guys like The Undertaker and Stone Cold inspire my imagination, Seth is just some guy who fits the bare minimum standard for a pro-wrestler.
I don't think he is underappreciated. This is the IWC, we are content with his place in wrestling therefore no one talks about him.

He's basically an A- player. He's someone who is more likely to have a compelling match than 98% of the rosters but otherwise there is not much to him. On top of that he has been given three of the biggest moments in recent WWE memory and didn't get the most out of them:
1. Mania main event cash in (ok, he did do well with that but it was a long time ago)
2. Win over HHH at Mania
3. Win over Brock

So what is there to say and discuss? He got the stomp back. He's gotten title wins and big spots. He gets plenty of mic time (despite it not his strength). WWE shows him plenty of appreciation. Making comments about him on the internet is redundant.
To be honest whenever I think of Seth Rollins I can't help but remember how he ended the career of one of my favourite wrestlers of all time, Sting.
In saying that I do still think he has talent as a wrestler, I'm kind of indifferent to him I'm not bored watching him like I am with others but I'm not excited to watch him either and if I never seen him wrestle again I wouldn't miss him.
I actually think I know the reason.

Seth is actually getting pushed, and he ticks all the boxes of what the fans want.

The fans didn't "pick" him, and they can't complain that he has been used wrong since NXT, or complain about his stickwork or ringwork.

You see, most of you don't talk about Seth, because there is nothing to complain about with him,and that is the ONLY reason a lot of you post here, to complain about something. You're not happy unless you have something that makes you unhappy, so that you can do your favourite pastime- whining.

Seth doesn't give you a reason to complain about how he is used or pushed.
I actually think I know the reason.

Seth is actually getting pushed, and he ticks all the boxes of what the fans want.

The fans didn't "pick" him, and they can't complain that he has been used wrong since NXT, or complain about his stickwork or ringwork.

You see, most of you don't talk about Seth, because there is nothing to complain about with him,and that is the ONLY reason a lot of you post here, to complain about something. You're not happy unless you have something that makes you unhappy, so that you can do your favourite pastime- whining.

Seth doesn't give you a reason to complain about how he is used or pushed.

So you started a thread so you could complain about people complaining?

Water is wet.
This kind of take has always been stupid as hell.

Allow me to fill you in on something. The "IWC" is not a hivemind. Each person on the internet that watches wrestling does not all like or dislike the same things. You can't cherry pick a couple people on the internet saying they "don't like a wrestler" and use that as proof that the "IWC is turning on that wrestler".

"AEW is going to put WWE out of business, and I know that because I read the IWC say it in a comment on a wrestling site".

You see how stupid that sounds? That's you.
He's just not that interesting. His mic work is average and he's extremely complacent in the ring. You'll get a few good matches out of Seth per year and then he'll coast on that for the rest of the year. Case in point, the gauntlet match from 2018, then followed the awful Ambrose match. 90% of Seth matches are instantly forgettable.
I think it's most likely that most in the IWC only talk about things they can complain about. Seth is a solid performer who is where he should be at the moment, and most people would rather find someone/something to bitch about instead of talking about someone doing well.
No one complains more in these threads than you...

I only complain about how people come on here, say that they want someone pushed because they are a good worker, good on the mike, performed well in NXT, not being pushed down their throats etc.

Yet when there is someone who ticks all those boxes, instead of praising this, they ignore it because it doesn't fit their narrative that the WWE sucks etc.

The fact is, there are haters on this site. There is a difference between critics and haters. Critics can acknowledge what is being done right, but how things can be better, because they believe that WWE can make those necessary changes.

Haters have nothing nice to say, and only ever mention the bad things, and give credit for any good to other people. They hate WWE, and like nothing about it. Haters should stop posting here and stop watching WWE TV. When WWE does what they want, they don't say "Thank you" but find something else to complain about. They are entitled little shits who aren't worth listening to, and I laugh when their shit indy companies fall over and hear these fanboys cry.
First post in years:

I think Seth Rollins is great. As a matter of fact, I think he's better than great, I think he's the top performer in the biz.

In my experiences, I've come to know the IWC as a group of people that yearns for change. We talk about Brock being a part-time champ and how we want him to stop winning the belt. We talk about Kenny Omega because he's such a huge draw and we'd love to see him come to WWE. We talk about Cesaro because he's so good and we'd love to see him get that main event push. We revere Stone Cold Steve Austin and would mark out, even now in 2019, if he decided to have one last match. It's all about change, we assess wrestlers and their talent and whatever we feel needs to be changed is the thing we discuss so frequently on this and many other forums.

Seth Rollins is currently the Universal Champion, and has been on quite a roll since Joe Anoai's diagnosis. He dominated the 2019 Royal Rumble and has continued to be booked as a tremendous adversary for any wrestler for the better part of 5 years now. I think this is where he deserves to be, which is why we don't talk about him: no change needed. If Rollins was feuding with Samoa Joe over the US title, maybe there would be more discussion (no disrespect intended Rey), but I think Seth is right where he needs to be in the main event of the A-show of the biggest wrestling company in the world. For several months that has been the status quo, and he's done an adequate job so there hasn't been much to complain or holler about. If there's nothing to complain about, then the IWC doesn't have much to talk about.
Seth is one of the best in WWE, and the only member of The Shield who truly had what it takes to make it to the main event level and stay there. He's one of the only things RAW has going for it.
I have a hard time getting behind seth as a good guy. They have him acting one way but they book him in another way. For example, the only way he beat Brock was by low blow but we are supposed to view him as some tough guy who doesnt need to resort to them things. The whole story with Brock was playing out waiting for someone to beat Lesnar. Daniel Bryan came real close and then Balor came even closer. It was all set for Seth to be the one to take down Brock. Then the match we get is him delivering a low blow to win. It didnt make sense bc Seth has been portrayed as someone that would win honorably. Then they have him beat down everyone and some for no reason after getting approached to be the special ref. He should not worry about the ref and beat the ref up as well as corbin if they try something silly. After you turn heel in the way Seth did back years ago it is hard to come back as a good guy. Its hard to have sympathy for a character like seth rollins. Austin worked because he had McMahon at every corner keeping him down. I dont understand his character and I have a hard time getting behind him.
I think what Rollins needs is that epic feud to really get him to the next level. Back in the day it was Austin, Rock, HHH & Angel all elevating one another with epic feuds. So I believe he just needs that one true rival and for me that would be either Randy Orton or Daniel Bryan.

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