Jeremiah Riggs (Tough Enough) doesn't receive contract.


Too Sweet To Be Sour
WWE Tough Enough season one contestant Jeremiah Riggs recently did a very candid interview for the Around The Octagon website, during which he reveals that WWE opted not to offer him a developmental deal. Below are interview highlights:

"I was informed yesterday that the WWE isn’t going to use me. Two weeks ago I was invited to go to Tampa to tryout for FCW and from what they gathered they loved my personality but they said I was only average in the ring and said I have a bad attitude and carried myself like I had something to prove.

90% of those guys [FCW wrestlers] are vanilla. They are all the same. Long hair, pony tail, boring as can be. The day I left Tampa I shaved my head because I didn’t want to be anything like them. I’m Jeremiah Riggs from Vicksburg, Mississippi. I’m not going to be a clone. All of their promos sounded the same. They are boring and play it safe. People are afraid of the truth.

What do they want in a superstar? I don’t need a character. I’m Jeremiah Riggs. I don’t need a new name or gimmick. The WWE has a shitty developmental roster. No one stands out. They are all scared of failure and half of them have been there for years. They are all the same and do the same stuff. Sure, they have a few guys that have potential but they are all clones. But I’m not going to be just like everybody else. What are they going to do send me home? You can’t scare someone who ain’t afraid.

Me and Bill [DeMott] were cool on the show. I heard he got a job as a scout for the WWE and I was glad to hear he was doing good for himself. He deserves it after so long in the business. When I was in Tampa doing my match with Orlov, Bill was praising me and talking about how good I was doing.

I was doing stuff that Luke and Andy couldn’t do, on the first try. But when I walked into FCW a few weeks ago he acted like he was too cool to talk to me. He’s changed man. He thinks he is somebody because he was the big man on the show. I guess Hollywood went to his head. Sure he had a mediocre wrestling career and found new life on Tough Enough. I don’t give a shit. I’ll whoop his fat ass."

Seriously, he really should have won the thing in the first place, in my opinion. And now he doesn't even get another shot. That's a bummer for me.
Great personality.. But that dont win you shit. The way he was in the ring, he would end up hurting someone. WWE is not willing to take that risk. That's too bad. Beat out on the Ultimate Fighter, now on Tough Enough.
Sure he had personality and a certain marketability. But he was dangerous as hell! AJ hurt people but he was actually safer than Jeremiah.

Still, I thought he could've at least been offered a go in FCW. I'm glad he's speaking out.
Why does no one read what he said? It says the issue was supposedly attitude, not ring work. Of course he was green on the show. For how green he was he was actually pretty impressive. This he was going to hurt somebody is WWE can do no wrong cockslobbing. From the outside looking in this just seems like WWE being cheap although it almost seems like a work more than anything. Then again it isn't hard to believe that someone isn't bland enough for the WWE to want to invest time in. They want people that they can make stars not people that want to make themselves stars. I think the product suffers because of it but it may make some sense from a business perspective.

He was dangerous and sloppy as fuck.

So put a mask on him, Con Verde.
He came off as completely average so I'm not fussed. He didn't appear to have a strong "wrestling personality" like Luke or Andy.
You all are acting like he should have been good enough to run in the main event. Fuck, he was on Tough Enough because he was sloppy, and it gave him an opportunity to learn. Based on all that, he was good as fuck, more than enough to float to the top of the shit soup that is FCW.
Why does no one read what he said? It says the issue was supposedly attitude, not ring work. Of course he was green on the show. For how green he was he was actually pretty impressive. This he was going to hurt somebody is WWE can do no wrong cockslobbing. From the outside looking in this just seems like WWE being cheap although it almost seems like a work more than anything. Then again it isn't hard to believe that someone isn't bland enough for the WWE to want to invest time in. They want people that they can make stars not people that want to make themselves stars. I think the product suffers because of it but it may make some sense from a business perspective.

So put a mask on him, Con Verde.

Well judging by the fact that he decided to whine like a little bitch when he didn't get a deal, I'd say they were right about his attitude. He's a fucking child.

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