Int Region, Toronto Subregion, First Round: (3) Sting vs. (30) Mark Henry

Who wins this match?

  • Sting

  • Mark Henry

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round match in the International Region, Toronto Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under International Rules, meaning the match is held under the standard rules of the country the match is held in. It will be held at the Air Canada Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



#3. Sting



#30. Mark Henry

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
It's funny when you consider Mark Henry's prime. It's right now. Right now meaning the last year, year and a half. He's beaten almost everyone WWE throws at him. However, he's facing Sting, who has beaten anyone and everyone possible. I think Henry would give him one hell of a battle, but Sting was a resilient bastard and did pretty well against bigger men.

I'm giving it to Sting. It seems obvious, doesn't it? It is, until you consider Mark Henry's latest run. Doesn't matter - it's still Mizark vs. Sting. Sting wins.
Here's the thing about Mark Henry: until a year and a half ago, Henry was one of the biggest jokes in wrestling. He was constantly pushed as a monster who never really won anything until 2011, when he had a three month world title reign. Seriously, that's his career accomplishment: a three month world title reign.

Sting has won so many world titles that I've lost track. He's been a consistent main event player over the course of 25 years and has won more titles than even i can remember.

As for Sting vs. Henry though, it has to go to Sting. Sting has more than enough experience fighting insanely strong monsters like Henry due to his feud with Vader. He knows how to fight them and he knows how to beat them. This is Sting and it's really not close.
Henry's prime came way to late. If he was as great of a monster as he was in late 2011-2012 when he first started, this would have been much closer. Sting wins this one. It would be a good match, with Sting coming out on top at the end. Mark is better now then he ever has been, but Sting is better then Mark ever will be.
Sting wins this through experience. Vader taught Sting valuable lessons in the early 90s, beating the shit out of him time and again. Sting eventually learned and came out the better for it. Sting would get ragdolled around and battered, and his face paint might be smudged about his face, but sure enough Sting would go on a rampage with a series of Stinger splashes and lock the Scorpion Deathlock in once he wore Henry out. And that's just from a kayfabe perspective...

If you look at it from accomplishments and leaving a mark on the industry then Sting would make Henry his bitch in a matter of minutes.

Sting cruises on like a boss to the next round.
Here's the thing about Mark Henry: until a year and a half ago, Henry was one of the biggest jokes in wrestling. He was constantly pushed as a monster who never really won anything until 2011, when he had a three month world title reign. Seriously, that's his career accomplishment: a three month world title reign.

Sting has won so many world titles that I've lost track. He's been a consistent main event player over the course of 25 years and has won more titles than even i can remember.

As for Sting vs. Henry though, it has to go to Sting. Sting has more than enough experience fighting insanely strong monsters like Henry due to his feud with Vader. He knows how to fight them and he knows how to beat them. This is Sting and it's really not close.

Vader annihilated Sting in numerous encounters... but I'm only playing devil's advocate here.

Henry's no Vader and Sting can deal with Henry just fine... because Henry's prone to letting his temper get the best of him... and with a Scorpion Death Drop, it'll be 'nuff to finish Henry.

Sting wins this... and will have tougher foes to face down the line.
This may be Henry's best period (which is hardly a stretch) but even the House Of Pain era has hardly been that dominant. He went over Orton strong but Randy's subsequent run will suggest that the viper was in a down period. From there he has struggled against fellow perennial underachiever Big Show and the diminutive D-Bry and has suffered subsequent loses to both Sheamus and CM Punk since losing the big gold belt.

Sting has beaten more dominant big men than Henry will ever be, including Vader (who had HoFer Harley Race running interference for him to boot) and a younger, fitter Big Show.

WCW's franchise player against a guy who was the face of the WWe B-Show for 3 months in a 17 year career? I don't believe there is any conceivable angle were the World's Strongest Man goes over the Icon.
Sting gets this one easy. He has the edge in every category besides strength which he isn't far behind in. We've seen Sting beat big guys over the years who are ten times the wrestler that Henry is. Henry gets outclassed here in a pretty good match that Sting has to carry.
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Things I learned about Sting through his theme music:

  • He does this
  • He does that
  • He's big as a bull
  • He's quick as a cat

Things I learned about Mark Henry through his theme music

  • Somebody's gonna get they ass kicked
  • Somebody's gonna get they wig split
  • Somebody's gonna get they ass kicked
  • Somebody's gonna get they wig split

Gee, I wonder which one I'd rather face.

Sting is going to win, don't get me wrong, but I envision it being a DQ win. Namely a win where Mark Henry gets disqualified for kicking too much ass. I've witnessed Mark Henry injure Batista, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, and The Undertaker. And only one of these men was by accident.

Sting leaves with a victory. But he ain't leaving the building on his own power.

That's what I do!
Sting is gonna go over here, however, it's nowhere near as cut and dry and some of you seem to think it is.

