if the new ecw a work?

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it is all looking like a work to me i think heyman will play the heel i doubt vince will take part in this as heyman is the "owner" of ecw aleast the tv owner and i believe they want to keep it that way plus i dont see a wwe vs ecw buildup here instead i see them building up heyman as a heel who sold out ecw to vince and then changed ecw into sports entertainment so he could make vince mcmahon money this is why he was bringing in wwe guys to wrestle because he knew they would get more ratings and make him more money

the ecw babyfaces will revolt against heyman and the ecw heels big show knox test etc

dreamer will probably do a promo soon to get the ball rolling

if that is what their doing then i think it is a really great storyline the wwe vs ecw storyline would of been horrible and having vince come out and be the ecw heel would of been even worse

but having heyman turn his back on ecw is perfect

after what balls did you can pretty much tell that is what is going on
and what if it doesn't. Then you look like a fairytale teller. lol It looks a little out there for me right now. But I didn't watch ECW tonight. I only get internet shows till it starts in Canada next month.
Smokeydogg said:
it is all looking like a work to me i think heyman will play the heel i doubt vince will take part in this as heyman is the "owner" of ecw aleast the tv owner and i believe they want to keep it that way plus i dont see a wwe vs ecw buildup here instead i see them building up heyman as a heel who sold out ecw to vince and then changed ecw into sports entertainment so he could make vince mcmahon money this is why he was bringing in wwe guys to wrestle because he knew they would get more ratings and make him more money

the ecw babyfaces will revolt against heyman and the ecw heels big show knox test etc

dreamer will probably do a promo soon to get the ball rolling

if that is what their doing then i think it is a really great storyline the wwe vs ecw storyline would of been horrible and having vince come out and be the ecw heel would of been even worse

but having heyman turn his back on ecw is perfect

after what balls did you can pretty much tell that is what is going on

Tht's the key, Balls saying "but this is ECW" at the ref and then hittin him with the chair. It does make sense, next week is the show watch at the Ballroom. Thing shold be picking up in there. Like I said in the live discussion look at everthing thats going on, with the Sandman, Sabu being sent home, loosing by DQ, Balls loosing by DQ, the stuff going on with Dreamer, the whole Big Show fighting WWE guys.
but the real key is what Balls did, that gives me hope that they are developing this in a show. The show has gotten better and if you've read Heyman's article he says if the fanms don't like it speak up. The fans have been speakin up (the wrestlers too I'm sure) cuz the show has changed and gotten better. Can't wait for ECW to go to NY city on Tuesday. (no smackdown crowd in there)
Look at this though Guido loss by he didn't do a clean job, he was allready beat up in the back. RVD is comming back, Moore and Punk are debuting both probably nextweek. THe only thing is probably hearing Angle yell ECW off the top of his lungs the whole time he is on tv
I dont think he is all that off with the storyline, I myself thought one of the matches at Survivor Series would be

New ECW (Show,Knox,Test,???) vs Old ECW (RVD,Sabu,Sandman,Dreamer)
I wish this new ECW was a work, but let's face it, it's not. "New Breed Unleashed" ... give me a break. If anything, Vince McMahon keeps everyone on a real short leash. He doesn't want his wrestlers to get hurt, so it's going to be the same old same old every single week. Omigod, it's two big slowpokes fighting for the ECW Title! Are we supposed to get excited over that? Well, this is what we've had two weeks in a row now. And don't even get me started on all the DQs - TWO in last night's episode, for crying out loud. McMahon's stamp is all over this version of ECW, and as long as it remains that way (either he or the network are to blame for this), it will suck, guaranteed.
could be an interesting angle, doubt it's true but one thing is for sure, the WWE rules crap needs to go. wasn't that the point of ECW? take away no DQ and you have the same WWE "product" that no one seems to acknowledge as bland. the no DQ also assured clean finishes, maybe the egos of the wrestlers on this level have forced WWE rules. now half the matches can end in a DQ, no one's ego is damaged and they can setup angles in the cheapest ways possible- like on WWE's other 2 shows!
i didn't really think about that, but after reading your idea's i think that it is very possible, and that would be great for the new ecw
*Balls saying "COME ON ITS ECW"
*Heyman setting up Dreamer for Test...Knox and Test attacking Sandman
*End of Extreme Rules
*Beating up Little Guido to "feed" him to Fertig
*Big Show vs. Flair, Kane, Undertaker.
*Sabu not getting a title shot and sent home
*Big Show asking why he can't fight Sabu....Heyman saying only worry about Kane.

