If it can happen with NXT, why not with RAW?

The Yes Guy

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The question is 2 fold.

NXT R Evolution was a huge success.. Even the whole NXT product is way superior to the piece of crap we get every week on RAW.!

Even the main roster is not happy with the creative they've been given.

The creative is definitely capable of telling us good stories as they've shown us with NXT.

Also, the guys from NXT show great promise when in NXT, But as soon as they're shifted to the main roster, they quickly fade away. Ask Bray Wyatt.

So if the creatives are capable of giving us great NXT, why not do the same with the main roster.??
The question is 2 fold.

NXT R Evolution was a huge success.. Even the whole NXT product is way superior to the piece of crap we get every week on RAW.!

This is purely opinion. I still find Raw to be superior, but that's because I consider Raw to be the big leagues and NXT to be developmental. It is a great product, but the main roster is massively superior, in my opinion.
Even the main roster is not happy with the creative they've been given.
Some. And that doesn't mean much, NXT doesn't require near the amount of promo, the amount of appearances, nor does it have the requirements that cable channels require.
The creative is definitely capable of telling us good stories as they've shown us with NXT.
Or with almost every single story on the main roster.
Also, the guys from NXT show great promise when in NXT, But as soon as they're shifted to the main roster, they quickly fade away. Ask Bray Wyatt.
Bray Wyatt's gimmick only works in a very small setting. It doesn't relate to an arena. There was no way to predict that. What could have been predicted was his atrocious lack of in-ring talent as well as his inability to adapt.
So if the creatives are capable of giving us great NXT, why not do the same with the main roster.??
They do, and if you don't like it, that's unfortunate. Raw hasn't been better in years and years.
So if the creatives are capable of giving us great NXT, why not do the same with the main roster.??

Because on the main roster, all the final creative and booking decisions are ultimately made by Vince McMahon whereas they're made by Triple H in NXT. In NXT, Triple H has surrounded himself with a creative team that he trusts and feels is more than capable of doing the job that they're being hired to do. It's also a big boon that Triple H doesn't change his mind about something every five minutes, condemn an angle or wrestler without giving the angle or wrestler time to flesh things out, etc. Of course, if Vince McMahon wanted to, he could demand that everything Triple H does down in NXT be subject to his approval but, thankfully, that hasn't happened. After all, NXT is supposed to be WWE's developmental territory, so Vince making THE final calls down there aren't deemed as vital as making them on the main roster.

Whenever there's an NXT live special, there are always reports of talk backstage afterward about how good the shows have been and how much consistently stronger creative is in NXT than the main roster. There's nothing that's happening in NXT, has happened in NXT or is to happen in NXT that can't happen on the main roster. Just like the developmental roster, the main roster is loaded with talented wrestlers, but they can only do what creative gives them and creative can only give them whatever Vince decides.
Because on the main roster, all the final creative and booking decisions are ultimately made by Vince McMahon whereas they're made by Triple H in NXT. In NXT, Triple H has surrounded himself with a creative team that he trusts and feels is more than capable of doing the job that they're being hired to do. It's also a big boon that Triple H doesn't change his mind about something every five minutes, condemn an angle or wrestler without giving the angle or wrestler time to flesh things out, etc. Of course, if Vince McMahon wanted to, he could demand that everything Triple H does down in NXT be subject to his approval but, thankfully, that hasn't happened. After all, NXT is supposed to be WWE's developmental territory, so Vince making THE final calls down there aren't deemed as vital as making them on the main roster.

Whenever there's an NXT live special, there are always reports of talk backstage afterward about how good the shows have been and how much consistently stronger creative is in NXT than the main roster. There's nothing that's happening in NXT, has happened in NXT or is to happen in NXT that can't happen on the main roster. Just like the developmental roster, the main roster is loaded with talented wrestlers, but they can only do what creative gives them and creative can only give them whatever Vince decides.
I gotta be honest, I think that is 100% work. I stimulates buys on the Network and it preps HHH for taking over the company, two things that are ultimately what keeps Vince up at night. In no way do I believe that HHH has the creative control over NXT, I personally can't see Vince competing against his own brand that way.

I really like NXT, but I think that Vince is intentionally creating a completely controlled developmental system, and I think that he intentionally keeps it as different from WWE main roster as possible so that people feel as though they HAVE To tune in and consume that product as well. He's as aware as you or I that 5 hours of new content per week on TV is just too much, but they make too much money from commercial revenue.