As most have stated, Mark Henry is now in his prime and he's been fairly impressive since late 2011. He's man handled people such as Big Show, the Great Khali, Randy Orton, Kane, and many others. If you were to take this current form of Mark Henry and put him against the Sting of now, Henry would destroy him.

This tournament is about primes, however, and Sting in his prime was very difficult to defeat. I consider the first year and a half to two years into his Crow gimmick as his prime. At that point in time he was never more popular or important and during this point in time, Sting would routinely fend off the ENTIRE nWo by himself. Also, if we look at Sting's entire career and compare it to Mark Henry's, Sting get's the nod because his many accomplishments completely dwarf Mark Henry's.

Sting wins, but it's gonna be a long night for him cause Henry isn't gonna go down without giving Sting some hell.
It's a shame this is who Mark has to face since he really has a lot of momentum right now. For the last year and a half he has been an absolute monster and when given the opportunity he'll destroy just about anybody, this would include today's sting. But against prime Sting, peak of popularity Sting? Henry can't keep up. Sting wins this match, it's not an easy match though even if it's a 3 v 30 seed.
Mark Henry is an enormous man, he's ridiculously powerful, and can take a major league beating..That being said, his acumen is just not anywhere near enough to take out the Stinger..I see this being booked for Mark Henry to look strong, but there is no way Henry wins here. a scorpion deathlock, even on the massive legs of Mark Henry gives the Stinger the win. Sting is a multiple World champion. Mark Henry has never risen above the midcard, in
spite of his size and power. Easy win for an All time great.
Definitely a victory here for Sting, however it would be a very exhaustive/physical match. Let's not forget for a second that Henry has been built like a heel monster, like very few in recent years, as a very dominant heel. Henry would be booked as a dominant force that overcomes every offensive that Sting has to offer. However, we are talking about the icon after all. He would do a good old "the face overcomes the heel barely".

Sting wins, but not as easily as you may think.
In the end it has to be Sting. In a tough battle where Sting would get pretty tore up, but a victory regardless.

KB hit the nail on the head. A 3 month title run. The rest of his career he has been noting more than a strong guy with a smile & some comedy skits. Do we not all remember the Mae Young story?

Now granted in the past year +, he has made some big names look pretty damn useless. Problem is, Sting made an entire faction of NWO members look pretty useless. Just a man and his bat.

Henry dominates some of this match, bear hugs, World's Strongest slam's, etc. Stinger is pretty damn resilient though & Henry will surely make him earn it- But in the end a well timed Stinger Splash & Scorpion Death Drop takes Henry down.
Sting should definitely win, but I voted for Henry in an effort to keep it close. Henry deserves a little more respect than people give him. For the past few years now he's been pretty unstoppable. Sting would beat him, but Henry would control most of the match.
Yeah, this one goes to Sting. He's been a top star in the US for a quarter century now. Pretty impressive since he's never had the McMahon marketing machine behind him. Sting is just too good, too popular, and too experienced to lose to Mark Henry in the first round.
Sting easily. He has been a top star for as long as I have been alive. He is one of the most successful wrestlers to never work for the WWE as The Brain has said. His experience and accomplishments would just be too much for Henry.
I based my decision on Mark Henry being in WWE for 15+ years, while Sting has always been in the second rate promotions and never made it to the big leagues. Easy choice if you ask me, despite current tallys.
Sting was THE homegrown face of WCW, Mark Henry shagged a granny

Sting led the fight against the nWo, Mark Henry was a minor figure who was lucky to be employed for 90% of his career.

Sting reinvented himself and remained a top draw for another 10 years, Henry has looked good for about 2 years

Sting is an icon in 2 companies, one of THE biggest stars in history, and Mark Henry has only just made it to main event level after being with WWE for almost 2 decades.

I think its a pretty easy choice.

Winner= Sting
Over a decade of being a joke plus less than two years of being booked correctly.


A quarter century as one of the biggest and most routinely successful stars in this business.

These are the kinds of no-brainer matchups high seeds should have in the first round. But I'd bet even if these two got in the ring tomorrow at their current age, they would have the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands.

Sting clearly wins, but he surely takes a few lumps with him into round two.
Hasn't Sting beaten Samoa Joe??

Joe can do everything that Henry can and more, plus he's more pyschotic. And we're talking an out of prime Sting.

Sure Henry beats Sting up a bit but Sting will come back and win.
Sting in his prime against the Mark Henry of the past 1.5 years would be an interesting match. Henry would make Sting work for his victory but a victory for Sting it would be.

While I personally like Henry now and have since he began his run as one of the most pleasant surprises of 2011, it can't make up for the prior 14 years of mediocrity. Sting is one of the most universally beloved and respected wrestlers of the past 30 years and has beaten some of the biggest & the best. In just the prime years of his career & ability alone, Sting was a 7 time World Champion and has gone onto be a major force in TNA, where he's won another 5 World Championships.

