Jesse Sorensen's New Role In TNA


YOU WILL RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!!!! reports, based on info released on, that Jesse Sorensen has accepted a job in TNA's marketing department. The site doesn't go into detail as to what this role is or what it entails, only that it's in TNA marketing.

To be completely honest, I've been expecting this for a long time as Sorensen's situation, to some degree, reminds me of Darren Drozdov. Drozdov was rendered quadriplegic initially as a result of a botched running powerbomb performed by D'Lo Brown. Droz was given a job with the company behind the scenes and remains there to this day. Sorensen, as we all know, suffered a severe neck injury in a match against Zema Ion at Against All Odds in February, 2012. Sorensen's C-1 vertebrae was fractured and spinal cord edema, which is severe swelling. It doesn't surprise me that TNA's at least offered him a job because, frankly, it wouldn't look good whatsoever if you put a fire a guy after he's possibly crippled for life.

It seems that, at least for now, Sorensen's wrestling career is over. He's still a young man, he turns 24 on April 1st, so this job possibly be temporary until he's healed up to his doctor's satisfaction. It could also mean, however, that his in-ring career is done, which is the assumption I'm leaning towards.
For me this is truly sad. A similar injury, but with much more effect was Darren Drozdov's. Droz was still a young man at the time of his injury, he was 30, so Sorenson's immidiate future is murky, but since he's not paralyzed I can see him coming back. As for the "new job" for Jesse, I hope he thrives in it. But I wouldn't mind seeing him in the ring in a year or two when, and if he comes back.
It's likely as well that his "talent" contract ended and as they are unable to resign him as an active wrestler till he is cleared, the guy has to eat and pay the rent. So it makes sense for him to work in whatever capacity.

I would imagine TNA have taken care of a lot of his medical bills but there is no guarantee that would continue once his contract expired. He wasn't a "top level" talent so it's likely he needs the money.

As to whether he can return, in that situation the big issue is should he return? I personally think it is better for him not to return, but as guys like Flair have survived severe injuries and prospered it's not like he couldn't. If you're Edge or John Cena, making millions a year, the risks are offset by the fact you're making money just off the merch and it's worth doing whatever it takes to protect that. For a lower tier talent making less than a hundred grand a year, it's probably not worth that risk - especially if they have a degree and can work in that field.
Not a fan of Sorensen the wrestler, he was immensely bland, mediocre wrestler, the neck injury he sustained was partially his fault as he inaccurately caught Zema Ion and was incorrectly positioned, highlighting his inexperience, but I never like seeing someones career end due to injury, or what was probably their dream that being a professional wrestler snatched away due to uncontrollable circumstances.

If he has an office job than nice gesture by the officials, not a fan of him, but sad to see a young career ended.
as far as I was aware of Jesse Sorensen got medically cleared to wrestle again back in October 2012 he then had his 1st Return from Injury Match against Sonjay Dutt at a Independant/Indy Show in November 2012... whether he actually ended up wrestling at that Indy Show I have no idea as I didn't personally attend the show he was booked for.
Feel very sad for him.

Is it impossible for him to return? Is that injury that bad?

I pray he got a chance to comeback to the ring.
I hope for the man's future in real life that this injury doesn't inhibit whatever else he wishes to do in life, but as far as an "in-ring competitor" I could care less. He would have just been another stiff on the roster we'd see for a few weeks and then not again for a month. Then eventually he'd get released. TNA has plenty of worthless talent already. One less couldn't hurt.
I'm going with he's most likely finished which is always sad to see, I just don't see TNA giving him a job in the marketing department if he's healing up unless Jesse has some formal education or experience I don't know about. He certainly wouldn't be the 1st young guy that has a career ending experience because of a neck injury but good on TNA for at least giving him a job so he can support himself.

Maybe one day he will be able to get back to a point he can wrestle again, I hope so as he's still a young guy but if not at least he can contribute to wrestling in some way.
Not a fan of Sorensen the wrestler, he was immensely bland, mediocre wrestler, the neck injury he sustained was partially his fault as he inaccurately caught Zema Ion and was incorrectly positioned, highlighting his inexperience, but I never like seeing someones career end due to injury, or what was probably their dream that being a professional wrestler snatched away due to uncontrollable circumstances.

If he has an office job than nice gesture by the officials, not a fan of him, but sad to see a young career ended.

And this coming from an armchair wrasslin' fan. Have you ever "PROFESSIONALLY" wrestled before?

If not, save your trolling comments.
It's just nice to see that Jesse is going to be ok and that he will still be involved in wrestling in some way shape or form. the last thing anybody once to see is jesse get back in the ring and end up like Droz did. good on you TNA.
Funny that a lot of fans are saddened that his "career is over". Let's not all jump to conclusions that his wrestling career is finished. Remember, a certain Shawn Michaels sustained a career ending back injury that took him out of action for several years. Then, when he came back, he became argueable the greatest wrestling performer of our generation(s). It's way too early to shut our minds to the possibility of seeing Jesse Sorenson back in the ring and in action. He is still very young and has been rehibilitating himself since the onset of this injury. I'm keeping optomistic that he will return and perform in the future. Until then, I'd like to think that this is a possible case of one door open as another one closes. At least he is still part of an organization that keeps him closer to acheiving his dreams. Hope to see you back, Jesse!!

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