Obviously, this all comes from just being a fan for decades and seeing how in control Vince McMahon is over lighting, craft services, the chairs they use, the placards they use, every piece of minutia, so it makes it impossible for me to believe that he completely gave up control over a major brand inside of his company.
I gotta be honest, I think that is 100% work. I stimulates buys on the Network and it preps HHH for taking over the company, two things that are ultimately what keeps Vince up at night. In no way do I believe that HHH has the creative control over NXT, I personally can't see Vince competing against his own brand that way.

I really like NXT, but I think that Vince is intentionally creating a completely controlled developmental system, and I think that he intentionally keeps it as different from WWE main roster as possible so that people feel as though they HAVE To tune in and consume that product as well. He's as aware as you or I that 5 hours of new content per week on TV is just too much, but they make too much money from commercial revenue.

Obviously, this all comes from just being a fan for decades and seeing how in control Vince McMahon is over lighting, craft services, the chairs they use, the placards they use, every piece of minutia, so it makes it impossible for me to believe that he completely gave up control over a major brand inside of his company.

I don't think it's a work at all. And I don't think it stimulates buy's for the network. They don't promote it enough for it to do that. It's a network exclusive show, and what they should be doing it bringing up NXT talent to the main roster every once in awhile and letting them show their stuff. Screw the $9.99 chant, show viewers what they will get for their money in a great wrestling show.

When Paige debuted she was the hottest Diva on NXT, but most of the fans in the crowd had no idea who she was. Same with Adam Rose and Bo Dallas. Casual fans just don't watch NXT, and some of them probably don't even know it exists. Christ they promote Total Diva's more on the main shows than they do NXT.

All you have to do is watch both shows to see the major difference. No 20 minutes promo's on NXT, no filler, no crap, just wrestling and good wrestling at that. And that's the thing they don't need it to make the show work, it just does. All that is down to HHH and Regal running the place, Vince knows what's going on, but doesn't interfere by all accounts.

It was HHH that reached out to Kenta, Devitt and Owens, not Vince. HHH is the one who is trying to look out for the future of the product, Vince only sees John Cena as his saviour. Vince is out of touch with the fans and HHH has his finger on the pulse. If Vince ever decided to take over control of NXT, I shudder to think what would happen.
NXT has proving time and time again that its better than raw and smackdown. The main roster judt doesnt care no more.

I wouldn't so far as to say they don't care, their hands are tied by McMahon having the final say on almost everything. It's usually Vince's way or the highway. I'll bet you if you could get most of them to sit down and talk openly, they would tell you that. You almost get the feeling that there is a code of silence, because let's face it the only other options are TNA or the indies. The big money is to be made in the WWE, and if they are already there why rock the boat.
I don't think it's a work at all. And I don't think it stimulates buy's for the network. They don't promote it enough for it to do that. It's a network exclusive show, and what they should be doing it bringing up NXT talent to the main roster every once in awhile and letting them show their stuff. Screw the $9.99 chant, show viewers what they will get for their money in a great wrestling show.

When Paige debuted she was the hottest Diva on NXT, but most of the fans in the crowd had no idea who she was. Same with Adam Rose and Bo Dallas. Casual fans just don't watch NXT, and some of them probably don't even know it exists. Christ they promote Total Diva's more on the main shows than they do NXT.

All you have to do is watch both shows to see the major difference. No 20 minutes promo's on NXT, no filler, no crap, just wrestling and good wrestling at that. And that's the thing they don't need it to make the show work, it just does. All that is down to HHH and Regal running the place, Vince knows what's going on, but doesn't interfere by all accounts.

It was HHH that reached out to Kenta, Devitt and Owens, not Vince. HHH is the one who is trying to look out for the future of the product, Vince only sees John Cena as his saviour. Vince is out of touch with the fans and HHH has his finger on the pulse. If Vince ever decided to take over control of NXT, I shudder to think what would happen.

Look, while I agree with the tone of what you're saying, Vince McMahon has literally never once been the type of guy to just "hand over the reigns." There's just no way that he's not 100% behind the NXT creative, and he's just giving HHH the figurehead spot.
Look, while I agree with the tone of what you're saying, Vince McMahon has literally never once been the type of guy to just "hand over the reigns." There's just no way that he's not 100% behind the NXT creative, and he's just giving HHH the figurehead spot.

Not true when you consider he gave Linda full control of the company in 1993. Even when he returned it was only until 2009 that he resumed to be the CEO. I would assume NxT is to allow HHH to control an element of WWE which doesnt conflict with Vince's power. After all Vince would never leave the company in the hands of a rookie or rival when his health does start to go. Vince gives the blessing to HHH to find new talent and Vince sees fit to use them on Raw or Smackdown. The two work hand in hand to benefit each other.
NXT appeals to the hardcore fan. NXT isn't "better" it simply appeals to a narrower demographic in which you are. Raw is more broad because it has to be. NXT is more experimental and narrow because it can be. Apples and Oranges.