Those all tie together to support your theory. I say Heyman will be an evil guy trying to give ECW a corperate feel. Tommy Dreamer will lead a revolt. Rob Van Dam will return to face Big Show for the title. Dreamer and Sandman vs. Knox and Test. Who's side will Angle be on? Maybe a Sabu Angle Match?

Look at the silly characters that Sandman canned the first couple of weeks I thought it was the way to introduce Fertig. Have Sandman show up and Fertig put up a real fight. Well it was Heyman's new characters that Sandman got to first?

Ok that last one was waaaaay off but the rest makes sense.
if it was a work they'd have been alienating their hardcore fans for the past several weeks. i'm sure many have tuned out already, i'm surprised i haven't. somethings got to give, either it becomes watchable or it gets worse
Yeah actually I think that you are right, I think they are going that way.
i just wanna say. this bullshit ecw that wwe is tryin to run will no way ever be like the ecw of b4. they will never make it as better. they r never gonna have guys like new jack and axl rotten in it. there are so many ecw allumni out there that wwe wont try and hiyer. not that they would want to work for this bullshit. wwe fired the dudley boyz. wtf is wrong with them. the same with rhyno. wwe makes some really bad decisions.
hahahaha said:
*Balls saying "COME ON ITS ECW"
*Heyman setting up Dreamer for Test...Knox and Test attacking Sandman
*End of Extreme Rules
*Beating up Little Guido to "feed" him to Fertig
*Big Show vs. Flair, Kane, Undertaker.
*Sabu not getting a title shot and sent home
*Big Show asking why he can't fight Sabu....Heyman saying only worry about Kane.

Those all tie together to support your theory. I say Heyman will be an evil guy trying to give ECW a corperate feel. Tommy Dreamer will lead a revolt. Rob Van Dam will return to face Big Show for the title. Dreamer and Sandman vs. Knox and Test. Who's side will Angle be on? Maybe a Sabu Angle Match?

Look at the silly characters that Sandman canned the first couple of weeks I thought it was the way to introduce Fertig. Have Sandman show up and Fertig put up a real fight. Well it was Heyman's new characters that Sandman got to first?

Ok that last one was waaaaay off but the rest makes sense.

these are all things we have talked about, although some ECW faithfull have allready found alternative programing but you're watching, and I'm watching, and tht's 2 of us, and there are other people on this forum who still watch. IF the angle starts becoming clearer in the Ballroom nextweek, thats a crowd that will spread the word. They might not get all their fans back but something is somethings.
And nobody expects it to be like ECW once was, we want a good show with extreme rules in every match and the ECW alumni not bring burried. We don't care if you push other guys as well, but have competitive feuds instead of burrying the talent by jobbing
First of all, the title of the thread doesn’t make any sense. Whether you’re WWE, ECW, or TNA, wrestling IS a work. And for those who complain that ECW will never be the ECW of old, there is no reason to expect that it would be. ECW was brought back to make money off the ECW nostalgia, and not brought back with the intention that it would one day become a threat to the WWE (Vince has no reason whatsoever to do that).
First ECW show I"ve been excited for since the debut. Lets hope ECW comes back tuesday at the ballroom.
DXiRoNMaN said:
if it was a work they'd have been alienating their hardcore fans for the past several weeks. i'm sure many have tuned out already, i'm surprised i haven't. somethings got to give, either it becomes watchable or it gets worse

who cares about the hardcore fans if your ratings are good

if this is all a work it's a really good storyline if it is not then it's ******ed
peopleschamp said:
First of all, the title of the thread doesn’t make any sense. Whether you’re WWE, ECW, or TNA, wrestling IS a work. And for those who complain that ECW will never be the ECW of old, there is no reason to expect that it would be. ECW was brought back to make money off the ECW nostalgia, and not brought back with the intention that it would one day become a threat to the WWE (Vince has no reason whatsoever to do that).

a threat to wwe?

