IC25's Drunk Act

My only question is, who gives a shit? Isn't this site a form of amusement? Why so serious??

D-Man's absolutely right, and I've come on here before posting fairly well in the tank before as well. Now I don't know how much IC drinks when he's relatively trashed, but I"ve had post that are similarly screwed up when posting drunk.

Besides it's all in good fun. Too bad IC's drunken threads/posts are more entertaining then at least 60% of the bar room threads.
Stop having fun, guys!

I'm not here to have fun. I'm here to express my views and Mod.

Dude. Nobody posts drunk. They post buzzed. If they were drunk, I am certain they would spill their beer or other alchoholic drink over the computer. Not to mention they wouldn't even be able to find the site. Or the computer. They just want us to have fun. Let them be.

And I agree with you. My point that I made was that it was all an act, and he was just trying to get all of you to have a good laugh.

Isn't it just hysterical? Someone pretending to be drunk/buzzed just to try to fool everyone into thinking he is drunk?

Yeah ... real knee-slapper.

And to whomever stated that I was trying for the Drunk Poster EOY Award ... no I'm actually not. That is no honor I have an interest in having.

Now, for anyone questioning why I am doing this ... I have my reasons.
D-Man's absolutely right, and I've come on here before posting fairly well in the tank before as well. Now I don't know how much IC drinks when he's relatively trashed, but I"ve had post that are similarly screwed up when posting drunk.

Last night was 6 Johnny Walker Blacks and two shots of SoCo and lime. The scotches were fine, it was the shots that messed me up.

Besides it's all in good fun. Too bad IC's drunken threads/posts are more entertaining then at least 60% of the bar room threads.

True story.

TBH, I am not to concerned with Sidious's opinion on a so-called conspiracy theory. D-Man and NorCal have both been out with me, and they know I can put down a few, get happy, and one of my fave things to do is pop on here and share it with y'all. Hell, I even have pics.

But the difference? Sidious is someone who takes himself WAY too seriously, whereas I am not. That's what it comes down to. I mean, to come into the Bar Room to "express his views as a mod?" Open anus, remove stick, rinse, and repeat...
The real story here is that IC isn't really Irish, or Canadian.

Mixing Irish with Canadian...my Kinsale roots are in a disgusted rage by your French Canadien heritage IC.
What does an IrishCanadian flag look like? A typical Ireland flag, with a big red maple leaf in the middle?
For those of you who claim that no one comes on here hammered, you are wrong. I get on all the time wasted. You will notice that I usually lose the ability to spell when I post after 2 AM.

I believe IC when he says he's drunk. I make those same mistakes in spelling and typing. I just close one eye and fix them.....sometimes.
I'm not being heled by the fact thatthe battery in my wireless keyboard is going. When I've been drinking, I just don't care to fix mistakes. At leat not here. On Facebook I do becaue I don't want co-workers and family seeing me in that state.
I'll give my actual views now, so get a pencil and pad. I come on here properly drunk all the time. Like last night when I made a thread about leaving yoghurts on the bus. I type perfectly fine, it just takes ages. However, not everyone is the same, and I can imagine that some people do type like a mong when out of it, especially on a handheld device, like IC does. If he's lying, then so be it, it wouldn't be the first time somebody lied in the barroom.

For the record, I think he is drunk, but I'm just an IC25 Shareholder.
I always assumed that IC25 was a transplanted Canadian, probably born in Canada and crossed the border to live in the US, for whatever reason.

I don't doubt that IC25 posts while "under the influence" from time to time, I don't imagine he would pretend to be drunk if not, what would be the point of that?

The simple fact is that whether drunk or not, you can count on IC's posts to be worth the read. Not a continuous blurb of negativity, but something that can be discussed from all perspectives.

And I agree, it's likely one long continuous stick.
The real story here is that IC isn't really Irish, or Canadian.

Mixing Irish with Canadian...my Kinsale roots are in a disgusted rage by your French Canadien heritage IC.

You have roots in Kinsale? I have relatives from there myself actually. Whats the surname they had there? Have you ever been- there is a really nice pub in the centre called the Greyhound :)
You have roots in Kinsale? I have relatives from there myself actually. Whats the surname they had there? Have you ever been- there is a really nice pub in the centre called the Greyhound :)

My great-grandfather on my mother's side came over to the US from Kinsale, our surname was O'Noonan (changed to Noonan once he got to America), while my great-grandfather on my father's side came over to the US from Cork with the surname of O'Rinehart (change to Rinehart once he got to the US).

Why the hell did the people at Ellis Island hate the letter O so much? I don't get it....

But no, unfortunately I've never been to Ireland, I keep planning to as my aunt visits Kinsale every few years, I"ll have to go with her one of these years.

Oh and I live in Newport, Rhode Island, which is Kinsale's sister city.
O' Noonan you say? Thats a very familar name to me actually- I am sure there is a pub with that name somewhere in Cork county- can't think where though I know it from at the moment though. If you do manage to get down to Kinsale- around Halloween week is a good time- they have a Jazz and Blues festival throughout Cork- and some really good bands play in Kinsale. I have spent a couple of years going from pub to pub :) Cork is really good where it comes to sterotypical old worldie Irish pubs- the rebel county and all :)

The sailing as you would guess is also pretty fun there- though thats much better during the summer. Storms tend to kick up from about Autumn which prevents getting out as much.

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