Also, how the fuck did Bray Wyatt "fade"? He's main eventer getting all kinds of push and TV. Just because the IWC is full of ignorant shitheads who start hating anything successful doesn't mean he's not in a very good position.
I'm not going to read the other responses bc the answer is simple. The main wwe shows has a different creative staff than the nxt has. Vince is still directly in charge of the main product and triple h is in charger of nxt. Triple h is obviously showing us that he is more in tune with what we want and vince is clearly losing it.

Here is the easiest way to prove it. Vince has put Extra Pressure on the talent for tlc tonight so that takeover doesn't show up tlc. Just the fact that vince even needs to put that pressure on the talent shows how much the main show is lacking compared to nxt. It should be triple h putting pressure on the nxt guys to keep up with the main show not the other way around
Smaller roster which means talent gets more time to show off their skills. I actually think nxt storylines are terrible. They are no different than Raw or Smackdown. The matches are better but that is because of the time they are allowed, movesets are obviously not as restricted as the main rosters, and they are younger and better athletes than the guys carrying the main roster. I dont see it as being superior at all, its more like a completely different product. NXT has a smaller arena with a consistent audience that cant be replicated on the main roster.
For a start, Bray is "fading away" supposedly,
I'm 99% sure him and Ambrose are main eventing TLC tonight. Pretty badly faded is that.

As for NXT. It's a great show with great in ring talent and good storylines, because it's purely a wrestling show. Unlike raw which has had to become an "entertainment" show.
Raw does have some good storylines, it does have some really bad ones as well, but for the most part I'd say the good outweighs the bad.

The problem with raw isnt the storylines, it's how the storylines get played out, how many times does the guy that the fans want actually win the feud ultimately. 9 times out of 10, Cena wins another feud when he really doesn't need to. I'm not Cena hating, that's just an example.
Because that style doesn't appeal to the broad WWE Raw audience. At least, that's the most logical conclusion one can come too. If WWE has 700K subs in the US, and there's been reports that most of those subscribers are mainly watching PPVs as opposed to the rest of the content, that leaves a very tiny audience for NXT compared to 4M in the US watching RAW.

Secondly, why should WWE implement what's going on with NXT with RAW? The only people calling for that are paying them 10 a month for the network already, and the people watching RAW who don't have the Network wouldn't know how great it supposedly is since they can't watch it. The status quo works just fine for WWE, no matter how loud people in the internet yell about NXT.

Complaining that a product you pay for is better then the product you get for free from the same company is basically a losing proposition. It also does nothing for people that are stuck with RAW because they don't have or want the network.
The one thing people never seem to be able to grasp is that the hardcore fanbase is the minority in just about any field. Most people watching Raw are not hankering for longer, more technical matches. Being a publicly traded corporation and catering to the hardcore minority would not make financial sense. The almighty dollar rules everything. When you only make up 10-20% of the total audience, there is no point in doing what those people want. WWE does not care about putting on a great wrestling program. It's a variety hour (well, 3 hours). People who want wrestling should just watch NXT or ROH or whatever else. This isn't to say I disagree; I wish Raw was like NXT too. But WWE is too busy trying to be everything but wrestling. They are ashamed to even call it that. Maybe once Vince is gone, it can be about wrestling again, maybe not. Whatever earns more money. If they continue to feel that they somehow bring in more cash by having segments with the Muppets and Grumpy Cat, that's what we're going to get.
Simple. Because RAW is the show that is watched on national television, has most sponsors on it and is criticized by the public and the news. They want a clean cut show, with no swearing, to keep the kids happy with stupid gimmicks. Oh, and Cena. Having Cena on top because he is the only one who matters.
Simple. Because RAW is the show that is watched on national television, has most sponsors on it and is criticized by the public and the news. They want a clean cut show, with no swearing, to keep the kids happy with stupid gimmicks. Oh, and Cena. Having Cena on top because he is the only one who matters.
Because NXT has cussing and no gimmicks? Did you just comment to bitch about how you need cussing to enjoy wrestling?
Of course, if Vince McMahon wanted to, he could demand that everything Triple H does down in NXT be subject to his approval but, thankfully, that hasn't happened. After all, NXT is supposed to be WWE's developmental territory, so Vince making THE final calls

Presuming all these "I like NXT but hate Raw" statements from fans reach Vince McMahon's ears, won't it be fascinating to see what might result from it? How he reacts (or doesn't react) might affect the whole family dynamic in the McMahon/Levesque faction, no?