vince owns ecw why would he care if ecw got big

ecw becoming bigger then wwe will only make vince's ego bigger because then he will say that he was able to bring ecw outta the ashes and make it a success

your whole vince doesn't want ecw who succeed theory makes no sense he wouldn't get a tv deal for it if he didnt plan on building it up

did he get wcw a tv deal no because he never planned on restarting wcw

i cant remember seeing the rise and fall of wcw dvd hell i cant remember them putting out any wcw dvd's nor have they held a wcw one night stand why i mean i know vince could make money off wcw too but he aint doing it

it's not about money it's about vince wanting to show heyman up by rebuilding ecw and making it a success trust me vince wants ecw to succeed he dont want another XFL
Smokeydogg said:
a threat to wwe?

vince owns ecw why would he care if ecw got big

ecw becoming bigger then wwe will only make vince's ego bigger because then he will say that he was able to bring ecw outta the ashes and make it a success

your whole vince doesn't want ecw who succeed theory makes no sense he wouldn't get a tv deal for it if he didnt plan on building it up

did he get wcw a tv deal no because he never planned on restarting wcw

i cant remember seeing the rise and fall of wcw dvd hell i cant remember them putting out any wcw dvd's nor have they held a wcw one night stand why i mean i know vince could make money off wcw too but he aint doing it

it's not about money it's about vince wanting to show heyman up by rebuilding ecw and making it a success trust me vince wants ecw to succeed he dont want another XFL

Excellent point, and also the reason I believe the whole show has been a progressive work--we all underestimate it, yet still watch in hope, and they FINALLY give us what we want: good storylines, good wrestling. No DQs, no kelly 'dancing' for 10 minutes, no Raw/Smackdown main events.

I have always read and disagreed with claims that Vince wants ECW to fail, the man is a (very successful) businessman. He wants money, he creates his own competition to keep things interesting. It worked in the 90's, why not now?

Thank God ECW is finally digestable.b
anything you guys saw tonight to make our theory a little more evident that it was a work. i didn't really see anything.
C_Carnage said:
i just wanna say. this bullshit ecw that wwe is tryin to run will no way ever be like the ecw of b4. they will never make it as better. they r never gonna have guys like new jack and axl rotten in it. there are so many ecw allumni out there that wwe wont try and hiyer. not that they would want to work for this bullshit. wwe fired the dudley boyz. wtf is wrong with them. the same with rhyno. wwe makes some really bad decisions.

Everyone knows this and there has been threads like this before.Instead of making a new thread in the future just post in the threads that are already made...
realblackhart said:
anything you guys saw tonight to make our theory a little more evident that it was a work. i didn't really see anything.

is their any doubt

Heyman is being made out to be a sellout

that is why you have DQ's in ecw and wwe guys in mainevents (it helps ratings too)

it is all leading to an old ecw vs new ecw match

but we will never see the ecw we saw in the 90's but oh well

if they get rid of the DQ's

keep ecw in it's normal arenas (NO MORE SMACKDOWN TAPING BULLSHIT)

get a 2 hour show and try to make it as close to the old ecw as possible

to be honest i think ecw would of been better off as an internet boardcast
look i just really hope that we are right, MANY ECW fans are gone because of the crap they fed us the 1st few weeks. it would be kool, but you never know with Vince. What if it's meant to be this way?
i just want it to unfold a little faster i guess, so im not led on by the idea of a little truer ECW comming out. i hope it comes close but of course it wont be the same unless you give it to heyman and Storm (he did some of the booking in ECW) and anybody else who ran it in the 90's
If in fact it is work do you think that VInce will bring it to the Mahatan Center ecery week. He'll still get his money from Smackdown and RAW, actually it will be additional money, do you think that will happen?
For those of you who think that Styles and for that matter the rest of the ECW locker room has thrown in the towel and given up with EC'fn'W and is just accepting this so called new breed, Styles writes this in his Most Extreme Player for 8/3/06:

This week's MEP is our newest ECW Extremist, CM Punk. While this follower of the drug and alcohol free straight-edge lifestyle may be new to ECW and WWE fans, I’ve been fortunate enough to follow his career for the past five years. For ten years total, CM Punk has been honing his craft in Japan and Europe as well as stealing the show in small regional wrestling promotions based in Pennsylvania and Tennessee. This young man should be a money player for years to come, being as much of an overachiever in the ring as he is in his social life. CM Punk is a perfect fit for the new ECW and would have been a perfect fit for the original ECW as well.

