If you had zero restrictions what 1 wrestler would you bring back?

I am torn between John Morrison and Goldberg for this.

Both are my childhood favorites and interestingly both have way different wrestling styles. And still I love them equally.

Does anyone remember the Springboard Roundhouse Kick he did? Or his finisher at the ring corner? That corkscrew moonsault as finisher is a great one. He was unique enough in the ring to make me tune into WWE.

And Goldberg was just deadly as a monster. WWE has immense talent now to have great feuds for these two.
Assuming his gimmick can be used and isn't copyrighted (No restrictions) then Broken Matt Hardy, possibly with Brother Nero in tow would just edge CM Punk for me right now...

As insane as Punk's pop will inevitably be and how over he will be, he NEEDS that time in UFC whereas Matt is the perfect guy for WWE right now, and bring Brother Nero, King Maxel, Reby and Senor Benjamin. Would you make him World Champ on one of the brands? Maybe not, but he's the perfect guy to go against Balor as champ or to help Wyatt get to that level... a WWE version of the Final Deletion vs Bray at Mania would be stupendous.

Punk you bring back WHEN not IF, they get McGregor in... I wouldn't be shocked if it's already in motion for a 3 match series between them and that's why he's impuning wrestling... One match on UFC, one on Wrestlemania and the 3rd as a cross promotion. Failing that Punk is the first guy brought in when Vince finally goes and Shane takes over... just for the Trips/Steph angle.
I would bring back Daniel Bryan. Still loved. Everything about him is likable. Crowds go insane for him. Merchandise I assume sells well. His age at only 35 is very appealing. Great hand to have in case a 30 minute match is randomly needed. He could work with nearly anyone. Great mic skills. I don't see any downside to him.

Except for the whole possibility of permanent brain damage, paralysis or death... Those things tend to put a damper on the wrestling industry, not to mention that wrestler's life. Are you a BSE alt? I think he longs for DB's death inside a wrestling ring.
Except for the whole possibility of permanent brain damage, paralysis or death... Those things tend to put a damper on the wrestling industry, not to mention that wrestler's life. Are you a BSE alt? I think he longs for DB's death inside a wrestling ring.

I'm hoping that he means a healthy concussion free Daniel Bryan? But then if that was the case he wouldn't be GM of SD, he would still be wrestling wouldn't he.

On topic I loved the team of Morrison and Miz, and Morrison hasn't done too badly for himself since he left. Once Miz drops the title don't see what they will do with him as he hardly wrestles anyway.

Also Wade Barrett. They missed out big time on this guy. Yea he had injuries, but others have as well and they are still going strong. Barrett would have made a perfect tweener, plus he was great on the mic.
Except for the whole possibility of permanent brain damage, paralysis or death... Those things tend to put a damper on the wrestling industry, not to mention that wrestler's life. Are you a BSE alt? I think he longs for DB's death inside a wrestling ring.

...did you not read the title of the thread? The title is as follows:

"If you had zero restrictions what 1 wrestler would you bring back?"

Now the important part of that title is:


Meaning Bryan would be 100% in this scenario.

I'm hoping that he means a healthy concussion free Daniel Bryan? But then if that was the case he wouldn't be GM of SD, he would still be wrestling wouldn't he.

Yes that is what I meant.
Bret Hitman Hart. I would bring him back in at his peak (1991-1997) to see him face Ziggler, Owens, Rollins, Ambrose and AJ Styles. Those matches would be excellent.
I'm split between Mr. Wrestlemania, HBK of 97-98 and The american badass. Probably the latter. The gimmick is still fresh and awesome. It'll be really cool just to see him back and of course the countless dream matches that he'll have mostly against Lesner, Sheild guys, cena, KO, etc.
This is the easiest choice. 96-98 HBK with 2002-present's attitude. As far as I'm concerned he's the most reliable performer the WWE ever had and if he's on the card, you're guaranteed a match worth watching.
Goldberg for one last run. Stick to the WCW formua, short high energy bust matches. Problem is, you can do it as a rookie, not so much now. Awkward spot. But what a spectacle.

Practically, it would have to be CM Punk. Dude could still offer so much.
Except for the whole possibility of permanent brain damage, paralysis or death... Those things tend to put a damper on the wrestling industry, not to mention that wrestler's life. Are you a BSE alt? I think he longs for DB's death inside a wrestling ring.

No restrictions means no injuries. I want a HEALTHY Bryan to return. I thought that was kind of obvious...

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