If Vince truly intends to eventually leave the whole mess to his daughter and son-in-law, he might be thrilled with the response NXT is getting, not even bothering to surmise that it reflects badly on him. But if he's as jealous or possessive of everything involved with the company, would it be surprising if, in the next few months, NXT starts to look exactly like Raw, indicating Vince has taken back the whole shebang for himself?

Of course, the possibility also exists he'll pay no attention to all the NXT chatter and things will proceed just as they have been until Vince retires......which is to say, until he dies.
NXt is 100 times better than raw and smackdown. Raw hasn't been good since 2001. Neither has smackdown. Thats my opinion.

NXT is a good show. But isn't as great as people make it out too be. Most of the gimmicks and music in nxt are terrible. Some of the promos are bad. But at least its better than raw and smackdown. Which isn't hard to do. Bc both raw and smackdown are trashed now and have been for years.

NXT is a good show. But it isn't great. There are good wrestlers on the show. Way better than raw and smackdown.

I've read people compare nxt to njpw. NXT is not on the level of njpw. It may be in the future but not now.

I really hope hhh and stephanie dont take over after vince steps down. Bc it will be the end of WWE. If those 2 take over.

My thoughts.
Some of the things that I think NXT benefits from are:

1) The final say on everything NXT goes to Triple H while Vince McMahon has final say on everything on Raw.

2) Less damn people! What I mean by this is I don't think NXT has some ridiculous 30 man creative team most of which aren't big pro wrestling fans. I can't confirm that NXT definitely doesn't have a massive creative team in the back, but based on other things I've heard and what it seems like, I'm willing to bet money on it.

3) The Awesome NXT crowd. NXT has their small little Arena filled up with what I would imagine is what 2000 max, if that? They audience tends to have people who are very avid wrestling fans. They get into every show chant a lot, with only an occasional one or two stupid ones. Point being a hot crowd can be the thing that separates an okay or good show from a great or awesome one.

I too think NXT has been awesome and only hope that some of the things we've seen down their translate up to the main roster. I didn't start watching NXT till I got the WWE network the day it launched. And it has been the hidden of the Network and has made my 9.99 a month totally worth it!
NXT is a different show than Raw because HHH doesn't have to cater to USA and Its sponsors and can run more actual wrestling and edgier angles in an old school way.
THE OP also needs to realize that the two shows serve two VERY different audiences. RAW is essentially The John Cena Show. It is skewed towards kids who will drag Mommay and Daddy to the arena to see John Cena, and spend boocoo bucks on John Cena shirts, John Cena wristbands or anything with John Cena on it just to please little Egbert.

NXT is made for the WRESTLING FAN. Those people are the ones who'll buy tickets to the Ma's Wrestling Federation show at the General Store in West Mudlick, Kentucky, belltime Monday morning at 2 AM. They KNOW their wrestling, and KNOWS who's who. They know KENTA, Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt and their career accomplishments. The kids that are there are dragged there by the adult. The fans exchange what cards they have been to, and give out info on the Indy shows. Try doing that to the average simpleton who attends RAW. There is this one guy at work who is a long time RAW and SmackDown watcher who just started watching NXT, and he mentions Hideo Itami as a rookie. When I mention who he really was and his accomplishments in Japan, he looks at me like I came from Mars!

Basically, you need to accept the two as two shows directed at two very different audiences. If you took all of NXT and gave them a night on RAW, you would see great wrestling, and the ratings would rival that of a test pattern.
I am trying to put myself in the mindstate of 14-16 year old... NXT would be like ECW. You watch the main product, get into the actual wrestling aspect and look for more... you find NXT. It is great for the fundamentals of an actual great wrestling company, but WWE is definitely a different beast. Things that go over in that small, "smart" crowds do not necessarily go over in large arenas. WWE TV is a variety show targeted to several different demographics and competes against mainstream TV. They would admittedly go out of business if it was ran as a pure, straight forward wrestling show. None of us really know what lines their pockets, but I would guess it is kids hounding their parents for merchandise, to go see a show, or to buy a video game.

It is a tough comparison. I think it is comfortable for NXT to be the show you go to once you are more interested and ready for more actual wrestling. We forget that this is a completely fast-food mentality society where people can watch pretty much anything they want at any given time. I would wager they know what they are doing more than we give them credit for. Yes the product can improve, and I imagine it will after the older guys are phased out and it won't be too long.

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