And that is the segue for this week's MEP runner-up: the ECW fans at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom in the Manhattan Center. If I had any authority (and I don't by the way), ECW would be live from the Hammerstein every week the same way WWE Monday Night RAW was at its inception. There is an energy and happiness I derive from working in midtown Manhattan that I simply cannot get from working anywhere else...not Philadelphia and not even WrestleMania. Manhattan is, in many ways, the center of the universe, and I feel that power. Sinatra sang it best; if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, New York, New York.

The Hammerstein Ballroom was full of many original ECW fans, and they were very vocal about their displeasure with the Big Show vs. Batista main event. Contrary to popular belief, original ECW fans do not behave that way because nobody and nothing can please them. CM Punk and Kurt Angle received standing ovations upon their respective ring entrances, and a William Regal vs. Finlay main event would have as well.

The original ECW was about three styles of wrestling:

-Hardcore, featuring blood and barbed wire matches with the likes of Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley, Sandman, Sabu and others.

-High Flying Lucha style, featuring the likes of Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, Kid Kash, Super Crazy and others.

-Classic and Impactful Japanese styles, featuring the likes of Tazz, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, the late Eddie Guerrero and others.

The original ECW was never about the biggest and most powerful men in wrestling (like Big Show and Batista) muscling each other all over the arena; we knew that WWE did that style best and we wanted ECW to be different. That is not to say that any style is better or worse than the others. ECW was always about being different that WWE. When WWE zigged, ECW zagged. I think some original ECW fans are looking for more zagging than zigging in regards to ECW, RAW and SmackDown. To those fans I say please be patient; the new ECW is a work in progress. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a global entertainment brand. Let us take our time shaping the new ECW and perhaps this time around, the ECW brand may live forever.

Joey Styles

Most Extreme Player for 8/3/06
By Joey Styles
August 3, 2006
This week's MEP is our newest ECW Extremist, CM Punk. While this follower of the drug and alcohol free straight-edge lifestyle may be new to ECW and WWE fans, I’ve been fortunate enough to follow his career for the past five years. For ten years total, CM Punk has been honing his craft in Japan and Europe as well as stealing the show in small regional wrestling promotions based in Pennsylvania and Tennessee. This young man should be a money player for years to come, being as much of an overachiever in the ring as he is in his social life. CM Punk is a perfect fit for the new ECW and would have been a perfect fit for the original ECW as well.

And that is the segue for this week's MEP runner-up: the ECW fans at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom in the Manhattan Center. If I had any authority (and I don't by the way), ECW would be live from the Hammerstein every week the same way WWE Monday Night RAW was at its inception. There is an energy and happiness I derive from working in midtown Manhattan that I simply cannot get from working anywhere else...not Philadelphia and not even WrestleMania. Manhattan is, in many ways, the center of the universe, and I feel that power. Sinatra sang it best; if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, New York, New York.

The Hammerstein Ballroom was full of many original ECW fans, and they were very vocal about their displeasure with the Big Show vs. Batista main event. Contrary to popular belief, original ECW fans do not behave that way because nobody and nothing can please them. CM Punk and Kurt Angle received standing ovations upon their respective ring entrances, and a William Regal vs. Finlay main event would have as well.

The original ECW was about three styles of wrestling:

-Hardcore, featuring blood and barbed wire matches with the likes of Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley, Sandman, Sabu and others.

-High Flying Lucha style, featuring the likes of Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, Kid Kash, Super Crazy and others.

-Classic and Impactful Japanese styles, featuring the likes of Tazz, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, the late Eddie Guerrero and others.

The original ECW was never about the biggest and most powerful men in wrestling (like Big Show and Batista) muscling each other all over the arena; we knew that WWE did that style best and we wanted ECW to be different. That is not to say that any style is better or worse than the others. ECW was always about being different that WWE. When WWE zigged, ECW zagged. I think some original ECW fans are looking for more zagging than zigging in regards to ECW, RAW and SmackDown. To those fans I say please be patient; the new ECW is a work in progress. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a global entertainment brand. Let us take our time shaping the new ECW and perhaps this time around, the ECW brand may live forever.

Joey Styles

If Styles is writting this in his weekly in his extreme player of the week, i could only imagine what Tommy's writting in this weekend (unless Heyman's doing it like it's being speculated) Styles was very vocal, and the WWE allowing it on the website could be a good sign, at least Im hoping.
I hope you're right. I would actually like it if that was the case, genius.

I went to a house show almost a week ago, and there was "We Want Hardcore!" chants and Dreamer responded "Oh, it's coming." Maybe further proof?
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