It'd be a huge upset if Henry won but it's not likely. Could he best Sting if they wrestled now? I think so, but not Sting circa 1989-2000.
Henry was forever being sent away to learn how to wrestle or to stop being so fat, and until recently he offered very little. Sting on the other hand was the leader of WCW and basically beat everyone who he has ever wrestled. I think on balance of comparing their biggest story, match, title win, whatever you'd find that Sting's was far superior and with that in mind, he gets my vote.
I know you can vote in any manner you want, but the majority vote prime Vs prime, as do I. If that's the case, why does it matter than Sting has got 10x the amount of good years that Henry did? If Mark was better in his 2 year prime than Sting was in his prime, Mark should go over. Someone mentioned that 2-3 years into his Crow gimmick was Stings peak. This is just THAT sting vs hall of pain Mark Henry. There is no such thing as longevity if imagining a kayfabe match between peaks. I mean, of course this isn't black or white. It's a huge tiebreaker when considering logical booking - Sting has been on top longer, hence has a bigger fanbase and more ability to draw, so logical booking says he should advance. People dismissing Henry for the first 90% of his career is counter-intuitive for me though, let's just concentrate on the Mark Henry that's showing up in this match. You wouldn't claim Stone Cold is the ringmaster, or Kane as Isaac Yankem. I'm not saying the the length and success of Sting's career can't be used as a positive for him. Just that the first 90% of Henry's shouldn't be used as a negative

So how good has prime Mark Henry been? Clean wins over a peak Sheamus and a strong Big Show and Randy Orton. That's pretty decent. If Big Show/Orton were at their dominant best at the time I think you could give this stretch of Henry's career a ton of respect. As it is, it's very solid and certainly a tough match for anyone. Beating Show/Orton/Sheamus clean in a 6 month spell has to be considered a great run.

Yeah okok though, Sting is ridiculous. I will say that being a 6 time WCW champion flatters to deceive - he only held the belt for an accumulated 250 days. Even adding his NWA World Title reign of 188 days that's significantly less than most of the high seeds in this tournament. Still, you can't doubt he was booked strong and a constant threat throughout his career. He's gone over like, every big name WCW has ever had.

His form against Vader is certainly a worry. He's got his share of wins but was dominated overall. This was before Stings peak however and Henry is no Vader - also worth considering, if Sting's peak was after the series with Vader he would have the experience from it that can be used against MH.

I think Sting's got enough here. I just think this is way closer than you would think if you are looking at peak vs peak.
I know you can vote in any manner you want, but the majority vote prime Vs prime, as do I. If that's the case, why does it matter than Sting has got 10x the amount of good years that Henry did? If Mark was better in his 2 year prime than Sting was in his 20 year prime, Mark should go over. Someone mentioned that 2-3 years into his Crow gimmick was Stings peak. This is just THAT sting vs hall of pain Mark Henry. There is no such thing as longevity if imagining a kayfabe match between peaks.

I mean, of course this isn't black or white. It's a huge tiebreaker when considering logical booking - Sting has been on top longer, hence has a bigger fanbase and more ability to draw, so logical booking says he should advance. People dismissing Henry for the first 90% of his career is counter-intuitive for me though, let's just concentrate on the Mark Henry that's showing up in this match. You wouldn't claim Stone Cold is the ringmaster, or Kane as Isaac Yankem.

So how good has prime Mark Henry been? Clean wins over a peak Sheamus and a strong Big Show and Randy Orton. That's pretty decent. If Big Show/Orton were at their dominant best at the time I think you could give this stretch of Henry's career a ton of respect. As it is, it's very solid and certainly a tough match for anyone. Beating Show/Orton/Sheamus clean in a 6 month spell has to be considered a great run.

Yeah okok though, Sting is ridiculous. I will say that being a 6 time WCW champion flatters to deceive - he only held the belt for an accumulated 250 days. Even adding his NWA World Title reign of 188 days that's significantly less than most of the high seeds in this tournament. Still, you can't doubt he was booked strong and a constant threat throughout his career. He's gone over like, every big name WCW has ever had.

His form against Vader is certainly a worry. He's got his share of wins but was dominated overall. This was before Stings peak however and Henry is no Vader - also worth considering, if Sting's peak was after the series with Vader he would have the experience from it that can be used against MH.

I think Sting's got enough here. I just think this is way closer than you would think if you are looking at peak vs peak.

Okay, a couple points...

The reason that Vader dominated Sting was because he had an 8 time World Champion guarding his back... something Henry never has.

Sting was the number 1 face in WRESTLING during the Crow period and was capable of taking down a who's who of wrestling royalty. Henry was the top guy on the B Show in a period history is likely to brush over and lost his belt to perennial underachiever Big Show... and guess who beat that particular guy when he was younger and fitter.

Sting didn't win his championships in the WWF who gave their face champions long reigns and heel champions short reigns. He was in the NWA/ WCW who gave their face champs short reigns and their heel champs the longer reigns because they factored fans preferred their faces to being the chasers than the chased. His title reigns duration, therefore, mean very little.

The only thing I can't figure out is why anyone thinks this would be even close. In reality Henry would only be a speeding bump in Sting's quest.

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